If it's built right, the Space Force may start out looking like an Air Force clone, but to fulfill its true mission there must be political change that cannot survive a loss by President Trump in November. This page is posted on 6/2/2020.
On June 14, 1947, a rancher named W.W. “Mac” Brazel and his son Vernon were driving across their ranchland some 80 miles northwest of Roswell, New Mexico when they encountered (in Brazel’s words as found in a slanted article at Wikipedia,) “a large area of bright wreckage. Descriptions of its composition have changed with time.
On June 21, Navy Seaman Harold Dahl claimed to have seen six unidentified flying objects in the sky near Maury Island in Washington State’s Puget Sound. The next morning, Dahl said he was sought out and debriefed by “men in black.” Three days after the Dahl sighting, an amateur pilot named Kenneth Arnold said he had spotted a flying saucer in the sky by Mount Rainer, Washington.
In Roswell the metallic-looking, lightweight fabric was scattered, shredded across the gravel and sagebrush of the New Mexico desert. On July 4 Brazil collected all of the mysterious wreckage he could find. On July 7, he drove it all to Roswell, delivering the goods to Sheriff George Wilcox.
Wilcox contacted Colonel “Butch” Blanchard, commander of the Roswell Army Airfield’s 509th Composite Group, located just outside of town. On July 8, 1947 the local Roswell Daily Record newspaper published headlines that read, “RAAF (Roswell Army Air Field) Captures Flying Saucer On Ranch in Roswell Region. No Details of Flying Disk Are Revealed. Roswell Hardware Man and Wife Report Disk Seen.
Figure 1 above: Original and amended coverage of the Roswell Incident in 1947. The major (Jesse A. Marcel) holding the balloon wreckage is the same man who earlier identified it as being from a flying saucer.
General Ramey issued orders to falsely claim that what was found was a weather balloon (later changed to a balloon designed to detect Russian nuclear tests). The National Security Council was established on July 26, 1947. Two months later the United States Air Force was established on September 18, 1947, the same day that the National Security Act went into effect.
In 1989 a mortician (Glenn Dennis) claimed that a friend who worked as a nurse at the Roswell Army Air Field had accidentally walked into an examination room where doctors were bent over the bodies of three creatures which resembled humans, but with small bodies, spindly arms and giant bald heads.
U.S. Space Force was officially established on 20 December 2019. This was at the beginning of the Wuhan COVID-19 plague. As I discuss in great details in my articles about Craig Ebrahimi, there is evidence that this plague had its origin in a 27-pound meteorite currently stored in a vacuum under the direction of the University of Victoria in BC, Canada. On June 18, 2018 a sample of that rock, with what looks like an embryo in it, was shipped from Sooke, Canada to Dr. Chandra Wickramasinghe at the University of Buckingham in the UK. He took it to his home in Sir Lanka. Wickramasinghe claims it was stolen from there but there is evidence to possibly refute that. Wickramasinghe hooked up with a Chinese scientist, Jiangwen Qu of the Department of Infectious Disease Control, Tianjin Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Hedong Qu, Tianjin Shi, China. Together on November 25, 2019 they published a prediction of a pandemic in a few months. It actually began on December 10, 2019 in Wuhan. There is reason to suspect that there is a higher form of life associated with the Ebrahimi Meteorite than a virus or an embryo, but even with an embryo, if validated, we must learn exactly what that embryo would develop into if given the chance to live.
Figure 2 - Dr. Elaine Humphrey keeps the 27-pound Ebrahimi meteorite under a vacuum at the University of Victoria. A sample of the rock with what looked like embryos was sent by Craig Ebrahimi (shown wearing a necklace with another sample in it) to Dr. Chandra Wickramasinghe at the University of Buckingham in the UK. Wickramasinghe claims it was stolen fom him in Sir Lanka, but there is evidence that he gave it or sold it to his partner, Dr. Jiangwen Qu of the Department of Infectious Disease Control, Tianjin Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in China. Together, on November 25, 2019, Wickramasinghe and Qu published a warning about an upcoming (comet-drived) pandemic 15 days before the first case of the Wihan virus on December 10, 2019.
For many years whenever my cousin and I discussed the possibility of flying saucers being real, he dismissed the idea because the other planets in our solar system didn’t seem to match the Earth well enough and planets in other star systems seemed too far away unless they had the capability to attain near light speeds. But since we started arguing about it (around 63 years ago when I saw a UFO on my 10th birthday) I’ve gone on with my son to publish an article about primitive life on Mars existing now, and as Figure 1 above indicated, the Pentagon is starting to put out proof that UFOs are real. As for my cousin, he still argues about it, despite the fact that his father provided me with sensitive information (shortly before my uncle's death) that implied he back-engineered what was really found at Roswell.
Figures 3 and 4 below have Space Force encoded with MARS and WAR. It may be that there was indeed an ancient nuclear war on Mars as I discuss in my article about Dr. Brandenburg’s hypotheses. Certainly, as I show on Figure 5 below, that article has kept DOD (the USAF) glued to it for at least a month. Even if a very ancient Martian civilization was wiped out in war, perhaps there were some survivors who largely lived (or live) underground, or the planet (with an abundance of uranium and thorium) might serve as a supply depot for alien craft from other worlds. It's also possible ancient Martians are living under our seas. That idea lines up with some of the Navy films released.
Figure 3 - First Space Force matrix. I have taken the liberty of altering the paint job on the X-37B from USAF to USSF. Hopefully, with a new service will come new attitudes about revealing who our real enemies are.
Figure 4 - Second Space Force matrix. Like Figure 3 this matrix concerns war in space. .
Figure 5 - It isn't just President TRUMP who is encoded with MARS and WAR; DELAYING MARS is encoded with B. OBAMA, WAR and ALIENS.
Figure 6 - U.S. Air Force tries to cover up interest in Dr. Brandenburg's articles about an ancient nuclear war on Mars. This chart was updated on May 28, 2020.
SOME BOTTOM LINE THOUGHTS FOR DOD (and UK MOD). Here is what I think now. I know that ET is here and I don't like it. I saw a UFO on 10th birthday. It was a life-shaping experience. On December 24, 1997 a distant cousin, Stan Gross, informed my first cousin, my eldest son, and me that he had been personally shown the Roswell UFO Wreckage as part of his job as NASA Test Launch Director at the Kennedy Space Center. The conversation went like this:
I asked Stan, “What do you think about Roswell?”
His answer was, “It happened.”
Shocked, I asked, “What do you mean it happened?
He just said, “It happened.”
Again, I asked, “Do mean to say that we captured a flying saucer near Roswell?
He shook his head, “Yes.”
I asked him, “How would you know?”
He said, “I saw it.”
“When,” I asked him?
“Where,” I asked.
“It’s too classified. I can’t tell you."
At this point I called my older son (who recently retired as a major in the Air Force Reserve) and a cousin into the kitchen, and then I asked Stan to repeat to them what he told me. If I didn’t do this they'd never believe that I was told such things. Stan complied, and repeated everything said above.
I continued the questions without a word being uttered by son son or by my cousin. Years later I still wonder if my cousin asked nothing because he already knew. I can’t remember the precise order of my questions, but overall they were as follows:
“Did you ever tell your wife?”
“No,” Stan said. “I didn’t want to upset her.”
“Why were you shown this thing?”
He said he had a need to know. I can’t remember his exact words on why he had a need to know, but the thrust of it seemed to be that if a UFO was in the area, a scheduled launch couldn't proceed. There would be an excuse made, maybe something like a downrange emergency landing area had bad weather, or winds were too strong aloft, or lightning was too close to the launch pad. Since he had a say in any launch, he had a need to know that UFOs were more than weather balloons.
I asked him if our contact with aliens was limited to the crash just outside of Roswell. Again, his answer was shocking.
“There’s an ongoing relationship between them and our Government.”
Here we came to the essential question of this article. I demanded to know, “Are they friendly or hostile?”
“You don’t know what your neighbor is thinking,” he said.
His answer reminded me of a former neighbor in Hypoluxo, Florida. The guy was a pervert and a crook. We caught him on our balcony trying to look in on my wife while she was dressing. We saw him going through garbage dumpsters looking for credit card receipts, likely to commit credit card fraud. When we were near to him, we would smile and say hello. Likewise he acted friendly. But my wife and I were asking the apartment management to evict him, while he was in fact burglarizing apartments and boats. Eventually he was caught stealing a boat motor, he was arrested and evicted. He never knew about our push to get rid of him, and we didn't know that he was a thief until the complex caught him. So this is how Stan viewed aliens.
I left my Uncle’s condo feeling like I had been slugged by a two by four. If all this stuff were put out by Joe the Bartender, I would have blown it off. But it was said by a man who had the responsibility to launch astronauts into space. For two weeks I couldn’t sleep well. Finally I decided to call my uncle about the incident.
“Uncle Eugene,” I asked, “Is Stan playing with a full deck?”
“Why do you ask?”
“Well, Stan said some pretty strange things,” I said.
“Oh,” Uncle Gene said, “Stan’s a great kidder.” I felt relief when I heard it. But to be sure of what I was hearing I asked my Uncle, “So you know what he said at your place?”
“No, what did he say?” I was asked. So I told him all of it. Now, as mentioned earlier, I grew up on the same street with my uncle. He was my favorite uncle, and I was in fact much closer to him than I was to my own father. I was 50 then, and when he died on September 11, 2008 I was 61. In all those years, I never heard him curse – except for when I told him what Stan had said. Then he told me, “You’re a G-d damned liar!”
But, of course, I had two witnesses, my son and my first cousin. I asked my uncle to call his son and ask him what he heard. He did, and my uncle called me back about 10 minutes later.
“Barry,” he said. "I want you to listen to me and listen real good. You heard nothing. And if you think you heard something you may wind up dead.” He hung up, and wouldn't talk to me for over two years after that. But immediately after the threatening call, I phoned my cousin.
“You heard what I heard,” I said to him.
“Yes I did,” my cousin said, "but I’m gonna forget that I heard it, and I think you should do the same." My cousin has always been a civilian. I've loved him like a brother all my life. He taught me how to ride a bike, how to play chess, and how to reach the Franklin Institute by bus and subway when I was ten years old. But I’m a military guy. And, as my Intelligence friends know, I don’t respond well to threats. I’m also ready to risk my life over important issues, and frankly, I don’t think anything could be more important than a UFO cover-up. So my response to the threat and to the advice in 1997 to forget about it all was to start an in depth (and still ongoing) investigation. I assume that publication of the list of scientists was what motivated Joseph from Fort Huachuca to follow me on August 1, 2016 and interrogate me after issuing a threat but I'm not sure about it. I made quite certain that he was aware that threats would not work against me. But, if I have a price, it would be an O-6 commission as an Intelligence Officer in the Space Force. I require complete access to all related (top) secrets and access to captured ETs if they exist. I want to be assigned to plans for defeating the aliens. In return I offer my silence and all my skills which, with respect to the reading the Code, are unsurpassed. Most Air Force officers have no clue about the ET threat. A more closed community in the Space Force is a better way to deal with it, though a general population armed with the truth, real arms, and some device to short circuit ET's alleged mind control technology is a better way to go.
Now, back to Space Force vs. The Air Force.
I brought up the business with uncle because Stan's comment were made in my uncle's kitchen. My uncle warned me to not pursue it because he said that my life would be threatened, however 10 years later he apologized to me and, just before he died at the age of 93, he gave me the names of all the major scientists in the world (including him) who were involved in back-engineering UFOs. They are given as Page Figures 1 to 2, Page Figure 3, and Page Figure 4 to 5 in my main article about Roswell.
If the public is informed people who rioted, looted and burned down stores like those who did so after the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis will act the same way because people like them are always looking for an excuse. But eventually, as we are all learning to live with face masks, gloves and social distancing, we will learn to live with and if necessary fight with ET. There will be some (probably many) politicians on ET's side because that's where they can make their money with in exchange for selling us out. COL Philip Corso wrote about it in his book The Day After Roswell. I don't believe every thing he wrote. The guy's a real Walter Mitty, but I think the rough outlines of the truth are probably there.
As you know, despite the awesome theological questions raised by the Torah Code, I'm still a modern Orthodox Jew. When I think about the Holocaust I'm dissapointed that God didn't stop it, but I also resent politicians who not only allowed it to happen, but who couldn't even warn us about what was waiting for us at the other end of those train rides that we took. We could done a lot to mitigate Nazi plans if we were armed with both the truth and guns. My family is armed and we have a pretty good idea of what's true. Although I'm 73 now I can operate almost as well as President Trump (who is a virtual Superman). I am trying to help prepare our military to deal with the threats that are out there, but I could do a far more efficient job as an intelligence officer in the Space Force. However, at some point our people have a right to know what they're up against and to arm themselves to prepare for it. The UFO film footage released by the Pentagon is a small step in the right direction, but DoD has spent too much time and effort painting people who had UFO encounters as nuts. The plague this year may be just the tip of the iceberg in terms of an attack on our nation by ET and his Chinese allies. Now is the time for action.