HITLER, 4TH REICH & the UFO are encoded with COVID-19. Why?
The highway to hell was paved with good intentions. Updated on 11/4/2020. Figure 4 is new.
I have written a lot about COVID-19, UFOs and Nazis. On the surface they appear to be unrelated topics. But I accumulated some evidence that COVID-19 came to Earth via a meteorite that landed in waters off Sooke, British Colombia. It was recovered by a Craig Ebrahimi, in March 2018. The 27-pound meteorite displayed properties of an objected contaminated with massive loads of a virus. Some of the object has been under study at the University of Victoria. The first mass coronavirus deaths in the U.S. were a ferryboat trip away in Kirkland, Washington. Craig also shipped a sample of the meteorite to Dr. Chandra Wickramasinghe at the University of Buckingham in the UK. He is one of the world’s leading virologists who espouses panspermia. Chandra shipped the rock to his home in Sri Lanka. He claims it was stolen from there, but four months after receiving it Chandra co-published an article with Dr. Jiangwen Qu of the Center for Disease Control in Tianjin, China. They claimed that a pandemic would begin in 2019 and its cause would be a remnant of a meteorite (i.e., like what they was sent). On November 25, 2019 they both published again saying that the pandemic would begin in a few months. The Wuhan Fever/Coronavirus pandemic started 15 days later. Wickramasinghe and Qu wrote that the cause of the plague was a meteor seen over China and October 11, 2019. They never mentioned Craig’s sample. Nor did they have a sample of what was seen over China in October. As for UFOs, as weird as this seems, Craig has made a lot of remarks about being far from human (I assume a Nordic).
IS EBRAHIMI AN ALIEN? Craig might not be kidding about being an alien. I've seen and heard enough to suggest that our (or Canadian) intel agents should pick him up for a physical exam. Having said that, after a half year of nagging Fort Huachuca to check him out, or at least ask any Canadian liaison officer at the fort to interview him, I'm not aware of anyone doing so (though he did complain once about Israelis bothering him). Dr. Salla's description of our military interactions with Nordics includes the following on page 325 of his US AIR FORCE SECRET SPACE PROGRAM book:
Well, extraterrestrials also come here to watch over us and to look at things on Earth. And they're here to gather information to make sure we don't blow up the Earth or kill each other. So they're here just to get information and have it and to also experience the life of a human, which is quite preferably like a vacation for them.
So, it's a very interesting scientific job for an extraterrestrial to have. It's kind of an honor to come here, live amongst us, and actually do things, just living like a normal human being, actually, and interacting with human beings...it's like a universal Peace Corps.
The quote above is of Emery Smith, a former USAF Surgical Assistant who was at Kirkland AFB from 1990 to 1995. Salla says Smith met with different types of ETs working at the base. As I say elsewhere, these ETs did nothing to stop the Nazis during the Holocaust. They worked with them. With respect to Craig, he is doing quite well up there in a beautiful part of British Colombia. He says he is a millionaire (which would be an easy achievement if he has ET advantages). He has a large boat and he drives a nice Porsche (shown on Figure 3 below). He is powerfully built, but his body proportions seem slightly out of human range.
Frankly, if the Nephilim of Genesis 6:1-4 were aliens, it almost sounds like they viewed Eartj as a sexual Disney World:
6 When men began to multiply on the face of the ground, and daughters were born to them, 2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were fair; and they took to wife such of them as they chose. 3 Then the Lord said, “My spirit shall not abide in man for ever, for he is flesh, but his days shall be a hundred and twenty years.” 4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men that were of old, the men of renown.
WHAT FIGURE 1 SHOWS. This is the first time that I sought an encoded link between COVID-19 and Nazis. Why didn't I didn't look for it before? Although I often spoke about the Deep State, until I read the works of Dr. Michael E. Salla about the Nazi UFO programs in Germany and Antarctica, I had no reason to equate the Deep State with what Salla calls The Fourth Reich. But when I understood the implications of what I was reading it changed a lot of my world view.
The axis term on Figure 1 is COVID-19. It only takes a box measuring 7 rows by 11 columns (77 letters in area) to show COVID-19 and HITLER. Odds against a match this close were about 283 to 1. When I expanded the matrix to 232 letters (11 rows by 12 columns) I picked up REICH. Odds against this matrix were about 7,708 to 1. Ah, you ask, well if the word REICH is there at a special case skip, what about FOURTH since it is the existence of the Fourth Reich that we are trying to confirm? Yes, FOURTH is in the open text on the full 520-letter matrix against odds of about 9.5 to 1. However, on the full matrix the most significant term by my standard protocol is TIME. It was found at a special case skip (-1) against odds of about 24 to 1. I sought it because exactly how time exists, and how to move through it rather than just along with it is one of two great mysteries that I spend much of my time researching (the other mystery concerns gravity). I know that the Torah Code matrices were sent back in time to form our Torah. I'm getting pretty good in interpreting or breaking the Code (likely much better than anyone else unless a team or computer program similar to my proposed Creator Decoder at Fort Huachuca can out do me. The Fort has been studying my work to an extreme for over 6 years now. I might have even been interviewed by someone who is from the future. I call him Joseph Sapphire, but his fully encoded last name is one letter longer (see Figure 2).
UFO is also at a special case skip against odds of about 4 to 1. Figure 1 also has two spellings of KAMALA (Harris) but I didn't think they were strong enough so I left them off the calculation. Overall I rated odds against Figure 1 at about 136,725 to 1.The two transliterations of KAMALA are left on Figure 1 in the form of notes because the Nancy Pelosi has raised the specter of using the 25th Amendment to remove an ill president from office. Most pundits think she is referring to Joe Biden should he be elected. If that happens it would cause a Vice President Kamala Harris to become a President at the head of a Harris Administration or Harris-Biden ticket, terms used by both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. You might want to know why a theoretical Fourth Reich would support someone who claims to be "a woman of color" or black even though she doesn't look like it. Some reasons might be:
1. Kamala Harris is an extremely divisive person. In the December 2019 polls she only received 3.4% of the vote. Putting her into the White House might help stimulate a civil war which could destroy the U.S. That might be a major Fourth Reich objective.
2. On 10/14/2020 Twitter and Facebook began censoring all news stories (especially from the New York Post) that made Joe Biden and is son Hunter look corrupt. They thus displayed behavior similar to what would be expected of a Nazi Fourth Reich.
3. Kamala supports Hamas, an anti-Israel terrorist group. A major Fourth Reich objective would almost certainly be to destroy Israel.
FIGURE 2 - JOSEPH "SAPPHIRE" followed me to the Cape Canaveral Public Library. He had knowledge of which book I checked out about a minute before I met him, and about my son's future post-doctoral work at Yale. After an initial threat to attack my site by having our government post illegal material on it, the conversation finished in a friendly matter. While he made it clear that the Government was concerned by my research, he was obviously fascinated by it. I offered him my calling card at one point in the interview. It emphasized that I specialize in Martian meteorology. He received it with an odd enthusiasm, almost acting like I had handed him an original copy of the Magna Carta.
NOTE ON FIGURE 2: On 10/15/2020 I found that REICH at skip -1 crosses and shares a letter yud with SIGNAL FROM THE FUTURE. Unfortunately the matrix may imply that hostile scientists with Nazi/Fourth Reich sentiments may acquire an ability to move (at least signals) in time. While doing so would likely result in a parallel world, one of the many dangers that this situation could trigger would be the transport of operational details of nuclear weapons to a time before the U.S. first used them. On the other hand, the Fourth Reich, which allegedly works with Nordic and Reptilian aliens, might have encouraged the spread of COVID because it kills more blacks than whites, and because it severely affects Israel. The SIGNAL FROM THE FUTURE might simply be a warning from people like Joseph Sapphire about who is involved with this attack against our planet.
I have been talking about Figure 2 since I found it in 2017. Until the REICH find I only showed 136 letters. I did not include the two columns on the right which are necessary to see REICH. This is probably a good time to mention why I looked for the terms that I show. Again, the combined odds against finding this matrix were about 95,856,235,315 to 1.
1. SIGNAL FROM THE FUTURE. Joseph knew when (to the minute) to position himself outside the library to confront me. He even blocked entry to my car in a manner that made me start a conversation with him. He was obviously familiar not just with my work, but with the book that I had checked out when he was still outside. In fact, he never went into the building, even as I drove away and looked back toward him in my rear view mirror to check his license plates (which were from Maryland - he lives near the NSA). He was insistent that I know how to spell his name, ensuring that I would check the Codes for it, though it took about 9 months for me to do so. When I thought about it then I realized that we had discussed both nanotechnology (my son got his PhD in physics after he wrote his thesis on this topic) and Artificial Intelligence (which my son didn't start to use until he started his Post Doc at Yale about 4 months after I met Joe). The combination of topics (which he raised about 3 minutes after we met on August 1, 2016) suggested that he knew something about my son's future. He had access to my son's site at Davidaroffman.com in 2016 and before, but David had nothing up about A.I. until about 6 months after Joseph and I had our chat.
2. JOSEPH. His first name is easy to find in the open text because Joseph is a major character in the Book of Genesis. The name is on the first row of the matrix.
3. "SAPPHIRE." While sapphire is on the second row of the matrix right under JOSEPH, his full second name requires the next letter. Any Orthodox rabbi should be able to look at the line and immediately supply the letter blacked out. It is hidden here so it will not come up on a search for his name. The concern was for his privacy and for security for both of us. This man issued a threat soon after we started to talk (though his initial greeting was to thank me for my military service based on my Coast Guard Retired hat and a ship shirt that I was wearing). I quickly assumed that he might be NSA, which he denied, but I should have asked him if he was Army Intelligence.
4. THE PLAGUE. I looked for this term after COVID-19 struck our nation. You don't meet someone very often who makes you suspect that they have access to information from the future. When the plague hit eventually I wondered if I could find anything encoded that linked him with the plague or a cure/treatment for it.
5. G. BEAR. He was the author of the book that I was holding in my hand when I first encounted Joseph.
6. BOOK. Joseph apparently knew what the topic of the book was. While I never handed the book to him, the inside cover mentioned nanotechnology and artificial intelligence. After he started talking about the two I told him that I found it strange that he brought up the subjects because I had just checked out a book (Slant) that was about both.
7. ROCK. As the Wuhan Virus (COVID-19) was just making the world news a Canadian named Craig Ebrahimi contacted me by email, telling that that he had a 27-pound meteorite rock that he wanted me to examine. He claimed that it had an alien embryo in it. While his claim was bizarre, there were a large number of physicists and other scientists that gave him some credibility. I immediately told him that (if he was right about the rock) it might be a biohazard. It soon became apparent that the rock might contain be the source of the virus that's now plaguing the world.
8. COLD. According to Dr. Elaine Humphrey who was been studying Craig's rock at the University of Victoria in Canada, the rock is weird because it is quite cold to the touch even months after being kept at room temperature. In fact, its so cold that water condenses on it. This matches properties of some virus collections. COLD and ROCK touch each other.
9. CONTROLLER. This term was not sought a priori, but was noticed because I have been wondering if Joseph controls any technology able to move through time. He claimed to have been working earlier at Fort Huachuca for three years. Fort Huachuca had been noticeably on my web sites for at least two years before I met him. In fact, I didn't know how to correctly pronounce the name of the fort until Joseph corrected me when I was telling him about my most common reader.
10. REICH. Because Joseph's initial words included reference to illegal acts taken by our Government against someone like me and because I push the limits of Government tolerance by publishing controversial research findings, I have often wondered what the full nature and intent was for Fort Huachuca. After reading the works of Dr. Michael E. Salla about the Fourth Reich it was natural for me to check this matrix to see if REICH or Hitler was present. I didn't see any spelling of Hitler, but REICH is on the 152-letter matrix against odds of about 51.9 to 1. Odds against a match this close, without considering the issue of conflicting letters, are about 244 to 1. That's enough to make me worry, but it is unlikely that I have found all encoded terms yet. This is the kind of message that I would normally like giving to Fort Huachuca and the rest of our Intelligence apparatus. I am not equipped to handle the Intel people there if they have gone rogue. But there are many other U.S. and U.K. Intel readers who have come here daily (and there has been a very noticeable spike after I started discussing Salla's books). At best, and with some serious risk, I can only hope that President Trump wins a second term and with it he and true patriots will clean out any swamp elements established (or expanded) by the Communist John Brennan under Obama.
FIGURE 3 - THE PLOT THICKENS. German UFO technology, supposedly based on anti-gravity, may have additional properties. The axis term here, again, is SIGNAL FROM THE FUTURE. At the same absolute skip are GERMANY and REICH. GERMANY only appears at the skip of FROM THE FUTURE once in Torah. EBRAHIMI is at skip +1 and UFO is at skip -1. While the first 5 letters of EBRAHIM are Abraham which occurs 151 times in Torah when we add the last letter of EBRAHIMI (yud) this find is the only one in Torah at skip +1. After factoring in ELS rank 2 of the axis term, this 1,071-letter matrix was found against odds of about 801,638 to 1. If you want to know about the significance of GERMANY and REICH found in 289 letters with SIGNAL FROM THE FUTURE, odds against that was about 4,327 to 1. It took only 84 letters to show SIGNAL FROM THE FUTURE with GERMANY. Odds against a match that close were about 3,629 to 1.
Why is EBRAHIMI on the matrix? My Intel friends (and likely enemies) know how closely I have been tracking his actions and publishing them ever since he wrote to me on January 26, 2020, stating the following:
from: Craig Ebrahimi <craigebrahimi@hotmail.com>
to: "BarrySRoffman@gmail.com" <BarrySRoffman@gmail.com>
date: Jan 26, 2020, 12:55 PM
subject: Fw: Extraterrestrial embryo discovered in meteorite UVIC BC
My name Craig Ebrahimi research scientist/ Founder Deviant off world technology
Odds against EBRAHIMI being on this matrix are about 285 to 1. I immediately focused on the biohazard (and after interviewing Dr. Humphrey at the University of Victoria, in particular the viral aspect of his find). I clearly stated this to Craig, to Dr. Humphrey and to Dr. Jerzy Sawicki on her staff. Humphrey and Sawicki were studying Craig's find, not far from his home in Sooke, Canada. At first I thought it might be separate from the plague that was starting to kill thousands of people in China. But then I traced one of Craig's meteorite samples from Canada to the University of Buckingham in the UK, to Sri Lanka, and on to the Tianjin China Center for Infectious Disease Control. I found that it had reached China in time for the communist government to study it to make antidotes/vaccines before attacking the U.S. and the rest of the world with it. Evil works with evil. In World War II the Third Reich worked with the Japanese. My research now points to a Fourth Reich working with the Chinese (as well as no shortage of disloyal Americans). Whether Ebrahimi is a Nordic alien or simply an Iranian born son of an Olympic athlete whose parents were killed in a boating accident when he was young, Craig's meteorite sample made it to China in time for them to prepare an attack against us. With the help of Dr. Michael Salla, and the Code Author, the full danger that we face is becoming clearer every day. It's too late to warn the nation unless the people in the NSA or at Fort Huachuca can achieve a miracle and reopen a free press in our country at least a week before the 2020 election, but you in the Intel Community know damn well what I'm talking about. Dr. Salla described a rift in the NSA between the main facility in Fort Meade and that in Hawaii. If Chapter 20 in Salla's US AIR FORCE SECRET SPACE PROGRAM is not due to any mental or drug problems (and I have no reason to believe that's the answer) for those of you who are loyal to the United States of America, it's time to sh*t or get off the pot.
FIGURE 3 - This matrix strongly implies that German scientists may develop or may have developed devices that can send signals across time. A full picture of what's going on requires a closer look at what powers UFOs and how Craig Ebrahimi acquired a 27-pound meteorite that appears to have an embryo in it along with some kind of virus that might be COVID-19.
GERMAN RESEARCH INTO TIME TRAVEL. There are a few primary authors that I will discuss here. First is Nick Cook. He was an employee at the British Government's Ministry of Defence (MoD) from 1991 to 1994. In particular he THE HUNT FOR ZERO POINT, ONE MAN’S JOURNEY TO DISCOVER THE BIGGEST SECRET SINCE THE INVENTION OF THE ATOMIC BOMB. He had a wide range of duties for the MOD relating to non-operational RAF activities (e.g., public relations) . One of his responsibilities was to investigate UFO phenomena to determine if they had any defense significance. Of particular interest is his book
The second author is Michael E. Salla, PhD, author of US AIR FORCE, SHIFTING EXTRATERRESTRIAL ALLIANCES & SPACE FORCE. Of particular interest in Salla's book is Chapter 16 (Stargate SG-1 & USAF Sanctioned Soft-Disclosure of Transversable Wormholes (pp. 277-297).
Nick Cook's The Hunt for Zero Point was published back in 2001. I'll initially rely on my memory of it plus a review that I mostly agree with (written on June 6, 2011) by Ian Tregillis who is the author of the alternate history trilogy and holds a Ph.D in physics. Alternate history or alternative history is a genre of speculative fiction consisting of stories in which one or more historical events occur differently. These stories usually contain "what if" scenarios at crucial points in history and present outcomes other than those in the historical record.
The Hunt for Zero Point is about classified government projects to build gravity-defying aircraft that look like flying saucers. Cook's book explores the scientific speculation that a "zero point" of gravity exists in the universe and can be replicated here on Earth. The pressure to be the first nation to harness gravity is immense, as it means having the ability to build military planes of unlimited speed and range, along with the most deadly weaponry the world has ever seen. The ideal shape for a gravity-defying vehicle happens to be a perfect disk, making antigravity tests a possible explanation for the numerous UFO sightings of the past 50 years.
Chronicling the origins of antigravity research in the world's most advanced research facility (not counting what was allegedly going on in Antarctica), which was operated by the Third Reich during World War II, "The Hunt for Zero Point traces U.S. involvement in the project, beginning with the recruitment of former Nazi scientists via Operation Paperclip after the war. Drawn from interviews with those involved with the research and who visited labs in Europe and the United States, "The Hunt for Zero Point contends that the Nazis were trying to build a time machine. However, as Tregillis points out, Cook places too much emphasis on Hal Puthoff. Puthoff is a brilliant scientist but he places too much emphasis on remote viewing. The time machine idea is summarized on pages 228 to 229 of Cook's book as follows where Cook describes a conversation that he had with Dr. Dan Marckus about a Nazi experiment:
"I know what they were trying to do," he said simply.
I stopped a few paces short of the door of the aircraft.
"I know what the Bell was really about," he repeated.
My tone softened. "OK, go ahead. "I'm listening." I was staring out of a small windowat the end of the jetway. The rain was beating down on the wings of the aircraft. I could see passengers settling into their newspapers through the fuselage windows.
"They were trying to generate a tortion field."
"What is a torsion field?"
Laternentrager means 'latern holder.' But it's the second code name that's he giveaway. Chronos. You know what it means, don't you?He paused momentarily
"Yes, Dan. I know what it means. What is a torsion field? What does it do?
"If you generate a torsion field of sufficient magnitude the theory says you can bend the four dimensions of space around the generator. The more torsion you generate, the more space you perturb." He paused momentarily, long enough for me to make the connection. When you bend space, you also bend time."
The had third experiment in NASA's BPP (Breakthrough Propulsion Physics) study and the one that Puthoff had predicted would be the first to yield a result.
"Now do you understand what they were trying to do"
I said nothing. It was Marckus who closed the loop.
"They were trying to buiold a fuc*ing time machine," he said.
One of my favorite TV shows when I was young was Cosmos (starring Carl Sagan). The series was first broadcast in 1980, and was the most widely watched series in the history of American public television until 1990. It has since been broadcast in more than 60 countries and seen by over 500 million people. In looking for a summary of the shows, on Wikipedia I found a list of 13 episodes. Briefly they are as follows:
(1) "The Shores of the Cosmic Ocean" about galaxies, (2) "One Voice in the Cosmic Fugue" about DNA and evolution, (3) "Harmony of the Worlds" about astrology vs. astronomy, (4) "Heaven and Hell" about Venus, asteroids, comets, etc., (5) "Blues for a Red Planet" is about Mars, (6) "Travelers’ Tales" deals with the Voyager missions to Jupiter, Saturn and beyond. (7) "The Backbone of Night" correctly predicted that exoplanets would be found, (8) "The Backbone of Night" is a discussion with Kip Thorne about space-time and wormholes - the basis of Sagan’s novel CONTACT, (9) "The Lives of the Stars" covers everything from atoms to black holes, (10) "The Edge of Forever" deals with the Big Bang and the fate of the universe, (11) "The Persistence of Memory" is about the human mind and computer intelligence, (12) "Encyclopedia Galactica" questions the search for intelligent life beyond the Earth, with UFOs and other close encounters refuted in favor of communications through SETI and radio telescope, (13) "Who Speaks for Earth?" had Sagan reflect on the future of humanity and the question of "who speaks for Earth?" when meeting extraterrestrials.
I'll return later to outline the Sagan-Thorne discussion about travel through wormholes. What I want to focus on here is that Sagan chose to give us his thoughts about "who speaks for Earth?" when meeting extraterrestrials. We thought that we were just hearing the opinion of an uninvolved scientist. But according the Michael Salla, his opinion was far from unprejudiced. On pages 327 to 329 of US AIR FORCE SECRET SPACE PROGRAM, Salla advances arguements that despite Sagan's outward opposition to accepting alien spacecraft visiting Earth, Carl Sagan was actually the replacement of Dr. Robert Menzel as a member of Majestic 12 in 1976. If true, in a sense Sagan sold his soul to Satan and the cover up. The original Majestic 12 Group were supposedly originally established on 24 September 1947 as follows:
Salla was clearer about Sagan on pages 290-291. Specifically he wrote:
It is well known that Sagan's request to Thorne for advice sparked scientific speculation about the viability of wormhole travel. What's not well known is that from 1976 until at least 1989 Sagan was a member of the "Majestic 12" committee that had been set up as a policy making body running classified programs involving extraterrestial life and technologies. In 1976, Sagan had replaced ailing Dr. Donald Menzel who was identified in the Eisenhower Briefing Document as MJ-10, a member of the Majestic 12 Group.
In his capacity as "MJ-10", Sagan was informed of the existence of transverable wormhole technology that was being utilized by extraterrestrials as a means of bridging the vast disances between solar systems in our galaxy. Sagan's book and subsequent movie, Contact, can therefore be included among the soft-discloure initiatives backed by various government and military bodies. Thorne's reply to Sagan on the feasibility of transverable wormholes focused on singularity points connected with black holes. Remarkably, however, a different way of understanding how a transverable wormhole would operate without the need for black holes or singularity points appeared in a scientific paper by Dr. Eric Davis that was published in 2010 by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA).
THE TRAIL FROM DR. ERIC W. DAVIS THROUGH BARRY S. ROFFMAN, THROUGH DR. DAVID A. ROFFMAN AND ON TO FORT HUACHUCA. Back in 2009 I first heard of a new textbook that was about breakthrough propulsion physics. My son, David, was then a 16-year old college sophomore at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach. FL. David and I had just begun research into our joint publication, MARS CORRECT - CRITIQUE OF ALL NASA MARS WEATHER DATA. Although he certainly had no lack of work to be done, I pushed him to read and outline Frontiers in Propulsion Science (Edited by Marc G. Millis and Eric W. Davis; published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.), and to publish his outline on his web site. I'm not an easy father, but the weather data coming back from Mars (lots of dust devils with too thin an atmosphere to generate them) was not credible and I hypothesized that if our Government was misleading us there, they were also likely to have been misleading us about UFOs. However if UFOs are real then I suspected that it was possible to eventually learn something about the physics behind how they operate. I hoped that David could learn something about it somewhere between his B.S. in space physics and his PhD in physics with a specialization in Computational Condensed Matter Theory. The outline he posted included the following topics and links:
MAJOR NOTE FOR FUTHER INVESTIGATION: On October 20, 2020 at about 15:00 EST (13:00 MST) I decided to post the above Table on this article where you see it. But before I did so I checked my statistics as I often do throughout the day. I wanted to see what Fort Huachuca (FTH) was reading, if anything. I noticed a large number of visits from an IP that I knew was them. The IP ended is a 6. When I opened an article they visited I found that it was one of David's Frontiers articles. There were 18 hits from FTH. The first was to David's home page, the second was to one of the Frontiers In Propulsion Science articles and the third at 20/Oct/2020:09:28:43 MST7MDT at http://davidaroffman.com/custom3_1.html. They then used the Table above to navigate through the Frontiers articles from 20/Oct/2020:09:20:27 MST7MDT until 20/Oct/2020:09:32:41 MST7MDT. FTH was therefore looking at the above Table on David's site about three and a half hours before I chose to move it over to this article on my site. Coincidence?
The Frontiers book was not my last look at a work by Dr. Eric Davis. It turns out that he played a role in releasing what surely must have been classified information about teleportation - to and from UFOs! On my web site I published information about one such incident, but Dr. Salla indicates there were actually 38 such incidents. I don't know if Salla has ever read any of my work, but there's enough material that I found first in his books to have some confidence that this guy is not making up his material. Where there are some annoying shortages in documentation it's apparent that if he provided it some people might well be heading to prison for releasing it. While he has copious notes, Salla also appears to have plenty of legitimate inside sources.
The 38 documents in question are discussed on pages 291-297 of Salla's Air Force book. On page 293 Salla writes:
When British UFO researcher Isaac Kol contacted Dr. Davis about the DIRDs (DIRD means Defense Intelligence Reference Documents), Davis expressed his surprise that two of the documents he had authored hard been released to the public, thereby officially confirming their authenticity: "I don't know how you got two of my DIRD reports" - "Yes! All of my DIRD reports are in the set of 38 total. Furthermore, in a June 24 (2018?) appearance on Coast to Coast radio, Davis said:
...that 2 or 3 of these papers had been "leaked" onto the Internet, by someone on the beltway."
It gets stranger yet. On pages 295 Salla asserts:
"Davis even suggests that a time travel element could be incorporated into wormhole travel allowing someone to arrive back slightly before their departure, which would be a very effective security provision to avoid unsuccessful missions."
Davis went on to lay out the difference between spherical wormhole entrances (stargates) designed by Thorne vs. flat-faced hyperspace designs. But we need to pause a bit here to reflect back on what Davis said about a time machine. All of Salla's books have inventions that would be enormously expensive to develop. There are even anti-gravity space ships longer than a mile and a half. Where would we get the money for everything we need? Consider the movie Back to the Future Part 2. In it much is made of a Gray's Sports Almanac that had major sports statistics for 1950 to 2000. With such a book a better in the 1950s one would never lose a bet and never buy a losing lotto ticket. It would be easy to attain money to finance any wild technology that could be imagined.
BOTTOM LINE. Science fiction likes to portray what would happen if someone went back in time and changed history. Typically the outcome is that a parallel world gets set up. An author might portray what the world would look like if Hitler had won the war. Such a world would be horrendous. The U.S. would speak German and all Jews, blacks and patriots would have been killed in Nazi gas chambers planned for Newark and Atlanta. Germany would rule up to the Rocky Mountains and Japan would control everything west of that. Even a simpleton could imagine that by seeing the world in terms of black and white. But there are indeed shades of gray. While in our universe we think Hitler blew his brains out on April 30, 1945, in reality that might have happened in another universe where Nazis were incapable of planning for their future, or mounting a rescue operation for Hitler and their best scientists like Wernher Magnus Maximilian Freiherr von Braun, and Hans Kammler (in charge of the Nazi V-2 and jet plane programs). Yes, we got von Braun and used him for building our space program, but as I show in my articles about Hitler escaping to Argentina aboard U-944 and also setting up shop in Antarctica our world may have had a different fate. Kammler was supposedly killed but searches went on for him long after his reputed death. In fact, Clark McClelland told me that while he was working at the Kennedy Space Center for 34 years, he personally had seen a man that he believed to be Kammler who was being given a tour by our Government officials. Salla discusses this on pages 126-127 of his book ANTARTICA'S HIDDEN HISTORY. There he writes:
Further first hand evidence of a silent coup or take over having taken place by the Fourth Reich is found in the recollection of Clark McClelland, who reported seeing Hans Kammler at NASA in the mid-1960's. McClelland says he met with Kammler at the office of the Director of the Kennedy Space Center, while Kurt Debus was the Director (1962-1974). Clark said:
I opened the door and saw two people I had not seen at KSC. He introduced me to both men. He only gave me their first names during the introduction...One was introduced to me as Sigfried and the other was introduced to me as Hans...Both had the look of Nazi High Command Officers...Today I am certain of who those two men were. I eventually learned from other German scientists that one of them was Siegfried Knemeyer. He was a very high ranking Nazi Oberst Officer in the Luftwaffe...The other man was difficult to recognize until I saw an older photo of him after he had later entered the USA. He was in my opinion Heinz (Hans) Kammler... There were rumors after WWII that Kammler had made a deal with General George Patton to turn over German Top Secret technology for his support in getting Kammler into the USA. That may have actually happened. I personally believe it did happen.
It's said that the highway to hell is paved with good intentions. Operation Paperclip exemplifies it. Wikipedia states that it was a secret program of the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) largely carried out by special agents of Army CIC, in which more than 1,600 German scientists, engineers, and technicians, such as Wernher von Braun and his V-2 rocket team, were taken from Germany to the United States, for U.S. government employment, primarily between 1945 and 1959. Many were former members, and some were former leaders, of the Nazi Party.[1][2]
We were not shy about bringing criminal scientists to the U.S. Nor did we kill Hitler or force him to commit suicide. Israel succeeded in capturing Adolf Eichmann in Argentina on May 11, 1960 and executing him after a trial in Israel on June 1, 1962, but the U.S, was too anxious to prevent letting the Soviet Union rule the world to worry about being corrupted by Nazis and their ET allies. If America makes the wrong choice in the election on November 3, 2020 it will, I believe, be impossible to maintain any principles laid out in our Constitution. On October 20, 2020 my family and I voted for the relection of Donald Trump. He made the right call when he shut down flights to and from China and Europe in an effort to slow down the plague, which may have found its way to China via the apparently infected meteorite sent by Craig Embrahimi to Dr. Chandra Wickramasinghe at the University of Buckingham in the UK. Wichramasinghe sent it to his home in Sri Lanka. He claims it was stolen from there, but I have the evidence that he gave it to Jiangwen Qu of the Tianjin China Center for Infectious Disease Control. They are controlled by the Chinese Army, which is an organization dedicted to evil. China deliberately sent this plague to the U.S. in hopes of destroying at least our economy and unity, likely weakening us to facilitate an eventual invasion attempt. China is allied with the Fourth Reich who certainly control Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
I'm not sure how many people in our Intelligence Community understand the magnitude of the threat that has ripened as we count down to election day in 2020. Those of you who visit here daily likely do, but which side are you on? On October 21, 2020 we learned that the Director of the FBI had Hunter Biden's laptop during the impeachment trial. It showed Biden involved with money laundering. Wray knew there was no collusion between Trump and Russia. But he kept secret everything that might help the President. See Figure 4 which pairs AMERICA FALLEN with WRAY.
FIGURE 4 - AMERICA FALLEN is crossed by NEPHILIM, has ALIENS at skip +1 and UFO at the absolute skip of AMERICA FALLEN. But it also has FBI Director WRAY at the skip of AMERICA FALLEN and in the next column to the right of the axis term. Trump lets us know that he has no faith in Wray's ability to fix a corrupted FBI. WRAY is not to be trusted. He is at the same skip as CHINA.
This article will be updated as required by events. I may also add a matrix or two about a possible link between ADOLF HITLER and BARACK OBAMA. There are two matrices, not yet published, that have OBAMA'S GRANDFATHER at the same skip as HITLER. However, before putting them up there are problems to resolve. The matrices are based on an assumption that Hitler had three or four daughters. One of them (Stanley Ann Dunham) was Obama's mother. The Hitler link not yet been proven to my satisfaction. The axis terms are both spelled alef vav bet mem alef samech bet alef. They are at skips -63176 and -105,344. In each case HITLER at the same absolute skip as the axis term is spelled with a tav rather than a tet (hey yud tav lamed resh). Normally in Modern Hebrew the tet is preferred but statistical compensation can be used to justify the tav. The Obama spelling, likewise, is also the second best spelling. It ends in an alef rather than the preferred hey.
I'm 73 and not getting any younger, but if the current crisis morphs into a civil war I am willing to return to active duty, preferably with our Space Force, so long as it is led by President Trump rather than any Fourth Reich or alien entitly. I'm sure that I can provide critical intelligence assitance, but time is growing short. The time liine may well split again soon. I'd like to be on the right side of that split when it comes.
Barry S. Roffman
October 21, 2020