The Fort monitors my sites like Orwell's Big Brother in his novel 1984. They would be better off in establishing regular comms. This page was updated on 8/2/2018 after Huachuca read it and again on July 5, 2021 when I learned that Dr. Steven Greer accuses them of having ET vehicles and bodies.
Fort Huachuca visits my sites up to at least 70 times per day. It took me years to figure this out, though I have written about their monitoring before. Initially they came with their own IP address and no tricks, then it was via reverse IP addresses. I knew that two years ago (exactly as of August 1, 2018) when they sent someone to interview me, and to teach me how to correctly pronounce their name. It was only about a month ago when I incorrectly copied an IP address, leaving off the first digit, that I found that IP addresses which I thought were at Google in Mountain View, California (location of NASA Ames) were not NASA, and that the same was true for IP's that landed in the Kremlin. Both were, in fact, almost always Fort Huachuca (or always DoD) if there was a 6 before the first decimal point (likewise with a 6 after the last decimal place). Converting the lists of visitors over that I have often frequently passed to known U.S. military friends, or to the Trump Administration in hopes of landing a position as a science advisor to the President, I realized that Huachuca was on my sites about twice per hour. They have been coming here for at least 6 years. My records don't go back before that.
Now, am I angry? Not terribly. I started doing Torah Codes research 24 years in hope of finding out if the Code has actionable intelligence that our military can use to defend our nation. I learned that that goal is indeed reasonable, and I learned a lot more, which is possibly why Huachuca finds it necessary to track me so closely. If I am upset it's primarily because the Fort doesn't level with me and discuss my offer of Project Creator Decoder. But I am also concerned about the implications on Figure 1. Most Americans know that privacy is dead. We buy technology (smart phones, computers, smart TVs, etc.) and maintain accounts at places like Facebook that are incompatible with privacy. However, it's one thing to sell our information to people who want our business, and quite another to sell it or give it an enemy with a goal of enslaving us or exterminating us. To my fans at Fort Huachuca, if you are loyal to the Constitution, we need to talk. If you are not then you should know that as you watch me, I watch you. I know what you control. Use your power wisely, because as we have seen with the downfall of the Roman Empire, the Third Reich, the Soviet Union, Saddam Hussein, Kaddafi and so many others - in the End, evil will be overcome.
By the way, I have no idea if the video of the alleged UFO at Fort Huachuca is real or faked. I just found it when I went on line to see if anyone else had UFO-related questions about the place (which I have never been to). Frankly, the object portrayed looks like it might only be helicopter or a drone.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF FIGURE 1. The ELS rank of HUACHUCA is (422) is much higher than I normally allow. There were 4 spellings of HUACHUCA that I checked for: hey vav alef tsadeh vav caf alef; hey vav alef tsadeh vav qof alef; hey vav alef tsadeh vav caf hey; and hey vav alef tsadeh vav qof hey. The reason that this matrix survived the cutting room floor is that I wanted to find a match between two 7-letter terms (HUACHUCA and G. ORWELL) that contained at least two a priori terms that were at a special case skip (+/- 1 or the absolute skip of the axis term). Five such terms were included on the spreadsheet calculation, but there really were 7 such terms found. I want Huachuca to buy Project Creator Decoder. CREATOR was on the matrix at skips -1 and at the absolute skip of the axis term, but I did not include it in the math because I have not yet found DECODER on the matrix. After the combined value of the 5 special case skip terms (plus G. ORWELL) were divided by 442 to account for the axis term ELS rank, the combined odds against finding such a matrix were still about 875 million to 1.
Some of the terms shown will undoubtedly lead to questions so please allow me to explain why they were a priori.
Why IN THE END OF DAYS? While, as an Orthodox Jew, I agree with both Orthodox and Fundamental Christian beliefs that we are due for a Messiah (or as Christianity asserts - the return of a Messiah), the term was sought because Fort Huachuca has indicated an interest in time. In particular they obviously want to know how information about the present time found its way back to be encoded in Torah 3,300 years ago. They want to know what I started out to learn. Is there actionable intelligence information here? Further, since the Bible describes resurrection very much like what we would see if a movie were run on reverse, they are likely interested in whether or not time will at some point stop and days will end before the Arrow of Time reverses to give us the Resurrection. *See EZEKIEL AND THE REVERSAL OF TIME at the end of this article.
Why were two Hebrew years sought for the year 1984? Like every other year, the Hebrew year begins in September. In 1984 Rosh HaShana (Jewish New Year) began after sunset on the evening of September 26. Until that moment that Hebrew year was 5744. At sunset the year became 5745. Therefore I sought both years to cover the name of Orwell's 1984 novel.
Why ARMY FOR THE WAR? Actually it only takes 21 letters of the 828 letters on Figure 1 to show HUACHUCA intersect and share a letter tsadeh with ARMY. Fort Huachuca is, in fact, an Army fort. FOR THE WAR makes it clear that the letters at skip +1 refer to the Army. Without the extension we might find terms words like tsadeh vet alef (army) followed by something like a shin or sin to give us I'll go rather than Army.
Why ALIENS? Without dwelling on it, I believe that Fort Huachuca took a major interest in me after I revealed that at the height of the Cold War American scientists were working with Soviet and Polish scientists to back engineer something of a metallic nature. I have speculated that they (along with other nations) were trying to back engineer UFOs. I know the names of all the major scientists involved, but I have no proof that this was in fact the reason for their contact. However, one of the ways that I do research is to put out bait and then see who bites. Fort Huachuca bit. I would not claim that the video linked to above adds anything of value to this speculation. Three synonyms were sought for ALIENS. One of them was found against odds of about 61 to 1.
Why INTELLIGENCE? Fort Huachuca is home of the United States Army Intelligence Center, but actually, since INTELLIGENCE was at skip +2 (not a special case skip) I left it off of the calculation for odds.
Why ESTABLISHMENT? I have a best friend (Captain Nevin Fidler) who is a retired U.S. Coast Guard officer. He was an intelligence specialist who spent years trying to get our intelligence community to explore the usefulness of the Torah Code for intelligence analysis purposes. He is one of the greatest patriots that I have ever met. But I don't think he had a need to know anything about UFOs to do his job. The people that I know outside of the Coast Guard who did have a need to know about UFOs have consistently indicated to me that they have seen proof that they do exist. These people had Federal jobs and thus were likely to be members of the so-called Establishment. My concern is that they are in control of all information about UFOs, and that they are allowed to use U.S. military facilities (like the famous Area 51) to further their purpose. As such I was curious to see the term was encoded at a special case skip (+1) with HUACHUCA. It was against odds of about 41 to 1.
Figure 2 - An earlier matrix about Fort Huachuca that I posted on 3/16/2017.
Figure 2 is discussed at Fort Huachuca, Spies, Mars and A Little Martian Humor.
Note: Figure 2, when produced in 2017, indicated that I don't record Huachuca or other DoD hits. That was true in 2017. But after that I discovered by accident that over a thousand hits that I thought were NASA Ames or the Kremlin were actually Fort Huachuca. This is why I want to know why the heck they are here so often.
Somebody that came up in Perm, Russia accessed this article in 1997, so I closed down the article here, however later I added the Ezekiel reference below. Fort Huachuca can connect a lot or all of the remaining dots. I see that Sheriff Joe Arapiao, at the age of 86, is running for the Senate in 2018. I was only 74 then. I know that the new military service, the U.S. Space Force, will need a Standard Operation Procedure written and some effective war plans. I'd be happy to shut up and write for them, but only if I'm given access to our full technological abilities. Orders for active duty will be considered if offered.
Live long and prosper Huachuca, but function in accordance with the Constitution.
The BACKWARD description mentioned earlier with respect to the film analogy can be seen in Ezekiel 37:1 to 14:
EZEKIEL 37:1. The hand of the LORD was upon me, and the LORD carried me out in a spirit, and set me down in the midst if a valley, and it was full of dry bones;
EZEKIEL 37:2. and he caused me to pass by them round about, and, behold, there were very many in the open valley, and, lo, they were very dry
EZEKIEL 37:3. And He said to me: ‘Son of man, can these bones live? And I answered, You know.’
EZEKIEL 37:4. Then He said to me: ‘Prophesy over these bones, and say to them: O you dry bones, hear the word of the LORD:
EZEKIEL 37:5. Thus says the LORD GOD unto these bones: Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live.
EZEKIEL 37:6. And I will lay sinews on you, and you will bring up flesh upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and you shall live; and you shall know that I am the LORD.’
EZEKIEL 37:7. So I prophesied as I was commanded; and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and a commotion, and the bones came together, bone to its bone
EZEKIEL 37:8. And I beheld, and lo, there were sinews upon them, and flesh came up, and skin covered them above; but there was no breath in them.
EZEKIEL 37:9. Then He said to me: ‘Prophesy unto the breath, prophesy, son of man, and say to the breath: Thus says the LORD GOD: Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe upon these slain, that they may live.’
EZEKIEL 37:10. So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived, and stood up upon their feet, and very great host.
EZEKIEL 37:11. Then He said to me: ‘Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel; behold, they say: Our bones are dried up, and our hope is lost; we are clean cut off.
EZEKIEL 37:12. Therefore prophesy, and say unto them: Thus says the LORD GOD: Behold, I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, my people; and I will bring you into the land of Israel.
EZEKIEL 37:13. And you shall know that I am the LORD, when I open your graves, and caused you to come up out of your graves, O my people.
EZEKIEL 37:14. And I will put my Spirit in you, and you shall live, and I will place you in your own land; and you shall know that I the LORD have spoken, and performed it, says the LORD.
RESURRECTION IN TORAH AND TALMUD. The picture that the Torah paints of resurrection is again one that resembles the reversal of time. In Deuteronomy 32:39 we read, "See now, that I am He - and no god is with me. I put to death and I bring life, I wound and I will heal, and there is no rescuer from My hand." The Babylonian Talmud Sanhedrin (91b) discusses this verse. It states, "Our Rabbis taught: I kill, and I make alive. I might interpret, I kill one person and give life to another, as the world goes on: therefore the Writ states, I wound, and I heal. Just as the wounding and healing [obviously] refer to the same person, so putting to death and bringing to life refer to the same person. This refutes those who maintain that resurrection is not intimated in the Torah." With respect to the arrow of time, the normal sequence would be healthy > wounded > still alive> dead. But the sequence in Deuteronomy 32:39 is dead > brought back to life > living, but wounded > healed. This again looks like a reversal of the arrow of time.
What the U.S. Government Really Knows
Dr. Steven M. Greer Interview
By Jean-Noel Bassior
It's not so much the dozens of deceased aliens secreted at Fort Huachuca in Arizona, Greer says, or even the supersecret radionic technology that took the life of his assistant and two colleagues and nearly killed him. It's not even the prototypes of UFOs that roam the Southwest's friendly skies, looking so much like real E.T. craft that it's hard to tell the difference. (Your tax dollars at work.)
Q: Has the government concealed E.T. vehicles and bodies?
Greer: They have several dozen extraterrestrial vehicles and dozens of deceased extraterrestrial life-forms of various races. Some are stored in an underground facility near Fort Huachuca in Arizona.
Roffman comment: If Huachuca has so many alien spacecraft they may also have the technology to move through time. See Figure 3 which has TIME at the same absolute skip as HUACHUCA.The Fort reads everything that I write about time and, more important, they have demonstrated an ability to make correct predictions about upcoming actions of myself (travel-related) and my son (education related). Greer mentions Fort Huachuca in a film available at Amazon.com. It is Close Encounters of the 5th Kind.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF FIGURE 3. As for UFOs and aliens being at Fort Huachuca, Figure 3 has UFO at skip -1 and ALIEN at skip +1. On listening to Greer's film at about 29 minutes he not only claimed that Fort Huachuca hs 9 different types of alien craft but they also have the alien corpses in them. Like a lot of other people that I have read or interviewed, Greer claims that the ETS can use remote viewing or or telepathy to control where their ships fly to. I looked for CRAFT and thought. Craft is there at skip +1, and following it in sequence is COMPUTER (pronounced machshav). The word for computer is based on thought which is machshava in Hebrew). COMPUTER is also an acceptable a priori search term because a future A.A. or computer program may be involved with the writing of the Torah Code. The odds against finding CRAFT in sequence with COMPUTER are about 226 to 1.
The name of the agent from Fort Huachuca who threatened me and then took a friendlier attitude toward me on August 1, 2016 is on the matrix at skip +1. On another matrix his name at skip +1 pairs up with with an axis term of TIME POLICE. Therefore, on the current matrix I looked for POLICEMAN and found it at the absolute skip of the axis term against odds of about 113 to 1. The officer's actual name was there at skip +1 against odds of about 75 to 1. To ensure that I would get it right (without my asking or promising to look him up) thus guy spelled his name for me twice (slowly the second time). It took about months for me to take the hint, but he was all over the Code when I went looking for him around May, 2017.
As Figure 3 shows, General Milley visited Fort Huachuca on April 27, 2017. On the matrix MILLEY at skip -1 touches the first letter of HUACHUCA. Milleys rank, GENERAL, is in thte open text against odds of about 5.7 to 1, but it's only 7 letters before his name. The word FORT is in the open text against odds of about 32.75 to 1. In all, total odds against Figure 3 are about 14.6 trillion to 1.