Trump Selects Major Vincent Viola as Secretary of the Army
The days of political correctness are over. Updated on 12/20/2016
President-Elect Trump’s pick as Secretary of the Army is VINCENT VIOLA. I found his 10-letter Hebrew name once in (wrapped) Torah at skip 95,050 (see Figure 1). I did not find Trump close to his name, but an ELS of PRESIDENT at skip 95,049 shared a letter nun in VINCENT. Viola will be the immediate superior of Army Chief of Staff Mark A. Milley (who I have written about before) as well as all other Army generals. In the open text there are 4 references to GENERALs. ARMY is also in the open text as part of the expression ALL WHO GO OUT TO THE ARMY (also translated as all who go out to war). I did not find IRAN on the matrix, but immediately before THESE ARE THE GENERALS is ARAN (which is a very short transliteration for Iran, and which is the name of seven cities in Iran). In the military we say that, "Arm chair generals discuss strategy, real generals discuss logistics." Viola, a West Point graduate, is an outstanding selection who clearly understands logistics. He is a billionaire businessman, philanthropist, the former chairman of the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX), the chairman of Virtu Financial, and the owner of the Florida Panthers, a National Hockey League (NHL) ice hockey franchise based in Sunrise, Florida.
Figure 1 above: VINCENT VIOLA encoded with ALL WHO GO OUT TO THE ARMY (or war), four hits for GENERAL or GENERALS, and PRESIDENT. Below - the statistical calculation for Figure 1 significance.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF FIGURE 1. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here the only transliteration found for VINCENT VIOLA in unwrapped Torah. While I do not assign significance to axis terms they are normally about 8 letters long on most of my matrices. Here VINCENT VIOLA is actually 10 letters long and using the R value software that comes with the CodeFinder program that I use it is apparent that there was only about a 25.35% chance that I would found such a long ELS for his name. Now, without considering Viola's name, here's what the spreadsheet calculation showed. The most significant a priori term was ALL WHO GO OUT TO THE WAR (or war). The term appears 15 term in Torah, generally in association with a census of the tribes of Israel. There was about ome chance in 30.74 that it would appear somewhere on the 672-letter matrix. The next most significant term was GENERAL. When using the Poisson Equation as I do on the spreadsheet I only calculate the odds that each term would appear at least once on the matrix. So no extra value is assigned for the fact that it appears four times here. Odds against finding at least one GENERAL were about 11 to one. Despite an ELS of PRESIDENT appearing in a 40-letter (10 row, 4 column) box with VINCENT VIOLA, PRESIDENT usually is not significant unless it is at skip +1. There was a 97.4% chance that the term would appear at a non-special case skip somewhere on the full matrix. How likely was it to be in a 40-letter box? One chance in 61.46, but I do not use small section calculations for full matrix significance. Overall, in accordance with my standard protocol the matrix exists against odds of about 348.9. If I altered my standard protocol to allow for R values of axis terms that are positive, as was the case with the 0.596 R value for VINCENT VIOLA, then its 25.34% chance of existing would alter overall odds against the matrix to about 1,378 to 1.
Notes: (1) An explanation of the R value calculation is at
(2) A critique of R values is found at
Figure 2 - Obama had previously selected a homosexual Secretary of the Army.
In contrast to Trump's brilliant pick, when Obama went looking for a Secretary of the Army he picked a man (Eric Fanning - see Figure 2) who had zero time served in the U.S. military, a politician who wanted Guantanamo closed, and whose major attribute was being a homosexual who wanted the Defense Department to be friendly to homosexuals and trans sexuals. to On May 17, 2016 the last Senate opposition (Senator Pat Roberts, R-Kansas) to Obama’s homosexual choice folded. Obama’s pick is Eric Fanning. On Figure 2 E. FANNING is the axis term. An ELS of OBAMA is vertical, though only half the skip of E. FANNING. ARMY touches E. FANNING. Obama is shown touching AND A MAN SHALL NOT LIE WITH A MAN in Leviticus 20:13. The full verse for Leviticus 20:13 states "'If a man lies with a male, as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.” While one open text hit is shown on the report for UNCLEAN, a term which refers to a spiritual state that can have many causes (including homosexual acts), the term is actually seen three times on the matrix.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF FIGURE 2. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here a transliteration of E. FANNING at its 20th lowest skip in unwrapped Torah. The most significant term shown is a segment of Leviticus 20:13. The full verse was offered above. It is the stricter of two absolute direct prohibitions against homosexual behavior in Torah (although the prohibition may also be inferred by the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, especially Genesis 19:5 - They shouted to Lot, "Where are the men who came to spend the night with you? Bring them out to us so we can have sex with them!").
Leviticus 20:13 declares homosexual actions an abomination and indicates that it's a capital crime. This does NOT imply that we should be executing homosexuals. There are many crimes in Torah that are capital crimes, but which have never been enforced that way. However I think that most military personnel would be happy to just go back to her Bill Clinton's original policy - Don't ask, don't tell. What the military is getting now are homosexuals and transgenders flaunting their rejection of Biblical morality. While enlisted personnel have to work hard to pass tests and fulfill qualification factors to get promoted, Obama's pick suggests that in his military the standard for success is only sodomy. Chaplains worry about being passed over and thrown out if they refuse to conduct homosexual marriages. Under Obama, traditional biblical values are not valued at all. They are anachronisms to be exterminated via a liberal Supreme Court and a subserviant Congress.
The other direct Torah prohibition against homosexuals acts (thoughts or inclinations are not prohibited) is found in Leviticus 18:22 which simply states that "You shall not lie with a man as one lies with a woman, it is an abomination." When I set out to find a matrix with Fanning in it, my goal was to match his name with one of these two verses. Before considering the high ELS rank of the axis term, odds against getting a match with A MAN SHALL NOT LIE WITH A MAN were about 508 to 1. OBAMA looks like a spectacular match with E. FANNING because the letters are vertical. However normally I use axis terms that are also vertical (as is the case here) but with no row split employed. However here I had to use a row split of 2 to show the desired target verse. So you will notice that there a row between each letter of E. FANNING. The computer actually sees 8,728 letters on each line (the skip of OBAMA) but it has to go through twice that amount (8728 * 2 = 17456) to find the letters of E. FANNING at skip -17,456. Under my standard protocol this finding of OBAMA is not at a special case skip (+/- 1 or the skip of the axis term) and so I must resort the Roffman Skip Formula to get an idea of the expected frequency of Obama. Further, this is not the preferred spelling of Obama (alef vav bet mem hey). Instead it is a secondary spelling (alef vav bet mem alef) that requires me to factor in both spellings. Bottom line, when all these factors are considered, odds against one of the two spellings OBAMA being on the matrix are about 9.27 to 1. No extra value is calculated to account for the fact that Mr. Obamination touches a verse that declares homosexual behavior an abomination. ARMY was found in the open text against odds of about 9.9 to 1.
From the point of view of political correctness (which often corresponds to sin), the most controversial terms on the matrix relate to terms tumah and tamei. On Figure 1 the words highlighted are translated as UNCLEAN. The term was found in the matrix open text against odds of about 5.5 to 1. Overall, when combining the significance of the terms above, and after dividing them by 20 to account for the ELS rank of 20 for E. FANNING, the matrix was found against odds of about 2,336 to 1.
The term for UNCLEAN on Figure 1 also roughly translate as ritually impure. Some of the causes are unavoidable. A Jew can become tame in a number of ways. They include:
- By contact with a "dead body"—tumat met—which, in addition to the body itself, includes significant parts of a body, soil in which the body decomposed, and others.
- By being present in a building or roofed structure containing a dead body (tumat ohel).
- By coming in contact with certain dead animals, including most insects and all lizards (enumerated in Leviticus, Chapter 11, verses 29–32).
- By contact with certain bodily fluids—niddah, zav/zavah - This view is held by Orthodox Judaism. This includes the concept of niddah and a prohibition on sexual relations during the niddah period (including childbirth). The traditional view retained the applicability of the concepts of tumah, taharah, and zavah, and retained a prohibition on all contact. See Niddah. (See Leviticus Chapter 15)
- By giving birth to a child (the time of tumah is 7 days for a boy, followed by 33 days of taharah (purity) and 14 days for a girl followed by 66 days of taharah).
- By contact with a primary source of tumah or an object that has been in contact with a primary source of tumah.
- By contracting tzaraath—see Leviticus chapters 13–14.
I have heard one Orthodox rabbi teach that the term UNCLEAN or ritually impure only pertains to Jew and that a gentile can be neither pure nor impure because they were never bound by the 613 laws of Torah (they are only bound by 7 of these laws, the 7 Precepts of Noah). The total issue of impurity in Judaism is a complex one. Islam has a somewhat similar concepts. The real issue here is whether the term relates to homosexuals. If a Jewish man can become ritually impure by touching his wife when she has her period, can he not also become impure by shaking hands with a homosexual? Some Orthodox rabbis say yes, but not all. Whatever the right answer is, and frankly I think that the verses in Genesis and Leviticus discussed above make the answer pretty clear, religious Jews and Christians should not have a false morality forced down our throats in the military. It's not easy to be an Orthodox Jew in the military, although most (but not all) of the time my superiors made accomodations for my faith. But my problems beforeI retired in 2007 only dealt with keeping kosher and securing off duty hours for the Sabbath and high holidays. Under Obama our military was forced to accept gross immorality or face disciplanary action. Hillary Clinton was determined to further subvert the our morality. With regards to sexual matters, her own web site stated that she:
Support efforts to allow transgender personnel to serve openly. According to recent studies, there are an estimated 15,500 actively serving transgender members of the U.S. military, making the Department of Defense the largest employer of transgender people in America. In July 2015, Defense Secretary Carter created a working group in the Department of Defense to study the policy and readiness implications of welcoming transgender personnel to serve openly. Clinton believes the U.S. should join the many other countries that allow transgender individuals to serve openly alongside their comrades in arms.
Who did Clinton work to silence? Anyone who believed that the Torah was given by God, and that we should live in accordance with its guidance. Thanks to President-Elect Trump (and even more, thanks to God), those who truly believe in the Author who dictated the Books of Genesis and Leviticus (as well as the rest of Torah) to Moses, won't have to worry about further compromises to our faith.