There is nothing to the accusations against Trump, but that does not mean he has no problems with Mueller. This page was updated on 6/19/2017.
What does the Torah Code has to say about the appointment Robert Mueller as a special prosecutor to exam the alleged Trump-Russia connection? Nothing of substance to indicate that Trump is guilty. However the news story does seem to be there. On Figure 1 the axis term is ROBERT MUELLER. At the same absolute skip is IMPEACHMENT (the Democratic Party goal). Also at the same skip are GUITY, PAUL (as in Paul Ryan, House Speaker) and GENERAL overlapping PAUL. RYAN isn't at a special case skip, but he shares a letter with ROBERT MUELLER. CONVICTION isn't at a special case skip, but it touches IMPEACHMENT. GENERAL Flynn should be convicted, not Trump who isn't named here although PRESIDENT is in the open text. On the next line down sharing a letter with ROBERT is AND I WILL APPOINT JUDGES. Of course, Mueller himself was just appointed. The line under that has an open reference to DESTROY ALL CITIES, a goal of Kim Jong Un. KIM is also at an ELS.
FIGURE 1 ABOVE: This matrix starts with an axis term of ROBERT MUELLER at minimum ELS and scans down for key words. Of primary significance are IMPEACHMENT, GENERAL, JUDGES and PRESIDENT. The spreadsheet showing the calculation for statistical significance is given below.
FIGURE 2 below: This is based on the same ELS of ROBERT MUELLER as was shown above in Figure 1, but the area scanned goes up instead of down. Moving in this direction we pick up TO COLLUDE and POLITICAL at the same skip as ROBERT MUELLER. The expression I SHALL APPOINT JUDGES touches FLYNN here, much like Figure 1 which had IMPEACHMENT touch CONVICTION with IMPEACHMENT at the same skip as GENERAL. The word INNOCENT at skip -1 is near TO COLLUDE.
Figure 2 is based on the same ELS of ROBERT MUELLER as was shown above in Figure 1, but the area scanned goes up instead of down. Moving in this direction we pick up TO COLLUDE and POLITICAL at the same skip as ROBERT MUELLER. The expression I SHALL APPOINT JUDGES touches FLYNN here, much like Figure 1 which had IMPEACHMENT touch CONVICTION with IMPEACHMENT at the same skip as GENERAL. On Figure 2 the word INNOCENT at skip -1 is near TO COLLUDE. PRESIDENT is again in the open text, but this is not the same find of the term that was show on Figure 1. The final term, ENEMY, is not at a special case skip, but it shares a letter alef with I SHALL APPOINT JUDGES and it touches ROBERT MUELLER.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRICES. The two spreadsheets above indicate that Figure 2 is far more significant than Figure 1. Figure 2 was found against odds of about 386,269,751 to 1, whereas for Figure 1 the odds against its existence were just about 43,630 to 1. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here the lowest skip ROBERT MUELLER in unwrapped (or wrapped) Torah. However for Intelligence purposes it is just as important to look at the significance of individual terms as it is combined.
POLITICAL SIGNIFICANCE. For now let it just be said that the matrices back the President's claim that this investigation into collusion between him and the Russians is only a political witch hunt. The idea that the President of the United States should be restrained from talking to the Russians is absolutely ludicrous. I live in Cape Canaveral, Florida where probably close to once per month I see an Atlas rocket blast off, often carrying U.S. military payloads. These rockets are powered by Russian-built RD-180 rocket engines first imported to the US for use on the Lockheed Martin Atlas III, with first flight in 2000, then later also used on the United Launch Alliance Atlas V, the successor to the Atlas III.[1] Further, as I write this on May 19, 2017 no American can reach space in general or the International Space Station (ISS) in particular, without flying on a Russian rocket launched out of Kazakhstan. So if we stop cooperating with Russia we might as well hand over the keys of the ISS to Russia. Further, we will lose all cooperation in the war against ISIS. What the Democrats need to do if they give a damn about U.S. security is to go back and look at Obama's pledge to Putin about Obama being more flexible on our missile defense AFTER the 2012 election. Where was the Democratic concern then???
I know more about the connection of the U.S. military to the Russian military with respect to space than I will say here. I started to type it out but my computer crashed. Sort of a spanking! My IP address is, in part, I often use reverse IP addresses to find real readers of my site that are NASA or other space-related investigators. The reverse IP address for my home computer is in part Where is that? The Brookhaven National Laboratory. Apparently, they follow every key stroke that I write. Although it's an invasion of my privacy, I don't mind it too much because folks like them are my intended audience. In a sense it's kind of flattering. But, my friends, the truth is that if there is anyone who are slaves to the Russian agenda, the chances are that they call themselves Democrats. That doesn't mean that all Republicans aren't sellouts. Paul Ryan, featured on Figure 1, likely leads the pack of those who are also more loyal to the Establishment than they are to America, Certainly the press (with some exceptions at Fox) is likewise always completely loyal to every enemy of the U.S. that they can find. President Trump needs a bit of restraint with his tweeting addiction, but I'm sure that he is completely loyal to the United States. We will see if he gets impeached. Clearly that is the Democratic agenda, and unfortunately impeachment is not a purely legal matter, it's largely POLITICAL, a term that was on Figure 2 at a special case skip against odds of about 53 to 1. And, again, it was at the same absolute skip on Figure 2 as ROBERT MUELLER, TO COLLUDE, and as IMPEACHMENT on Figure 1.
I am a member of the Republican National Committee and I'm on the Trump Presidential Advisory Board. The number on my membership card for that is 342159343. I am not sure if the President knows as much about crucial space-related matters as I do (I doubt it), but I am ready to move to Washington if he wants my help and my abilities to help point him in the right direction. This is, however, a very dangerous matter. For the Intel folks reading this, if you are loyal to the United States I ask you to help my application to work in the White House succeed. Semper Paratus!
UPDATE OF JUNE 19, 2017: Figure 3 greatly adds to the case against Mueller. MULLER (is) CORRUPT is encoded in 45 letters with the best spelling of TRUMP at a special case skip against odds of about 7,620 to 1. I could be wrong, but I believe that in 20 years of Codes research I have never encountered odds this significant in a match between an axis term and the first term sought a priori. Figure 3 was expanded to 144 letters which let me see LIE at skip +1, and CONSPIRACY at skip -2. The problem with the expansion is that it invites discussion of whether the LIE is what Mueller is pushing, or the statement MULLER (is) CORRUPT. My belief is that we should focus on the 45 letters. If the Author wanted us to think it's a lie, the word LIE should have been in sequence with the MULLER (is) CORRUPT. Note that CONSPIRACY touches TRUMP.