Assad's encoded end seems near, but his forces continue to fulfill the prediction that he will slaughter his people. (7/19/2012)
FIGURE 1 above: This matrix, which was constructed in the fall of 2011, seems to predict the events of 2012.
The white background material thus includes the axis term B. EL ASSAD, HE WILL FALL at a special case skip, SYRIA, HE WILL FLEE at skip +1, JAILED at skip +1, END DEATH and ISRAEL. I don't think that Israel is part of this revolution, so I'll leave it off the significance calculation. It's a high frequency name (occurring 591 times in Torah), so it's statistical significance is usually very low anyway. The expression END DEATH is not yet clear to me from the Hebrew, but DEATH is clearly there. I use two 4-letter synonyms for it on the calculation.
The combined significance seems astoundingly high. Odds against such a matrix, if all terms were found a-priori, would be about 37,873046 to 1. But, I cannot vouch for veracity of this figure because I don't know all the terms that Sarah sought, but did not find. I used two synonyms for DEATH, but she might have used other words in her search. Some of the terms at skip +1 (open text) might have been found a-posteriori by her simply reading what is in the cross-print around the axis term. If that is the case, the odds given are grossly wrong with far higher significance attributed to the matrix than should be. Whatever the correct odds are, the matrix is clearly of interest. It seems to predict that (1) Assad will fall, that (2) he will flee, that (3) he will be captured, perhaps like Gadaffi, and (4) possibly die as a result of that capture. The real significance of the matrix can only be determined by history as it unfolds, but as of July 19, 2012, it appears to be a prophecy in the process of being fulfilled.
FIGURE 2: The ROCK of B. EL-ASSAD may be YIELDING power, but not until RUSSIA helps to DESTROY ALL THE SYRIAN PEOPLE.
FIGURE 2 FINDINGS. Figure 1 had impressive odds, but it was only based on the 24th lowest ELS of B. EL ASSAD. Normally I like to see matrices based on an axis term with a much lower ELS rank. Figure 2 is based on the same 6-letter axis term, B. EL ASSAD. But six letters is at the lower limit of what I will accept for matrix publication purposes. Generally I prefer work with 8 letters (or more). While I will not compute probabilities for the two snooped 3-letter words shown before and after B. EL ASSAD, the words make for a 12-letter ELS that reads ROCK (of) B. EL ASSAD YIELDING. The phrase may hint that the father and son team that was as steady as a ROCK which has ruled Syria for 42 years now may be YIELDING power in the near future. Today RUSSIA vetoed U.N. action that would have helped the people of SYRIA. RUSSIA and SYRIA are both on the matrix, as is the Biblical name for Syria, ASHUR. RUSSIA shares a letter with ASHUR, and SYRIA touches ASSAD. Assad with Russia’s help has slaughtered at least 17,000 people since the rebellion started. Thus of interest (but not for calculation purposes) is the statement AND SO YOU WILL DESTROY ALL THIS PEOPLE. It was only found a-posteriori.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF FIGURE 2. Under my standard protocol, three items are not subject to statistical calculation. They are the axis term, here B. EL ASSAD, snooped terms - here ROCK (of) and YIELDING, plus material found in the crossprint that was not sought in an a-priori fashion. That eliminates AND SO YOU WILL DESTROY ALL THIS PEOPLE. So we are left with three a-priori terms: RUSSIA, SYRIA and ASHUR. If this matrix were based on the lowest skip for B. EL ASSAD, the odds against finding lowest RUSSIA at a special case skip would be 320 to 1 on the full 476-letter matrix, or 389 on the smaller 392-letter matrix (white background only) that leaves out YIELDING. For SYRIA these figures would be about 49 to 1 on the bigger matrix, or 86 to 1 on the smaller matrix. ASHUR had a 92% chance to be on the bigger matrix and an 82% chance to be on the smaller one, so it was not very significant. Overall after downgrading combined values by 3 to account for the ELS rank 3 of B. EL ASSAD, the full matrix exists against odds of about 5,768 to 1; and the smaller one is there against odds of about 13,676 to 1. However, these figures offer no value to what is described that horrifies us all when we watch the news each night - the senseless slaughter of the Syrian people by their dictator. The phrase AND SO YOU WILL DESTROY ALL THIS PEOPLE really does say it all, even if my math can't account for it.