Can Bergdahl help get it done? Only if politicians can overcome the race card. 6/10/2014
The 10-letter ELS OBAMA IMPEACHMENT occurs twice in the Torah Code. Finding them with CodeFinder software is relatively easy. Trying to figure out if the Code only refers to attempts rather than success from attempts to remove him from office is not. Even harder is to figure out the cause because there are so many possibilities. We will look at some of them (other than abuse via the I.R.S.) in this article. Figure 1 shows what I found about the Obamacare issue. While it may be one of charges levied under the High Crimes requirement to impeach, it probably isn't enough. The term HEALTH on the matrix was an extremely low value one - in fact, looking at the spreadsheet below Figure 1, HEALTH had essentially no statistical value at all. This means that we should focus on other aspects of Figure 1 (shown with a white background in Figure 1) - including TREASONABLE actions. Figure 2 is based on an axis term of B. BERGDAHL. IMPEACHMENT is at the same skip.
Figure 1 above and its statistical significance calculation spreadsheet below.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF FIGURE 1. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here IMPEACHMENT (of) OBAMA at its 2nd lowest ELS in wrapped Torah. Against odds of about 6.5 to 1, PRESIDENT was found in the open text. Like HEALTH, CRIME had no statistically significant largely because it does not appear at any special case skips (+/- 1 or the absolute skip of the axis term). What is of interest here are the terms EVIL FORECASTING and DO NOT HARM ONE ANOTHER. The term DO NOT HARM ONE ANOTHER was in mind because Obama has harmed an enormous number of people and he should be held accountable to them, to the point of losing his job. It appeared on the matrix against odds of about 405 to 1. The problem is with respect to how to handle EVIL FORECASTING. The 3-letter word EVIL was absolutely to be expected somewhere on the matrix. It adds no real value to it. But the 6-letter term appears against odds of about 405 to 1 again. There are, however, caveats that must be stated. The biggest one is with the spelling of FORECASTING. The spelling used here, zayin vav yud, was found on Google Translate. However when I go the opposite way, from English to Hebrew, the same dictionary requires a letter chet before zayin vav yud. If I allow the 6-letter term, EVIL FORECASTING then the matrix exists against odds of about 610,930 to 1. If I do not allow it for statistical calculation purposes, then the matrix exists against odds of about 1,523 to 1. Even if the spelling is correct, the latter probability is better for one reason. The term EVIL FORECASTING was only found by a combination snooping and Google Translates. Snooping is not an a-priori technique of finding key words on a matrix. So while snooping often produces very interesting terms, under standard protocol, I don't use snooped words to determine probability. To Obama supporters my search for EVIL FORECASTING is an attack against him. Others may say that EVIL FORECASTING refers to the five terrorists released by Obama returning to the battlefield (which Obama acknowledges as a possibility and killing Americans (or others) as a result of his caving in to terrorism.
UPDATE AND STATISTICAL ODDS FORTHE 96-LETTER MATRIX: Having realized that the term HEALTH was not statistically significant and that the focus of the investigation should be elsewhere, I sought terms associated with TREASON. On Figure 1 the term TREASONABLE crosses EVIL FORECASTING and is found in a 12 row by 8 column, 96-letter matrix with IMPEACHMENT (of) OBAMA and PRESIDENT. This section is shown with a white background on Figure 1. On June 5, 2014 Fox carried a story that Bowe Bergdahl converted to Islam while with the Taliban. Supposedly he saw himself as a "warrior for Islam." If this turns out to be true then Obama swapping him for five leading Taliban terrorists really would be a treasonable act. If we just focus on the 96 letters, and again assign no value to the axis term, what is the statistical value of the 3 terms shown with it? PRESIDENT at skip +1 is there against odds of about 47 to 1. One of three synonyms sought for TREASONABLE was there against odds of about 12 to 1. The two terms mentioned so far are there against odds of about 282 to 1 when the combined values are cut in half to account for ES rank 2 of the axis term. As for EVIL FORECASTING, it was there against odds of about 3,175 to 1 but the caveat given earlier about it being found via snooping must be considered. If we gave we gave it the full weight given to an a-priori term, then the combined odds against this matrix would be about 74,933 to 1.
Statistical significance calculation for the 96-letter section of Figure 1 with the white background.
Figure 2 shows an axis term of B. BERGDAHL and the word IMPEACHMENT at the same skip.
FIGURE 2: B. BERGDAHL AND IMPEACHMENT. On Figure 2 I was able to find B. BERGDALH as the axis term, but only on a match that did not occur until the 14th lowest skip of the axis term, and it did not include the name Obama (which is usually fairly easy to find). It did include BARACK at skip -1. Senator Lindsey Graham threatened to impeach Obama if he let more prisoners go from Guantanamo or closed it without Congressional approval. There is a short 3-letter ELS that can be read as GRAHAM on Figure 2. The phrase AND SMOTE THEM was only found a-posteriori, so no odds can be given for it, however there was lots of smiting going on in conjunction with Bergdalh and the terrorists released to get him back. Six U.S. soldiers died trying to rescue or search for him. The terrorists have supposedly killed thousands of people. Overall, as the spreadsheet below shows, odds against finding this matrix were about 459 to 1.
Can Obama be impeached because he freed Taliban terrorists without getting Congressional approval? Yes, but conviction and removal from office is much harder to achieve. Here is why:
At the federal level, Article II of the United States Constitution (Section 4) states that "The President, Vice President, and all civil Officers of the United States shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors." The House of Representatives has the sole power of impeaching, while the United States Senate has the sole power to try all impeachments. The removal of impeached officials is automatic upon conviction in the Senate.
The House of Representative is controlled by the Republicans. So, if they chose, they can impeach Obama, although they risk being labeled as racists if they try it. But to successfully try Obama, the Republicans will need to win a majority in the Senate, and obtain some help from some Democrats since 67 votes are needed to convict.
THIS IS NOT THE FIRST TIME THAT OBAMA HAS BEEN THREATENED WITH IMPEACHMENT. The first serious Democratic National Committee concern about was expressed in an e-mail on December 28, 2013. The email, subject line “Impeachment,” was sent to Obama for America supporters, imploring them to contribute to the DNC’s 2014 efforts. “What do these people all have in common?,” the email asked, featuring quotes from Republican Sen. James Inhofe of Oklahoma, Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, Rep. Kerry Bentivolio of Michigan, and Rep. Blake Farenthold of Texas discussing the possibility of impeaching Obama for one of his numerous instances of presidential misconduct.