POISON VACCINE is encoded at the skip of WUHAN. This article was WRITTEN ON 4/8/2021 and updated on 8/8/2021. Expect additional finds in the Torah Code.
As of August 2, only 2021 two people in my immediate family has been vaccinated against COVID—19. In April 2021 my wife and I were offered the Moderna vaccine but we held out for Johnson and Johnson's one-shot variant. While we are waiting I have received requests to see if the Code has anything about the vaccinations blowing up in our faces over the next year or so leading to a culling of world populations. Figure 1 is the result of the first such inquiry but in skimming through the Code I can see that this topic comes up fairly often. However, while Moderna vaccine is in Figure 1 that does not mean that MODERNA is poison. That match with axis term POISON VACCINE is not a significant one. It had about a 91.5% chance to be found on the full 957-letter matrix. Much better was the match of POISON VACCINE with WUHAN. That only had about one chance in 80 to be found on the full matrix and only about one chance in 219 to be found on the 348-letter matrix with a white background. In fact it only takes 216 letters to show POISON VACCINE and WUHAN at the same skip. Odds against a match this significant are about 353 to 1. Not until early May, 2021 did we learn that are 4,647 reports of death (0.0017%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. By late July, 2021 we were learning that vaccines would not save us from the requirement to wear masks, and that we could be vaccinated, still get COVID and be contageous.
SELECTION OF OTHER TERMS ON FIGURE 1. My interest in aliens in conjunction with COVID-19 began when I received the following email from Craig Ebrahimi in Sooke, B.C., Canada on January 26, 2026.
from: Craig Ebrahimi < to: "" <> date: Jan 26, 2020, 12:55 PM subject: Fw: Extraterrestrial embryo discovered in meteorite UVIC BC My name Craig Ebrahimi research scientist/ Founder Deviant off world technology Barry would you be interested in the research and biotechnology opportunity/ of the only pristine extraterrestrial embryo on the planet at the University of Victoria BC. |
It was not Craig's email that impressed me. Rather, it was the number of people with PhDs in various sciences that were backing him. Dr. Jerzy Sawicki published his findings about Craig's rock with the 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2021. Another was Elaine Humphrey at the University of Victoria. She put out the Figure 2 summary of Craig's rock. The cold properties match what is seen with some viruses. Odds against ALIEN being at skip +1 on the 348-letter matrix are about 73.5 to 1. Odds against it being at skip +1 on the full matrix are about 27 to 1. If there is a plot to poison anyone the top suspects PhDs are Jiangwen Qu from the Tianjin China Center for Infectious Disease Control and his partner Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe. Both men have connections with the Chinese Army. Wickramasinghe and Jiangwen Qu were both caught in lies to Craig about what they did with a sample of Craig's 27-pound meteorite. The issue here is whether China was content with crippling the American and world economies while driving President Trump from office, or whether they have a wider goal, perhaps tied in with the likes of Dr. Anthony Fauci, to reduce the world's population. Fauci has had financial ties with the Wuhan lab. He expresses skepticism about the potential threat posed by man-made agents used for bioterrorism, suggesting naturally evolving pathogens are still our most likely and dangerous foe. He describes to Morell just how complex it would be for an individual or a state actor to release a bio-weapon on the United States, but He made it easier for COVID-19 to really take off when he advised that world in 2020 to not wear masks. Trump often complained about Fauci giving him wrong advice. There are also disputed claims that Fauci slowed AIDS research, killing millions, and that as Director of the NIH he approved $3.7 million for the Wuhan lab. The claims are discussed in my article about him here. So like Wickramasinghe and Jiangwen Qu we must learn of Fauci if this man is merely incompetent or deliberately evil. FAUCI is the axis term on Figure 4 below. Given that POISON VACCINE is strongly encoded with WUHAN what is left of U.S. Intelligence after the fall of President Trump should follow President Eisenhower's advice to not make any assumptions, in this case, about COVID-19 being the innocent result of evolution.
FIGURE 2 - Doctor Elaine Humphrey explains the odd thermal properties of Craig's meteorite.
From the beginning of my association with Craig I have been concerned about whether he is the source of COVID-19. For much of the time our relationship was cordial, but he has a hot temper when I don't accept everything that he claims. He has often claimed to be non-human which is why ALIEN was a key word on Figure 1. An example of Craig's language when he lets slip his ET claim is seen in the following email:
"Guy your dumb ass shit keeps getting sent to me by one of your Hebrew followers ,you got to be one the biggest dummie humans I ever came across you talk this shit in your writing ABOUT my biotechnology ,once again your dumb! you don't even know your dealing with fucking real extra-terrestrial self made multi millionaire since teens you idiot, if you looked into these eyes I would eat your soul puppet boy."On July 12, 2020 Craig issued a similar threat to Wickramasinghe after I gave Craig evidence that Wickramasinghe falsely claimed that the meteorite was stolen from him. In part, Craig then wrote the following:You said you're out on international travel business. You stated many times you are retired why many appearances on ancient aliens would not you have wanted to promote this scientific proof and you have access to a real fossil ET once again shocking. Oh ya (yes) I sent you one. Sounds like you're part of a cover up.
You really have no clue what I am capable of.
I recommend you start participateing while your still healthy
I am far from human .
If you want to have a look at Craig's eyes, see Figure 3. Also shown are his body proportions which are slightly out of normal human range. As an aside with respect to Craig's harsh words about me, he has also expressed extreme admiration many times, and he recently asked me to "rejoin" his team. But I have no "team." I have Fort Huachuca, who Craig refers to with the Puppet Boy remark. But I do not report everything to them because I am their puppet. I don't trust them, but I do want to influence their behavior and decisions. In fact, if I can gain their respect enough, I want to control their actions. As they found out when their agent threatened me on August 1, 2016, I will not be controlled by threats or intimidation. I do not regard the current Administration as legitimate, and I hope that whatever Americans there are that remain loyal in our Intelligence community will take corrective action. Primarily this means that I am asking them to help get the truth out to wake up a half brain-dead nation. I assume that Craig is an ET who has brought a threat to my world. Therefore, sorry Craig, but I must tell you that my loyalty is to those of my species who are sane rather than those of other species who serve the interests of other worlds or societies that are hostile to principles in line with the U.S. Constitution.
Figure 3 - Craig Ebrahimi's eyes and body proportions - are they human or alien?
For the record, I try to post all Ebrahimi emails here for my DOD friends to read at Fort Huachuca in Arizona and my friends at UK MOD to read. I have no knowledge of who the Hebrew followers are that Craig mentioned above on March 27, 2020, however DOD and UK MOD allow me to know when they are aboard. I assume that while the Israeli Mossad chooses to either not permit me to see their IP addresses, or they use DOD IP addresses with a 7 as either the digit before the first decimal place or as the last digit of the IP, Craig is likely being pinged by Mossad. They are likely not communicating with me directly in order to avoid confusion about my loyalty. Israel is clearly in the ET investigation business. More, really. On December 10, 2020 the Jerusalem Post published the following article:
This Galactic Federation has supposedly been in contact with Israel and the US for years, but are keeping themselves a secret to prevent hysteria until humanity is ready.
Has the State of Israel made contact with aliens?
According to retired Israeli officer and current professor Haim Eshed, the answer is yes, but this has been kept a secret because "humanity isn't ready."
Speaking in an interview to Yediot Aharonot, Eshed – who served as the head of Israel's space program for nearly 30 years and is a three-time recipient of the Israel Security Award – explained that Israel and the US have both been dealing with aliens for years.
And this by no means refers to immigrants, with Eshed clarifying the existence of a "Galactic Federation."
The 87-year-old former head of the Defense Ministry's Space Division gave further descriptions about exactly what sort of agreements have been made between the aliens and the US, which ostensibly have been made because they wish to research and understand "the fabric of the universe." This cooperation includes a secret underground base on Mars, where there are American and alien representatives.
If true, this would coincide with US President Donald Trump's creation of the Space Force as the fifth branch of the US armed forces, though it is unclear how long this sort of relationship, if any, has been going on between the US and its reported extraterrestrial allies.
But Eshed insists that Trump is aware of them, and that he was "on the verge" of disclosing their existence. However, the Galactic Federation reportedly stopped him from doing so, saying they wished to prevent mass hysteria since they felt humanity needed to "evolve and reach a stage where we will... understand what space and spaceships are," Yediot Aharonot reported.
CHINA AND OTHER TERMS ON FIGURE 1. China is not at a special case skip and it's only 3 letters. This limits its significance although it has the relatively low frequency letter S that's a samech. However while it had about a 58% chance to be found on the full matrix and a 27% chance to be found where there's a 348-lettter white background, it only takes 40 letters to show it with the axis term. There was about a 1 in 27 chance to have these words so close. As can be seen from the spreadsheet for Figure 1, the other terms sought did not produce even one found with a probability of at least 5%. The smaller matrix (white background) was about 3.43 times more significant than the full 957-letter matrix. The themes sought were either alien or Nazi. On the smaller matrix there was only about a 1.3% chance to find ALIEN or ALIENS at skip +1. On the full matrix there was only about a 1.4% chance to find ALIEN or ALIENS at skip +1 plus UFO at a special case skip. So, while not overwhelming, these terms were significant with an alien source of the virus. VIRUS itself was seen on the full matrix, but it was not at a special case skip and it had about a 26.7% chance to be found this way (not significant).
TONY (Anthony) FAUCI occurs at an ELS just once in Torah. But where his name is found it can be placed is a box that is 9 rows (for the 9 letters of TONY FAUCI ) by 54 columns where WUHAN and THE PLAGUE appear on the same line at skip +1. The city of WUHAN appears just twice in Torah at skip +1. Odds against finding it on this 486-letter matrix are about 314 to 1. After I realized that his original advice was that the public should not wear mask, I looked for MURDERER and found it a special case skip against odds of about 105 to 1. A term for PLAGUE had about 1 chance in 9.3 to be in the open text. Dr. Fauci is famous for switching his position about wearing masks. It took me a while to look for it after I found MASK at skip +2. But when I looked for NO touching MASK, I found the two words touching each other with NO on the line above MASK. MASK was found against odds of about 7.2 to 1. NO is only 2 letters (in Hebrew or English) so I didn't bother finding the odds for it. I have many articles up about the WUHAN PLAGUE being brought to earth by or found by a possible Nordic alien (Craig Ebrahimi). UFO is at a special case skip against odds of about 4.1 to 1. The full matrix was found against odds of about 30,522,407 to 1.
THERE ARE ENCODINGS OF POISON PZIFER AND POISON MODERNA. They are currently being investigated. For POISON PFIZER the skips for resh ayin lamed feh yud yud zayin resh are +64,358 and +92,917. For POISON MODERNA the skips for resh ayin lamed mem vav dalet resh nun hey are +41,346 and +48,403. For the second lowest skip of POISON VACCINE (+81,224) there are also matches between it and the Hebrew Year (5780 which is 2020). This is the year that the pandemic started. One match has POISON VACCINE and 5780 in 468 letters both at skip +81,224 and the other has 5780 at skip -1 in a 650-letter matrix.
A Pew Research Center survey in late February (2020) found that 69% of Americans either have already been vaccinated or plan to be vaccinated. That’s up from the 60% who said they’d get vaccinated last November. Still, 30% of respondents said they would probably or definitely not get a vaccine. The top reasons given for foregoing it were concerns about how well the vaccines work, their side effects, and distrust in the quick development process. The last statement is only partially true. More accurate is that many people distrust our Government, or at least political parties not their own. For example, when Kamala Harris was asked during the Vice Presidential Debate if she would take a vaccine she responded, "If Donald Trump tells me I should take it, I'll not be takin' it". She "took it" on Dec. 29th, 2020.
How do the vaccines work?
The United States has authorized three vaccines for emergency use, and a fourth is likely to go before the Food and Drug Administration for approval in the coming weeks.
Pfizer and Moderna: The first two COVID-19 vaccines to be greenlit in the United States use messenger RNA (mRNA), which is a molecule that instructs human cells to make a piece of the spike protein that the coronavirus uses to attach to and infect human cells. The material from the vaccine quickly disintegrates and never enters the cell’s nucleus, so it can’t alter the recipient’s DNA. The presence of the harmless spike proteins triggers the immune system to create antibodies and activate T-cells that mount an immune response. With the immune system primed, it is ready to act quickly if it ever detects the coronavirus in the body. While this is the Government's opinion, at one point around February or March, 2020 Craig Ebrahimi and I were discussing who might buy some or all of his meteorite in an attempt to create a vaccine for COVID-19. He sent me an email that had a trail of information from his discussions with others. I might have deleted it or part of it, but I distinctly remember a single word - Pfizer - on it. I'm still trying to find the email but because I don't trust Craig due to his claims to be far from human (and hostile toward humans) I did not taken Pfizer or its Moderna cousin. Yes, this is a slim basis to make the decision that I did, but it's why I didn't take either of these vaccines. Instead, I signed up for Johnson and Johnson. The calls that I got , however, weren't for J&J so I declined. To my chagrin on April 9, 2021 62,000,000 doses of Johnson and Johnson were contaminated. This is what I would expect if there turns out to be an effort to slip a Trojan Horse-type pathogen into Pfizer or Moderna. It was especially disconcerting because my son's high paid job may be in jeopardy because his boss wants everybody vaccinated in his company. I have been trying to convince David to take the J&J shot, but now the safety of that option is in question. Because my wife and I are high risk (she is missing most of a lung and I am over 74), my wife finally took the J&J shot on June 3, 2021. After it she ran a low fever (99.1) for two days. When a shortage developed in Central Florida for J&J and I could only find it in one discount pharmacy in Cape Canaveral. On July 31, 2021 and when it sounded like the Government might buy up all J&J to vaccinate Federal workers and the military, I finally took the shot myself. Side effects? Dizziness for at least four days and one fall with no serious damage. Strangely, my previous back pain vanished for at least 4 days. This was 9 weeks after I had a failed operation (with radio ablation) for that pain.
Researchers have been working on mRNA technology since the 1990s to fight a variety of diseases from influenza to Ebola, but the COVID-19 vaccine is the first time this technology has been authorized for the public.
The Pfizer vaccine initially required two doses administered 21 days apart and the Moderna vaccine requires two doses 28 days apart. However by April 15, 2021 Fauci was telling us that Pfizer likely will required a third dose. The Israelis were soon also saying that a third dose would likely be needed for people over 60.
Johnson & Johnson: The third vaccine to receive emergency use approval in the United States uses another relatively new vaccine technology that tweaks a harmless adenovirus — a type of virus that causes a common cold — to deliver the coronavirus spike protein instructions. After decades of research, the first adenovirus vaccine — used to protect against the Ebola virus — was approved in July 2020. Scientists reengineered the adenovirus in the COVID-19 vaccine so that it cannot replicate and make the recipient sick, but it can still deliver the spike protein instructions.
“It’s kind of like hijacking a known virus,” says Wilbur Chen, MD, an infectious disease and vaccine expert and chief of the adult clinical studies section of the Center for Vaccine Development and Global Health within the University of Maryland School of Medicine.
The Johnson & Johnson vaccine requires only one dose but again 62,000,000 doses were reported contaminated on April 9, and there was also a brief stoppage of using this drug a day or two early because of a cluster of adverse reactions. By April 15, 2021 public confidence in J & J had dropped from 52% to 37%.
AstraZeneca: This vaccine is not yet approved in the United States, but its manufacturers plan to seek approval in the coming weeks. It works in a similar way to the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, except it uses a reengineered adenovirus that typically infects chimpanzees. As of June, 2021 the AstraZeneca vaccine required two doses given four weeks apart, but there was some uncertainty about how far apart the doses can be administered. The United Kingdom delayed the second shot to 12 weeks and one study suggests that the longer delay may have strengthened the vaccine’s effectiveness.
Which vaccine is the best one?
The untrustworthy government opinion is that the one that is first available to you is what you should take. I wanted my wife to be vaccinated first because she is missing a lung. I took it next primarily because of the new Delta variant threat and because of my fear that the Government will only offer it to a select group civilian and military employees. That fear is not yet confirmed, but it was not available in Orlando for at least a day in late July, 2021. Other members of my family are not taking it, including my oldest son and his 10 children. He is a major in the Air Force Reserve so they might still force him to take it. If our only choice would have been Pfizer or Moderna, my wife and I would have taken neither.
While not enough to be certain of the long term effects of any of these vaccines, the initial and ongoing Codes studies here, in combination with the news, are reasons to be cautious. However, people will die with inaction too. It's too bad that this nation allowed Joe Biden to get into office. In essentially destroying our southern border and throwing open the gates to unaccompanied minors with an infection rate of over 10% we see that our president (no matter how many masks he wears) has no sincere desire to protect our nation from COVID or anything else (like China or Iran).
This report is taken from the Center for Disease Control on May 18, 2021. CDC uses the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) to closely monitor reports of death following COVID-19 vaccination.
- FDA requires healthcare providers to report any death after COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS.
- Reports to VAERS of death following vaccination do not necessarily mean the vaccine caused the death.
- CDC follows up on any report of death to request additional information to learn more about what occurred and to determine whether the death was a result of the vaccine or was unrelated.
- CDC, FDA, and other federal agencies will continue to monitor the safety of COVID-19 vaccines.
Over 273 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through May 17, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 4,647 reports of death (0.0017%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. CDC and FDA physicians review each case report of death as soon as notified and CDC requests medical records to further assess reports. A review of available clinical information, including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records has not established a causal link to COVID-19 vaccines. However, recent reports indicate a plausible causal relationship between the J&J/Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine and a rare and serious adverse event—blood clots with low platelets—which has caused deaths. Get the latest safety information on the J&J/Janssen vaccine. CDC and FDA will continue to investigate reports of adverse events, including deaths, reported to VAERS.
Researchers in Israel say they've found a possible link between the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine and cases of heart inflammation in young men ages 16 to 30, according to a report submitted this week to the country's Ministry of Health. The report concluded that around 1 in 5,000 men who receive the vaccine may experience this side effect, known as myocarditis, which is higher than the rate seen for the whole vaccinated population during that time period, which was 1 in 50,000.