Multiple Encodings in Torah Warn About Iran (11/26/2013)
On November 23, 2013 U.S. Secretary of State Kerry announced a deal to limit Iran’s nuclear program in an effort to prevent Iran from acquiring an atomic bomb. The next day Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu said, “What was achieved last night in Geneva was not a historic agreement. It was a historic mistake.” On Figure 1 below the axis term is OBAMA AND KERRY. At the same skip are both ATOMIC and MISTAKE. The word HOAX shares a letter mem with ATOMIC. There is an ELS of IRAN and another of its ancient name, PERSIA. There is also an open text reference to ISRAEL and an ELS of ISRAEL. The deal does not force Iran to give up its 18,000 centrifuges or ship out of the country its enriched uranium. After the deal was announced Iran’s President announced that they still have the right to enrich uranium.
Figure 1 above and its spreadsheet below show that OBAMA AND KERRY are significantly encoded together with ATOMIC an MISTAKE at identical skips.
Figure 2 below. This is another strong indication that Obama's undercutting of Jerusalem and Israel will lead to an Iranian atomic bomb which will in turn force destruction upon them. The spreadsheet below shows that the odds against having both JERUSALEM and FROM OBAMA in the matrix with ATOMIC IRAN were about 148,537 to 1. As for the value of the Iran 1,000 Rial note shown with Jerusalem on it, on 12-20-2012 it was worth about 8.1 cents in U.S. currency. By 11-25-2013 is was down to 4.1 cents.
Figure 3 below: Netanyahu says Israel is the Master of its Religious Fate.
Figure 4 below: Atomic Holocaust and Obama are encoded at the same skip.

If Iran believed that Obama would back Israel in a war, it would have negotiated seriously. But it knows that Obama hates Israel, so it pushed forward to get the Bomb. Many long past deadlines have gone by which had Iran only a month or two from having completed a bomb. One of three consequences will likely follow. The first is that Israel will be forced to use a first strike attack Iran on its own, or with Arab friends (like Saudi Arabia) who lack weapons like our B-2 bombers. It won't be able to take out all the nuclear sites, or the Iranian Government unless it uses nuclear weapons. That’s one path to a nuclear holocaust via Obama weakness. The second is that if Israel is forced to go nuclear, sooner or later Muslim/Pakistani nuclear weapons (see EMP Attack) will be used against it and/or the U.S. Finally, if Iran now has the Bomb, it can destroy America via an EMP attack. Via any of these paths, Obama’s anti-Israel goals lead to us an atomic holocaust, And thus it is that we find On Figure 4 in the Torah Code that the only appearance of ATOMIC HOLOCAUST has OBAMA at the same skip. Odds against a match this good between ATOMIC HOLOCAUST and OBAMA at a special case skip (+/- 1 or the skip of ATOMIC HOLOCAUST) were 302 to 1.