Will Red Lines Crossed Lead to Armageddon? For Syrians, it already has. But will it suck America into a war with Russia and Iran? (Published 9/4/2013, but updated on 4/26/2018 and slightly again on 7/29/2018 with the last section in the article).
On page 134 of Michael Drosnin’s first book, The Book Code, three words appear in sequence. They are Armageddon, Assad, and Holocaust. The three words are composed of 13 letters, a really extraordinary find, however in reexamining the matrix there is some question about the word that Drosnin uses for Holocaust because it is only 3 letter (shin alef hey) whereas Holocaust is usually spelled with 4 letters (shin vav alef hey). So we'll just go wit the 10letter axis term Armageddon, Assad. This is a matrix that I have tracked for 21 years. Whether it will turn out to be linked to the matrix with OBAMA and ATOMIC HOLOCAUST shown HERE remains to be seen, but action or lack of action on this issue has the potential to lead to an atomic holocaust with Iran. The most significant part of this matrix is shown with a white background. It shows in 198 letters with ARMAGGEDDON ASSAD the a priori terms RUSSIA, PERSIA (Iran), ARMY, POISON. and TRUMAN. The aircraft carrier Harry S. Truman set sail for the crisis area from Norfolk, VA on April 11, 2018.
FIGURE 2 - As the USS Truman surely knows, there is a threat of a Russian submarine that may lie ahead.
FIGURE 2 - THE 297-LETTER MATRIX THAT CALLS FOR A SERIOUS ANTI SUBMARINE WARFARE (ASW) EFFORT. When I ceased work before the Sabbath began on Friday, April 13, 2019 there was not yet any fighting between U.S. forces and the Assad Government in Syria, but in less than two hours it broke out as U.S., U.K. and French sea and air assets attacked three chemical weapons sites in Syria. I had, before the Sabbath, promised to provide revised odds on Saturday night that would include the discovery of a submarine in the Armageddon Assad matrix – although it required a slight widening of the matrix to show it. Figure 2 shows the results for a 297-letter matrix with axis term ARMAGEDDON ASSAD and a priori terms SUBMARINE, RUSSIAN, TRUMAN, PERSIA, ARMY and POISON. On this matrix by far the most significant a priori term is SUBMARINE which was found against odds of about 257 to 1. The second most significant term is TRUMAN which exists against odds of about 26 to 1. Odds against all the a priori terms being in 297 letters with the axis term are about twelve million to 1.
When someone told me that fighting had begun that night my first thought was that the TRUMAN was not yet in position. It was still somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Therefore it and its battle group was still relatively safe. But after most of the Russian naval assets sailed from the port of Tartus in Syria, one ship remained behind and it was a Russian sub. It knows that Truman must sail through the Straights of Gibralter. Whether it intercepts the Truman remains to be seen. The Truman does have two nuclear subs in its escort, but Russian subs can fire anti-ship missiles from a stand off position. This situation merits close monitoring. As The National Interest reports about Russian Oscar Class subs:
The Oscar’s primary purpose was to serve as a firing platform for twenty-four enormous P-700 Granit missiles, code-named rather literally SS-N-19 Shipwrecks by NATO. The ten-meter long cruise missiles weigh almost eight tons each, and can be launched from underwater at surface targets nearly four hundred miles away. The missiles boost from their launch tubes using a rocket motor before switching to a ramjet to cruise at speeds as high as Mach 2.5, depending on altitude. They are guided to the target by a satellite system, which the Oscar can link with via an antenna. If multiple Granits are fired in a volley, they can be networked together to relay targeting information and approach from different angles. The Granit missiles can also be equipped with five-hundred-kiloton nuclear warheads.
The Oscar doesn’t lack for shorter-range backup weapons. In addition to its four regular 533-millimeter tubes that can fire RPK-2 “Starfish” anti-submarine missiles, it has two 650-millimeter tubes that can fire extra-large SS-N-16 Stallion missiles, which can strike targets as far as sixty-three miles away. Both rocket-powered missiles can deploy either conventional torpedoes or nuclear depth charges.
Figure 3 - The Truman Battle Group headed for Syria. A thorough Torah Codes analysis should include a search for all the names in this group. However, it may turn out that an encoded war may include the Truman, but other ships in the future. The submarine encoded with the Truman in Figure 2 may be a friendly one rather than an enemy boat. The Truman is protected here by two U.S. subs, and may be protected by other allied subs, including those of Israel.
Figure 4 - Russian ships in Tartus, Syria early on 13 April 2018.
Fortunately there is no Oscar class nuclear submarine in Syria, but there was one diesel-powered Russian Kilo class submarine that remained after Tartus after the other Russian ships including another kilo class submarine fled. The three variants of kilo class sub have the following specifications:
- Displacement:
- 2,300–2,350 tons surfaced
- 3,000–4,000 tons submerged
- Dimensions:
- Length: 70–74 meters
- Beam: 9.9 meters
- Draft: 6.2–6.5 meters
- Maximum speed
- 10–12 knots surfaced (18–22 km/h)
- 17–25 knots submerged (31–46 km/h)
- Propulsion: Diesel-electric 5,900 shp (4,400 kW)
- Maximum depth: 300 meters (240–250 meters operational)
- Endurance
- 400 nautical miles (700 km) at 3 knots (6 km/h) submerged
- 6,000 nautical miles (11,000 km) at 7 knots (13 km/h) snorkeling (7,500 miles for the Improved Kilo class)
- 45 days sea endurance
- Armament
- Air defence: 8 Strela-3 or 8 Igla-1, but after sea trial it has been rejected by the navy.
- Six 533 mm torpedo tubes with 18 53-65 ASuW or TEST 71/76 ASW torpedoes or VA-111 Shkval supercavitating "underwater missiles", or 24 DM-1 mines,
- Kalibr-PL (export name Club-S) system comprising four launchers for individual anti-ship, anti-submarine and land attack cruise missiles[35]
- Crew: 52
Figure 4 - Russian ships in Tartus, Syria later on 13 April 2018. Syria was bombed at 0400 local time on 14 April 2018. One diesel powered kilo class sub remained when this photo was taken. The other one shown on Figure 4 was at sea.
MESSAGE TO DOD, AND IN PARTICULAR TO MY FRIENDS IN ARMY INTELLIGENCE. I have noted your intense interest in the last week, and in particular the very humorous choice of reverse IPs by Army Intel. One of the Defense contractors caught my eye, especially because they had an office close to my home, so I called them and discussed the history of DoD monitoring of all three of our web sites. To my surprise the gentleman asked me to put together a proposal for a grant. Actually there are three potential areas of study. The first is to combine the abilities of CodeFinder software with artificial intelligence (AI). The company that I spoke with is big in that area. The matrices above are examples of why AI is needed to evaluate the Codes successfully. Until 4/13/2018 I did not include the aircraft carrier TRUMAN as a search term, though I had mentioned the ship. Then I decided to add it to the search and it appeared in a highly significant area touching RUSSIAN , ARMY, and PERSIA. Overall statistical significance of the matrices went up by about one order of magnitude. It remains to be seen whether the ship will attack the words it touches, or simply be used to pressure them to surrender or alter policy, but the point that I want to make here is that is takes me many hours to add a word to a matrix search. An AI could do all this in a fraction of a second and add greatly to the scope of the search, including classified terms. After I posted the Truman addition I then found the word submarine. After I added it, but before I had calculated the statistical significance of the word, allied submarines attacked Syria. In intelligence work, speed of analysis is critical. My method of Codes search is better than anyone else's, but still slow and limited by how much time I can put in for a single topic. When not prohibited to work (as during the Jewish Sabbath), I generally do research everyday from about 9 am to midnight or beyond, but it isn't all Codes research.
There is a Code savvy and AI-distinguished professor (Dr. Robert Haralick, City University of New York) who is in our research group to help produce the needed software if the project (Creator Decoder) is funded. We are also invited the original producer of CodeFinder (Kevin Acres) to join us and he said "yes." He is an Australian. The retired lieutenant commander who published my Ark Code book (Roy Reinhold) also wants in on this project. We submitted this on 23 April 2018, but the man who asked for the proposal changed his mind and wouldn't even read the proposal. Therefore, I posted it on this site with an invitation for DoD to consider it along with Level - 3 Communications and/or anyone at MITRE Corporation with the guts to pick it up. For my friends at DoD, two Chinese readers found it a few hours before you did on 4/26/2018 so if you pick it up we'll need a new project name and we'll have to quickly go dark .
Note that my original purpose for entering into Codes research 21 years ago was to see if there is actionable intelligence information in the Code. Based on the constant visitation of this site by members of DoD, the answer appears to be yes. The Chinese are frequent visitors, and so are the Russians (however I have recently discovered that an extremely high percent of what looks like Kremlin and also NASA Ames visitors are really Fort Huachuca). If further Russians read this article they should try to convince their leader that it's time to quit supporting mass murderers.
There are two other areas that I am interested in and that DoD follows closely. One is how to fix what is wrong with the information put out by NASA about Martian meteorology. Other space agencies have read our report, Mars Correct: Critique of All NASA Mars Weather Data, and know that we are right in saying that NASA understates Martian air pressure by two orders of magnitude. In particular bad NASA data led to and caused the crash of the ESA ExoMars 2016 Schiaparelli lander. The surviving ExoMars 2016 orbiter had to raise its orbit in 2017 due to "excessive density of Mars’ atmosphere." The other area of interest is centered on possible explanations consistent with physics that could explain how information about our time managed to find its way into a religious text that is thousands of years old. The first two projects are doable. The third one is obviously more complex, but might be possible based on some evidence that needs to be discussed with my friends at Fort Huachuca.
The request for a proposal caught me by surprise, but it was also obvious that when I came back with a specific proposal with a price tage of $2,927,000, it scared the daylights out of the man who had requested the proposal. Frankly I'm retired and I don't have a job, but with respect to the Code I do want to see our military benefit from what may be a fantastic intel tool. Such a project would largely be carried out by a City University of New York where my distinguished professor friend teaches unless DoD has another preference. I would make sure that the program is constructed in accordance with my methodology, and the professor would provide the manpower and computing power to make the proposed program a success. He even has access to Brookhaven National Labratory computers. Curiously, Brookhaven has (and has abused) my reverse IP address as I discuss in detail elsewhere on this site.
With respect to the Mars project, obviously there has to be a political determination that at least a partial disclosure is required. I can place this nation in a better position to explain wrong information published by showing how our weather instrumentation was fatally flawed. Allowing a true portrait of Martian weather to be released will ease my concerns about disinformation. It is expected that SpaceX and ESA plus other space agencies will land safely on Mars in the next decade. For them to learn the truth after the fact will likely lead to law suits against NASA. It is much better to make honesty our policy. The Mars report project would not likely involve much money. I have the data NOW to fix the problem. I just need the go ahead. I am willing to sign a nondisclosure letter for it, but I would have to write it.
The physics project might depend on my son's willingness to participate, and he is very happy with his current employment, though I have excellent reason to believe that DoD played a role in hiring him. He is willing to sign the letter required, but he doesn't want to leave Brevard County, Florida where we all live. David's preference is for DoD to award a contract to his current employer for any such research, and for him to continue working for them.
Update note of 4/26/2018. As noted above, the proposal topic is related to the Torah Code. Should it be accepted, it's likely that I won't be permitted to talk about it. If this is what they want, it should provide me with enough funds to finish my search (by way of ELS Maps) for the Ark of the Covenant at 31 degrees 9 minutes North, 33 degrees 4 minutes East in Northern Sinai, Egypt. However, as I approach 71 my next expedition to Egypt is going to require a newer, younger version of Indiana Jones than I can offer - plus some tough military security. The Northern Sinai is a terrorist hotbed. Stay tuned for news on that!