Living Behind Bullet-proof Glass (Updated January 5, 2012)
Oct 27, 2008 22:44
By Associated Press WASHINGTON
US Agents disrupt neo-Nazi plot to assassinate Barack Obama...
What can the Torah Code Tell Us?
There is a very mixed record when it comes to using the Torah Code to predict the safety of any individual. An initial success by Michael Drosnin elevated his book, The Bible Code, to the top of the best seller list in 1997. It was based on the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister, Yitzchak Rabin.The claim was that Drosnin had not only found it in the Code ahead of the event, but that he personally got a warning about it to Rabin, who ignored it.
The record since then is dismal. There have been no correct predications made of events of this magnitude. Thus sales of Bible Code books have taken a nosedive, and new TV shows related to the Bible Code have been on hold for the past 4+ years. All of this eventually resulted in my reevaluation of Code reality as is described on a page related to Talmud and Names. While it appears that the best remaining case for a useful Bible Code is with respect to looking for the Ark of the Covenant via ELS Maps in the Torah, Bible Code researchers continue to search the Code for some glimpse of the future.Even when we think we find it, in parallel to the Torah’s offer of free will, the blessing and the curse, we often find opposite fates encoded through a person’s name. At best, we can talk about the odds of an a priori key term being near the first term sought (the axis term).
On the matrix below, the axis term is BARRY SOETORO. Who is that? We know him better as Barack Hussein Obama. BARRY SOETORO is the name that was used to register him in a school in Indonesia. Now, let me be clear, I also sought the word for Muslim on this matrix, and it’s not there.But the primary key term sought, as is the case in many other places on this site, was PRESIDENT.That is there, and at the same exact skip as BARRY SOETORO although it runs in the opposite direction just one column right of BARRY SOETORO.To place BARRY SOETORO in a box withPRESIDENT requires 36 letters. In a study conduced earlier in 2008, I was able to find the word in boxes as small as 32 letters with Barak Obama, John, McCain, and H. Clinton. The match of PRESIDENTwith BARRY SOETORO (a 9-letter Hebrew term) in only two columns looks good - but how significant is it really, and what else is there? The probability that PRESIDENT would be so close is one chance in 59, or p = .017. (see probability spreadsheet under the matrix and Statistics.). This is not sensational, but it is interesting. There were other items found after the fact where probabilities are not appropriate. Some were quite negative, but here I highlight one that directly crosses his name - WE PERISH, WE ARE UNDONE, WE ARE ALL UNDONE. This was certainly the Orthodox Jewish religious attitude towards Obama's victory in 2008, although something like 77% of American Jews voted for him.
This topic is obviously an extremely sensistive one. I have found more than the matrix I am posting below. However, here some simple common sense must be introduced. Barack Obama occurs at an ELS 24 times in Torah. His name in Hebrew uses 8 letters, meaning that his name will be encoded each time through 8 Torah verses. Thus, if there are no overlaps in verses involved, 24 times through 8 verses each yields a potential for encoding in 192 verses of Torah. That's 192 chances to match his name up with something negative, but also 192 times to match his name up with blessings. And there are even more chances to match him up with positive or negative events when we use his previous name, Barry Soetoro (the 9 Hebrew letters of Barry Soetoro occur at an ELS 5 times, thus involving up to another 45 verses).The reality is that his names match up with both, and a great number of unrelated events. The closest thing that I saw to a date for a negative event is the Jewish year 5771 which ran from the evening of September 8, 2010, through September 28, 2011. But the year did not directly cross his name, it was only near it. As I post the current update of this article, it is obvious that, in fact, he got through 2011 quite well. The difficulty in using the Codes to ascertain particular dates is discussed on my site at 2012 DATES ENCODED.
It is possible that Michael Drosnin kept Yasir Arafat from reaching a peace deal with Israel because he told Arafat that there was a Codes matrix showing Hamas would shoot and kill him. Arafat died HIV positive, possibly with AIDS. But he was not shot. While the Codes are far from proven, and will require something like an Ark find to begin validation, they have almost certainly affected behavior of a number of individuals, possibly including Benjamin Netanyahu as is discussed on page 72 in my Ark Code book.
Note: Jewish doctrine states that even when a prophet issues a negative prediction, such as Jonah predicting destruction of Ninevah, the prophecy will not come true if the guilty party repents of sins. Only positive prophecies must come true.