Christine Ford's allegations are likely a hoax. Senator Susan Collins sees through it and saves the Justice. Updated on 10/7/2018.
On Figure 1 the axis term is BRETT KAVANAUGH at its 6th lowest skip. He is, of course, President Trump's nominee for a seat on thte Supreme Court. Hearings failed to turn up anything negative about him, but after they concluded Senator Feinstein (Democratic, California) brought forward an accusation by Christine Blasey Ford in which she thinks she remembers Kavanaugh trying unsuccessfully to rape when she was in high school. Ford says she doesn't remember where the party was or what year it happened though allegedly she was 15 and he was 17 and drunk. At the same absolute skip as BRETT KAVANAUGH is FORD. Also at the same absolute skip as FORD is ACCUSER. In sequence ACCUSER with is YOU'RE RUINED. For sure at least one of the two protagonists will be ruined. If Ford succeeds Kavanaugh will likely lose but if she fails to bring him down then she will be seen as a false accuser, which we will look at when I post Figure 2 (after Yom Kippur). I cannot offer up a probability based on an a priori protocol for YOU'RE RUINED because I only found that term a posteriori by snooping. Other term on Figure one 1 are LIE and FRAUD. The phrase ACCUSER, YOU'RE RUINED is is much closer to FORD than BRETT KAVANAUGH.
Figure 1 above - Brett Kavanaugh meets Ford at the same skip. The probability spreadsheet is given below.
Note: The same ELS of BRETT KAVANAUGH at its 6th lowest ELS in wrapped Torah also has a meeting with COLLINS at skip +1. The original matrix is shown as Figure 3 below, but there is an improved version at
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF FIGURE 1. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, which is BRETT KAVANAUGH at its 6th lowest ELS in wrapped Torah. The most significant a priori term is FORD which was found at skip +1 (before considering the ELS Rank of the axis term) against odds of about 136 to 1. Discussion in this paragraph is based on a matrix area of 1,122 letters with a white background. The bottom two rows of the full matrix (1,188 letters in area) are shown with a grey background and will be discussed in the following paragraph because the two extra rows are needed to show the a posteriori term YOU'RE RUINED. For the top matrix ACCUSER was found at a special case skip (+/- 1 or the absolute skip of the axis term) against odds of about 54 to 1. LIE was found at skip +1 against odds of about 18.6 to 1. The word FRAUD was not significant because it had about a 94.6% chance to be there. That's because the letters are part of the very high use phrase and said. After factoring in ELS rank 6 of the axis term the a priori terms in the matrix with a white background were found against odds of about 24,496 to 1.
Now, although the 10-letter ELS ACCUSER, YOU'RE RUINED is a real beauty, the working odds for the matrix are given above (24,496 to 1). I didn't deliberately look for YOU'RE RUINED even though I thought in general terms about such an outcome. Keep in mind that if the phrase were found in the open text of Torah I would likely have sought it because I read through the full Torah each year. But I only found the phrase in sequence through snooping. If I had guessed that it was there ahead of the experiment then I could have claimed that the matrix was found against odds of about 2,640,465 to 1. Again, the odds I claim are based on how accurate my selection of terms to search for turned out to be. The accuracy of the Code should not be judged by my limited abilities. The ability to improve matrix evaluation will follow if Project Creator Decoder is approved by our Department of Defense (DoD), but if it is the results will likely be classified. It's also possible that the project will be approved, but I'll never know about it. Ditto if some other nation grabs it. Since this site is monitored by the U.K. Ministry of Defense, they might invest in it. China is often here, but not with a label like that supplied DoD or UK MOD. I see no effort that the Israeli Government is making, but they are better at security matters than we are. One IP address seen here as I was posting Figure 1 was in Iran. Perhaps that was really an Israeli.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF FIGURE 2 AND A REALITY CHECK. Again, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, which is BRETT KAVANAUGH at its 3rd lowest skip in wrapped Torah. BRETT KAVANAUGH (at skip -13,178) matches up in 256 letters with FALSE WITNESS in the open text in Deuteronomy 19:18. False witness is discussed 3 times in the Torah open text. Odds against this match (shown in the white background) are about 132 to 1.
Deuteronomy 19:18-19 states:
And the judges shall inquire diligently; and, behold, if the witness be a false witness, and has testified falsely against his brother; then shall you do unto him, as he had purposed to do unto his brother; so shall you put away the evil from the midst of you.
When the matrix was expanded to 832 letters then we see that ALCOHOL is at the same skip as BRETT KAVANAUGH. Combined odds against having FALSE WITNESS in the open text and ALCOHOL at a special case skip in 832 letters with the axis term are about 503 to 1.
Figure 2 - BRETT KAVANAUGH is in red at skip -13,178, FALSE WITNESS is blue and ALCOHOL is green.
A SCHOOL OUT OF CONTROL? An article in, a U.K. tabloid descibes a book by Mark Judge who with Brett Kavanaugh went to Georgetown Prep, an elite Catholic school. Judge claims that the school was 'positively swimming in alcohol' and his graduating class of 80 students consumed at least 100 kegs of beer their senior year. He goes on to say that,
"There were girls in and out constantly. Though I had always been girl crazy, up until beach week it had all been minor league advances - games of spin the bottle at Our Lady of Fatima, a few stolen kisses at dances, and my failed attempt at sex the previous summer.
Drink-sodden: Mark Judge has written two memoirs about alcoholism and covered his time at school with Brett Kavanaugh.
'Now I had an opportunity to make some headway. Most of the time everyone, including the girls, was drunk. If you could breathe and walk at the same time, you could hook up with someone.
'This did not mean going all the way for the most part, these girls held to the beliefs of their very conservative families but after a year spent in school without girls, heavy petting was virtually an orgy.'
Judge denies that Kananaugh tried to rape Ford, who was in a swim suit at one of their swimming parties (held in the homes of parents who were not home). But this article raises the issue of whether Ford was drunk at one of these parties, and whether if everyone was drunk and mostly engaging in heavy petting (which was very common back then) would anyone's memory be accurate? Figure 2 shows ALCOHOL is at the same skip as BRETT KAVANAUGH.
If I expand the match of BRETT KAVANAUGH and FALSE WITNESS up and to the left rather than down I can show a matrix with DIANE and the same skip as BRETT KAVANAUGH. That matrix would be 44 columns by 20 rows with an area of 880 letters. Because that's larger than the 832 letters on Figure 2 I won't show it. However, DIANE only appears at a special case skip 14 times (compared to 31 times for ALCOHOL, a term discussed in the open text of Torah). Odds against the bigger matrix are about 975 to 1.
INITIAL JUDGMENT ABOUT THIS CASE. This accusation shows just how far the Democratic Party has strayed from supporting American values. Senator Diane Feinstein sat on the accusation for six weeks, supposedly at the request of Ford before she leaked the story to the press after the hearings on Kavanaugh were closed. Senator Chuck Grassley offered 4 ways for Ford to testify (in pubic hearings, in closed door hearings, in private and even in California with people from the Senate flying out to hear her there). She then demanded that before she testified the FBI must investigate the charge (in which there never was any physical evidence since allegedly Kavanaugh never did anything more that push her on a bed and put his hand over her mouth). It would take the invention (and use of) a time machine to show who is telling the truth about an event that allegedly occurred 36 years ago. She says she cannot remember when the party occurred or where it was.
When the hearings about confirming Kavenaugh began, Senator Grassley, who ran the hearing, was not even able to complete his first sentence before he was interrupted by an out of order request from Senator Kamala Harris to halt the hearings. It was obvious that the Democrats would do anything in their power to prevent progress on the Kavanaugh nomination. That includes sending a nonstop train of protesters into the hearing room to disrupt the process. It was a zoo unlike anything ever seen before in Congress with over 200 arrests during the three-day hearings. The narrative of the attempt by Senator Grassley to start the hearings is as follows:
GRASSLEY: Good morning. I welcome everyone to this confirmation hearing on the nomination of...
HARRIS: Mr. Chairman...
GRASSLEY: ... Judge Brett Kavanaugh...
HARRIS: Mr. Chairman...
GRASSLEY: ... to serve as associate justice...
HARRIS: Mr. Chairman, I'd like to be recognized for...
GRASSLEY: ... of the Supreme Court of the United States.
HARRIS: ... a question before we proceed.
(UNKNOWN): Regular order, Mr. Chairman.
HARRIS: Mr. Chairman, I'd like to be recognized to ask a question before we proceed.
The committee received just last night, less than 15 hours ago...
(UNKNOWN): Mr. Chairman, regular order.
HARRIS: ... 42,000 pages of documents that we have not had an opportunity to review or read or analyze.
GRASSLEY: You are out -- you're out of order. I'll proceed.
HARRIS: We cannot possibly move forward, Mr. Chairman, with this hearing.
GRASSLEY: I extend a very warm welcome to Judge Kavanaugh...
HARRIS: We have not been given an opportunity to have a meaningful hearing ...
GRASSLEY: ... to his wife, Ashley...
HARRIS: ... on this nominee.
GRASSLEY: ... their two daughters...
(UNKNOWN): Mr. Chairman, I agree with my colleague, Senator Harris.
GRASSLEY: ... their extended family and friends...
(UNKNOWN): Mr. Chairman, we received...
GRASSLEY: Judge Kavanaugh's many law clerks, and everyone else joining us...
(UNKNOWN): 42,000 documents that we haven't been able...
GRASSLEY: ... today.
(UNKNOWN): ... to review last night, and we believe this hearing should be postponed.
GRASSLEY: I know that is an exciting day for all of you here...
BLUMENTHAL: Mr. Chairman...
GRASSLEY: ... and you're rightly proud of the judge.
BLUMENTHAL: Mr. Chairman, if -- if we cannot be recognized, I move to adjourn.
GRASSLEY: The American people...
BLUMENTHAL: Mr. Chairman, I move to adjourn.
GRASSLEY: ... (inaudible) directly from Judge Kavanaugh, and later this afternoon...
BLUMENTHAL: I move -- Mr. Chairman, I move to adjourn.
BLUMENTHAL: And, Mr. Chairman, we have been denied -- we have been denied real access to the documents we need to advise (inaudible)...
(UNKNOWN): Mr. Chairman, regular order is called for.
BLUMENTHAL: ... which turns this hearing into a charade and a mockery of our norms.
BLUMENTHAL: And, Mr. Chairman, I therefore move to adjourn this hearing.
PROTESTER: This is a mockery and a travesty of justice. This is a travesty of justice. We will not go back (ph). Cancel Brett Kavanaugh, adjourn the hearing.
BLUMENTHAL: Mr. Chairman, I -- I ask for a roll call vote on my motion to adjourn.
BLUMENTHAL: Mr. Chairman, I move to adjourn. I ask for a roll call vote.
GRASSLEY: We're not in executive session. We will continue as planned.
The accuser, Christine Ford, has one chance to make her case. As mention above, she has four ways to try, but they must be completed by Monday, September 24, 2018. Failure to do should be taken as proof that the story is entirely made up for political purposes. She appears to a false witness and it is very likely that she is part of a conspiracy to take the Judge down, and to advance the impeachment process against the President by delaying the confirmation process until after the 2018 election when the Democrats hope to get control of the House and Senate. They will do anything (certainly including character assassination) to accomplish that task. This behavior stinks the way retired Senate Majoriy Leader Harry Reid's behavior did in the 2012 Presidential Election. He put out (false and slanderous) word that Romey didn't pay his income tax for over a decade. The Washington Post reported, "Yet Reid (D-Nev.) not only refuses to retract the allegation but also seems to take great pride in it. When pressed by CNN's Dana Bash in 2015 about continuing to defend a statement that is not true, Reid (with a smirk on his face) responded, "Romney didn't win, did he?"
In looking over the matrices and comparing them with what the fake news reports in America, it seems that the Author of the Torah Code had a clearer picture of truth here. While it appears highly unlikely that Obama will ever be impeached over the fraud he perpetrated on the American electorate, it's not impossible that this will be Obama's ultimate fate. It may result in a civil war, though I have not (yet, at least) found that encoded.
HINDSIGHT IS 20-20 VISION. Three days ago on 10/3/2018 I wrote at this point, "Americans (like Flake) are suffering from what is either massive insanity or brain washing." As it turned out when Justice Kavanagh was confirmed by a margin of two votes, the extra FBI investigation that Flake forced turned out to be good news for Kavanaugh and a disaster for Ford, It turned up nothing to corroborate her charges again Kavanaugh.
Continuing, at first before Judge Kavanaugh had a chance to successfully rebut her slander. Christine Ford seemed believable. But then her credibility fell apart - completely. After having fooled the Senate for almost 2 weeks about her fear of flying and how hard it was for her to fly from San Francisco to Washington to testify, we learned that she had just spent the summer in Delaware (got there by air) and that she was a frequent flyer. FREQUENT FLYER? WHAT ELSE? FREQUENT LIAR! See her admit to flying to Delaware every summer and to flights to Costa Rica, Hawaii, Tahiti and beyond for surfing at this video link. This woman is an obvious total dingbat. What's worse than that? Senator Flake lent her much credibility in order to try to hurt President Trump while walking all over the Judge, the Judge's wife and their two daughters. But, thank God, the credibility turned out to be short term. See my article about Flake.
FIGURE 3 - BRETT KAVANAUGH MEETS (Susan) COLLINS - The Senator who got him confirmed. The 6th lowest ELS of BRETT KAVANAUGH has a match with the only ELS in Torah of COLLINS at skip +1. Senator Susan COLLINS cast the deciding vote to confirm the nomination of BRETT KAVANAUGH to the Supreme Court. The word CONFIRMED is on the matrix at skip +8. These were a priori findings that are used on the probability spreadsheet. However, what is found a posteriori in the open text sharing a letter vav with KAVANAUGH is Leviticus 19:37 which states AND YOU SHALL OBSERVE ALL MY STATUTES AND ALL MY ORDINANCES. That's pretty much what a Supreme Court Justice spends his or her life doing. The a priori terms on this matrix were found against odds of about 622 to 1. No statistical value was added for Leviticus 19:37, but military fans here should understand that a posteriori open text phrases like this are still of intelligence value when evaluating a matrix.
Figure 3 - Brett Kavanaugh meets Collins at skip +1. Senator Susan Collins cast the tie breaking vote to get him confirmed.