Brookhaven seems to be following every key stroke that I make - but why? Updated on 7/18/2020 (previous updates were on 8/12/2018/ 6/10/2018, 4/18/2018, and 3/26/2018.
UPDATE NOTE OF 19 APRIL 2018, SPECIAL ATTENTION TO BROOKHAVEN, AMES, AND FORT HUACHUCA. On the night of 17 April 2018 I was working on a Torah Codes research proposal to a major defense contractor. In the workup I mentioned Tanis, which I rarely do. Specifically I described my dissatisfaction with a TV show produced back in 1999 that falsely insinuated that I thought the Ark of the Covenant is at Tanis, as was shown in the Indiana Jones movie Raiders of the Ark. I discuss this false news at Tanis & the Ark. It was written well over a decade ago, and is rarely read now. However, at 03:43:06 MST on 18 April 2018 I found Ames reading the article about it. The problem is that the only place that recent reference to Tanis was made by me was on my desk top. Nothing had been recently transmitted about it. In checking with my Internet provider it quickly became apparent that the hacker was at Brookhaven National Lab again. I want to make clear that information from me is readily available to DoD personnel either by using normal access to my web sites, or by request to me at my e-mail address ( I do not appreciate anyone messing with my computer, especially unknown people from Government facilities. So to Brookhaven and Ames I will ask politely to cease going around my back to find what I would, as a retired military officer, gladly give you upon request. As for Fort Huachuca, who was here within thye last day and who obviously taps my phone, surprise! In the grant proposal that I am drafting I am recommending that you have a major role, simply because you have followed everything that I have written for at least 3 years. But I am requesting that you check into who at Brookhaven hacked my system last night, and who at Ames (which is collocated at Google in Palo Alto) at IP address was involved. If they are indeed U.S. Government personnel then no further action is requested. But there are many foreign personnel at both locations. It may be that they are spies. If so, take appropriate action. Note that I confronted James Fung at Brookhaven today (April 19, 2018) and that he tried to argue that it was a mere coincidence that the 12 number reverse IP for my computer is the same as Brookhaven's address. He could not explain why the articles opened were not opened by me.
Update of July 17, 2020. After writing this articleI learned that when the digit before the first decimal is a 6, start the IP address lookup there. So instead of looking for, look for IP Sure enough, it's Fort Huachuca.
The rest of the material below was previously published. It documents misconduct at Brookhaven that was published by me earlier. Have a nice day.
On 12/7/2017 I wrote an article about Monitoring of ours sites by DoD and Level-3 Communications. It documented extremely high following for articles about Mars plus everything related to moving signals through time. As for DoD and L-3 we have reason to suspect, but do not know for sure if they played a role in finding a physics job for my son, Dr. David A. Roffman, PhD, physics. If they did then we are grateful, but David's employer denied a connection. The DoD/L-3 article also discusses intense and highly intrusive monitoring by Brookhaven National Laboratory of whatever is written in my home because their IP address is the exact reverse of my IP address, and I have caught them using my IP address to read articles on this site that I have not accessed at the times the articles are accessed under my address. Before I avoided giving our full IP addresses. But after catching them on March 6, 2018 I realize that I can run, but not hide. Therefore I will fight the invasion of my privacy. My IP is Brookhaven's address is Notice how the number groups are reversed. What is truly extraordinary about Figure 1 is that it has evidence that while Brookhaven was monitoring, that Author of the Torah Code was monitoring them at the same time, and sending the record of it back in time to when the Torah was recorded. The matrix comes with a warning that we will need to discuss below.
FIGURE 1 above and the spreadsheet showing odds against it below.
There are five terms that appear on Figure 1 at the same absolute skip of 72,143 letters. They are axis term BROOKHAVEN, ROFFMAN, ADDRESS, SAME and INTELLIGENCE. At skip +1 is DISASTER. At skip -1 is a second word for INTELLIGENCE plus a very high frequency (low significance) word for DECEITFUL.
HOW I CAUGHT BROOKHAVEN AND THEY WERE READING THIS TIME. First of all, to access my site in the way that they did it's obvious that they have obtained my password. That means that they can find things I try to hide from public view for what I see as matters of national security. This is material that I intend to share with my Government when I determine that it's wise to do so. But, since it's material that I develop, I want the right to choose time and place. I don't want to shoot my wad on matrices that are not particularly significant. Doing that would make me sound like the boy who cried wolf too often.
Brookhaven was caught using my IP address to access items over the last 3 weeks. On March 6, 2018 I put up a temporary block on IP's starting with 131.253.25. These generally come up as Microsoft bots in Chicago. UPDATE OF 17 JULY 2020: The reverse IP is UK MOD!
Most likely addresses between and except are DoD, but that's not as obviously as it usually is so I'm asking DoD to check the numbers to see if they belong to the Chinese Government (or the Russians). and do reverse into the Kremlin. When I applied the block, which was not as good as what I once had, it shut down everything for about 4 hours until I took the block off. When I put the block up it threw Brookhaven off line and I got a termination report for what they had open. Immediately I saw articles that I hadn't accessed recently. For example there was an article still open about the Eagles winning the Super Bowl. I haven't accessed it since early February, but Brookhaven was sloppy and forgot to close it. Table 1 documents the articles they had open by improperly accessing my IP address.Table 2 shows that after I exposed what Brookhaven was doing, they continued to cycle through my website on other articles.
I would ask that Brookhaven and other national labs avoid taking any further action that will anger my son (such as intrusions into our sites like that documented here). I can read the Code, but he is the Roffman who is likely able to build what you want if properly asked. I will, of course, want to have a say in how this technology is applied, especially because the matrix has an open text warning about a disaster. I see Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory was also here on 3/8/2018 - the right way. Thanks, and please keep it that way guys.
If Brookhaven is trying to send signals back in time to alter the past there are tremendously dangerous potential consequences. For purposes of safety, at sensitive times during the development of such a project I should be permitted to consult the Code with the relevant key words. My services need not be paid for. I only require that they serve the national interests of the United States. However, for David to get further involved he needs to be paid. In addition to being able to handle the physics involved, he should be directed to merge my Codes skills with an artificial intelligence (AI) program that he is capable of writing. When I find an intriguing matrix like Figure 1 there is a period of time (usually a few hours) that requires a near meditative concentration where I try to visualize what words should be sought a priori. Results are limited by how much time and mental energy that I want to exert. I am certain that a computer program with access of Hebrew dictionaries and rules of grammar would improve on both a priori and a posteriori finds, likely resulting in a very high level of Code language meaning. However, there remains an issue related to how well the Code is prepared to address the issue of parallel worlds set off by different choices, especially if actions are taken by users that set up obvious paradoxes.
BROOKHAVEN ATTACKS AGAIN ON 6/8/2018. As I document on my article about Anthony Bourdain's suicide on 6/8/2018, Brookhaven continues to hack into my site for unknown purposes.
Link to article | Length of time article open | Article topic | | 640,743 seconds (177 hours/7.41 days) | Super Bowl |
149 seconds | Flame Virus | |
109,325 seconds (30.36 hours; 1 day 6.36 hours) | Monitoring by DoD and Level-3 | | | 1,823,792 seconds (506.6 hours/21.1 days)
| McCain tries to save Morsi. |
| 150 seconds | Anthony Weiner exposes himself. |
Link to article | Length of time article open | Article topic |
| This was 150 seconds. Now it's up to 753,756 seconds (8.74 days) | Anthony Weiner exposes himself. | | (77993 seconds) 21.66 days | Israeli Flame Virus hits Iran | | (248 seconds) | Asad flees capital of Syria (article from 7/19/2012) |
TABLE 3 - NEW ARTICLES ACCESSED BY BROOKHAVEN BY HACKING AT MY IP ADDRESS AS OF AUGUST 12, 2018 | || | 1,136,431 seconds (13.153 days) | Table of Contents for Time Travel in the Codes | | 150 seconds | Roffman radio interview for Space Force |
Below: Spreadsheet for Figure1. This matrix was found against odds of about 127,620,719 to 1. It suggests that while Brookhaven was monitoring us, someone was monitoring them and encoding the observations in a book that is over 3,300 years old.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF FIGURE 1. As per my usual protocol, no statistical significance was assigned to the axis term, here the 4th lowest skip of BROOKHAVEN at the spelling shown in unwrapped or wrapped Torah. However, for the V in Brookhaven it's possible to use a vet rather than a vav in Hebrew, and if I allowed for that spelling then we would only have this matrix at the 8th lowest skip for Brookhaven. When in doubt, it's my policy to go conservative and so at the end of the probability calculation you can see on the spreadsheet that I opted to divide the combined odds value by 8 rather than 4. Let's look at the key words for with special case skips (+/- 1 or the skip of the axis term). The most significant a priori key word found was ADDRESS. Before adjustments for ELS rank 8 of the axis term, it was found at a special case skip against odds of about 242 to 1. That's of interest because the whole point of the matrix is that Brookhaven is dishonestly using my IP address. The next most significant term was my name, ROFFMAN which was found against odds of about 121 to 1. These odds were calculated based on spelling my last name with only 4 letters (resh feh mem nun, as my cousin spells it), or with 5 letters (resh vav feh men nun) as it's spelled on my Hebrew documents (things like my marriage license). SAME was found at a special case skip against odds of about 3.53 to 1. For INTELLIGENCE I found it a special case skip (that of the axis term) against odds of about 8.72 to 1. But I also found another synonym of INTELLIGENCE at skip -1, again against odds of about 8.72 to 1.
Finally, in part because of my wife's concerns about the potential misuse of time travel technology, but also because of the dangers of a national lab misusing my research, I sought DISASTER and found it in the open text. The actual verse (Genesis 44:29) reads,
"If you take this one away from me too and anything happens to him, you'll drive this gray-haired old man to his grave."
Now, with respect to taking anything from me, I manage two other web sites that deal with my Mars weather research. One is The other is Of them, is more comprehensive. New Mars research is put there first. That site pretty much ignores the issue of UFOs and includes much on breakthrough propulsion physics, plus David's PhD thesis, transcripts, CV and diplomas. Marscorrect only has one key article not found on my son's site - an article entitled Gil Levin and Life on Mars - Part 2 - Historic Overview & Disclosure. One would think that with a Name like, and with that site on my calling card, more people would read it. However there's about ten times more traffic on for the same exact articles. Now, David does have the PhD, but that's not why he gets so many more readers. When I look at who gets through to, they are all related to our Government. It's apparent that they don't want what I have getting out to the public on a pure sciences web site. Either that or they disabled my web site visitor counter. The site appears to be blocked for a lot of people.
There are two other terms on the matrix that are not statistically significant. They are DECEITFUL and BOSON. At first glance BOSON looks intriguing because it touches BROOKHAVEN, but in Hebrew the S for some reason becomes a Z (zayin), and even if I stick with an S (samech or shin) there was a 94% chance to get the word someplace on the matrix. DECEITFUL had about an 80% chance to be at a special case skip. The reason that the probability is so high is that in a forward direction the letters mean said. That's a pretty common word in Torah.
Overall, after dividing combined odds by 8, this matrix was found against odds of about 127 million to 1.
I also have a discussion Brookhaven in my article entitled Monitoring of Our Sites by DoD and Level-3 Communications.