This page under construction on 6/12/2018.
On March 8, 2018 President Trump ran over critics and signed an order to impose a 25% tariff on foreign steel and a 10% tariff on foreign aluminum. He exempted Mexico and Canada (temporarily it turns out) and spoke about exempting other allies, pointedly focusing on China, in part to make sure they knew to take his threats of a trade war with them seriously if they did not impose severe sanctions on Korea. A few hours later Kim Jong-un appeared to give in to U.S. demands. On March 9, 2018 I posted Figure 1 blow. Now, on June 12, 2018, it looks like the Figure 1 prediction has basically come true, but as will be discussed in Figure 2, caution is still needed. On Figure 1 the axis term is KIM TO SURRENDER. At skip -1 running into and sharing the letter qof with KIM is NUKE. It takes only 24 letters to show this match. Trump used money and sanctions to pressure Kim. MONEY is at the same absolute skip as KIM TO SURRENDER. SANCTION is on the matrix, but not at a special case skip (+/- 1 or the absolute skip of thte axis term). So is STEEL. ROCKET is at skip -1. Finally, although not at a special case skip, TRUMP is parallel to KIM TO SURRENDER.
After Kim agreed to meet President Trump, but before he did so, Kim had to fire three of his topic people, apparently because they opposed any deal that would required North Korea to give up its nukes. I have a matrix posted that is dated 5/1/2018 in which I warn about the possibility of smuggling nuclear materials out of North Korea by train via Russia. Since we do not necessarily know exactly how many nukes North Korea has, we must understand that even if Kim is sincere he might not be able to control the actions of all his military leaders, especially if he fires them. Figure 2 show the Atomic Train Matrix.
Figure 2 - Atomic Train Warning.
When I first found a matrix with MIKE POMPEO as the axis term I missed the fact that MIKE met KIM at the letter qof in each name. This turned out to foreshadow their real meeting around April 1, 2018. The original matrix is shown as Figure 2 above which employs a row skip of 2. There are four key words that are parallel to the axis term. They are KOREA, ATOMIC, RUSSIA and ISRAEL. KOREA is at the same absolute skip as the axis term, which makes it at a special case skip (as are skips +/-1). RUSSIA and ISRAEL are at the same skip as each other, but half the skip of the axis term. ATOMIC is at twice the skip of the axis term. TRAIN is at skip +1. MONEY is at skip +1. It shares a letter feh/pey with MIKE POMPEO. Obviously Pompeo (and Trump on 6/12/2018) will offered financial incentives to Kim for surrender of the North's nuclear arsenal, but we must be sure that Kim or a rebel there doesn't accept cash from terrorists who might try to buy his nuclear materials and move them through by TRAIN through RUSSIA before our inspectors can get on scene.
The Nobel Peace Prize is not always given to people who deserve it. Yasser Arafat continued his terrorists ways after receiving it, and Barack Hussein Obama who basically received it in the first year of office because he was black, went on to give Iran $151.7 so they could continue building nuclear bombs, ballistic missiles, and increase funding to terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah. However, it seems growingly likely that if there is one person on Earth who deserves the Prize it is President Trump for getting Kim Jong-un to promise to give up his nuclear weapons and ICBMs. After the summit in Singapore betting organizations increased the odds of Trump winning a Nobel, and the Torah Code also endorses the idea. On Figure 3 below the axis term is NOBEL PRIZE. In 210 letters with it, against odds of about 466 to 1 are TRUMP and KIM.