Romney would do anything to gain power - including selling out the Republican Party. Posted on 6/12/2017.
It is somewhat unusual to find a deliberately sought axis term that is 10 letters long, but Figure 1 has one, BIDEN in sequence with ROMNEY. I sought the two together because of a story on June 10, 2017 that had Democrat Joe Biden asked Republican Mitt Romney to run for the U.S. Senate. The first word to cross my mind when I heard the story was the word CONSPIRACY. While it is only 3 letters in Hebrew, two of its letters touch ROMNEY. Obviously, Romney has a well-known hatred for President Trump. If he were to replace Senator Oren Hatch (R-Utah) because Hatch retires, he would not be a reliable vote for the Trump agenda. BIDEN is Catholic, but ROMNEY is Mormon. VATICAN is on the matrix at skip -1. Romney has called Trump a fraud, but Romney often flip flops on major issues. The word FRAUD is at skip +1. The word PRESIDENT is on the matrix in the open text, with BARACK at skip -1. Romney is a somewhat cheap guy who didn't use his own money to run against Barack Obama in 2012. MONEY is in the open text here. The only term at the same skip as BIDEN ROMNEY is FOR THE HOMOSEXUAL. Biden backed gay marriage before Obama did, but Romney opposed it. The matrix may indicate a future change in position in that issue.
STATISTICAL AND POLITICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE FIGURE 1 MATRICES. As per my usual protocol, no statistical significance was assigned to the axis term, here the only ELS of BIDEN-ROMNEY. The most significant a priori term found was VATICAN. Odds against it being at a special case skip (+/- 1 or the absolute skip of the axis term) on the full matrix were about 486 to 1. Odds against it being on the 320-letter segment shown with white or light blue ground were about 953 to 1. The second most significant term was FOR THE HOMOSEXUAL. Frankly, I was hoping to find a link with something UFO cover-up oriented or CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) oriented rather than this. I'll return to those topics later but it will require difference matrix sizes to highlight that material, and I know that it will not be as statistically significant as what is shown on Figure 1. As for the significance of FOR THE HOMOSEXUAL, it was found at a special case skip against odds of about 162 to 1 on the full matrix, or about 318 to 1 on the 320-letter section of the matrix. My main concern is with understanding how this term relates to Romney, who in public has consistently been anti-homosexual rather than for the homosexuals. With respect to to the Vatican, its position on homosexuality is clearly changing. The New York Times made this clear on July 29, 2013 when it reported:
ROME — For generations, homosexuality has largely been a taboo topic for the Vatican, ignored altogether or treated as “an intrinsic moral evil,” in the words of the previous pope.
In that context, brief remarks by Pope Francis suggesting that he would not judge priests for their sexual orientation, made aboard the papal airplane on the way back from his first foreign trip, to Brazil, resonated through the church. Never veering from church doctrine opposing homosexuality, Francis did strike a more compassionate tone than that of his predecessors, some of whom had largely avoided even saying the more colloquial “gay.”
“If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?” Francis told reporters, speaking in Italian but using the English word “gay.”
Francis’s words could not have been more different from those of Benedict XVI, who in 2005 wrote that homosexuality was “a strong tendency ordered toward an intrinsic moral evil,” and an “objective disorder.” The church document said men with “deep-seated homosexual tendencies” should not become priests.
Maybe I can help the Pope out here a little. There is an easy answer to your question, "WHO AM I TO JUDGE?" The answer is.... The Pope!!!!!! Head of the largest Church on Earth! And, head of the biggest institution of pedophiles!
What could likewise change Romney's position? Money and power. The word MONEY appears on the matrix in the open text against of about 3.76 on the full matrix, or about 6.86 to 1 on the 320-letter matrix. The axis term BIDEN-ROMNEY may suggest that Biden is considering another run for president, one in which Romney is rewarded for defecting from the Republican Party in exchange for a Vice Presidential slot on the ticket. PRESIDENT is found in the open text against odds of about 7.66 to 1, and on the 320-letter matrix against odds of about 14.5 to 1.
If there was ever a man who is the definition of FRAUD, it is Mitt Romney. On March 3, 2016 Romney said:
"Here's what I know: Donald Trump is a phony, a fraud," Romney said. "His promises are as worthless as a degree from Trump University. He's playing members of the American public for suckers: He gets a free ride to the White House, and all we get is a lousy hat."
Yet when the victorious President-Elect Trump dangled the Secretary of State position before Romney, Mitt was only too happy to apply. Fortunately, he wasn't selected. FRAUD appears on the full matrix at skip +1 against odds of about 9.5 to 1. Actually, the word shown on Figure 1 is much rarer than that, but the statistic just given allows for consideration of 5 other synonyms.
The last two words that I will discuss the statistical significance of are two 3-letter terms: BARACK and CONSPIRACY. BARACK is only shown at a special case skip on the large matrix. There it appears this way against odds of about 2 to 1. So it's really not a significant term. Normally it takes the last name OBAMA to have any real significance, and then only when it is at a special case skip. The more interesting term, CONSPIRACY, requires a greater discussion with reference to Table 1A on my article about Skip Tables to be used in conjunction with the Roffman Skip Formula, Skips = 2(Sr + Sc + 2[Sr][Sc]) = 2Sr + 2Sc + 4SrSc. Here the number of skips possible in a forward direction on a row of length r is Sr where r = the number of columns in the matrix. Likewise, let the number of skips possible in a vertical direction on a column of length (c) be Sc where c = the number of rows in the matrix. There was a 54.6% chance to find CONSPIRACY somewhere at a non-special case skip on the full matrix. For the 320-letter matrix that figure is about 33% which is not significant, however if we ask what were the odds against CONSPIRACY appearing in 40 letters with BIDEN-ROMNEY, the answer (without considering the issue of conflicting letters) is about 27.8 to 1.
Overall combined odds against the full matrix were about 80,328,119 to 1 while those against the 320-letter matrix were about 90,987,359 to 1. This means that the primary matrix is the 320-letter matrix. The primary concern appears to be a conspiracy with the Vatican to back a gay agenda and the further corruption of public moral values. There is one other term shown on Figure 1 on the line above PRESIDENT and touching it but not shown on the calculation. The five letter are alef lamed kuf feh resh. Alef lamed can mean to, toward or god. The issue is with the next 3 letters, kuf feh resh. Feh resh are the equivalent of F.R. What about kuf (כ)? It looks like a backward C, but it is generally translated as a K. Now, take an English name like Cathy, or Kathy. Both spellings ar used in English, but both are generally translated into Hebrew with a first letter of qof (ק) rather than cuf. However, if we allow for a C rather than a K in the translation of kuf feh resh, then we see a hint of the C.F.R. above the word for PRESIDENT. The C.F.R. (Council on Foreign Relations) is often mentioned in conjunction with conspiracies. Joe Biden is a member. What about Romney? In 2015 Harold Pease, PhD, wrote:
The current CFR membership roster does not list Mitt Romney as a member, and in 2007, he denied such. That said, the CFR website did have a very comprehensive and favorable outline of his policies on 22 foreign policy areas seemingly to invite support for him. They cite him as having published in their July/August 2007 magazine Foreign Affairs. They publish no one unless seen favorably by them. His selection of their organization as the source for a majority of his foreign policy and national security advisers suggests that a Romney Presidency will be managed by the CFR as with his predecessors.
I will not include CFR on the calculation because of the letter cuf issue. But I will return to the C.F.R. issue on a matrix to be published later this week. It will expand this article.