While Bundy is wrong legally, the Federal Government and Obama would be wise to leave him alone. (Updated 4/25/2014)
A 20-year legal dispute between the United States Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and cattle rancher Cliven Bundy in Nevada over unpaid grazing fees eventually developed into an armed confrontation between protesters and law enforcement. The dispute began in 1993 when Bundy refused to pay bills to the US government for his cattle grazing on federal lands near Bunkerville, Nevada. Bundy was prohibited from grazing his cattle on the land by an order issued in 1998 by the United States District Court for the District of Nevada in United States v. Bundy. After years of repeated violations of multiple court orders, in early April 2014 the BLM began rounding up Bundy's cattle that were trespassing on the land, confronted by protesters and armed supporters of Bundy. On Matrices 1 and 2 the axis term is RANCH WAR. Both figures have B. OBAMA on them. He is parallel to RANCH WAR in Matrix 1 and at the special case skip of -1 on Matrix 1 in the open text mentions leaving cattle in the field and it has an encoded NEVADA. Matrix 2 has C. BUNDY at the same skip as RANCH WAR and in addition to an open text mention of WAR, it also has an open text references to STATUTES AND LAWS share a letter with RANCH WAR. Matrix 2 also has IN THE LAND in the open text and FOR THE LAND at Skip +1.
WHAT WE CONCLUDE ABOUT THIS RANCH WAR? It's true that the law is on the side of the Federal Government. But it 's also true that the Federal Government owns too much of the land out in the American West. People who support Bundy also tend to hate Obama and big Government. Perhaps that's why B. Obama is seen on both matrices. Hatred of Obama by the right in the U.S. is so great that combined with images of armed Federal agents coming after Bundy and his supporters, it's not surprising that the agents had to back off. The law was also on the side of the British when the Boston Tea Party was held, and the modern Tea Party is just as fed up with the Federal Government as Bostonians were with the English. A full 84.5% of Nevada is owned by that Government. What seems to have been forgotten is that the Government exists to serve the people. People who are served beef in a restaurant or who buy it in a market are not getting their beef from the Federal Government. They are getting it from hard working ranchers like Bundy. It’s one thing to put a lien against Bundy, but another thing to bring in 200 armed agents to confront him and his supporters. The Government turns its back on a lot of illegal aliens who grow our beans. It would be best to do likewise here with the people who give us our beef, and to turn over land that is not required for military purposes to the states out west. And yet, when you look at the 2-page letter from the Texas Attorney General at the bottom of this article, it seems like the BLM is bent on seizing more land from Texas.
ON BUNDY'S RACIST REMARKS. I do NOT endorse Bundy's racist remarks. Specifically he said about blacks (he refers to them as negroes), "They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom."
While Bundy was wrong to go off topic and to offend so many people by doing it the way that he did, the basic issue of who should own the land in Nevada remains.
To be sure, Mr. Bundy is not an eloquent man. However, his way of thinking is not unique and, slavery aside, the high rates of imprisonment and high illegitmate birth rate among black Americans do not contribute to improving perceptions of blacks by whites. Demands for affirmative action, finally rejected this week by the Supreme Court, are hard for whites to swallow after they elected a black President who seems to have no respect for the Constitution.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF MATRICES 1 AND 2. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here RANCH WAR at its 2nd lowest skip on the first matrix and at its lowest skip in the second matrix. On the first matrix B. OBAMA was at an ELS against odds of about 59 to 1, but this name was at a special case skip (-1) on the second matrix against odds of about 419 to 1. NEVADA was on the first matrix against odds of about 27 to 1, but most spectacular on that matrix were words in the open text about HIS CATTLE LEFT IN THE FIELD. This describes what happened when the B.L.M. backed off and left Bundy's cattle in the field. Odds against this phrase being there were about 265 to 1. The combined significance indicates that this matrix exists against odds of about 211,912 to 1.
On the second matrix we see C. BUNDY present at the same skip as the axis term, RANCH WAR. Other a-priori terms include WAR (or Army) on the open text against odds of about 3.4 to 1 and LAND (shown twice) but it was not significant. Words on the second matrix about statutes and laws were found a-posteriori, so no statistical value is added for them, however, overall the second matrix exists against odds of about 347,951 to 1. Thus both matrices are highly significant.