Clinton Says No to Pollard Release; Asks Israel to Free Terrorists
Pollard's freedom is hard for American military Jews to back; but it would be nice to see some compassion from our Government. (Being updated on 11/20/2015 due to Pollard's release)
Figure 1 above: Jon Pollard is encoded with spying, prison, and chemical weapons. He claims that he was passing information to Israel abou the location of Syrian chemical weapons. But what he did in many cases was just about making money.
On December 22, 2010, I received a Torah Code related e-mail from my rabbi in Israel, Rabbi Matityhau Glazerson. He wanted me to look at a matrix about the incarcerated Israeli spy that he had found and spoke about on YouTube on his site at The video is well worth your time. The axis term is Y(J)POLLARD. What I show on the matrix below lacks the name Jonathan that he showed on his matrix, but adds SPY, OBAMA, and BUSH. Of the two presidents named, BUSH does not conform to my usual requirements that a 3-letter Hebrew term have all letters within 3 letters of each other as the skip for it is -7. OBAMA is shown because I pray that this will be the President that finally releases POLLARD, although it's obvious that this President is no friend of Israel. OBAMA is found touching IN THE LAND OF EDOM, although America is a melting pot that is largely becoming the land of everyone. Rabbi Glazerson included the term because he identifies America with Edom. He points out that the initial of Pollard's first name (yud) is in sequence with POLLARD just before the last name, and that it is the first letter of the open text JOSEPH. Like POLLARD, JOSEPH was also a prisoner. The open text mentions prisoners and prison. POLLARD has now been in prison in the U.S. for 25 years since he was caught spying here for Israel.
FIGURE 2 below: This matrix about J. Pollard was found by Rabbi Glazerson in December, 2010.
In 1991 I was called to active duty at the start of the first Persian Gulf War. It was terrific duty. I wrote war plans at Coast Guard Pacific Area (PACAREA) in Alameda, California. I initially served there until June 30, 1992. My commanding officer, Captain Glenn Killam, was my youngest son’s godfather. I loved the command, the mission, and everyone that I met there. Captain Killam was like Joseph. He helped me in every way, and when I was about to get off active duty, he not only knew that I wanted to move to Israel to do religious research (as is found throughout this web site), but he also arranged for me to drill as a Coast Guard reservist at the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv. I was not going as an immigrant. I was going on an A-1 temporary visa, with at least 5 years to go before I was eligible for retirement. I could not, as such, hold dual citizenship.
In August 2002 Hurricane Andrew destroyed our home in Homestead, Florida before we could close on the sale. I had to return to America to oversee its repair. The move to Israel was thus stopped in its tracks. When I reached New York I learned that there were no hotel rooms in southern Florida, and there was no place to go there. So I called Coast Guard Pacific Area, and I received a set of orders to put me back on active duty there.
When our family arrived back in Alameda, there was a new command in place, and a Pharaoh (commanding officer) that “knew not Joseph.” I asked permission to switch duty days to go to synagogue on Rosh Hashanah. Permission was at first denied, then granted with words that my request was “unprofessional.”
On January 20, 1993, President Clinton was inaugurated. On that day I went to work like any other day, but when I arrived at the office, I learned that with no warning whatsoever, my security clearance was pulled. Why? Because I had moved to Israel the previous year! I pointed out that all my (classified) files had been transferred to the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv so I could help write plans for the U.S. Navy’s 6th Fleet. This had all been approved long before the move. I was told by the laughing bigot (a Commander A****) who had done this to me that I would get my clearance back, but it would take me a year. As a result, I was basically thrown off active duty, and I was forced to move my furniture back to Florida, my original home of record, without the usual Coast Guard coverage of moving expenses. I couldn't afford that, so we gave away our furniture to enlisted men in the office. In Florida we had to rent furniture, then max out our credit cards to replace what was lost.
A year later I got my clearance back, and I returned to active duty in Washington, D.C.. But with a year with nothing on my record in terms of service, and at a time when the Coast Guard was downsizing big time, it cost me promotion to lieutenant commander. Get passed over twice as an officer, and your career is over. I did, and it ended, I thought, shortly after that.
Nearly a decade passed. Another Persian Gulf War started. The Coast Guard needed war planners, and I was recalled from retirement at the ancient age of 55, and held until I was 60. And who wanted me? My old command at Coast Guard Pacific Area in Alameda, CA. I was back doing what I loved. But the strangest thing was what happened on my first day back. There was a familiar 300-page plan on my new boss's desk. I asked him if he knew who wrote it. He said, "No." When I opened the plan, I found my own handwriting on the first page - with a note to CALL CAPTAIN KILLAM. I did, and he was a guest at our seder table for each of the four Passovers spent there.
While at PACAREA again, I wrote the plans for six admirals, (four Coast Guard, two Navy - see MEDALS) and I retired with the Meritorious Service Medal. But I was never eligible for promotion because retired personnel recalled to active duty may not be promoted. That condition was written into my contract. I made a lot of money, and boosted my retirement earnings tremendously. I'm certain that I would have been promoted in the 1990s if not for the poisoned climate created by Pollard, but then again, if I were, I might have been too expensive to recall to active duty. I retired as the oldest lieutenant in the Coast Guard. Despite the anomaly of anti-Semitism suffered in 1992-1993, I loved every single second of active duty and service to my country.
And as for Pollard? He made a huge mistake, but I think 25 years in prison is enough. However, since he's no longer a U.S. citizen, and since he is an Israeli citizen now, I believe that it's only appropriate for the Israeli Government, its citizens, and Christian Americans to appeal for his release. It isn't appropriate for American Jews to get involved, though we certainly have a right in the election booth to consider our Government's demand to hold him captive for as long as he lives. In an ironic twist, when Mrs. Clinton was in Israeli insisting that the U.S. was going to hold Pollard forever, she also demanded that the Israeli Government free Palestinian terrorists who had murdered Jews there. As for what Pollard actually gave Israel, our Government has no comment. Pollard himself told Wolf Blitzer
Pollard has claimed that he provided only information that, at the time, he believed was vital to Israeli security and that was being withheld by the Pentagon in violation of a 1983 Memorandum of Understanding between the two countries regarding the sharing of vital security intelligence. According to Pollard, this included data on Soviet arms shipments to Syria and Iraq. He says his information was about Syrian chemical weapons, the Pakistani atomic bomb project, and Libyan air defense systems. He is not a man that merits belief. But for what it's worth, Figure 1 does include the words CHEMICAL and WEAPONS. Hafez Assad did use poison gas on his own citizens, and such poison is also a threat to those in Syria struggling to overthrow his son, Bashar Assad at the time of this writing. We can't trust Pollard. Should we instead trust the Torah Code? That's the question that I've been trying to answer since 1997.