On October 18, 2019 the prediction was for a miss by 48,500 miles on 9/1/2020. By 8/1/2020 that distance is down to 75,294 miles but there is still some uncertainty. See Figure 6. Updated on 9/1/2020.
POSITION REPORT ON SEPTEMBER 1, 2020: The estimates put out before are uncertain. The asteroid was only seen 4 times between its discovery and the predicted closest point of approach. The last estimate was that it might come as close of 0.19 times the distance from Earth to the moon, but would more likely pass at 0.3 times the distance to the moon. On a scale of 0 to 9 with 0 being certainty and 9 being absolute uncertainty, this asteroid ranks a 7.
STATUS ON JULY 16, 2020: Asteroid 2011 ES4, listed on the Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS)'s 'Close Approaches' database, will fly past the Earth on September 1 at 10:49 A.M. EDT. The asteroid will fly 0.00048 astronomical units away or about 44,618 miles at a speed of 18,253 miles per hour. Measuring 22 meters to 49 meters in diameter, NASA considered the asteroid as 'Potentially Hazardous', although there is no threat associated from it due to its small diameter.
My original article on October 18, 2019: Normally events are encoded with people, places or at best hints that give us some sense of timing but without a specific date. Figure 1 is a rare exception and one that requires immediate action. Most readers of this site are members of the U.S. Intelligence Establishment who are perhaps addicted to reading what the Torah Code has to say about our future. It is the Intel community and NASA that I primarily address here. For years NASA appeared be to be a fan reader of this site, and my son’s site – But I now know that at least half of the IP addresses that came up as NASA are in fact DoD. If you are DoD, NASA, or the United Kingdom Ministry of Defense), you know my capabilities by now. You also know that it is extremely rare that I post a matrix with a date as the axis term. Here the axis term is 12 ELUL (5)780 which equates to SEPTEMBER 1, 2020. Absolutely centered on this and going through it in the open text is DAY OF THEIR CALAMITY. On 10/18/2019 when I first posted this article it was believed that on 9/1/2020 at 10:49 a.m. EDT a 141-foot wide asteroid would pass within 48,750 miles of Earth. It would be moving at 18,700 miles per hour, and yes there was a chance that the calculations could be off and it will hit us. By 1/1/2020 there was a prediction that it would still pass between the Earth and the moon, but miss us by 171,800 miles. There is still uncertainty. Figure 1 was found against odds of at least 1,397,466,403 to 1. JULY 16, 2020 NOTE: Notice how the January 1, 2020 prediction for a miss of 171,800 miles is now down to only 44,618 miles. Expect more changes.
FIGURE 1 - The asteroid threat is encoded with the original date predicted for the close encounter. This far out the predictions are not extremely accurate and often change later.
HOW DANGEROUS IS A 49 METER WIDE ASTEROID? It depends on the asteroid. To answer this question accurately we need to know what to input for each of the following values onto a Purdue University worksheet:
(1) Density. Choices are 1000 kg/m3 for ice, 1500 kg/m3 for porous rock, 3000 kg/m3 for dense rock and 8000 kg/m3 for iron.
(2) Impact angle (from 0 to 90 degrees). The minimum change required for this asteroid would take from a near miss to something that tangentially slices through our atmosphere and then back into space. Maximum damage involves a 90 degree impact.
(3) Impact velocity. From 6 up to 41 miles per second (21,500 miles per hour up to 147,600 miles per hour). The current reported speed is only about 18,500 mph, however like a rocket returning from the moon, once the asteroid falls into Earth's gravitational field it will speed up. How much? We can not know this until it becomes apparent that something has caused the asteroid to slightly alter its course to put Earth in its target site. However the Purdue Calculator allow for no velocities under 11 kilometers per second. Right now this asteroid is likely to be travelling at 18,253 miles per hour when it misses us. That converts to only 8.16 KPS. This means that the energy of an impact would be a bit lower than what is shown Table 1 and the figures in this article.
(4) Target type. Water (and its depth), sedimentary rock or crystalline rock.
(5) Distance from the impact site.
To get an idea of how variation of the above inputs can alter the answer let's examine two hypothetical cases.
(1) All ice at 1000 kg/m3, 1 degree angle of impact, 6 miles per second impact velocity in 25,000 feet of water, and distance to impact of five miles. See Figure 2. While a bit over 600 kilotons of energy is delivered to the ocean, there is neither a crater, nor strong wind nor serious tsunami, nor deadly heat five miles from impact.
(2) 8000 kg/m3 for iron, 45 degree angle of impact, 11 miles per second (39,600 mph) impact in crystalline rock five miles away (downtown in a city with a 10-mile diameter. See Figure 3. Here we see an explosive force of about 4.8 megatons of TNT. There is a crater that is over 1 kilometer in diameter, shaking like that of a magnitude 5 earthquake, a 257 mph wind, and catastropic damage to buildings from the air blast. So if this asteroid hit a major city it would largely destroyed. It certainly would be what the matrix spells out through the middle of the date - a DAY OF CALAMITY. However, just before this term is CLOSE and at the same absolute skip as the September 1, 2020 date encoded is TO A SIDE or BESIDE so there is room here to argue that the asteroid will be close or just to the side of Earth, but it won't impact. SOUND THE ALARM the matrix says and I am doing that here. NASA needs to act and so do other space agencies. If it hits we may not know the exact impact point until shortly before it does so although Figure 4 may hint at Rome.
FIGURE 2 - Damage caused by a 141-foot ice asteroid that hits 25,000 feet of water at a low angle of impact.
Small changes in size can mean big changes in effects. On October 18, 2019 when it was first estimated that this asteroid would miss us by 48,500 miles, we thought the asteroid was about 141 feet (43 meters) wide. The figures showing damage based on that are still on this article, but now we think the asteroid is as wide (or long) as 49 meters (160.761 feet). Actually we believe that it measures 49 meters by 22 meters. The Purdue calculator only allows for entry of size for one dimension so the figures given are not precise, but roughly for a hit on land by a 43 meter wide iron meteorite impacting chrystalline rock at a 45 degree angle the enegy would be like that of a 4.18 megaton hydrogen bomb. If we add 6 meters to the rock width then the 49-meter wide rock would be like a 7.12 megaton H-bomb.
If Asteroid 2011 ES4 hits in 300 feet deep water then the size of tsunami waves would grow from about 4.05 feet up to 58.2 feet for the smaller rock up to between 32.7 feet to 1 and 65.4 feet for the larger rock. Of course these figure are for an impact. But the July 16, 2020 estimate is that it will miss us by 44,618 miles. While this is not too far off the October 18, 2019 estimate, the intervening January, 2020 estimate was a miss by 171,000 miles.
HIT ON LAND | |||||||
141 | 43 | CHRYSTALLINE ROCK | 8,000 Kg per cubic meter | 45 | 11 KPS | 119 MPH | 4.18 MT |
160.761 | 49 | CHRYSTALLINE ROCK | 8,000 Kg per cubic meter | 45 | 11 KPS | 153 MPH | 7.12 MT |
HIT IN WATER | |||||||
141 | 43 | WATER 300 FT DEPTH | 8,000 Kg per cubic meter | 45 | 11 KPS | 4.5 minutes | Tsunami wave amplitude 1.24 meters (4.05 feet) to 17.7 meters (58.2 feet). |
160.761 | 49 | WATER 300 FT DEPTH | 8,000 Kg per cubic meter | 45 | 11 KPS | 4.5 minutes | Tsunami wave amplitude 9.97 meters (32.7 feet) to 19.9 meters (65.4 feet) |
FIGURE 3 - Damage caused by a 141-foot iron asteroid that hits hard (crystalline) land.
On the History Channel Show that I was a guest on back in 2004 at 6:03 to 6:52 into this segment's link (specifically at 6:34) I said that, "Codes can offer a way to protect our planet from something like an inbound asteroid and it would be very nice to know when and where these things are coming from." Figure 1 may turn out to be exactly what I have been looking for all these years.
Can anything be determined yet about a specific target if there is an impact. Possibly. I can put the axis term (12 ELUL (5)780/ SEPTEMBER 1, 2020) and DAY OF THEIR CALAMITY in a box that is 675 letters in area (25 columns by 27 rows) with ROME at the same skip as 12 ELUL (5)780/ SEPTEMBER 1, 2020. See Figure 4 below. Here I want to emphasize some important facts:
(1) I am not a Christian, and as an Orthodox Jew, I do not personally accept the New Testament as a sacred text.
(2) Christians (including Catholics) generally believe that the Mother of Harlots described in the New Testament refers to Rome and its permanent destruction. There are extensive reasons for this cited in Wikipedia.
(3) There are 29 occurrences of ROME at a special case skip in Torah (skips +/- 1 and in this case skips +/- 128,298). Odds against finding it this close to SEPTEMBER 1, 2020 and DAY OF THEIR CALAMITY in 675-letter box are about 16.076 to 1, but I did have to extend Figure 1 down by 8 rows to show the match.
(4) As my readers know, I never try to be politically correct. I just try to be correct. The Catholic Church should look at their history to see what might make God so angry as to threaten to destroy Rome. Two huge sins shout for attention. The first is that the Vatican has been a murderous enemy for the Jews almost from their beginning. It not only backed the Crusades and Inquistion but it also signed a Concordat with Hitler in 1933. Then it helped nazi war criminals to escape and it went on to back Palestinians over Israel. The second great sin is that it has hired child-molesting priests and looked the other way while they homosexually raped so many boys. But just as there is still time to try to intercept this asteroid as I write this statement on October 17, 2020, there is still time for Rome to repent. But, whether they are eventually destroyed by this asteroid, another one later, or a terrorist nuclear bomb, the only way to really repent involves two actions: (a) back Israel over the Palestinians for any land that was biblically declared by God to belong to the Jewish people; and (b) fire all priests accused of homosexual rape and cease hiring homosexual priests. In fact, require priests to be married to someone of the opposite sex.
(5) If it turns out that Rome is the final target before we attempt to intercept the asteroid then understand that the target makes sense only if God, rather than a future technical capability is behind it. As for the New Testament the Book of Revelations, it was altered with respect to an Alpha and Omega identity statement at Rev. 1:11 despite a warning not to do so at Rev. 22:18-19. Here is how it appears in the King James Version:
11 saying, “I am Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last,” and, “What thou seest, write in a book and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia: unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea.”
and here is how it appears in the Revised Standard Version:
11 saying, “Write what you see in a book and send it to the seven churches, to Ephesus and to Smyrna and to Per′gamum and to Thyati′ra and to Sardis and to Philadelphia and to La-odice′a.”
The warning in Revelation 22:18-19 states:
18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book: If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book.
There are many reasons for Jews to reject the New Testament, but the example given above is an example of the careless nature of how it was maintained. There is another, similar example if you check 1st John 5:7 in the King James (KJV) and Revised Standard Version (RSV, which deletes a Trinitarian concept of God based on the oldest New Testament manuscripts available). The KJV states:
7 For there are three that bear record in Heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost; and these three are one.
but the RSV only states:
7 And the Spirit is the witness, because the Spirit is the truth.
At best, what has survived in the Book of Revelation is a promise by its author to destroy Rome. Rome is alluded to at Revelations 17:9 where the Mother of Harlots is described as sitting on seven hills.
FIGURE 4 - If this asteroid hits Rome, it is not by coincidence. ROME is encoded at the same skip as September 1, 2020.
MAKING A ROMAN MOUNTAIN OUT OF A MOLE HILL? When I found that against odds of about 412 to 1 12 ELUL (5)780/SEPTEMBER 1, 2020 is crossed in bull's eye fashion by DAY OF THEIR CALAMITY I was alarmed. All the more so by TARGET SKY/AIM FOR HEAVEN also being on the matrix at skip +1 against the same odds of 412 to 1. But the odds given against ROME being on Figure 4 are only about 16 to 1. Beyond that I know that the four letters making up Rome in Hebrew (resh vav mem alef) are all common letters. So I wasn't surprised to find it. It is consistent with my religious beliefs but that has no scientific importance. Did I search for other locations? Yes. They included Jerusalem, Iran, Tehran, Moscow, New York, Miami, USA, Russia, China, Spain, France, Mexico, Atlantic and Pacific. The match with Rome was of most interest and highest quality for all these terms, but the list of potential targets was not overly extensive. Use of a program like that described in my Project Creator Encoder would allow us to examine a much greater number of potential targets, but for now (short of funding for that program) all I can do is recommend that our military should prepare to target the rock in our future sky whether it is shown to be on a collision course for anywhere on Earth or a near-miss.
I will continue to update this article as new data come in for the path of the asteroid as it approaches Earth.
JANUARY 1, 2020 POSITION UPDATE: See the Figure below taken from
FIGURE 5 - Eight months ahead of the close encounter it looked like it will not be as near as originally feared, but there is still a lot of uncertainty. At the time of this projection the asteroid was still over 60.4 million km/37.53 million miles away. The January prediction was about 123,000 miles further away than the distance quoted in October 2019. But the July 16, 2020 prediction had given back 126,177 miles of our separation. This shows how uncertain these predictions can be. The near-miss is back to a target date of September 1, 2020.
Figure 6 - Prediction as of August 1, 2020.