Is Obama only a Kenyan-born Muslim, or a Reptilian Alien?
It's a better bet that he's Muslim, but not a certain one. Updated 7/16/2018
It’s possible to match Obama’s 5-letter Hebrew name in sequence with almost any four letters desired to form a 9-letter ELS axis term. That’s why, as a rule, I never assign any statistical significance to an axis term. It’s no secret that I despise Obama, but generally limit my wrath to discussing why I think he is a Communist, Muslim enemy of the United States who was born in Kenya and who occupies the White House illegally. But, having started off on such a friendly foot, I had someone (Rebecca Renfroe) over for dinner on October 26, 2015 who beat me for hostility by asserting that Obama is actually a Reptilian alien, So, for the fun of it, I searched the Torah Code for the axis term OBAMA (IS) REPTILIAN. Lo and behold, I found it – twice. Figure 1 shows the phrase at its second lowest skip (in wrapped Torah). At the same absolute skip were PRESIDENT and UFO.
By my normal protocol, this match occurred against odds of about 103 to 1. That’s not a spectacular match, but Rebecca’s not the first person I’ve interviewed (directly or indirectly) who claimed to converse with this species of aliens. No, she didn't talk to Obama, but claims to have seen him momentarily lose his ability to disguise himself when he was on TV. There are many webs sites that make similar claims about him and one of his body guards. Humorous videos are less than convincining. This articles sum up what I've heard from Rebecca, and read in a book (Voices from the Cosmos) about Reptilians by another friend, C.B. Scott Jones and Angela T. Smith. That I describe what I have heard or read does not mean that I endorse any of it as truth, however I do find the overlapping stories to be of interest given that I can and do (on my site) prove NASA to be wrong about atmospheric conditions and weather on Mars.
FIRST AND FOLLOWING CONTACTS WITH REBECCA RENFROE. Rebecca first contacted me on August 3, 2011 in reference to my review of Paul Potter's book, GRAVITATIONAL MANIPULATION OF DOMED CRAFT, UFO Propulsion Dynamics. She stated then (and now) that she was both in contact with, and aboard, alien craft since she was seven years old. On the Figure 2 matrix shown, the transliteration of REBECCA RENFROE has FROM THE SKIES IT WILL COME DOWN UPON YOU which sounds like the start of an alien contact, and at the same skip as her name is TO THE UFO which sounds like where she says she was taken.
Rebecca initially stated, "My contact and being aboard these crafts have been during waking hours, or have been remembered following an encounter. Due to that, when I speak, I deal only with the reality of where I've been and what I remember and share for educational purposes and teaching protocols (defensive practices advised when dealing with different species and approaching a craft)." She refers to herself as a Contactee rather than an abductee. Rebecca responded to several rounds of e-mail questions, and I interviewed her by phone for over six hours between August 25 and August 30, 2011. We have had several discussions about religious matters, but, given my strong Orthodox Jewish beliefs and her strong Christian beliefs, they have been edited out of this page in the interest of focusing on her memories about the craft and beings reported. When she and her new husband came to my home in 2015, we didn't discuss religion at all. Her husband had a strong interest in my Mars research, so we spent most if our time discussing that. Frankly, by 2015 I had heard from so many "contactees/abductees" that their stories no longer seemed shocking. Nor did they varie greatly. My main interest in them now is in trying to grab some perspective into the question of how widespread the abduction problem is. I can't say here that I believe Obama is an alien rather than just a simple traitor, but in my article AMERICA FALLEN - WHO IS BEHIND ITS DEMISE?, I discuss the possibility that many people in our Government have been abducted. Clearly, as we approach the 2016 election, a great number of Americans think Congress no longer represents us - so much so that when Paul Ryan assumed his position as Speaker of the House of Representatives, he said, “The House is broken... We are not solving problems. We are adding to them. Only a truly functioning House can represent the people.” There is no sign that the House or Senate will begin to function in a way that will again represent the people, which leaves open the question of who they do represent, if not the people.
Back to Rebecca. She doesn't come from a scientific background. She has a B.A. in Musical Theatre from the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, and an M.A. from the University of Cincinnati. In 2011 she said, "My life was spent on the professional stage. I am now a Care Giver and continue to write music and teach private voice/dance/drama lessons." As such, her memories about her experiences and attempts to understand them are not what is generally considered by the scientific community to be technical. Rather, they are of a general qualitative nature. Having said that, although she was able to relate to some of the abduction experiences of Betty Andreasson Luca as presented in Potter's book, she did state that the systems she saw were different from those described by Potter. Like me, she suspects that Paul Potter is only a pseudonym.
One somewhat technical point of agreement that she had with Potter's text (page 250) relates to an electro-insulating gel that is smeared over the entire body of abductees. Potter writes that, "The crew of the Greys wouldn't need the gel smeared over them because they had on their electromagnetic protective skin-tight suits and insulating boots." Perhaps, but I suspect that the gels may be pharmaceutical in nature, designed to alleviate anxiety or repress unpleasant memories. Too many abductees can only access their encounter details via hypnosis. The amount of time spent preparing her for her passage also seemed much too long to merely accomodate the ship's electrical systems. In 2011 she reported being immersed in a fluid for two different nights (before placement on the craft). Rebecca thinks that the closest thing she has seen to it in the movies was the final scene in Mission to Mars (released in 2000) where an astronaut (played by Gary Sinise) is submerged in a liquid fluid that he could breathe (see Figure 3 below and 1:54 to 2:26 into this link, also 2:31 to 2:32, 2:38 to 2:40 and 2:48 to 3:04). In our 2015 meeting she again brought up being submerged in a gel, but this time she advanced a theory about aliens trying to extract or copy mitochondrial DNA. However she didn't know anything about the chemistry of mitochondria. When this became apparent I advised her to pick up a college biology textbook to study the matter in case she had any further contact with aliens so she could ask them technical questions to hopefully get some useful (verifiable) answers. However, my overall impression of reports by purported abductees is that aliens are not here to educate or help us.
In 2011 Rebecca offered something that may have technical implications. She reported hearing a humming sound on the 1992 and 1997 ship visits. While she wasn't sure about the frequency of one sound heard, the other she remembered as a G note (24.5 Hertz, wavelength 1400 cm). Since she has a degree in music, this particular memory may be of some back-engineering value.
Rebecca says she has been on ships with different propulsion systems, and with different species aboard. Although I do not endorse the information offered there, for an idea of what is "out there" on the Internet about this, see Malevolent Alien Abduction Research or Voices from the Cosmos. Ms. Renfroe mentioned Pleiadeans, Grays, Hybrids (some that were horribly unsuccessful life forms), Tall Goldens, See-Throughs, Mechanicals, and Reptilians. Of these, in 2011 she seemed to like the Tall Goldens encountered since childhood who communicate with her by telepathy, and who have 4 fingers on each hand (with suction cups on the ends). She stated that all species encountered communicate telepathically. Note: The link to Mission to Mars given in the previous paragraph includes a look at a Tall-Golden alien that has four fingers. A better view of him in the same film is 1 minute 18 seconds into THIS LINK. The link just given above focuses on DNA images which were part of Rebecca's experience.
I have seldom read an account of a human visitation to an alien craft that was of a purely friendly nature. In 2011 Ms. Renfroe wrote, "I was allowed to walk where I wanted until I reached the surgical room where they were about to do some work on a child. I believe the child was someone I knew, and that if so, he is working at NASA now." As for her description of the Reptilians, she stated that there is a sect of them "who are what we would consider evil. Some are not and are trying to incorporate into humanity." She claims, "I was informed by a group of Grays about the original agreement with the Government concerning the trade of technology with Abductions. From those abductions, some of the grown DNA and Hybrids are given to the Reptilians for Slave Trade and Cannibalism... The Grays founded this agreement due to the fear of retribution from a certain sect of the Reptilians." The retribution she spoke about was via a weapon that is called the “Shredder." They said it could shred a planet. If such a threat was ever relayed to our congressmen and senators it might explain why they appear to act without to regard to what they promised when they ran for office. However I suspect that if all the aliens exist that Rebecca claims to have seen, some would prevent destroying us simply because we offer natural resources (like genetic material) that serve as reason for them to abduct people
The most fascinating claims about Reptilians that I have seen are at Chapter 10 of THE DULCE BOOK. Warning, using the link might get you monitored by the NSA, but the danger from that small possibility is not worth missing what is a good read. It may all just be fiction, but if you're a scifi fan, it's worth your time just from an entertainment point of view.
One of the strangest aspects of the 2011 interview was Rebecca's claim that there "was an Energy Form which entered my room 2 weeks after the '92 craft. It changed the room to what appeared to be within another time period." She protested the incident, whereupon she states "it reacted with intelligence, terminated and left the room." She stated that she also visited a craft in Maine in 1997, and said she last had contact with these beings in 2008. In our 2015 meeting she said that she still had no more physical contact with aliens, however both she and her husband reported seeing a boomerang shaped UFO over Lakeland, Florida on January 10, 2015. Her husband told me that the object glowed a dull blue color and had the angular size in the sky of something about 2 inches wide when held at arm's length from his face. When I asked if she filed a report with MUFON about the sighting she said she did. Evidently it was listed as case 62660. However the report mentions white to gray to pink (or rose color) but nothing about blue.
In 2011 Rebecca seemed most concerned about issues related to education and protocols. My concerns (assuming that aliens are real and here, which I believe to be true) focus on alien agendas and defense matters. I am confident that our Government is aware of the threat described, however I'm disturbed by the decision to keep the public uninformed about it.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE FIGURE 2. The phrase TO THE UFO was found a priori. There was about 1 chance in 76 that it would be found at a special case skip (the absolute skip of the axis term, REBECCA RENFROE, or at +/-1). The phrase FROM THE SKIES IT WILL COME DOWN UPON YOU was only found a posteriori. Therefore, it's inappropriate to do a probability check for it.
OTHER EFFORTS TO USE THE TORAH CODES FOR AN OBAMA LINKS TO REPTILIANS. I’m not the first person to look to the Torah Code to see if Obama is a Reptilian. I found an article that tries to make a case for it at, however that writer's matrix is based on a misspelling of Obama and a misspelling of the Hebrew year 5769 (2008 to 2009). Therefore, it's worthless.
FIGURE 3 - Similarities between what was portrayed in the Movie MISSION TO MARS and what Rebecca Renfroe claims to have experienced.
REPTILIANS AS PORTRAYED IN VOICES FROM THE COSMOS (from an alleged interview of a hooded Reptilian by Angela T. Smith found on pages 95 to 103). Smith claims that:
- Reptilians are not part of The Confederation, and that they do not have emotions like the Grays and the Nordics (whites).
- There are conflicts between different races of aliens, especially between those who have emotions and those who do not
- There are many more Small Grays, fewer Nordics and fewer still of the Reptilians.
- Reptilians assist Grays in the movement of humans via spacecraft.
- The craft are made by Grays.
- Reptilians rarely come to Earth.
- No other races can prevent abduction of humans.
- No races can render implants fallible, but if an implant fails, it will be replaced. However, humans can take implants out.
- Only Grays and Nordics abduct people.
- Reptilians have no culture, music, art, or humor, etc. (My comment: Obama said the prettiest sound he ever heard was the call to prayer in Islam. It appears that Reptilians would not agree with him on that. Obama repeatedly praises Islamic culture, while bashing Judeo-Christian culture. See the film clip at
- Reptilians have chlorophyll in their skin for nutrition. So do Grays.
- Reptilians do not breed with other races (My comment: That would appear to exclude the possibility that Obama is a Reptilian-Human hybrid).
- The Confederation would not allow the Earth to be destroyed. (My comment: This means that the planet shredder mentioned by Rebecca would not be permitted).
- There is no race that controls Earth civilization. (My comment: But the Reptilian admits they do abduct and implant us. If the interview is real there were many unanswered questions, and other parts where disinformation appears to be obvious).
- Reptilians do not believe in life after death. The answer given was, "We are now and then we are not."
- Reptilians carry, Grays collect Humans, Grays and Nordic create Hybrids (who are not a race).
MY OVERALL IMPRESSION OF REBECCA RENFROE, SCOTT JONES, ANGELA SMITH, AND BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA. Rebecca's claims over the four years that I have known her seems to be consistent except that she may be more leery of alien intentions. However, she has spoken from the beginning about the need to be cautious when seeing a UFO, and the advisability of getting away from the situation with all due haste. She clearly is not lying about what she believes that she has seen although her belief system was obviously strengthened when her mother told her that she had seen Rebecca taken when she was just seven years old. Her claims about being taken throughout her life are in line with what many (or most) people say if they tell us that they were taken. Her memories however are usually personal and fairly detailed. Although Scott's name is given first on the cover of Voices from the Cosmos, most of the book is comprised of Smith's telepathic/remote viewing interview of a huge number of alien species. There is no real evidence given to support the accounts, other than the fact that similar descriptions have been advanced by others on-line. When I criticize NASA's Martian air pressure and weather reports, I use the data that NASA has published. I publish printscreen images to prove how they change their published data, especially after I have questioned data that is clearly erroneous (like where Mars is in its orbit around the sun, or how long a Martian day is at the site of the Mars Science Laboratory).
You can look up the location of the IP addresses just given at I have a similar list for NASA as Table 3 in my article about America Fallen - Who is Behind its Demise except that I only include the first few digits of the IP addresses of NASA folks because I don't want to get any of them fired, and because some might be my neighbors (I do live in Cape Canaveral and a good number of my neighbors either work at the Kennedy Space Center now or have in the past). The reason that I point out these hits on our three sites (, and is that if my Mars conclusions were nuts NASA, the Kremlin and a bunch of space agencies wouldn't bother reading our stuff on a near daily basis. Rebecca knows that she lacks the proof required to make her case anywhere else than among the believers (and there are plenty of them in the world). But with Scott, since he has an extensive military career, an extensive Intelligence background, and especially because he was the top aid of Senator Claiborne Pell, head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, I always want more than remote viewing and stories that require him to go through a medium like Dr. Smith, or the native American Turtle Woman Singing. When I visited his home for two days in 2007, he showed me what he says the Chinese Government gave him while he was there representing Pell on the specific topic of UFOs. Supposedly it was a piece of wreckage from a UFO that crashed in China. But Scott gave the sample to a U.S. lab to check out without maintaining visual contact of the object, and what he got back was a report that it was a common alloy of terrestrial aluminum. Could the lab have switched samples? You bet they could, but we'll never know. Of course Scott could be holding back because he signed nondisclosure statements. That kept my Uncle Eugene Roffman quiet about being involved with back-engineering the Roswell UFO until just before his death at the age of 93. Probably some of the hits that I get from the Russian Government are due to the fact that in my article about my uncle I name the Russian and Polish scientists who were working in conjunction with our Government on that issue.
CONCLUSION. Rebecca comes across as sincere, but whatever ET may have told her, they can't be believed. Scott has a background that makes me believe that he could know much more than he lets onto. But he fails to make his case in a manner that allows for any kind of scientific evaluation of his claims. Both Rebecca, her husband, and Scott have all been members of MUFON. In Scott's case there was some concern that he was there as a "double agent" with an actual agenda of collecting information for our Government. This I can neither confirm nor deny. Although I count him as one of my good friends, the fun in speaking with him is always in trying to see what he really knows, and what is just put out as a test.
Finally, as for Obama, while much of his past is hidden somewhere in the jungles of Indonesia where he went by the name of Barry Soetoro when he went to school with his religion listed as Islam, I think the case is much easier to make that he is simply a Muslim Trojan horse than a Reptilian, but in the world of intrigue, it's always possible that he uses the cover of being a closet Muslim to hide the fact that he really is not of this Earth. TV images do blur from time to time, and maybe that's what caused Rebecca to think she saw him as a Reptilian... or maybe what she says she saw was real. But for my money, the Achilles' Heel of NASA remains its Mars weather data. Start there, look at our PowerPoint entitled MARS CORRECT? MARS IS WET! - CRITIQUE OF ALL NASA MARS WEATHER DATA and then ask yourself why our Government would lie about Mars. What else are they hiding? It took my 6 years of intense research into Martian meteorology before I finally moved from the thought that NASA is simply full of a lot of incompetents to the idea that NASA puts out deliberate disinformation about Mars. I think that many of the NASA people who visit our sites know that and are rooting for us. Maybe that's true in the Kremlin too. But while I can prove what I say about Mars, and while I can offer some documentation to back what I write about my Uncle Eugene and Roswell, with all other claims I can only offer my judgment (which is far from perfect) as to the character, credibility and sanity of those who make the claims that they do.
Note: This article originally contained information about foreign readers that I thought would be useful to the U.S. Department of Defense. The information was proven false on 7/16/2018 and is therefore retracted.