Updated on 5/24/2021. What is new deals with what looked like a rainbow seen by Perseverance.
This year we will likely learn for certain if NASA has been honest with us about Martian air pressure or if they have lied to us about everything up there – be it the nature of the atmosphere, the presence of primitive life or even the presence of Americans at an underground base. There are two stimuli that might move us closer to the truth. The first (in conjunction with the Perseverance Rover) is the over 1,200+ page report written by my son and me and published by the International Mars Society: Mars Correct: Critique of All NASA Mars Weather Data. The second item to give us hope is the Chinese Tianwen-1 Mission now on the Martian suface. Hopefully its pressure sensor will peg out at 20 mbar and move us closer to the truth, but as of May 24th I have not yet seen any pressure data.
This a primarily a science article so I'll say a few things about the design of the Vaisala pressure sensor first. The sensors are shown on the lower right corner of Figure 1. They have very tiny dust filters. They were not replaceable for the Phoenix or MSL Curiosty missions. If the dust filter gets clogged then heat from the RTG heater in the lander will force air pressure up inside the transducer when the heater is on and the when the temperature goes down the pressure will decrease. But what we really saw with MSL was an inverse relationship between ambient air temperature and recorded pressure. What this means is that when temperature was lowest late at night or just before sunrise the heat went on to keep the cold from damaging the equipment. When the heater came on the pressure went up. In the afternoon when it was warm outside and no heater was needed the heater was off allowing pressure to fall. Under the assumption that the air access tube would quickly suck in dust and clog during the landing, this type filter would never work correctly. Data for it would never be right because the pressure sensor would never be in direct contact with the ambient atmosphere. Further, as is shown on Figures 2, 3, 4 and 5 below, Vaisala was not consistent about the range of its pressure sensors. Their 45 day/sol long delay in releasing weather data after the landing is a concern. The distribution of faked landing video and wind noise was also a direct attack on their credibility. It is important to learn both who did this and why they did it. Perserverance also saw what looked like a rainbow. NASA said it shouldn't be possible in accepted low pressure, but their dismissal overlooked what was found in 2011 by the SPICAM spectrometer on board ESA's Mars Express spacecraft:
ESA orbiter discovers water supersaturation in the Martian atmosphere
29 Sep 2011
New analysis of data sent back by the SPICAM spectrometer on board ESA's Mars Express spacecraft has revealed for the first time that the planet's atmosphere is supersaturated with water vapour. This surprising discovery has major implications for understanding the Martian water cycle and the historical evolution of the atmosphere.
Before returning to technical issues, I did check the Torah Code to see if this problem is encoded. It is. Normally when I evaluate a matrix I do not assign any significance to an axis term. An exception is when as with Figure 1, the axis term (first term found) is 10 letters or more. Here I use a method based on R-values (named after Alex Rotenberg). Sometimes I used them for a 9-letter term but only when they contain relatively rare Hebrew letters like tet, samech. gimel or zayin). R-values are available on Code Finder reports, but I generally edit them out because I disagree with how they are used by that program. Normally I assign no value to an axis term that is 8 letters or less in length, and the higher the ELS rank of an axis term, the more I penalize the combined odds of a matrix. For more detail see Code Finder: Scores or Probabilities by Dr. Robert Haralick.
On Figure 1 the axis term is PERSEVERANCE MARS. The Code Finder report indicates it has an R value of 1.861. which means that based on letter frequency there is about a 1.3772095% chance to find it (Note: to change R value, found on the Code Finder report [in this case 1.861], to percent chance to find it, enter 1.861 into a scientific calculator like the TI30XA, hit second function, LOG, then 1/x and multiple by 100). This is one chance in 72.61. What this tells me is that after I calculate the probability of a priori key words on the matrix I must reduce the chance to find the matrix by a factor of 72.61 (i.e., multiply the combined probability by the inverse of 72.61 which is 0.013772095). When the R value is included this matrix was found against odds of about 1,528,509 to 1. But without using it the matrix was found against of 21,326 to 1 (not counting SLAVE because I am not yet certain that the Encoder wanted me to see this term).
LOOKING FOR THE ENCODER'S MESSAGES ON FIGURE 1 AND THE POLITICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF MONKEY BUSINESS WITH OUR MARS MISSIONS. The most significant term was LIFE which was found against odds of about 10.2 to 1. The purpose of PERSEVERANCE is to find current or ancient life on MARS, but if it's found it won't be a shock to us. In 2019 my son and I were asked by the Journal of Astrobiology to write a review of an article by Rhawn Gabriel Joseph et. al entitled EVIDENCE OF LIFE ON MARS? Apparently the authors had seen my son and me on a 3+hour video discuss photos of what looked like primitive life on Mars. The Journal published our article, but in 2021 the article (and Journal) went missing. I could still find the R. Gabriel et. al article at a Google Scholar site, but not our response to it (Meteorological Implications: Evidence of Life on Mars). We were able to see how NASA was managing to take over (and apparently destroy) articles that they do not approve of. See Scientific Publishing in the Age of Open Access. The LIFE that R. Joseph et. al argued for being on Mars now includes bacteria, cyanobacteria, algae, fungi, lichens, and stromatolites. Apparently Biden agrees with Hitler's burning of Books. That our article vanished so soon after Biden seized control of our Government is likely one more sign of how intolerable this Administration finds free speach to be.
The Journal strongly suggested that wind uncovered hematite in a picture of what looked like puffballs (see Figures 6 below). I was told by them that "NASA wants to proceed with baby steps when it comes to verifying life on Mars." David and I showed that based on 8,311 hourly Viking 1 and 2 weather reports, the wind on Mars (which changed every hour in direction and strength) was never strong enough to displace enough sand. Therefore on Figure 6 what is shown at Opportunity is evidence of growth and reproduction. It's bad enough that the Journal altered some of our words at the Conclusion, but shutting down to support "political correctness" is unacceptable. I still have a copy of our Final Draft. It proves that there is life on Mars (though its source appears to be of terrestrial origin). You may (for now) find it and my comments about how it was edited at the Journal at this link.
Against odds of over 6 to 1 both INSIGHT (at skip +3) and NOISE/QUAKE (at skip +1) were found touching or close to WIND at the same skip as PERSEVERANCE MARS. This is of interest because one idea about what the WIND NOISE came from is the misuse of seismic waves detected at the INSIGHT lander. Although I found more on-line about the hoax on the day it occurred, still we see the following at
@wonderofscienc, who imitate the account @wonderofscience, posted the video… while the “real” @wonderofscience posted a similar video around two weeks prior, but with full attribution — that the footage was from Curiosity and the sound from Insight. The imitator @wonderofscienc got less engagement than the well-attributed video from @wonderofscience, but it is also engaging in a strange form of identity theft, and one that is paying off a little — the fake Wonder of Science has more than 10,000 followers, which is only 1 percent or so the number of the real Wonder of Science (which, while often simply displaying images with a brief explanation, also source images and videos and occasionally provide link-backs.)
GIF 1 ABOVE - Counterfeit Mars Video and Audio taken from Curiosity and likely InSight but sent out as coming from Perseverance. FIGURE 2 BELOW: Specifications for Vaisala weather instruments on Perseverance. Note the maximum pressure of 1150 Pa (11.5 mbar).
On Figure 1 the word FAKE at skip -1 touches FIND (at the skip of the axis term). Finally, in one column and 21 rows with PERSEVERANCE MARS is UFO at the same absolute skip as the axis term. While this does not mandate that any UFO or UFO technology is to be found on Mars, Dr. Michael E. Salla's outstanding series of well-researched books about U.S. Navy, Air Force and even Chinese Secret Space Programs allege that there is a joint U.S. - alien base under the surface of Mars. That's a pretty tough thing to prove, especially with our Government faking data about Mars as I document in our Mars Correct Report.
As for Salla and his Mars assertions a quick check shows that most of them are in his book ANTARTICA's HIDDEN HISTORY, Corporate Foundations of Secret Space Programs. Some of Salla's more interesting assertions are on the following pages:
xvi: Slave labor on Mars. NOTE: on Figure 1 the 3-letter word SLAVE at skip +1 intercepts and shares a letter dalet with PERSEVERANCE MARS. On a 615-letter matrix there was a 53% chance to have both terms appear, but it only took 30 letters for them both to show up here. Odds against this match were about 27 to 1.
150-151: slaves used to build Haunebu, Vril and Andromeda series of spacecraft.
195: Kennedy's National Security Action Memorandum (NSAM) No. 271 on November 12, 1963 orders cooperation with the Soviet Union in the field of outer space. Kennedy's assassination was 10 days later.
220: William Tompkins and Corey Goode discuss why the Seiman's Corporation builds billions of trackable RFID chips to back a galactic slave trade as well as ~slaves 10,000 to 20,000 slaves in Antarctica and under Mars.
230: Mining on Mars.
284: Flash-frozen Pre-Adamite intelligent beings have been found under Antarctica. These beings purportedly have 3 fingers.
295-298: The 20 and back work on Mars program is discussed as is the destruction of a "super Earth" about 500,000 years ago. It allegedly wiped out most Martian life. Mars was then a moon of the super planet. The face at Cydonia, Mars is a remnant of a city there. Remote viewing by our military has proven useful.
301-304: Remote viewing of the Exodus of Martians from Mars.
306: Hal Puthoff is involved in the remote viewing program (I have had brief involvement with Puthoff through our common friend CDR/Dr. C.B. Scott Jones - See Figure 3 of my Teleportation article).
309: Martians used caverns in our moon as a temporary sanctuary.
BASED ON VAILALA'S PERFORMANCE WITH CURIOSITY WE CANNOT TRUST THEM WITH PERSEVERANCE UNLESS THEY SPECIFICALLY OUTLINE CHANGES MADE TO THE PRESSURE TRANSDUCER AND CLARIFY ITS RANGE. Maximum pressure range changed when they found pressures above 1150 Pa and it makes no sense to design and fly a sensor with less ability to measure high pressure - especially likely when global dust storms develop. Based on a 6.6 mbar pressure increase during a black-out type dust storm at Luke Air Force Base in Arizona, similar storms on Mars (with 38% of our gravity) should increase pressure by at least 2.5 mbar. Further, there must be an ability to clean or replace the dust filters. China's 20-mbar sensor makes a lot more sense than the Finnish-designed U.S. 11.5 mbar sensor. If they are both wrong and my son and I are right, China's sensor should peg out at its maximum pressure of 20 mbar.
That the pressure range remains in the 0 to 1150 Pa (0 to 11.5 mbar) pressure range area is reason to believe that the Vaisala sensor remains inadequate and can do little but back disinformation. The specifications for the 1150 Pa pressure sensor for Perseverance are given in Figure 2 above for Perseverance and in Figure 3 for Curiosity below. But as shown on Figures 4 and 5 maximum pressure sensitivity was altered from 115O Pa and were later listed as 1400 Pa and either 1200 Pa or 1,025 hPa) 102,500 Pa or 1,025 mbar. An accurate understanding of Mars is not possible without and accurate understanding of Martian air pressure but NASA has been playing games in this area for years. Salla's ideas are certainly weird but when NASA backs nonsense we must look for a motive beyond incompetence.
WHY IS NASA LIKELY WRONG ABOUT AIR PRESSURE ON MARS? This is covered in our report Abstract. There we write:
ABSTRACT: We present evidence that NASA is seriously understating Martian air pressure. Our 12-year study critiques 3,025 Sols up through 8 February 2021 (8.51 terrestrial years, 4.52 Martian years) of highly problematic MSL Rover Environmental Monitoring Station (REMS) weather data, and offers an in depth audit of over 8,311 hourly Viking 1 and 2 weather reports. We discuss analysis of technical papers, NASA documents, and personal interviews of transducer designers. We troubleshoot pressures based on radio occultation/spectroscopy, and the previously accepted small pressure ranges that could be measured by Viking 1 and 2 (18 mbar), Pathfinder and Phoenix (12 mbar), and MSL (11.5 mbar – altered to 14 mbar in 2017). For MSL there were several pressures published from August 30 to September 5, 2012 that were from 737 mbar to 747 mbar – two orders of magnitude high – only to be retracted. We challenged many pressures and NASA revised them down. However there are two pressure sensors ranges listed on a CAD for Mars Pathfinder. We long thought the CAD listed two different sensors, but based on specifications of a new Tavis sensor for InSight that is like that on PathFinder, it appears that the transducer could toggle between two pressures ranges: 0-0.174 PSIA/12 mbar (Tavis Dash 2) and 0-15 PSIA/1,034 mbar (Tavis Dash 1). Further, an Abstract to the American Geophysical Union for the Fall 2012 meeting, shows the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) states of their MSL (and Phoenix) Vaisala transducers, “The pressure device measurement range is 0 – 1025 hPa in temperature range of -45°C - +55°C (-45°C is warmer than MSL night temperatures), but its calibration is optimized for the Martian pressure range of 4 – 12 hPa.” So in fact of the first five landers with meteorological suites, three were actually equipped to measure Earth-like pressure.
All original 19 low µV values were removed when we asked about them, although eventually 12 were restored. REMS always-sunny opacity reports were contradicted by Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter photos. We demonstrate that REMS weather data was regularly revised after they studied online critiques in working versions of this report. REMS even labelled all dust 2018 Global Dust Storm weather as sunny, although they did list the µV values then as all low. Vikings and MSL showed consistent timing of daily pressure spikes which we link to how gas pressure in a sealed container would vary with Absolute temperature, to heating by radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs), and to dust clots at air access tubes and dust filters. Pathfinder, Phoenix and MSL wind measurements failed. Phoenix and MSL pressure transducer design problems included confusion about dust filter location, and lack of information about nearby heat sources due to International Traffic and Arms Regulations (ITAR). NASA Ames could not replicate dust devils at 10 mbar. Rapidly filled MER Spirit tracks required wind speeds of 80 mph at the assumed low pressures. These winds were never recorded on Mars. Nor could NASA explain drifting Barchan sand dunes. Based on the above and dust devils on Arsia Mons to altitudes of 17 km above areoid (Martian equivalent of sea level), spiral storms with 10 km eye-walls above Arsia Mons and similar storms above Olympus Mons (over 21 km high), dust storm opacity at MER Opportunity blacking out the sun, snow that descends 1 to 2 km in only 5 or 10 minutes, excessive aero braking, liquid water running at or near the surface in numerous locations at Recurring Slope Lineae (RSL) and stratus clouds 13 km above areoid, we argue for an average pressure at areoid of ~511 mbar rather than the accepted 6.1 mbar. This pressure grows to 1,050 mbar in the Hellas Basin.
If NASA is lying about Martian air pressure then it must be covering up a horrible truth. However, the moment we move from establishing unshakable proof that the Martian atmosphere is quite different from what NASA advertises to discussing why NASA has lied to us for decades we get into speculation unless NASA provides us with a high-level defector. One such name that comes to mind is Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on the moon. Click here to hear Buzz Aldrin's speech on July 25, 2009 about a Monolith on Phobos, a moon of Mars. Note how fast the manuscript is taken from before his eyes and camera when he makes his revelation. Listen to his nervous reactions after that, and see how fast he was cut off of C-SPAN after he managed to get the information out. Then remember that this guy later accompanying President Obama to the Kennedy Space Center on April 15, 2010 where the President mouthed Aldrin's goals, pointing out that we don't have to go back to the moon because Buzz has already been there.
In the last year of writing for this site I have often mentioned and praised Dr. Michael E. Salla. He is a great writer, but the praises from me are not so much due to what he writes as it is the fact that I have personally interviewed several of the main characters that he discusses. In every case what they told me was entirely consistent with what they told Salla. However I'm not going to tell you to accept everything that he says. His primary source of inside information is William Tompkins. Tompkins published his memoirs as Selected By Extraterrestrials, My life in the top secret world of UFOs, think-tanks and Nordic secretaries, Volumes 1 and 2. While Salla's books are pretty much page turners, I have struggled painfully to get halfway through what Tompkins wrote in his Volume 1. Here are two reviews (unfortunately so far my opinion is closer to the second one in part because I have not yet been convinced about the Philadelphia Experiment):
1. POSITIVE REVIEW: 5.0 out of 5 stars. This book is the missing link that you need to read!!!
The first book by William Mills Tompkins is really interesting but it's full of errors. I'm amazed Book 2 actually got out because Tompkins died (Was silenced?) before he could get the chance to publish it. You need to know about this man because he's the guy that designed all the Apollo Missions. He's the guy who was in charge of the Philadelphia experiment and so many others including Solar Warden - he designed the space vehicles for it. If you believe in Disclosure - then this is your bible. I highly recommend this book. It is game changer information here folks and I hope you will absorb what is told inside these pages. Will there be a book 3? I sure as hell hope so! Thanks for putting this out there! It is an awesome amount of information!
2. NEGATIVE REVIEW: 1.0 out of 5 stars miserable!
This work gives the impression that someone has read 20 books on the most diverse phenomena and is poorly cobbling the whole thing from memory. It's interspersed with small, slippery spots of cheap porn. What is this! If you have been dealing with the matter for years, then you will be completely disappointed. If you are entering this complex field for the first time, the author will also leave you hungry, ignorant and confused. Too bad about the money and the wasted lifetime! My gut tells me that this book has been carved together by those who want to deny your interest in this topic. Finger away!
Roffman note: The good news, if Tompkins is right, is that the Nordic women he has met are beautiful nymphomaniacs. I never got to see Craig Ebrahimi's wife or any female Nordic or Reptilian. If, as I suspect, Craig is one of these alien groups, you can get an idea of what the males may look like by checking his photo here. I assume that he is a Nordic, but allegedly Reptilians can match human appearance quite well.
WHAT SALLA CONTENDS: REVISED WORLD HISTORY IN A NUTSHELL FROM 1943 TO 2021: Aliens (Reptilians and Nordics) helped Nazis develop what we think of as UFOs. In 1943 Hitler realized Germany would lose the war so he began to move massive amounts of developing superweapons to German bases in Antarctica. In 1945 after he married Eva Braun his suicide was faked. A duplicate (that I identify as August Wilhelm Bartholdy) was killed and along with a women, both bodies were burned and left for the Russians to find. Dental records were swapped for the Hitler duplicate, but there was no time to arrange for a fake Eva Braun mouth.
In 1947 the U.S. Navy (Task Force 68 - in Operation Highjump) allegedly encountered Nazi UFOs/USOs coming out of the water near Antarctica. A battle ensued and the U.S. Navy lost it. Admiral Byrd, on reaching Chile, warned of a new enemy that could fly from pole to pole in a few hours. The same year the U.S. began to transfer about 1,600 of Germany's top scientists to the U.S. They went on to develop our space program and they worked their way high up in our Military Industrial Complex. While they helped us win the race to the moon, their loyalty generally remained to (Nazi) Germany.
In 1952 similar UFOs, flown by Germans, flew over the U.S. Capitol. Among the witnesses was President Truman. In 1954 and 1955 President Eisehowever met with mixed Nazi-alien crews at the Edwards Air Force Base area and at Holloman Air Force Base. He was asked to give up on our H-bomb program. He didn't agree, but he did agree to allow for limited human abductions in exchange for alien technology. By January 17, 1961 when he made his last speech as President he regretted his decision. He warned up to not trust the Military Industrial Complex and not to make assumptions (probably such as assuming that Hitler was dead and that Germany lost World War 2). He said:
A vital element in keeping the peace is our military establishment. Our arms must be mighty, ready for instant action, so that no potential aggressor may be tempted to risk his own destruction...
This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence—economic, political, even spiritual—is felt in every city, every statehouse, every office of the federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society. In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military–industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist.
We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals so that security and liberty may prosper together.
In keeping with my concerns about NASA publishing false data, Eisenhower warned about his concomitant concern for corruption of the scientific process as part of this centralization of funding in the Federal government, and vice versa:
Akin to, and largely responsible for the sweeping changes in our industrial-military posture, has been the technological revolution during recent decades.
In this revolution, research has become central, it also becomes more formalized, complex, and costly. A steadily increasing share is conducted for, by, or at the direction of, the Federal government.
The prospect of domination of the nation's scholars by Federal employment, project allocation, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded.
Yet in holding scientific discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.[1]
If you want to know why I'm a Republican, my mindset is a combination of those of Eisenhower, Reagan, and Trump. However, until I read Salla's books I didn't understand the full meaning of Eisenhower’s final words. He didn't tell us of his specific fear, but one of Salla's books focuses on the assassination of JFK as an example of what happens if a President wants to tell us everything we really need to know. President Trump also wanted us on Mars in the open and he wanted (almost full) disclosure. But the Fourth Reich used fraudulent charges to keep him from winning re-election. Instead we were only allowed to have a puppet kept in the basement who would begin to destroy our nation on the day he took office. So now we have our capitol surrounded by troops with barb wire and walls around it while foreigners (unchecked for COVID) surge though the southern border that he broke.
A final word. I don't have concrete evidence for all of this. I only have pieces of the puzzle but what I ask of my friends at Fort Huachuca and elsewhere in our defense establishment is for you take President Eisenhower's words seriously. Investigate my charges and if they are true get them out to the public (in June, 2021). Don't stand by idly while Biden destroys our nation. Mars disinformation is the Achilles Heel of the Fourth Reich's control of our nation. You just have to connect the dots. We don't need 60 days to investigate/brainwash or indoctrinate our military into communism and perversion. But we sure as hell, now more than ever, need you to remain loyal to our Constitution.
FIGURE 3: REMS Weather report showing the Curiosity's Vaisala sensor had a range of 0 to 1150 Pa.
FIGURE 4 - Weather report for Curiosity showing that the maximum pressure in its range is up to 1400 Pa (14 mb).
FIGURE 5 - Two different pressure ranges for Vaisala on MSL, 0 to 1025 hPA (0 - 1,025 mbar or 0 to 102,500 Pa) and 4 to 12 hPA/mbar.
FIGURE 6 - PUFFBALLS living, growing and reproducing on Mars near MER Opportunity over three Martian days (sols).