Malaysia Airlines Flight 17's fate was encoded. The suprise is that Obama's weakness is encoded as a major cause. 7/18/2014
On July 17, 2014 flight, MALAYSIA 17 , was shot down while flying over Ukraine en route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. MALAYSIA 17 is the axis term on Figure 1. At the same skip is ROCKET. RUSSIAN is at skip -1. The flight was apparently shot down by Russian rebels. REBEL is on the matrix at an ELS. The word ACCIDENT is also on the matrix at an ELS, and it touches REBEL as well as the open text phrase The stranger that sojourns with you shall be unto you as the home-born among you, and thou shall love him. Obviously that guidance from Leviticus 19:34 was ignored by the rebels. They have made it quite clear that that don’t want anyone flying over the territory that they claim. What goes through the word ROCKET is the open text Deuteronomy 2:25 phrase, “This day will I begin to put the dread of you and the fear of you (…upon the peoples that are under the whole heaven) .”
Who is to blame for the Malaysia Flight 17 missile attack? There is a lot of blame to go around. The Russian separatists who fired the missile, Vladimir Putin for invading Ukraine, and Malaysia Airlines for risking the lives that it did by flying through an active war zone where three planes had been shot down in the week leading up to the disaster. But Figure 2 gives us another answer. For at the same skip as MALAYSIA 17 is the man who is encoded so often at the same skip as great evil - OBAMA. Incredibly, the word for ROCKET/MISSILE intercepts MALAYSIA 17 just as the missile itself did. The other guardian of American weakness, Secretary of State John KERRY is also on the matrix at skip -1. CRASH is at skip -1 too. Finally WEAKNESS is at an ELS. Russia invaded Ukraine because of perceived Obama/Kerry weakness. The 298 innocent people on this flight died as a result of that weakness.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRICES. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, on Figures 1 and 2 MALAYSIA 17 at its 5th and 8 lowest skips in wrapped Torah. On Figure 1 the a-priori key words were RUSSIAN, REBEL, ROCKET, ACCIDENT and FEAR. On Figure 2 they were OBAMA, KERRY, WEAKNESS, ROCKET, and CRASH. Although rocket/missile intersected MALAYSIA 17 on Figure 2 this 3-letter Hebrew word was more likely to be somewhere on the 680-letter matrix than calling a coin toss correctly. Its appearance on Figure 1 at a special case skip (+/-1 or the absolute skip of the axis term) was against odds of about 9.7 to 1 before considering the issue of axis term rank. However, if we just ask what was the chance of ROCKET being with MALAYSIA 17 in a box measuring 8 rows by 3 columns, and factor in ELS rank 8 for MALAYSIA 17, then the two terms come this close against odds of about 6 to 1 if we don't consider the issue of conflictng letters. On Figure 1 the most significant term was RUSSIAN which was at a special case skip (-1) against odds of about 37 to 1. Odds against the other Figure 1 word terms ranged from about 7 to 1 (FEAR) to down to almost certainty (REBEL). Overall combined odds against Figure 1 were about 1,572 to 1.
On Figure 2 the most significant term was OBAMA. Odds against him being at a special case skip were about 150 to 1. WEAKNESS was the second most significant term, being found at an ELS against odds of close to 10 to 1. The combined odds against Figure 2 were about 2,081 to 1.