Blumenthal and Birthers
This page under construction on 9/19/2016
On September 18, 2016 Donald Trump said, “Hillary Clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy. I finished it.” He went on to say, ““President Barack Obama was born in the United States, period. Now, we all want to get back to making America strong and great again.” Do I believe that Trump has accepted Obama's U.S. birth? Heck no! But he does accept that in order to win he must make this statement before the election. That's because there's a large population in America who falsely assume that to question Obama's birth in Hawaii is to automatically be a racist. This article will review why Obama was likely not born in the U.S. Who did Trump refer to in Clinton's 2008 campaign? Sidney Blumenthal. On Figure 1 BLUMENTHAL is the axis term with SAYING in the open text and sharing a letter with him. CLINTON and B. OBAMA are both at skip -1. FOREIGNER is at the skip of BLUMENTHAL. Finally, PRESIDENT is at skip +1 (in the open text).
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. As per my normal protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here BLUMENTHAL at its 22nd lowest skip in wrapped Torah. The most significant a priori word was B. OBAMA. Before factoring in this high ELS rank, B. OBAMA was found at a special case skip (+/- 1 or the skip of the axis term) against odds of about 602 to 1. The next most significant term was FOREIGNER at the same skip as the axis term. It was found at a special case skip against odds of about 27 to 1. The simplest spelling for CLINTON was found at a special case skip against odds of about 11 to 1. PRESIDENT was in the open text against odds of about 9 to 1. All these terms relate to what Blumenthal was saying back in 2008. SAYING in the open text starts at the second letter of BLUMENTHAL. It had about a 40% chance to be somewhere on the matrix, but no extra value was assigned for its meeting with BLUMENTHAL. Overall, after dividing combined odds by 22 to account for LS rank 22 of the axis term, the matrix was found against odds of about 197,579 to 1. It thus strongly supports Trump's contention that Hillary's staff started the birther issue, however as will be made clear further below as I develop this article, page 307 of Obama's own book, DREAMS FROM MY FATHER provides far stronger support. See the relevant text from his book on Figure 2.
OBAMA IMPEACHMENT? I have published a number of articles about this prospect before. Figure 2 shows one key matrix on the topic. Sadly, as of September 18, 2016 it doesn't appear that there are anywhere near enough members of Congress required to do what's right. Even if there was an interest in protecting the security interests of the United States, politicians are so corrupt and afraid of being seen as racists that they're unlikely to act against a black president even when it's abundantly clear that he sits in office to do the bidding of the enemies of America. If ensuring that Iran will acquite nuclear weapons, or releasing terrorists from Guantanamo, or allowing the IRS to be be used as a weapon against Tea Party Republicans isn't enought, what would be? The Torah Codes seems to have encoded what is right to do to this traitor, but we have been left with the free will to do what's right, and so far we've failed to do it. I read an article in which Oklahoma's State Legislature called for Obama's impeachment over the issue of transgender bathrooms, but their idea went no further.
In May 2013, Republican Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma stated that President Obama "could be impeached over what he alleged was a White House cover-up after the 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya".[2] Inhofe said that "of all the great cover-ups in history—the Pentagon papers, Iran-Contra, Watergate, all the rest of them—this ... is going to go down as most egregious cover-up in American history".[2] Republican Congressman Jason Chaffetz of Utah also stated in an interview that impeachment was "within the realm of possibilities" with regard to the September 11, 2012, attack in Benghazi, Libya, later clarifying that "it's not something I'm seeking" and that "I'm not willing to take that off the table. But that's certainly not what we're striving for."[9]
Wikipedia states that, According to a July 2014 YouGov poll, 35% of Americans believed the president should be impeached, including 68% of Republicans.[17] Later that month, a CNN survey found that about two thirds of adult Americans disagreed with impeachment efforts. The data showed intense partisan divides, with 57% of Republicans supporting the efforts compared to only 35% of independents and 13% of Democrats.[3]
Figure 2: Axis term FOREIGNER B. OBAMA KENYA. Statistical significance calculations for Figure 2 are on the spreadsheet below, however as of September 18, 2016 there is not yet any sign that this Congress has the will to impeach the President.