To hell with political correctness. Protect our children! (6/12/2013)
On June 12, 2013, the Boy Scouts decided to allow homosexuals into their organization. About 70% of Boy Scout troops are directly supported by or chartered by churches. All of them include the Torah in their canon. Two specific verses in Leviticus directly oppose homosexuality. The more severe of them, Leviticus 20:13 is shown in Figure 1 which has as its axis term AND THE BOY SCOUTS. Leviticus 20:13 is on the top line, which reads (A MAN WHO) LIES WITH A MAN AS ONE WHO LIES WITH A WOMAN, AN ABOMINATION THEY HAVE DONE. THEY SHALL BOTH DIE. There are much better matches between the axis term and the prohibitions against homosexuality. But this matrix has two lines that very much justify the expansion needed to see the prohibition. A transliteration of B. OBAMA appears on the matrix a skip -1. This is the only time in Torah that the name appears at an absolute skip of 1. More astounding is that on the line below B. OBAMA and touching it is PRESIDENT, also at skip -1. But there is more. In direct sequence with PRESIDENT at skip -1 is THE IMPOSTER. For those who believe that this President was born in Mombasa, Kenya, and not Hawaii, the meaning is clear. Obama, having been born in Kenya, is an imposter. An ELS of KENYA shares a letter hey with THE IMPOSTER.
Figure 1 above: This matrix ties in two subjects: (1) The issue of homosexuality as a forbidden activity for the Boy Scouts, and (2) President B. Obama who endorses gay Boy Scouts, gay marriage, and whi is suspicted by millions of Americans of being someone born in Kenya. If so, he is an imposter occupying the White House while doing his best to destroy basic morality.
Figure 2 below shows a better match between the Boy Scouts and the strongest prohibiton against homosexual behavior in Torah. Curiously, running through THE BOY SCOUTS is HE IS A MURDERER. This will be discussed under the matrix. The matrix exists against odds of 1,233 to 1.
In addition to the story how Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed for homosexual behavior/attempted rape (Genesis 19:5), there are two verses in the Torah that specifically ban homosexual behavior The first is Leviticus 18:22, which states, “You shall not lie with a man as one lies with a woman, it is abomination.” Leviticus 20:13 is stronger. It states, “A man who lies with a man as one lies with a woman, they have both done an abomination; they shall be put to death, their blood is upon themselves.” Figures 1 and 2 include the stronger prohibition, but Figure 2 has HE IS A MURDERER go directly through THE BOY SCOUTS. The positioning of the latter phrase raises a question, in light of Leviticus 20:13, as to whether there is any guilt to be placed on the young victim of a homosexual rape. The immediate obvious answer, assuming that this matrix is not just due to chance, is “no.” This murderer being referred to must be the adult who has forced himself on the boy.
In what sense should homosexual rape be seen as equivalent to murder? Several arguments are possible. First, if the rapist transmits AIDS, it may kill the boy. Second, the rape may so disturb the scout as to lead the boy to commit suicide. Third, the rape may warp the sexual development of the scout, leading him into a life of sexual deviancy that may harm future children. Finally, if the incident leads to an AIDS infection, the disease may spread to the scout’s future wife (or girlfriend), killing her or her children. Thus it must be assumed that any homosexual rape is attempted murder on a grand scale. This does not mean that every scout leader who is gay will attempt to rape his scouts, but there is no critical reason for why a man must be a scout leader, whereas there is a critical reason for why boys must be protected from such scout leaders, priests, or any other homosexual man who is in a position to impose his sexual needs on young boys.
With regard to where Scout packs are found in the U.S., it is well known that the religion with the greatest threat of homosexual rape is the Catholic Church, which has thousands of cases of boys raped by pedophile priests. Catholic parents must be especially careful, because according to 2010 year-end Boy Scouts of America membership information, the Catholic Church in the U.S. has
- 180,286 Cub Scouts in 4,292 packs
- 97,625 Boy Scouts in 3,684 troops
- 8,822 Venturers in 819 crews.
Even as I write this on February 7, 2013, I am watching a PBS special and reading their story today entitled Tale of Abuse in Los Angeles Archdiocese All Too Familiar for Catholic Church. It really isn’t news; it’s what we hear it seems in another city every month. The answer to the Catholic problem is not therapy and transfer of problem priests to new areas where they can continue their abuse. The answer is for the Catholic Church not only to ban or fire homosexual priests, but to change its doctrine to require priests to be married. Catholics also need a pope who never wore a Nazi uniform. Meanwhile, the abundant problem caused by homosexual priests in the Catholic Church provides all the evidence required that homosexuals should not have role in running Boy Scout Organizations. Where errors may be made, it is always best to error on the side of child safety rather than Obama's insane, but politically correct way of corrupting America.
Figure 3 below: After looking up priests who attempted murder to cover their homosexual rape sins, and discovering the conviction of John Fiala, I sought his name in conjunction with THE BOY SCOUTS. I found FIALA at skip -1 in a 270-letter matrix with THE BOY SCOUTS, but the odds against this were not fantastic (just 33 to 1). So far I can find no link betweeb him and scouting other than the fact that numerous blogs cite him as an example of why we should keep homosexuals away from Boy Scouts.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here HOMO B. OBAMA at its only ELS in Torah. Before proceeding with the analysis, a few words are in order for the unusual axis term. The 5-letter name Obama is an extremely high frequency term in the Torah Code. That name alone in wrapped Torah (more than one pass through the 304,805 letters of Torah), between skips -152,402 and +152,403 occurs 322,552 times (83,048 times if only one pass through Torah is permitted). If we include the first intial of Barack with Obama, that number drops to 17,882, (3,464 in one Torah pass) which is still huge. This means that it will be easy to find many combinations of short words (up to 4 letters) before or after B. OBAMA. However, as noted above, I assign no statistical significance to the axis term. Normally the most typical limit for axis terms is about 8 letters, and a 10-letter axis term is relatively rare. However the letters making up HOMO B. OBAMA are again high frequency, so it is not surprising that I can find this ELS, although it only occurred once - and even then at a very high skip involving many computer passes through the Torah. This matrix spans 2,948,048 letters. As for the term HOMO, it is on my CodeFinder dictionary under the terms for gay. The word given in Hebrew is a transliteration of the same word in English.
In addition to not being able to include the axis term in my probability calculation I cannot include material in sequence with ABOMINATION that was discovered through snooping - just scanning for any words before or after ABOMINATION that I did not specify before I began the experiment. So there is no statistical value added for HAVOC/DESTRUCTION IN. As for ABOMINATION, this word, often used in conjunction with Obama because of the similar sounds of the words, appeared at a special case skip against odds of about 47 to 1. The matrix shows a 5-letter word for UNCLEAN, however it has a 3-letter root (pronounced tamei) that appears 201 times in Torah. There was about 1 chance in 3 that one of the terms for UNCLEAN would appear at skip +1 (best case scenario) in Torah. The phrase A WIFE UNDER HER HUSBAND AND IS DEFILED was found after I went looking for additional mentions of this word on the matrix (DEFILED =UNCLEAN). Since my calculation, using the Poisson Equation, is for at least one occurrence of the word, no additional value is assigned to the second occurence, and the a-posteriori remainder of the verse is also left off the calculation. Finally, the word for PRESIDENT (it also means prince) had about 1 chance in 8 to be at skip +1 on the 588-letter matrix. Overall, the matrix was judged to exist against odds of about 1,200 to 1.