On May 27, 2011, I received an interesting e-mail from Larry W. Taylor in Oklahoma. I don’t really know him, but he has carried links to my site before. What he offered were links to a radio interview of an informer named Rick Wiles (who I don’t know at all) in which the there is claim that President Barack Obama used a false Social Security number (042 68 4425) and a false name (Harrison J. Bounell) for real estate transactions in the Chicago area. Before proceeding I want to make two things perfectly clear: (1) I have not attempted, and will not attempt to verify any of the charges in standard fashion made on the video. The only thing that I will do with the name offered is to discuss the Torah Code examination of this issue. (2) The 3-part video starts out with words about counting down to the second coming of Jesus Christ. I’m an Orthodox Jew, so like Christians I hope the Messiah comes soon, though I have not no countdown clock running; and when he does come I don’t expect him to be Jesus. I just expect him to be the Jew who ends war permanently without destroying the world in the process. Now, on this matrix, the axis term is HARRISON BOUNELL at the second lowest ELS of the transliteration found. The key a priori key words found were PRESIDENT at skip +1, BARACK at skip -1, and OBAMA at skip +2, the minimum ELS for his name.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. The axis term, HARRISON BOUNELL was at the second lowest ELS of the transliteration found, so all final values were halved at the end of the calculations. PRESIDENT was at skip +1, the best case scenario, so I only searched for its frequency at skip +1. As such, there was about 1 chance in 14 for it to be on the matrix because the word occurs 68 times in the open text. BARACK was at skip -1, which is not as valued as skip +1. For special case terms like it I search the Torah for its frequencies at skip +1, -1, and the absolute skip of the axis term (here +/-23,825). As such, there was about 1 chance in 3 that a special case skip would be there for BARACK. OBAMA was at skip +2. Normally this is not a special case skip, and I just use the Roffman Skip Formula and tables to determine the odds that some ELS of the name would be somewhere on the matrix. As such, it had about 1 chance in 11 to be there. Total combined odds would have a p-value of about .0038 or about 1 chance in 264, which is significant. However, if I count the ELS for his name as a special case skip because it is at its minimum ELS, then it had only about 1 chance in 236 to be there (at skips 2 or the absolute skip of the axis term), and the full combined odds go to a p-value of about 0.000176 or 1 chance in 5,675. This is very significant, as of course, would be the case if turns out to be the case that Obama is an imposter. HOWEVER, let me make this clear. The fact that certain terms are close in a matrix does not establish that the matrix supports reality, any more than the fact that two people are neighbors establishes the fact that they sleep together. This matrix only becomes important if it can be shown that, in fact, Harrison Bounell is indeed President Obama.
RELATED RESEARCH PAGES: The Birth of President Obama