Who are Israel's friends & foes? What is the truth about Zionism? The U.N. vote on Palestine is key to understanding. (12/7/2012)
According to Al-Jazeerah, 8 friends of Israel voted against the Palestinian request for a non-member state status in the UN. They were the U.S., Canada, Czech Republic, Panama, and four small island nations in the Pacific Ocean. This article will examine each of them, and look at how far from the mark claims are about Jews dominating the world. Sadly, I do this because I have recently encountered two "friends" who believe in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, an anti-Semitic hoax purporting to describe a Jewish plan for global domination. Wikipedia states, “After the Nazi Party came to power in 1933, it ordered the text to be studied in German classrooms. Historian Norman Cohn suggests that Hitler used the Protocols as his primary justification for initiating the Holocaust - his "warrant for genocide".[1] While it's obvious that Muslim states would vote against Israel (all did, except for an abstention by Albania), this article shows that all Catholic nations (except Panama) also voted against Israel (the majority) or abstained, mimicking Vatican opposition to Israel. Before going into details, know that real Zionism is a movement based on returning Jews to their ancient home in Israel with Zion (Jerusalem) as their capital again. It has nothing to do with anything alleged in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion which doesn't even mention Jerusalem.
Figure 1 - The only ELS of FRIENDLY Nauru is directly crossed in the open text by Israel. Odds against this were about 12 to 1. Ten percent of people on Nauru are members of the Baha i' faith. The Baha i' Seat of the Universal House of Justice and its members reside in Haifa, Israel. The Baha i' Temple in Haifa is shown twice on Figure 1.
In Figure 2 above it only takes 1 column and 21 rows (thus 21 letters) to pair the minimum skip of MARSHALL ISLANDS with ISRAEL. An open text ISRAEL is also shown touching the last letter of the encoded ISRAEL.
NAURU. The population of Nauru was 9,378 at last count. For those concerned about Jews getting too much power, know this. Nauru is made largely of guano. Just think of all the bird poop bombs that Israel could derive from such a mighty nation, although by 2011 there wasn't enough phosphate left from all the guano to be commercially extractable. In the Torah Code for Figure 1 the axis term FRIENDLY NAURU (at its only ELS) in Torah is directly crossed by ISRAEL in the open text. This match occurred against odds of about 12 to 1. The reason that a small, 45-letter matrix does not have very high statistical value is that Israel occurs 591 times in the open text of Torah.
THE MARSHALL ISLANDS (population 68,480). If you ask the average citizen as to which is the only nation attacked by nuclear weapons, chances are that they will know the U.S. nuked Japan twice in World War 2. But not many people will remember that we devastated another nation after the war - The Marshall Islands. Many natives were moved off their islands, some of which were obliterated and ceased to exist, while others could only begin to return 50 years later. The U.S dropped 67 nuclear bombs there between 1946 and 1958. The most powerful H-bomb ever tested by the U.S. (Castle Bravo at 15 megatons) was detonated at Bikini Atoll on March 1, 1954. You can watch a video of the explosion HERE. Seen briefly on the film is Dr. Edward Teller, the Jewish scientist who designed hydrogen bombs for the United States, not Israel. As you can see from the film, the Marshall Islands were highly contaminated by the explosions. Wikipedia states that, "In 2005, the Marshall Islands President, Kessai Hesa Note, visited Israel, asking for Israel's help in persuading the USA to acknowledge responsibility for the damaging long-term effects of nuclear weapons testing on the people of the Marshall Islands. Accompanying President Note was Bikini Atoll Senator Tomaki Juda (son of King Juda). Israel's close ties with the Marshall Islands (including medical and agricultural aid especially needed because of radioactive contamination) are documented HERE. Palestinian and Iranian criticism of the Marshall Islands is HERE.
As is seen on Figure 2, it only takes one column and 21 rows to show an ELS of ISRAEL with MARSHALL ISLANDS. While it's easy to find matches with an open text Israel because there ar 591 of them in Torah (one open text Israel touches the last letter of the encoded ISRAEL on Figure 2) this encoded match is not so easy. Without considering the issue of common letters (and there are two here - the alef of ISRAEL is the first letter of ISLANDS, and the shin of ISRAEL is the next to last letter in MARSHALL), the odds against a match this good are about 1,814 to 1.
PALAU (population 20,956). Israel was the first non-Pacific nation to recognize Palau, so it's not surprising that Palau beats the U.S. and has best record in the U.N. for voting with Israel. The Israeli Foreign Ministry has sent convoys of agricultural and fishing experts to Palau to help in training the local population. Perhaps this is a Zionist plot to have fun too. Israel maintains an Embassy in the capital, Koror. On the Palua matrix (Figure 3), as was the case with Nauru, I sought the adjective FRIENDLY in sequence with the county because Palua (4 letters) and Nauru (5 letters) are too short to use for axis terms. There is an open text ISRAEL on the full 187-letter matrix, but Israel is such a high frequency term that it really isn't worth showing it in the yellow background. Better is just to focus on the white background where there is an encoded ISRAEL. Odds against it being in the 102-letters with FRIENDLY PALUA were about 176 to 1.
THE CZECH REPUBLIC (population 10,512,208). This is the first widely recognized "real" country that voted with Israel. Part of the former Czechoslovakia, Czechs know all about being sold out to the likes of Hitler, and so they likely understand what Israel is up against with respect to a Holocaust denier like Ahmadinejad as he arms Hamas with the intent to finish what Hitler started. They know that appeasement isn't the answer
As just noted, the Czech Republic was once part of Czechoslovakia, which split apart into the Czech Republic and Slovakia. How did Slovakia vote on the Palestine question? It abstained. That's better than voting for the Palestinians, but it still leaves Israel with the Czech Republic as the only nation in Europe backing Israel. There were about 90,000 Jews in what is now Slovakia before the Holocaust, but only 2,300 survived and live there now. So how do the Czech Republic and Slovakia differ in terms of religious outlook?
According to Wikipeda, the Czech Republic has one of the least religious populations in the world. Historically, the Czech people have been characterised as "tolerant and even indifferent towards religion." According to the 2011 census, 34.2% of the Czechs stated they had no religion, 10.3% was Roman Catholic, 0.8% was Protestant and 45.2% of the population didn't answer the question about religion. But in Slovakia in 2011, 62.0% of Slovaks identified themselves as Roman Catholics, 5.9% as Protestants, 3.8% as Greek Orthodox, 0.9% as Christian Orthodox, 13.4% identified themselves as atheists and 10.6% didn't answer the question about their belief. The main difference is thus with respect to the Catholic Church. Where it's strong (with the exception of Panama where Catholics are about 85% of the population), Jews get no support. Where the power of the Catholic Church is weak, Jews find friends. I looked at the relationship between Catholic population, and this vote in the U.N. In Table 1, based largely on Wikipedia, the first two columns are countries that either had a Catholic majority, or a Catholic religion that is the dominant religion. In the first column we see who fit this category that voted against Israel. Some of these had Catholicism as the official state religion. As the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) notes, "Perhaps nowhere does the Vatican wield more influence than in Latin America, where the population is roughly three-quarters Catholic." In the second column we see the same Catholic presentation, but with those nations who abstained from voting. Finally the third column just shows all the nations who voted with Israel.
ARGENTINA | 56.5 | ANDORRA | 90 | CANADA | 43.6 |
AUSTRIA | 74 | COLOMBIA* | 86.29 | CZECH REPUBLIC | 10.3 |
BELGIUM* | 75.54 | GERMANY | 30 | MARSHALL ISLANDS | 8.4 |
BOLIVIA | 78 | MONACO | 81 | NAURU | 33 |
BRAZIL | 64.6 | PARAGUAY | 89.9 | PALUA | 44 |
CHILE | 70 | POLAND | 88.4 | PANAMA* | 85.38 |
COSTA RICA | 70.5 | SLOVAKIA | 60.2 | USA | 22.63 |
CUBA* | 50.46 | SLOVENIA | 57.8 | ||
ECUADOR | 80.44 | ||||
EL SALVADOR | 52.5 | ||||
FRANCE | 81 | ||||
HONDURAS | 47 | ||||
ITALY | 87.8 | ||||
LICHTENSTEIN | 78.4 | ||||
LUXEMBURG | 87 | ||||
MALTA | 98 | ||||
MEXICO | 82.7 | ||||
NICARAGUA | 83.7 | ||||
PERU | 81.3 | ||||
PORTUGAL | 91.4 | ||||
SPAIN | 71 | ||||
SWITZERLAND | 38.8 | ||||
URUGUAY | 45.7 | ||||
Nations with an asterisk are from
All others are from Wikipedia.
PANAMA - WHY IS THIS THE ONLY CATHOLIC COUNTRY TO SUPPORT ISRAEL? The population of Panama on December 4, 2012 was estimated at 3,644,669. The President of Panama is Roman Catholic, but apparently Panama believes that Israel is the guardian of the capital of the world. It thinks Israel does a good job as this guardian since all religious sites are safeguarded by Israel. The idea that Jerusalem will be the capital of the world, from the Jewish point of view, can never be accomplished while a human rules in Jerusalem. It can only be true in a Third temple in which the very Presence of God (the Shekhinah) dwells. He wasn't there even in the Second Temple. He only dwelt there only during the First Temple, which was destroyed in the year 586 BCE. With its destruction, we lost the Ark of the Covenant too. Finding that, of course, is what this web site was originally all about. See the ELS Maps on the home page.
CANADA: TBD. The population of Canada on December 4, 2012 was estimated at 34,999,103. Canada rightly argued that a unilateral action by the Palestinians would only drive the two sides further apart. They were shown right when Israel announced plans to build in the E-1 Zone between Jerusalem and Ma'ale adumim. This is discussed further below.
THE USA: The United States voted with Israel. To have voted against it would might have been political suicide for Democrats in the 2014 election, but maybe not. For all the concerns that anti-Semites have about Jews taking over the world, 67% of Americans Jews voted for Obama and against Israel in 2012. While Orthodox Jews voted for Romney, other Jews in this country only see Israel as the 4th most important issue. I doubt there were any Jews in either party who even thought about controlling the world. This has, however, always been a huge concern of the Catholic Church, and a look at Table 1 above shows how Catholic countries voted on the Palestinian question. It indicates exactly how closely they followed the Vatican line. Except for Panama, all Catholic countries voted in accordance with Vatican policy against Israel, or they abstained. Even France, often seen as a friend of Israel, but with an 81% Catholic population, voted against Israel.
Don't be fooled by rhetoric from the White House. Obama hates Israel, and in particular he hates Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. In fact, he hates him so much that the first time Netanyahu came to the White House, he was forced to use a back entrance, and Obama left him downstairs unfed while he went up to have dinner upstairs with Michelle. Obama is a hybrid that most Americans don't understand. Obviously, he loves Islam, but he loves power even more, and the real power controlling the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and who gets access to power is the Vatican. Figure 5 shows that VATICAN RULE is encoded in a 30-letter matrix OBAMA. This match occurs against odds of 1,451 to 1.
FIGURE 5 - VATICAN RULE is encoded in a 2-column, 15 row (30-letter) matric with OBAMA.
JEWS AND MONEY. During the 2008 Presidential campaign, a record $745,000,000 was raised for the election of Barack Obama. In 2012 that figure grew to $934,000,000 despite Obama's low job approval ratings. Where did much of his money come from? In 2008 all major candidates (including Obama and McCain) except Ron Paul were members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), but who controls the CFR? You can see the corporate members HERE. In fact, who is the real power behind politicians? Many think it’s Jews like Obama's former Israeli Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, 2008 campaign manager David Axelrod, Secretary of the Treasury Tim Geitner, Federal Reserve Chairmen Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanake, bankers like the Rothschild family, or Jewish dominated stock brokerage companies like Goldman and Sachs or the Lehman Brothers. Elsewhere on this web site I have done matrices about whether Obama might be a Muslim. But the real power behind the CFR is suspected by many to be none other than the than Vatican itself. As such, I initially searched for two words in sequence – VATICAN RULE. I found them at their minimum ELS of -24686, and in a two column by 15 rows matrix with OBAMA. Why are Jews often give jobs of great financial power? I suspect that the idea is that if they fail then the public will blame the Jews, and this will facilitate our eradication. But most Jews are smart, and there is probably a perception by banking firms that Jews may have a better chance of making hard financial decisions correctly. Here are a few facts about Ashkenazi Jews:
Nobel Prizes: Since 1950, 29% of the awards have gone to Ashkenazim, even though they represent only 0.25% of humanity. Ashkenazi achievement in this arena is 117 times greater than their population.
Hungary in the 1930s: Ashkenazim were 6% of the population, but they comprised 55.7% of physicians, 49.2% of attorneys, 30.4% of engineers, and 59.4% of bank officers; plus, they owned 49.4% of the metallurgy industry, 41.6% of machine manufacturing, 72.8% of clothing manufacturing, and, as housing owners, they received 45.1% of Budapest rental income. Jews were similarly successful in nearby nations, like Poland and Germany.
USA (today): Ashkenazi Jews comprise 2.2% of the USA population, but they represent 30% of faculty at elite colleges, 21% of Ivy League students, 25% of the Turing Award winners, 23% of the wealthiest Americans, and 38% of the Oscar-winning film directors.
As an Ashkenazi Jew I've got a lot to be proud about. But just like beauty can be a curse for a woman living in an area where rape is common, great financial prowess (admittedly not one of my talents) can be a curse when it draws Jews into banking and financial systems fail. That 59.4% of Hungarian bankers were Jews did not help them avoid the ovens when the Nazis overran their country. Of 825,000 Jews living there before the Holocaust, 550,000 were murdered.
IS THERE A ZIONIST CONSPIRACY AGAINST PHYSICISTS? The Roffman family is very big on science. Many of us hold a doctorate or PhD, but sadly I’m just a retired Coast Guard officer, science teacher, and author. I have an older son with a degree in geophysics from MIT, but he went into the rabbinate. The real concern here now is with my younger son who is a solid state physics PhD student. Horror of horrors; while I try to keep him within the sacred (or is that the sacrilegious?) world of physics, Goldman Sachs is trying to woo him from physics into the world of finance math. They are often a target of anti-Semites.
There is a particularly worthwhile article about Goldman Sachs, and the need to read the anti-Semitic work THE PROTOCOLS OF THE ELDERS OF ZION at this link. However Goldman Sachs isn't just looking for Jews. They have posters up around the physics department where my son is a grad student. If you look HERE you'll see what they're looking for (a lot of really high math skills that physicists must master), and if you read HERE, there's an amusing story of a gentile PhD physics student (now Professor Akash Bandyopadhyay) who, due to the abysmal employment prospects in physics, went to work for Goldman Sachs after working for Deutsche Bank (who I have personally battled over a Holocaust related matter). Dr. Bandyopadhyay relays the story of how a Princeton PhD graduate was forced to take a job at Wal Mart. Perish the thought for my son, but Wall Street might be the only option in this job market unless there is a sudden great investment in physics that isn't likely to occur when the U.S. is $16.3 trillion dollars in debt (see current debt clock HERE).
In the past Jews went into banking simply because gentiles wanted nothing to do with it, and they wouldn't let us into many other professions. But if you think that it's only Jewish banks that create problems, take a good look at my article about Deuetche Bank and my dealing with them after getting a letter from their agent asking me to divorce my wife or die; or see my matrix about them on my article about the Solyndra Loan. Given that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion was used by Germans as an excuse to murder Jews, the last link about the German Bank is of particular note on this topic.
Figure 6 - The nations that voted for the Palestinians and against Israel were mostly Muslim or Catholic.
THE APATHETIC WHO ABSTAINED FROM VOTING. There were 41 nations who abstained from voting. They were Albania, Andorra, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Colombia, Croatia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Estonia, Fiji, Germany, Guatemala, Latvia, Malawi, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Holland, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Poland, South Korea, Moldova, Romania, Samoa, San Marino, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Macedonia, Togo, Tonga, UK, North Ireland, and Fatwatu. In the past Australia was a friend of Israel. Evidently that relationship is changing for the worse. Germany too, long feeling its guilt over the Holocaust, long voted with Israel. Not any more. Poland has always hated Jews. There were mass exterminations of Jews there long before the Holocaust (about 100,000 murdered between 1648 and 1658). The excuse for these votes was that Israel is still building settlements. But there were 8,500 Israelis living in Gaza before Israel withdrew from there, and the thanks it got was 12,000 rockets fired from there into Israel. Palestinian President Abbas doesn't have any authority in Hamas-ruled Gaza. For that matter, Israel withdrew from the entire Egyptian Sinai Peninsula to get peace, moving in the opposite direction that anti-Semites would expect based on their belief that Zionists want to conquer the world. Israel's reward for withdrawing from the Sinai? A weak peace, with ALL missiles smuggled into Gaza coming from Iran or Libya via Egypt, and occasional missiles fired at the Eilat area of southern Israel from Egypt rather than Gaza. One of them in 2010 flew past Israel and killed a man in Aqaba, Jordan.
"The Holy See welcomes with favor the decision of the General Assembly by which Palestine has become a Non-member Observer State of the United Nations," a statement said.
But it also said it was a "propitious occasion" to recall a "common position" on Jerusalem expressed by the Vatican and the Palestine Liberation Organization when the two sides signed a basic agreement on their bilateral relations in 2000.
Thursday's statement called for "an internationally guaranteed special statute" for Jerusalem, aimed at "safeguarding the freedom of religion and of conscience, the identity and sacred character of Jerusalem as a Holy City, (and) respect for, and freedom of, access to its holy places."
The Vatican's re-stating of its position on Jerusalem, which has remained mostly dormant for years, was bound to irk Israel, which says there is no need for an international status for Jerusalem because those guarantees already exist.
FIGURE 7 - In truth, there is only hatred between Obama and Netanyahu. At the core of that hatred is Obama's attitude toward Jerusalem.
AFTER THE U.N. VOTE ON PALESTINE, WHY DID NETANYAHU ANNOUNCE THAT ISRAEL WILL BUILD ANOTHER 3,000 HOUSING UNITS IN THE WEST BANK? It's the height of irony that anti-Semites believe Zionists want to control the world. I'm ashamed to say that 67% of American Jews voted for Obama after he indicated that Israel should return to borders based on what they held before the Six-Day War of 1967, at a time when Jews had no access to Temple Mount in Jerusalem. While Obama tried to explain his remarks in terms of swapping land, there is no place on Earth like Jerusalem; and the holy sites of the Jews are in what was not held by Israel. Nor would the Palestinian authority consider building their hypothetical, capital anywhere else. And yet, what did the "Zionist" Jews of Israel do when they captured Temple Mount? Did they rip down or move the Dome of the Rock Mosque to build the Third Temple? No, they left the Mosque there, and let the Arabs run the Mount. Why? To some extent, to appease the Arabs (it didn't work). But also because we Jews think the Messiah has not yet come; and therefore most Jews who care about religion don't think we have the right to build it. For those who are religious, the majority opinion is that only the Messiah can build it, and nobody can claim to be the Messiah unless he ends war permanently. So Israel's actions, in NOT building the Temple, in withdrawing from the Sinai Peninsula and then Gaza hardly fit the mold of a people set on conquering the world. We do look forward to a conquest of sorts, but not by our arms or cunning. Rather, we long for God Himself to finally make His Presence known again, but we have no power to ensure that this will occur in our lifetimes. At best, the Orthodox Jews believe that we can help by living in accordance all the Torah Laws we can.
When the U.N. General Assembly voted to recognize a Palestinian State, the resolution included reference to a Palestinian capital in Jerusalem. Which Jewish book predicted this thousands of years ago? In Zechariah 12:3 we read, "And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it." That sounds pretty close to how the U.N. voted, but what about the U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton? Didn't she meet with Palestinian President Abbas before the ceasefire in Gaza? Didn't she try to convince Abbas to negotiate with Israel rather than resort to the unilateral action at the U.N.? Actually, she could only represent Obama, and he made it clear that there would be no serious consequence to the Palestinian action. Perhaps the Obama logic was that after it strengthened Hamas by pressuring Israel into a ceasefire (that depends on President Morsi of Egypt to enforce it even as he now battles an apparent revolution against him after he assumed dictatorial powers), Abbas needed a victory (at Israel's expense). Paramount in Hillary's mind was also the need to quickly return to the U.S. for Thanksgiving turkey.
So, Netanyahu, who faces re-election in January, was pissed. And he wanted Obama to know just how pissed he was. Thus his decision to announce new construction in an area near Ma'ale Adunim known as E-1 was designed to send a harsh message to Obama. The story in the Jerusalem Post is found HERE. In particular, according to former U.S. Ambassador to Israel Dan Kurtzer, an Israeli official let the Obama Administration know that E-1 was tied to Obama's refusal to confirm a 2004 Bush-Sharon letter. Note that Ma'ale (ascent of) Adunim is mentioned in the Book of Joshua (15:7 and 18:17) as the border between the tribes of Judah and Benjamin.
Apparently the April 14, 2004 letter from then President Bush to then Prime Minister Sharon, part of an exchange of letters between the two in advance of the Israeli disengagement from Gaza, contained a clause that Israel views as U.S. support for its demand to hold on to the “settlement blocs” in the West Bank.
The Jerusalem Post quotes the letter, now rejected by Obama, as follows”
“In light of new realities on the ground, including already existing major Israeli populations centers, it is unrealistic to expect that the outcome of final status negotiations will be a full and complete return to the armistice lines of 1949, and all previous efforts to negotiate a two-state solution have reached the same conclusion. It is realistic to expect that any final status agreement will only be achieved on the basis of mutually agreed changes that reflect these realities,” Bush’s letter noted.
Israel failed in its efforts to convince the incoming Obama Administration to reaffirm the letter and to have it serve as a basis for the American position on the delineation of borders in any final status Israeli-Palestinian agreement. This lingering point of friction between the two countries developed into open confrontation in the wake of Obama’s May 19, 2011 speech in which he said that “The borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps.”
In the end it really all comes down to this. Isaac was favored by Abraham, while Ishmael, a wild man (Genesis 16:12), got booted from home (Genesis 21:14). That accounts for one line of hatred. In the next generation Esau (born in a struggle with his brother Jacob/Israel - Genesis 25:23) spurned his birthright (Genesis 25:34), selling it for a bowl of stew, and Jacob bought it and took the blessing from Esau. Ishmael fathered the Arabs, who hated us, and Esau fathered the Romans who did likewise. Esau married the daughter of Ishmael to seal the deal. This explains the U.N. vote. As Psalm 83:2-7 states:
O God, keep not your silence; hold not your peace, and be not still, O God. For, lo, Your enemies are in an uproar and they that hate You have acted arrogantly. They plot crafty schemes against Your people, and conspire against You treasured ones. They have said: Come, let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be remembered no more. For with one mind they plot together, against You do they make a covenant; The tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites.
An essential question must be asked here. Should Israel (and the U.S.) remain in the U.N.? It almost always votes against the United States and Israel. Now it wants to control the Internet. The U.N. treats terrorist-supporting nations with the same respect as it does civilized states, and fact it often treats them better. Wikipedia states, "United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379, adopted on November 10, 1975 by a vote of 72 to 35 (with 32 abstentions), "determine[d] that Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination"; although resolution 3379 was revoked in 1991 by UN General Assembly Resolution 4686." It seems likely that when UN General Assembly Resolution 3379 was revoked after 16 insulting years, it was with the intent of encouraging Israel to negotiate away much of its ancient homeland, including Jerusalem. The anti-Zionists always stress that Jews are out to form one world Government, which is certainly a CFR objective. The closest thing to such a Government is the U.N. As a religious Zionist, my recommendation would be for both Israel and the U.S. to withdraw from the U.N. with an American objective of shutting it down or throwing it out of the U.S. Short of God Almighty descending to rule the Earth, no good can come from a world government, nor should it ever be supported in any form. Power corrupts. This has been shown to be true at the U.N. When sovereignty is assured for all legitimate nations (which does not include the Palestinians), there is some place for people to run to when corruption becomes intolerable.