Close Examination Leaves Questions About Authenticity (Updated 11/5/2014)
UPDATE OF FEBRARY 3, 2012: A law is currently underway in Georgia to challenge the authenticity of Obama's birth certificate. Click here to listen to an expert witness.
MY ORIGINAL ARTICLE: On close examination, the capital letter H in Hospital appears to have been largely coped and moved up into position in the word HUSSEIN. The lower left “foot” of each seems smaller and a little higher than the right foot. But the same letter H in Honolulu does not look like the other two even though all three letters were supposed to be typed by the same type writer. Further, there appears to be too much white space behind BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA, and not enough of the light green that should be there. This implies that the letters in the name were placed there later rather than typed over the light green background that should have been there earlier. As a caveat, it must be stated that the amount of ink transferred to the document for any particular letter will vary with the force provided by the typist. Without access to the original certificate (which is forbidden by Hawaiian law) there can be no verification of its age by dating techniques like radiocarbon (Carbon 14) analysis. For more on the "birther issue," see my page on Obama Birth.