This article is posted on Election Day, 11/3/2020 and updated on 11/5/2020 and again on 11/18/2020).
It's vital that Trump wins this election But if anyone wins without a landslide that in itself may lead to a civil war. I'll address this later with Figure 2. Even if the right man wins, we aren't out of the woods because few people would think of equating the Deep State with a Fourth Reich that's willing to destroy us, and in fact may have tried to do that on January 13, 2020 at 8:07 am when Hawaiians found that a ballistic missile warning/alert was on their cell phones. Many people called their relatives to say goodbye. The alert was declared a false alarm at 8:45 am, but a lot of witnesses say they saw the incoming missile shot down from Maui, possibly by an Air Force missile (see an important update about this after Figure 1). What does the Code say about the (continuing) threat? Here Figure 1 will return to and expand a matrix that I began to work on in 1997 when I saw that there is one ELS of ATOMIC HOLOCAUST in Torah. This axis term in Figure 1 shares a letter vav with HAWAII. OBAMA and HOMOSEXUAL are at the same absolute skip as ATOMIC HOLOCAUST, but the reference here might be Michelle Obama in the future. PRESIDENT is at skip +1. The Hawaiian incident may be an attempt to draw us into a World War with China and North Korea. CHINESE is at skip +1. HITLER is at its minimum skip in Torah (-3). FOURTH is in the open text, and there is an ELS of REICH.
FIGURE 1 above and its SPREADSHEET below.
UPDATE OF NOVEMBER 18, 2020: Who really shot down the missile fired against Hawaii on January 13, 2018? On pages 399 to 400 of his book US Air Force Secret Space Force Program, Sallah discusses UFOs seen and the possibilty that they were USAF craft like the TR-3B antigravity craft. He also mentions the possibility that they were flown by Nordic Extraterrestrials. But back on page 333 to 334 of this book he details Air Force dissatisfaction with a Deep State alliance with the Antarctic German-Reptilian alliance. They were far less willing to share advanced technology than the Nordics were with our Navy. He indicates that the June 2017 leaking of an 8 January 1989 DIA document was a clear sign that its NSA, and NRO partners were intent on disclosing the existence of human-like extraterrrestrials.The document was allegedly a Top Secret "Assessment of the Situation/Statement of Position on Unidentified Flying Objects (see page 315 of Salla's Air Force book). If President Trump is going to do disclosure before he leaves office he has just two months to do so unless his legal team can prevent a transition to a Biden presidency. One way to do that for President Trump is to disclose ET's presence (up to 100,000 strong on Earth - see page 325 of Salla's Air Force book) and then declare a national emergency, but I have not yet searched the Torah Code for information on this topic. Before leaving the subject of disclosure it's important to point to information or assertions made in the last paragraph of Chapter 18 on page 334:
The policy shift had immediate results. The USAF SSP (Secret Space Program) began to allow photographs to be taken of their antigravity craft coming out of sensitive facilities such as MacDill Air Force Base, home of Special Operations Command. This offered another signal that the USAF SSP was planning to disclose itself soon to the American public. In addition, the USAF SSP began to cooperate with the Nordic visitors, and at the same time turned their secret space assets against the Deep State and their now defunct German/Reptilian/Gray allies. The most dramatic result came when the USAF SSP partnered with the Nordics in intercepting and destroying a ballistic missile attack on Hawaii launched by the Deep State that was intended to start World War III.
Notice that the subtitle of Salla's Air Force book is Shifting Extraterrestrial Alliances and Space Force. Sallah writes about the Deep State, the Cabal, the Illuminati; Nordics, Reptilian and other aliens plus the Vatican and the Fourth Reich. The main ideas to focus on are that Hitler survived World War II, Germany worked with aliens to develop anti-gravity spaceships, we then did the same thing while Nazis worked to corrupt our government, that unspeakable crimes were commited by the people involved and that all history books after World War II are essentially garbage. They totally miss what was really going on. Salla is not likely right about everything he says but I sense that it's closer to the truth than most of us would want to believe.
END OF UPDATE ON 11/18/2020
On Figure 1 the strongest link for ATOMIC HOLOCAUST is with OBAMA, but HITLER comes in second place. Both men hate Jews. HITLER and his Fourth Reich has long worked to destroy Israel, as has the Obama/Biden Adminstration by funding Iran's nuclear program with $151.7 BILLION. A special target shown crossing ATOMIC HOLOCAUST is HAWAII (with the Pearl Harbor Naval Base that was previously attacked to start WW2). The Deep State/Fourth Riech war plan seems to be to attack the U.S. by nuclear strike in Hawaii to get us to get sucked into World War 3. Once that happens Israel and Iran will use their nukes, in Iran's case, those from Iran that were paid for by the Obama/Biden Administration. The underground antarctic component of the Fourth Reich likeky plans on emering from the enormous ice caves once the radiation drops sufficiently. This is how the new 1,000-year Fourth Reich will succeed unless President Trump can kill it fast. Figure 1 also has HITLER at skip -3 (not a special case skip under the Roffman protocol. It's with its best (modern) spelling (tet rather than tav). Odd are 46 to 1 against it on the matrix segment with a white background. Odds against Obama being at a special case skip are about 147 to 1. The odds against CHINESE being on the matrix were about 14.3 to 1. Overall odds against the small matrix with a 690-letter white background were 8,644,617 to 1. If we add FOURTH and REICH then the word FOURTH had about 1 chance in 6.3 but REICH had almost a 99.9% chance to be on the larger (810-letter) matrix. Odds against the larger matrix were about 67,852,993 to 1.
Turning to Figure 2, my gut feeling was that while the fake news and polls pointed to a Biden win in 2020, we would have a landslide win by Trump. But, when I checked the Code just to see if landslide is encoded with Trump or Biden at a special case skip or at the minimum skip in Torah, I found both people this way. The minimum skip of TRUMP is +2. The minimum skip of BIDEN is at skip -6. The left matrix on Figure 2 has TRUMP at the minimum skip while the right matrix has BIDEN at the skip of LANDSLIDE. Which is more significant? By a ratio of 59.12 to 52.43, it’s the Trump matrix. While the Biden match with landslide was smaller (102 letters) than the Trump matrix (112 letters), I could not find the Biden match until the 57th lowest skip of landslide, whereas the Trump match was at ELS rank 46 of landslide. However as hindsight shows, the question was phrased wrong. It addressed who would win a landslight. That there were opposition matrices about which party would win it that way points best to real results. They opposed each and therefore cancelled out each other. In fact, nobody won by landslide. On Wedesday night (November 4, 2020) the popular vote was 50.4% for Biden and 48% for Trump. A landslide is generally considered to be a win by at least 55%.
One way to measure a landslide victory is by percentage points. Historically, many outlets have used the phrase "landslide" for victories in which a candidate beats their opponents by at least 15 percentage points in a popular vote count. Under that scenario, a landslide would occur when the winning candidate in a two-way election receives 58% of the vote, leaving his opponent with 42%.
Political scientists Gerald N. Hill and Kathleen Thompson Hill say in their book "The Facts on File Dictionary of American Politics" that a landslide occurs when a candidate is able to win 60% of the popular vote.
Now, let's look at the landslide question on a state by state basis. Where Democrats won a shade of blue will be used - dark light blue with yellow numbers if it was by at least 60%, a lighter blue for 55 to 59.9%, and light blue if by less than that. Where Republicans won a shade of red will be used - red with yellow numbers if it was by at least 60%, red with white numbers for 55 to 59.9%, and pink if by less than that.
STATE LANDSLIDE RESULTS. On the Democrat side 23 states voted for Biden. Of them (as of 9:30 pm) 13 were at landslide levels of at least 55%. Of those 6 were wins with at least 60%. On the Republican side 27 states were for Trump. Of them (as of 9:30 pm) 19 were at landslide levels of at least 55%. Of those 11 were wins with at least 60%. So, overall, for both parties there were a total of at least 32 states were won by one party or the other by landslides where the winner got at least 10 points (as with 55% to 45%) and 17 were won by at least 20% (as with 60% to 40%).
As of 9:30 pm on November 4th, 2020 there is evidence of voter fraud in at least Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and in Wisconsin. If so, the real winner will not be the Democrats. It may actually be the Deep State/Fourth Reich.
CA 65.2% | VA 54% | ID 63.9% | OH 54.4% | PA 51.2% |
OR 57.5% | NH 52.8% | WV 68.7% | IA 53.2% | GA 50% |
WA 61% | ME 52.9% | KY 62.6% | FL 51.5% | NC 50.1% |
NY 55.7% | MI 49.9 | ND 65.5% | TX 52.3 |
VT 66.4% | WI 49.6 | SD 61.8% |
| |
IL 55.1%0 | NM 53.9% | OK 65.4% |
CO 55.5% | AZ 51% | AK 63.6% |
CT 57.3% | NV 49.3% | AL 62.5% |
DE 58.8% | RI 52.8% | MS 59.4% |
NJ 60.7% | MN 52.6% | LA 58.5% |
MA 65.7% |
| AR 62.6% |
HI 63.7% |
| TN 60.7% |
MD 62.2% |
| KS 56.6% |
| MT 56.8% |
| UT 58.5% |
| |
| WY 70.4% |
| |
| NE 58.8% |
| SC 55.3% |
| MO 56.9% |
IN 57.3% |
Historically, news outlets have used the phrase "Electoral College landslide" when the winning candidate secures at least 375, or 70%, of the electoral votes.
Originally on November 3, 2020 I wrote that, "The United States was born on July 4, 1976. If President Trump is not reelected on November 3, 2020, that will be the day it effectively dies. That does not mean that we all will die. It just means that that will be the day that our rights will be dead and the survivors will likely have to choose between freedoms that most of us have always cherished or civil war. When I wrote this the Pennsylvania National Guard had just arrived at City Hall in Philadelphia in anticipation of riots on election night. Philadelphia was, of course, where the Declaration of Independence was signed and it was our first capital." On November 4, 2020 there were still no final results for Pennsylvania. The Philadelphia Inquirer reported that it was "heartening that expected disruption and violence at the Philadelphia polls and elsewhere failed to materialize — and we hope that continues into the night." But without final results for a mob to dispute, the problem have have only been delapublicansyed. As I close out for night on November 4 I will note that its looks like the Republicans will continue their slim hold on the Senate. This will serve to limit some of the power of a Biden Administration if they go on to win the election, but with Biden promising Muslim input at every level of our Government that alone may be enough to destroy us.
The New York Times reported President Trump leads by nearly 700,000 votes in Pennsylvania as of 5 a.m. on Wednesday, and Mr. Biden’s chances depend on whether he can win a large percentage of the more than 1.4 million absentee ballots that remain to be counted.
So far, Mr. Biden has won absentee voters in Pennsylvania, 78 percent to 21 percent, according to the Secretary of State’s office. The results comport with the findings of pre-election surveys and an analysis of absentee ballot requests, which all indicated that Mr. Biden held an overwhelming lead among absentee voters.
If Mr. Biden won the more than 1.4 million absentee votes by such a large margin, he would net around 800,000 votes — enough to overcome his deficit statewide
So if our nation dies, who will have killed it? Who is the real enemy? Naïve Democrats will point to President Trump and Republicans. They are worried about our opposition to abortion. They don’t seem to understand that it's far easier to use birth control than to rip a baby apart by cutting and suction. They cry about all the foreigners who want open borders, but can't understand that open borders means no control of COVID-19 or any other disease. No, they would rather lock us all up and destroy our religions by allowing more people into bars than into Churches and synagogues. As for Iran, Democrats thought it was wonderful when the Obama-Biden Administration gave Iran $151,700,000,000 in the Iran Nuclear Accord. The accord allowed Iran to continue building centrifuges to make nuclear weapons to put in their rockets which have Death to America, Death to Israel written on their sides. It also allows them to buy North Korean nukes.
As wacko as the actions of the Democrats are, they're not the ultimate enemy. While I’m into semantics here, they are merely the puppet of the true enemy. That won’t make much of a difference if their actions get us all killed, but if we are going to be forced into any kind of war, it helps to know who we are fighting. Frankly, most Americans have no clue who is behind all the turmoil we face. The Democrats pointed to Russia in the Trump Impeachment fiasco. The evidence is that they were not only dead wrong, but that Clinton paid for all the fake evidence. But even she is not the true enemy. The True enemy hates America and Israel. But Iran is not strong enough to fill the bill, yet at least. The real enemy who threatens us has been known, but not realized. We have called it the Deep State. But who are they? Only in the last few months have I begun to understand the full scope of their evil. Hitler did not commit suicide. His double, August Wilhelm Bartholdy, did. Hitler escaped to Argentina on U-944, America gave him the rest of what he needed to complete his plan. Under Operation Paper Clip, America brought thousands of Germany's top scientists and criminals to America where many went on to hold vital positions in our Government. The real Deep State is the Fourth Reich. And they have now gained control of the Democrat Party (and many Republicans - men like Romney). This is why, although most Jews have long been Democrats, their Party under Pelosi is constantly anti-Israel, and it's a major reason why they cannot tolerate Trump who is so pro-Israel that Jews might suspect that Trump is the politician we have waited for for thousands of years - the Messiah who could finally bring peace to Israel. But here we must be cautious. The Messiah is supposed to be a Jew descended from King David. Trump recently changed his religion to "non-denominational Christian." But Trump's daughter, son-in-law, and grandchild are Orthodox Jews. Jared Kushner’s efforts just earned the President three nominations for Nobel Peace Prizes due to procuring peace treaties between Israel and the United Arab Emirate, Bahrain and Sudan. Saudi Arabia is likely next. By the way, on the night of November 4, 2020 Fox News stated that 30% of Jews voted for Trump. That's more than what was seen for Republicans since the 1980's, but it shows that American Jews are still largely unconcerned by Jewish issues. There are too many who would agree that black lives matter... and Jewish lives do not.
If President Trump is defeated, one consequence of that fate will be that he will be forced to make a huge decision before he leaves office at noon on January 20, 2021. He will have to decide if he wants to execute disclosure - of alien life on Earth, U.S. Government cooperation with them, the real purpose of our Space Force, and how our cooperation with them and members of the Fourth Reich may be related to criminal actions that date back to the Roswell Incident in 1947. Obviously if he goes that far he will be putting his life at risk. I am not kidding here. if he decides to do this he should consider asking for sanctuary. Where? Israelis love him and American values. He should consider moving to Israel, asking for dual citizenship, and membership in Likud. For what purpose? To run for Prime Minister there. He will win that election in a landslide!
FIGURE 2 Perhaps as an indication that we have some free will, there are encodings of LANDSLIDE with both TRUMP and BIDEN. The Trump match is just slightly more significant than the BIDEN match.
THE LINK BETWEEN THE VATICAN AND THE FOURTH REICH. It's well known that the Vatican ran the Ratlines to help Nazi war criminals escape to South America. I had read two of Dr. Michael E. Salla's books about the Nazi's joint base with aliens in Antarctica, and was beginning to wonder if the Vatican was part of the Fourth Reich when I found that Salla made the link to Pope Pius XII on pages 157 to 158 of his book US Air Force Secret Space Force Program. But before I do let me point out that on Figure 3 there is the axis term is SOUTH (Hebrew) followed by a short transliteration of AMERICA. It's at the same skip as HITLER. Running through SOUTH AMERICA is the question THE OLD MAN OF WHO YOU SAID IS HE STILL ALIVE? There is a SUBMARINE on the matrix. What about ROME? Well, the four letters for it are actually found in SOUTH AMERICA.
Salla's book has the following about Vatican involvement:
More testimony comes from a Jesuit priest workin within a Vatican intelligence organization, the Servizio Informazione del Vaticano (S.I.V.). Speaking confidentially in 2001 to Cristoforo Barbato, an Italian UFO researcher, the Jesuit confirmed that President Eisenhower met with extraterrestrials at Muroc Air Base (renamed Edwards) in 1954. The Jesuit claims that a senior Catholic bishop, Francis Macintyre, subsequently flew to Rome to brief Pope Pius XII and that the S.I.V. was created as a consequence of Eisenhower’s meeting. Barbato writes:
According to this person the real reason to establish the [sic] S.I.V. was the meeting with an Alien delegation at Muroc Air Field Base in 1954 in presence of President Dwight Eisenhower and James Francis McIntyre, Bishop of Los Angeles. After that incredible event McIntyre flew to Rome to refer everything to Pope Pius XII who decided to found the S.I.V. with the aim to get every possible information [sic] about Aliens and how they interacted with the American Government.
Another Italian UFO researcher, Luca Scantamburlo, found circumstantial evidence supporting the existence of the top secret Vatican organization "S.I.V.", and the "Omega" security classification the Jesuit claimed to possess. He interviewed Barbata and discovered more about the 1954 meeting:
The Jesuit member of the S.I.V. told Barbato that on occasion of the secret meeting at Muroc Air Field, in 1954, military cameraman filmed the outstanding event "with three movie cameras (16 millimeters), detached in different places, loaded with color film and working by spring engines; this last rather uncomfortable resolution. because it compelled every cameraman to change reel every 3 minutes, it was necessary since in the presence of the Aliens and of their spacecrafts, the electrical engines of the biggest movie cameras did not work.
Before moving on I should comment that the last quote has a footnote that reads Luca Scantamburlo, "Planet X and the JESUIT FOOTAGE. Classified SECRETUM OMEGA. First Indirect Confimation. (accessed 12/13/18). I want to make sure my readers understand that I am not endorsing the existence of Planet X or Nibiru. With reference to that, I have seen a lot of predictions that have not come true. Caveat emptor.
FIGURE 4. JOHN DURHAM did his best to try to fix the 2020 election for BIDEN. In fact, he's at the same absolute skip as BIDEN. But his real love is for Hitler. In fact, he even colors his mustache darker in the area that matches where Hitler's mustache was. The matrix also has CLINTON overlap BIDEN at skip -1, COMEY at skip -1, and MUELLER, people he should have indicted for high treason. He is what the Fourth Reich is all about.
On Election Day in 2020 America will choose between the greatest American ever - President Donald J. Trump, who wants to end or at least expose the Deep State/Fourth Reich, and a senile, corrupt old fool who is a tool of it. My "friends" at Fort Huachuca have tracked the growth of my abilities to read the Code for at least 6 years, but the Author of the Code has watched you in kind. I believe that mankind has, until at least Election Day, November 3, 2020, some free will. See Figure 2. But after the choice that is made this day, we may lose some or all of it. To all of you, especially at Fort Huachuca, choose wisely when you vote this day and when you decide how you will handle disclosure when it occurs.
The key to a successful disclosure is to link it to medical miracles. Hopefully when President Trump was almost instantly cured of COVID-19 it was by something that was developed with ET assistance. Even for those who were abducted the way to spin what what done is to them is to make a case that it was necessary in order to developed medicines that will be widely sought - be they cures for COVID, cancer, or treatments to extend longevity. What if there is no such link? Then I hope you practiced CYA. If the public learns that abductions are real and they were for the purpose of ET wanting to make our world a sexual Disney World, they are going to want revenge. You have the information required to put together an effective war plan. It better include items like defense again redirected asteroids or new pandemics. Your going to need some of those enormous space battleships that Salla writes about, because reality is that major Governments have given the world no reason to trust any of them for a very long time. You're going to have to overcome that, and do so without any brainwashing. There can be no more threats of placing child porno on computers of anyone perceived as "too smart" in order to control them. Remember, this is America. While there are liberal-dominated schools for years now that have been teaching that our nation is evil, a lot of us don't buy it and are willing to fight against whoever would feed this crap to our kids and future.
When the Pentagon published the film of NAVY FA-18 Super Hornet fighter craft chasing (but not catching) UFOs, that was the first hole in the dam. There will be many more. There is still time to cement a working relationship here, but that may change with time. Have you not been on the right side? I can help you fix that, but we need to meet again rather than just follow each other via IP addresses and Internet articles read.
FIGURE 6 - A leadng traitor in the destruction of America is Christopher Asher Wray, the Director of the FBI. He could have prevented the impeachment of President Trump during the COVID-19 outbreak in America, but chose to keep his mouth shut when the President most needed to focus on the crisis at hand.