The enemy of my enemy is my friend? Updated 10/19/2014.
The new President-Elect of Israel is Reuven Rivlin. After his recent election he received a rather odd letter from Mohammed Adnan, Chairman of a group called the Revolutionary Congregation for Syria’s Future. These are people that like ISIS, fight against President Assad in Syria. With REAUVEN RIVLIN as the axis term on the matrix below, in the open text ISHMAELITES touches his name. Also in the open text is reference to ARAM-NAHARAIM. Where is that? Looking at the map shown on Figure 2, it is essentially what ISIS occupies in Syria and Iraq now - what was also known as Mesopotamia. ISRAEL is also in the open text. There is an ELS for ISIS (but there are many spellings that would work for it). There is also an ELS of SHIITE. ISIS wants to destroy the SHIITE branch of Islam, the branch that controls Iran, which wants to destroy Israel. All of this is found in the top 9 rows of the matrix with an area of 324 letters (shown with a white background). There is also a word for ALLIANCE on the full matrix, but it requires an expansion to 828 letters to see it (the blue background). The letter from Mohammed Adnan is shown as Figure 3.
Figure 1 and its probablity spreadsheet below.
Figure 2 - maps showing that Aram-NaHaraim is essentially the territory occupied by ISIS in mid-June 2014.
Figure 3 - Letter from Mohammed Adan to Israeli President-Elect Reuven Rivlin.
IRAN ACCUSES ISRAEL AND ISIS OF HAVING THE SAME GOALS IN THE MIDDLE EAST. On October, 19, 2014, Iranian Brig.-Gen. Hossein Dehqan said that Israel and ISIS are two sides of the same coin, seeking to weaken the anti-Zionism resistance movements in Palestine, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq. Specifically, according to Fars, "Several reports, photos and footage have shown that Israeli hospitals are treating the injured ISIL militants fighting in Syria." The report further claimed that Kurdish forces had found Israeli supplies and equipment at Islamic State terrorist hideouts in the Iraqi cities of Mosul and Kirkuk.
With respect to the hospitals, at the Syrian border, in Safed and elsewhere in Israel, Israel as a longstanding policy of helping people injured in fighting, even if they are enemies of Israel. The policy represents Israel's desire to have peace, and to be a light to the nations. It has certainly treated many people (especially children) who were wounded in fighting in Gaza. As for Israeli supplies, Israel has a large arms industry. The accusation would have to show how the supplies got there. The report also does not specify what is meant by "supplies."
A LITTLE IRAQI MUSIC AND HUMOR. While it's far from certain that ISIS and Israel will ever be formally aligned, especially after ISIS has promised to conquer Jerusalem and it beheaded Steven Sotloff (a Jew), who holds dual American and Israeli citizenship, Iraqi TV, in an effort to insult ISIS, has no problem making a link between ISIS and Jews. For a bit of humor and great Arab music about all this, see their video here (found on the Jerusalem Post web site).