The Chinese-Vietnamese dispute over the Spratly Islands might prove to be a real problem for the ex-Morgenthau. 11/15/2017.
You know you’re getting old when most of the 12 ships you’ve sailed on over 34 years on Naval and Coast Guard service are either decommissioned or sold to foreign states. I’m proud of them all, but I found it particularly hard to take when I learned while President Trump was in Vietnam that the Coast Guard High Endurance Cutter Morgenthau was transferrred to the Vietnamese Coast Guard. I sought the Torah for some guidance here. Figure 1 shows MORGENTHAU is doubly encoded with HANOI, and possibly a nasty fate. On Figure 2 MORGENTHAU, the axis term, required an axis term with a row split of three in order to see a transliteration of VIETNAM intersect and share a letter yud with YOUR HEART SHALL NOT BE GRIEVED WHEN YOU GIVE UNTO HIM. That's easier said than done here. Morgenthau once fought against Vietnam. It was home ported in Alameda, California right outside my office for the 7 years that I served there. Figure 3 shows MORGENTHAU encoded with ALAMEDA. Vietnam may one day again fight with China over oil in the Spratly Islands. Figure 4 will show MORGENTHAU and SPRATLY at the same skip. It was the most significant matrix found about Morgenthau's possible fate.
Figure 1 above is a mix of obvious a-priori terms and negative terms that were found a-posteriori that may or may not turn out to be true. The matrix is recorded for the sake of documentation. Odds calculated on the spreasdheet below do not include events not yet proven to be true.
SIGNIFICANCE OF FIGURE 1 AND IN PARTICULAR THE NUMBER 50,000 ON IT. The Vietnam Coast Guard is new. While it was formed in 1998, it didn't become "independent" of the Vietnam Navy until March 1, 2008. However, the number of people in it is likely to be small, and as is the case with our Coast Guard it's likely subject to Navy orders in time of war. I couldn't find the size of this small service, so I looked fo the size of the Vietnam Navy. At Wikipedia their Navy is listed as having 50,000 officers and sailors. On the matrix I looked for 50,000 and found it. The actual number in the open text was written as MILITARY NUMBERED FOUR AND FIFTY THOUSAND AND FOUR HUNDRED which is likely a good estimate of their combined Navy and Coast Guard force size. It touches a transliteration of KOREA. While visiting Vietnam, President Trump made an anti-North Korea speech. Specifically he said:
Earlier this week, I addressed the National Assembly in Seoul, South Korea and urged every responsible nation to stand united in declaring that every single step the North Korean regime takes toward more weapons is a step it takes into greater and greater danger. The future of this region and its beautiful people must not be held hostage to a dictator’s twisted fantasies of violent conquest and nuclear blackmail.
The number 50,000 was the most significant term shown on Figure 1. It was found in the open text against odds of about 25.3 to 1. HANOI was found twice, once at the skip of MORGENTHAU. The second HANOI was at skip +3 sharing a letter vav in an 80-letter box with MORGENTHAU. Odds against the first HANOI were about 5.2 to 1. While not included in the overall statistics for Figure 1, odds against a non-special case skip of HANOI being in 80 letters with MORGENTHAU were about 21.5 to 1. SHIP was found on the full matrix at skip +1 against odds of about 4.2 to 1. I sought two synonyms for the word. One of them was high frequency because the Hebrew involved at skip +1 is part of the phrase I AM THE LORD. This kept the overall mathematical significance of the matrix down. KOREA was not at a special case skip. Overall the a priori aspects of the matrix (not including the second HANOI were found against odds of about 2,287 to 1, however I am sure that the DoD readers that I see out there on this article will be interested in the a posteriori material, especially if it turns out to be true. The word for TO SINK is not at a special case skip, but in the open text is END OF ALL FLESH...BECAUSE THE EARTH IS FULL OF VIOLENCE. This verse is from the story of Noah's flood where everyone drowns except for Noah and his family, and it touches MORGENTHAU. None of these negative terms are included in the probability calculation.
Figure 2 below matches MORGENTHAU with a transliteration of VIETNAM. The matrix does not make clear what the fate of the ship is, but VIETNAM shares a letters wiith an open text statement that we should not let it grieve us that it is given away. Two letters of MORGENTHAU touch HANOI.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF FIGURE 2. Here calculation of odds is not justified. While the expression YOUR HEART SHALL NOT BE GRIEVED WHEN YOU GIVE UNTO HIM may represent the Author's priori knowledge of an obvious question, the phrase was not envisioned by me before starting the experiment. Therefore, as an a posterior find, like the axis term, it is not (under my protocol) subject to a statistical calculation. That leaves us with a transliteration of Vietnam as thte best a priori term, but it is only one of many possible transliterations. These include the one shown: vav yud alef tav nun mem plus the following transliterations:
vav yud alef tet nun mem
vav yud yud tav nun mem
vav yud yud tet nun mem
vav yud alef tav nun alef mem
vav yud alef tet nun alef mem
vav yud yud tav nun alef mem
vav yud yud tet nun alef mem
The last transliteration is the one given by Google Translate, however they are going by the modern rule that uses tet rather than tav for T (and samech rather than shin/sin for S) when words did not exist in Biblical times. The vowel letter alef is often not written in Torah. Instead vowel marks - memorized but not written in Torah are used for the A sound. The word TRANSFERER was found and shown, but I also sought TRANSFER. Overall the main value of this matrix was mostly personal, and even then was subject to interpretation. If the message was meant for Veterans like myself, does it mean:
1. Don't grieve because Vietnam is no longer our enemy?
2. Don't grieve because Vietnam is owed compensation for our use of Agent Orange which poisoned not only them, but our own veterans who often have a hard time collecting compensation for exposure?
3. Don't grieve because the ship will be sunk in a future war between Vietnam and China or between Vietnam and North Korea?
So overall, when I find a matrix with so many problems, I note it for my own benefit as well as for the benefit of DoD personnel who follow my work, but I won't cloud the meaning with dubious math. There are plenty of valid terms encoded with Morgenthau that are described in this article. For discussion purposes, math offered for Figures 1, 3 and 4 should be used.
Figure 3 below relates the MORGENTHAU with its home port of ALAMEDA for many years when I was stationed at Coast Guard Pacific Area.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF FIGURE 3. Here there are two terms that look like axis terms, but of course there is only one - MORGENTHAU at its second lowest skip in wrapped Torah. While ALAMEDA is arranged vertically and even colored red here which is how I usually color an axis term, it has only 7 letters in Hebrew, whereas MORGENTHAU has 8. The axis term is always the first term sought and my rule is that it is also the longest word sought. Occasionally (really, rarely) I will present a longer term but these terms combine a priori words with letters snooped in an a posteriori fashion. Only the a priori part an be used in a probability calculation, however there are about a hundred regular DoD and United Kingdom Ministry of Defense readers that frequent this site and at times an a posteriori term may be of sufficient interest to help them plan an operation.
On the spreadsheets below for Figure 3 I decided to check my belief about loyalty to the longest term found a priori as what to choose for an axis term. For the top calculation I use MORGENTHAU. Before factoring in ELS rank 2 of MORGENTHAU, ALAMEDA was found against odds of about 61 to 1. On the next spreadsheet ALAMEDA is used as the axis term, but it's only the 72nd lowest ELS of the name. Before factoring in ELS rank 72 of ALAMEDA, MORGENTHAU, was found against odds of about 182 to 1. The odds against SHIP at skip +1 (2.77 to 1) and ROFFMAN at a non-special case skip (not +/- 1 or the absolute skip of the axis term) - about 3.7 to 1, are constant for both spreadsheets. While the initial combined against the finds are more impressive with ALAMEDA as the axis term (1,873 to 1 vs. 628 to 1 with MORGENTHAU), after I divide by the axis term ELS rank (72 for ALAMEDA vs. 2 for MORGENTHAU) it can be seen that the final odds against the finds are more significant for with MORGENTHAU as axis term rather than ALAMEDA by a margin of about 314 to 1 vs 26 to 1.
As for my friends in Defense and Intelligence, while it still remains to be seen how the Morgenthau, now (ingloriously) renamed as the CSB-8020, will finish its life, what we have shown here is that it's possible to track not only humans in the Torah Code, but also at times ships whether under the control of Alameda, or Hanoi, Vietnam. However if the Vietnamese cannot find a name better than 8020, then we be left with no choice to track the ship in the Code other than by its American name. In Hebrew the number 8020 is written as only two letters - chet caf. The minimum number of letters require for an ELS is three.
I might protest the transfer of this ship to a former enemy, but time moves on. Friends become enemies and enemies become friends. CSB-8020 may one day be involved in a search and rescue operation that saves American lives. So, rather than bitch about it, I'll simply have to trust the Almighty when He says YOUR HEART SHALL NOT BE GRIEVED WHEN YOU GIVE UNTO HIM.
It's been a hundred years since the first Communist revolution, and Communists have killed close to 100,000,000 people. Here is where they killed them:
U.S.S.R.: 20 million deaths;
China: 65 million deaths;
Vietnam: 1 million deaths;
North Korea: 2 million deaths;
Cambodia: 2 million deaths:
Eastern Europe: 1 million deaths;
Latin America: 150,000 deaths;
Africa: 1.7 million deaths;
Afghanistan: 1.5 million deaths;
The international Communist movement and Communist parties not in power: about 10,000 deaths…
If Vietnam uses the Morgenthau for good, then may she sail for as long as Old Ironsides (the U.S.S. Constitution). But if not, then her death is encoded touching her name. God and America have set before Vietnam a choice - life and death. May it always choose life.
FIGURE 4 - THE EX-MORGENTHAU WILL SURELY SEE DUTY AROUND THE SPRATLY ISLANDS. WHAT WILL ITS FATE BE? I'll be honest. I normally don't like to use the row split function on my CodeFinder software. When I do use it I generally don't want to publish anything with a row split greater than 3. Figure 4 is based in on row split of 6, which might be the limit allowed by the software. But if we're going to talk about whether the ex-Morgenthau gets sunk by China in their long running dispute with Vietnam over the Spratly Islands, we have to look for SPRATLY encoded at a special case skip with MORGENTHAU. That means we will only accept skips +/- 1 or the absolute skip of the axis term skips +/- 35,768. SPRATLY is never found in Torah at skips +/- 1, so we are left to search only at the absolute skip of MORGENTHAL. On Figure 4 MORGENTHAU is at skip -35,768 and SPRATLY is at skip +35,768. That's a bingo, but not a pretty one due to the size of the matrix. The match takes 1,178 letters to show (19 columns by 62 rows presented with a white background). In this area we also find SHIP and the verb SINK. When the matrix is expanded 7 columns to the left, increasing the area to 1,612 letters, we pick up CHINESE and WAR at skip +1, but CHINESE is the same spelling in Hebrew as SINAI, which means that it will have a high frequency (with a lower statistical significance). Surprisingly, because SPRATLY only occurred once at the skip of the axis term, even though the matrix is large, the full matrix was the most significant matrix produced, being found against odds of about 16,307 to 1. This suggests that the gain of Vietnam will be insufficient to deal with Chinese ambitions in the South China Sea and the Spratly Islands.
Perhaps in an effort to try to box China in with respect to Spratly Island ambitions, the U.S. Coast Guard also transferred three more Hamilton Class High Endurance cutters to the Philippines, which also has claims on the Spratly Islands. These cutters are given below:
- USCGC Hamilton (WHEC-715) Decommissioned 28 March 2011, transferred to the Philippine Navy 13 May 2011 as BRP Gregorio del Pilar (FF-15)
- USCGC Dallas (WHEC-716) Decommissioned 30 March 2012, transferred to the Philippine Navy on 22 May 2012 as BRP Ramon Alcaraz (FF-16)[5]
- USCGC Boutwell (WHEC-719) Decommissioned 16 March 2016, transferred to the Philippine Navy on 21 July 2016 as BRP Andres Bonifacio (FF-17)
The Bangladesh Navy got the Jarvis and Rush. The Nigerian Navy was given the Chase and Gallatin. All of these ships were given away while Obama was president.
Figure 4 - It takes a row split of 6 to show it, but MORGENTHAU and SPRATLY are at the same absolute skip.
The Morgenthau was decommissioned on April 19, 2017. The following is the complete statement May 26, 2017 from the U.S. Embassy in Vietnam.
HONOLULU, May 26, 2017 – The U.S. Coast Guard transferred a High Endurance Cutter to the Vietnam Coast Guard during a ceremony in Honolulu on Thursday morning.
The ship, which will be renamed CSB 8020, is expected to improve the Vietnam Coast Guard’s maritime domain awareness,* increase its capacity to perform maritime law enforcement operations, and conduct search and rescue and other humanitarian response operations.
“This cutter provides a concrete and significant symbol of the U.S-Vietnam Comprehensive Partnership,” said U.S. Coast Guard Rear Adm. Michael J. Haycock, assistant commandant for acquisition and chief acquisition officer. “The Coast Guard is honored to see this vessel continue to preserve global peace and prosperity as a part of the Vietnam Coast Guard.”
The CSB 8020 was transferred to the Vietnam Coast Guard from the U.S. Government through the Excess Defense Articles (EDA) program. The EDA offers excess military equipment to U.S. partner and allied countries in support of their military and security modernization efforts.
*Maritime domain awareness (MDA) is defined by the International Maritime Organization as the effective understanding of anything associated with the maritime domain that could impact the security, safety, economy, or environment.[1] The maritime domain is defined as all areas and things of, on, under, relating to, adjacent to, or bordering on a sea, ocean, or other navigable waterway, including all maritime-related activities, infrastructure, people, cargo, and vessels and other conveyances.