We also need to re-examine how we choose members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. U.S. Military leadership and Intelligence need to be selected by troops, not politicians. This article is posted on 8/17/2021.
The axis term is the only ELS that I could find for a transliteration of AFGHANISTAN. USA is at skip +2 but all other terms are in the open text or at another special case skip. On the top line is SURRENDERER at skip +1. Unless General Milley gets off his backside, the surrenderer is us, and to a great extent him, because he ran our military forces and failed to do so in a victorious manner. Anyone who had any brains knew that Biden was incompetent, really worse - TREASONABLE, TO ALL THE ARMY THAT GO OUT TO WAR but we had a right to expect MILLEY to be a winner. When he realized (or should have realized) that Biden doesn't know what planet he lives on, Milley should have alerted Congress, but he never did so. MILLEY was surprised by the speed of the Taliban victory, but he already had helped Taliban morale by announcing that he thought they would win. Apparently the general never heard of psychological warfare.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. The odds against Figure 1 were about 2.9 million to 1, but in the spirit of full disclosure the individual term odds were not what I expected. The USA is there, but not at a special case skip. In fact, the 4-letter Hebrew abbreviation had over a 99.99% chance to be found there this way. All that can honestly be said is that it's presence on the matrix checks a box. My "buddy," General MILLEY is there at one skip off the axis term (better, but still not at a special case skip). As I write this on 8/16/2021 FOXNEWS.Com is mocking General Milley, but the name is so easy to find in Hebrew (it's virtually 100% likely to appear on a 1058-letter matrix) that it can't be used as proof of encoding. Still, General, if you're reading this I'm asking you to resign, or retire. It's 10:09 pm on 8/16/2021 as I write this - and Laura Ingraham just said that both Milley and the Secretary of Defense should resign or retire. When Biden introduced Austin, he was unable to remember Austin's name so he called him, "The guy that runs that outfit." Austin's only talent is being black. General Milley, I had hoped when you contacted me about my Mars research that it meant you were devoted to truth. But that hope ended when you endorsed critical race theory. Obviously you should have spent much more time worrying about what the Taliban were thinking than about what causes "white rage." General, more now than ever, what causes white rage is you losing the war in Afghanistan. We lost over 2,000 killed. Now, because of you, Austin and Biden - they all lost their lives for NOTHING. But, to be clear, I'm not asking you to leave active duty because of this matrix. I'm asking you to leave because it's the right thing to do, and the only way that you can really honor the fallen.
The most significant term on the matrix is SURRENDERER. It's there against odds of about 143 to 1. The only name that I could match with it was Milley. SURPRISED was there against odds of about 29 to 1, and surely everyone (especially Biden and Milley) were surprised by the rapid fall of Kabul. ALL WHO GO OUT TO WAR was there against odds of about 19 to 1. TO THE ARMY is separated from TREASONABLE by 1 letter. Both terms were there against odds of about 35 to 1.
The matrix would have been statistically "prettier" if the odds against Milley were more significant or if Biden was found. So far all I see is Milley. It's after 11 pm now and the Gutfeld Show is on Fox. He is also making fun of Milley. General, my statistical protocol is not perfect but your reputation, like it or not, started to sink with your white rage remark, and was sunk when people blamed you (and Biden) for losing this war. If you resign or retire, unlike Biden you can still go down in history as an honorable man. Do the right thing.