It is common knowledge that Mars likely once had at least shallow seas covering its northern hemisphere. Supposedly it lost both its oceans, and possibly much of its atmosphere in a catastrophic impact event or in impact events. At least one suspect site is the Lyot crater. But was it an asteroid that hit, a comet, or possibly a small moon that de-orbited as will supposedly happen due to tidal deceleration to Phobos in 30 to 50 million years? On the matrix below the axis term is FLOOD ON MARS. In the open text is a reference to the Noachian Flood on Earth - AND THE WATERS RETURNED FROM OFF (ABOVE) THE EARTH. Also in the open text is FOUNTAIN OF WATER. IMPACT is at skip +1 and FROM THE MOON is at skip -1. CRATER intersects FLOOD ON MARS and LYOT is at an ELS.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. As per my usual protocol, no statistical significance was assigned to the axis term, here FLOOD ON MARS at its lowest skip in wrapped Torah. The most interesting a-prior term was IMPACT is at skip +1, which only had about 1 chance in 68 to be on the matrix. When you look at the second most significant term, AND THE WATERS RETURNED FROM OFF (ABOVE) THE EARTH, it's natural to wonder what I was thinking. The section in blue is of interest because Mars was once covered by an ocean, and part of the plan to terriform it (make it like Earth again) involves making the waters (which are largely underground there now) return to the surface. But there is also a question of whether the Noachian flood could refer to an event on Mars in our ancient past rather than Earth. I say, although I am an Orthodox Jew, this because there is no generally accepted geologic proof for a flood that covered the entire Earth about 4,000 years ago. In fact, although there are fossils from under the sea that are found near the top of Mount Everest, they are dated back to a time before the Indian and Asia plates of the Earth collided - million of years before the time of Noah. So the probem here is simply to see if the axis term FLOOD ON MARS is connected to the Noachian Flood. The phrase FROM OFF (ABOVE) THE EARTH is from the story of Noah, so at least in the matrix there is a connection. Further the word for OFF (ABOVE) (spelled ayin lamed) may hint at event off or above the Earth - i.e., Mars. When the Mars Science Laboratory Rover Curiosity landed at Gale Crater on Mars, it found evidence of such a flood. However this does not infer that the dating of such a flood on Mars would match the timed of Noah, nor would it explain how life got from Mars to Earth although Genesis 6:4 does refer to giants (Nephilim) that interbred with the daughters of man. The phrase THE WATERS FROM about 1 chance in 38 to be on the matrix at a special case skip (here -1), but the phrase AND THE WATERS RETURNED FROM OFF (ABOVE) THE EARTH is only one of many that would have worked - making it too vague to qualify as an a-priori phrase, and therefor making against my rules to assign a probability. The same is true for the a-posteriori phraseFOUNTAIN OF WATER. An IMPACT (especially from a comet) could have caused a flood. But what hit? On the matrix is FROM THE MOON is at skip -1. It had about 1 chance in 15 to be there at a special case skip (here -1). CRATER intersects FLOOD ON MARS and LYOT is at an ELS. Overall, the matrix exists against odds of 164,930. But there may be critical terms that I did not think to check for. The ancient flood on Mars seems to be encoded for sure, but whether is any link between it and our Noachian account remains to be proven.