Posted on October 11, 2017.
The axis term of Figure 1 is a transliteration of the Las Vegas shooter, STEVEN PADDOCK. In the open text ALL THESE CURSES runs through and shares a letter with his name. On the next line down SHOOTER at skip -3 also shares a letter with his name. The only time offered in the open text is IN THE END OF DAYS. His death was foreseen. In the open text is THE MURDERER WILL DIE. Overall, there is a warning I WILL CHASTISE YOU SEVEN MORE TIMES. In attempting to find what this refers to I found names of the three major hurricanes that recently wiped out much of Houston (HARVEY), Florida (IRMA - at the absolute skip of the axis term), and MARIA (at skip +1) that devastated Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. KIM (Jong Un) is also at skip +1. It looks like the people at the concert were patriotic Americans rather than sinners, but Las Vegas has the knick name "Sin City" and the open text in the matrix has YOU WILL BE DESTROYED BECAUSE YOU DID NOT HEARKEN TO THE VOICE OF THE LORD. A week after the massacre the F.B.I. is still looking for a motive. No link is yet available to connect him directly with Islamic terrorism, but Paddock did visit Jordan and the U.A.E. recently. JORDAN is at skip -1 on Figure 1, and Figure 2 has ARAB at the same skip as PADDOCK and a transliteration of KOREA at skip +1.
Figure 1 is above and Figure 2 is below. The axis term is the same ELS of Steven Paddock on both matrices, but the field of investigation is shifted up and to the right on Figure 2.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX - INITIAL IMPRESSIONS. As per my usual protocol, no statistical significance was assigned to the axis term, here the only ELS of STEVEN PADDOCK in wrapped or unwrapped Torah. Both Figures 1 and 2 are larger in area than what I normally publish. However, because (at least one week after the shooting) we don't know the motive, I looked for a large number of terms with the intention of showing initial and final results. The odds against finding each term will be discussed separately first, and then a decision will be made as to what to keep and what to lop off at the end. As such, the most obvious term of interest is found on Figure 2. It is ARAB at the same skip as STEVEN PADDOCK. Odds against finding it so close (in 60 letters with the axis term) are about 141 to 1. What about finding it at a special case skip (+/- 1 or the skip of the axis term) on the full Figure 2? About 4.73 to 1. In 60 letters with 3 columns and 20 rows, the 4-letter word ARAB cannot fit in 3 columns at skip +/- 1, whereas in the 67 rows by 20 rows on Figure 2, it can be found at skip +/- 1.
A transliteration of KOREA at skip +1 is also found on Figure 2. I accept four transliterations of KOREA (shown below). Skip +1 is what I call the best case scenario, and for calculations related to it I only use the frequency of accepted transliterations at that skip (+1). The transliterations and number of such occurrences in Torah are as follows:
caf vav resh yud hey: 1 hit
caf vav resh yud alef: 2 hits
qof vav resh yud hey: 0 hits
and qof vav resh yud alef: 0 hits
The total is 3. To show STEVEN PADDOCK with KOREA requires 60 columns and 18 rows (1,080 letters). Odds against finding one of the acceptable transliterations of Korea this close to the axis term are about 94 to 1. Odds against finding the two terms on the full Figure 2 are about 76 to 1. So the 4-letter word ARAB was more significant in terms of closeness to the axis term, but the 5-letter transliteration of KOREA was more significant on the full Figure 2 matrix.
The only other special-case positional term of significance is JORDAN on Figure 1. It’s found at skip -1. Here the question is, “What are the odds against finding it at any special-case skip?” The term occurs 77 times at a special case skip in (wrapped) Torah. It takes 8 rows and 17 columns (136 letters) to show JORDAN with the axis term. Odds against finding it this close to the axis term on Figure 1 are about 29.6 to 1. Odds against finding it anywhere on Figure 1 (1,278 letters in area) are about 3.6 to 1.
In addition to looking for positional terms, I also sought conspiracy-related terms. In particular I noticed that Hillary Clinton seemed almost jubilant at the news of the massacre because she thought it was vindication of her position on gun control. For the record, her tweets are shown on Figure 3, however I couldn't find CLINTON at a special-case skip unless I used a row split of 2 for the axis term. Using that I could find her and the word for ESTABLISHMENT in the open text, but it took 1,640 letters to show it all, which is too large, especially when using a row split function. When I just tried to place ESTABLISHMENT with the axis term it required 952 letters, but the position of ESTABLISHMENT wan't good with respect to other a priori terms, so I didn't consider that a significant match either.
I also looked for Senator Schumer because he also had obnoxious political remarks after the shooting. He referenced inaction on gun control in his exhortation, saying, “[Those people] who were killed and are now in heaven, they would say, ‘do something.’ They wouldn’t say, ‘Let’ wait.'” He added, “President Trump, are you going to wait to hear what the NRA says first?” SCHUMER is found in a 64-letter box on Figures 1 and 2. His name is at 1 more skip than the axis term, but that's not a special-case skip for calculation purposes. On Figure 2 SCHUMER is preceded in sequence by FATHER. That's an a posteriori find there, and thus not part of the calculation, however Paddock's father was a robber and escaped prisoner who was on the FBI's most wanted list. Undoubtedly that fact and the lack of his father's presence played some role in shaping Paddock's warped mind. Perhaps like with ex-president Obama, dreams of his absent father resulted in the son trying to compete with the dreams he had of his father. Paddock shot almost 600 people, Obama provided $151.7 billion to Iran and a deal to help them prepare to kill hundreds of millions of people in a nuclear war. Despite his vote on the Iran deal, Schumer worked behind the scene to help Obama accomplish his task. Odds against having SCHUMER in a 64-letter box with the axis term are about 26 to 1, but Figure 1 is 1,287 letters in area and Figure 2 is 1,340 letters in area.
Anyone who reads this site knows that I suspect that (more realistically, beleve that) the Left is guilty of treason. However it doesn't follow that I can find everyone on the Left encoded with the killer, nor does it follow that these matrices prove that the killer was somehow working for someone on the Left or in 'the Establishment" (which certainly includes a lot of Republicans). Having said that, on Figure 2 the word LEFT is at skip -1. It takes 216 letters to show LEFT at a special-case skip with the killer. Odds against this word being so close to him are about 31.86 to 1, but when looking for it anywhere on the full Figure 2 the odds against finding it drop to about 5.57 to 1. Note that there are no close meetings of the killer with Obama or President Trump.
KIM is at skip +1 on Figure 1. It takes 90 letters to show him with the shooter. Odds against this match are about 42.8 to 1.
USING THEMES TO DECIDE WHERE TO DRAW THE BOUNDARIES OF THE MATRIX. Figures 1 and 2 are already larger than matrices that I like to publish. Terms that are not at special-case skips generally add little statistical value to a matrix unless they are at least 6 letters in length or unless they have infrequent letters. There are 304,805 letters in Torah. The letters that occur least frequently in Torah, in descending order of value statistically are as follows with frequencies in parentheses:
tet (1,804)
samech (1,833)
gimel (2,109
zayin (2,198)
tsadeh (3,962)
peh (4,805)
So what are the basic topics covered by Figures 1 and 2? There are three:
(1) Was anyone associated with the shooter who had links to terrorism? Here my primary audience is military intelligence in the U.S. and the United Kingdom.
(2) Is the act committed by Paddock one of a series of events that relate to the Leviticus 26:18 open text warning (shown on Figure 1) I WILL CHASTISE YOU SEVEN MORE TIMES? If so, does this matrix provide support for naming our current era as IN THE END OF DAYS? The Leviticus 26:18 warning (which is in accepted Jewish text) is sort of echoed in the Book of Revelation, which is NOT part of the Jewish Bible. While I reject the New Testament (NT), most of my readers are likely Christian, and it's obvious as I write this article that these phrases have grabbed their attention, so, from Jewish and scientific points of view, I will address their concerns. The major NT verse in question is Revelation 16:1 which states,
"Then I heard a loud voice from the temple telling the seven angels, “Go and pour out on the earth the seven bowls of the wrath of God.”
(3) Are any specific of the seven chastisements of Leviticus 26:18 indicated in a statistically significant manner on Figures 1 and 2, and if so, do they line up with seven bowls of wrath in Chapter 16 of Revelation?
Trying to show all these topics on a single matrix is a bit like using a general practice medical doctor to have allergies treated, get a brain tumor removed, repair a heart valve, and get some liposuction done. At best, the doctor will likely refer you to four different specialists unless the doctor is the only one accessible on an island far from everywhere else (like in Antarctica). Likewise, in trying to decide where to make the cut on Figures 1 and 2, attention should be given to topics covered by a priori key words where statistical evaluation is possible, as well as to a posteriori terms or phrases where such evaluation is not practical. The phrases that were found a posteriori were ALL THESE CURSES (but CURSES alone is OK), YOU WILL BE DESTROYED BECAUSE YOU DID NOT HEARKEN TO THE VOICE OF THE LORD, I WILL CHASTISE YOU SEVEN MORE TIMES, and HE WHO SHEDS BLOOD. The phrase IN THE END OF DAYS was found in an a priori manner. That doesn't mean it's certain that we are in the End of Days. The phrase has different meaning for religious (Orthodox) Jews than it has for Christians. Jews associate it with the coming of The Messiah who will end war on earth permanently, while Christians look for Armageddon with the slaughter of one third of mankind. See Revelation 9:15:
And the four angels who had been kept ready for this very hour and day and month and year were released to kill a third of mankind.
The phrase IN THE END OF DAYS occurs four times in Torah. It takes 280 letters to show it with the killer's name. It was found this close against odds of about 272 to 1, and it was found on Figure 1 against odds of about 60 to 1. So it's a very significant term, but it's not seen on Figure 2 where there are more interEsting combinations of terms.
The best place to draw borders includes the following terms: STEVEN PADDOCK, ALL THESE CURSES, ARAB, JORDAN, FATHER SCHUMER, IN THE END OF DAYS, KIM, ROBBER, and DANLEY. This is shown below on Figure 4.
Figure 4 - The best selection of terms matches STEVEN PADDOCK with ARAB and JORDAN.
Note that the cut made for Figure 4 does not include any reference to the four hurricanes that hit the United States in 2017 (Harvey, Irma, Maria or Nate). Nor does it include Korea (though it does mention Kim) or war or anything atomic. While it is not certain that we are in the End of Days, the phrase was included because Orthodox Jews (which I asm) and Christians believe that we are in this period, although Christians wait for the return of a man that Judaism rejects as the Messiah, while Jews wait for the first arrival of the Messiah. From a Jewish point of view no man has the right to that title unless he ends war on Earth permanently. Note the estimated/calculated combined odds against Figure 4: 4,936,162 to 1. Figure 5 looks at what happens if we include KOREA in the calculation. Figure 5 (full matrix) odds drop to 2,688,651 to 1. Thus it does not appear to be worth the effort to expand the matrix to show Korea, i.e. - odds of ISIS or some Islamic group being behind the massacre are great than those of North Korea being behind it.
Figure 5 - Since we know that Schumer was not statistically significant, on Figure 5 we concentrate on issues related to leftists and Korea. BARACK H is on the matrix at skip -1. and
On of the best novels that I have read in recent years is LIBERTY'S LAST STAND by Stephen Coonts (2016). Publisher's Weekly sums up the book as follows:
President Barry Soetoro, the villain of bestseller Coonts's provocative thriller, is due to leave office in five months when he uses a convenient terrorist attack to declare martial law, adjourn Congress, suspend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights (especially the first and second ammendments), and become the dictator of the United States. He fires CIA director Jake Grafton and throws him in a federal detention center in West Virginia along with hundreds of conservative politicians and political commentators. Grafton's ex-CIA pal, decides he's going to bust his old boss out of jail. Meanwhile, Texas secedes from the union and begins seizing U.S. military bases. Soetoro's opponents have a long list of gripes: he's a "self-proclaimed black messiah," "Soetorocare" is a disaster, and EPA regulations are "designed to save the climate at the expense of the working men and women of Texas." Coonts's excellent action scenes, which shift between Tommy's jailbreak scheme and the civil war with Texas, grind to a halt as characters stop to give fervent speeches about freedom. Those who don't care for Obama or his policies will find a lot to like.
What didn't the above summary tell us? Actually, it amazes me that so few people in America know this. When Obama lived in Indonesia his legal name was Barry Soetoro.
Given the glee of Hillary Clinton and other Democrats at the slaughter in Las Vegas and the accompanying ammunition for an argument in favor gun control, I looked for the following terms in conjunction with Steven Paddock: LIBERAL, LEFT, BARACK and CONTROL. They are all shown on Figure 5. Odds against LIBERAL, LEFT, and CONTROL being inj 740 letters with the axis term are about 131 to 1, however I could not find Clinton (called Hinton in Coonts' book) or Obama's full last name.
On Paddock's first name: The press reports the spelling of his name as STEPHEN Paddock rather than STEVEN Paddock. My full name, as I have used it all my life, is Barry STEVEN Roffman, but when I first ordered a copy of my birth certificate I was surprised to see that someone recorded it as Barry STEPHEN Roffman. That was also a surprise to my mother and father. I have never used that spelling of the name, nor has our military ever used it in my 34 years of service in the U.S. Navy or the U.S. Coast Guard. As such, I believe that the spelling given as the axis term in this article is justified.
Bottom line: I believe that an Arab link will eventually be found with the shooter, but the issue is not yet resolved.