We now know what will be the ultimate cause of World War 3. Updated on 7/16/2021.
There are two primary readers of interest who have closely followed this article since it was published in 2015. One was on it nonstop for 61,256,402 seconds. That's 708 days. It was a potential employer for my son, so I won't say more about them here other than the fact that they read all my articles about Korea today. The other was an Army Intelligence base - Fort Huachuca - that I write about a lot. They track everything that I publish on the Torah Code and about Mars, and we have what might be considered a humorous relationship. There is evidence that they listen to all my calls - which is OK, and they were on this article earlier today (November 29, 2015). I'm updating the article now because I want to update my information flow to them.
This article discusses the causes and timing of World War III. Before examining what the Code reveals, I will state up front that in my 20 years of studying the Torah Code, meaningful dates are almost never found. What are found are associations. With respect to World War III what was first found was an association with President Obama. However, this didn't mean that nuclear war would occur while he was in office. I thought it might occur then, but it's almost certain that it will occur as a result of the nuclear deal that he concluded with Iran on July 14, 2015. He has admitted that Iran will be able to build bombs at the end of the agreement, but he'll be out of office then. The deals he concluded with Iran gave them $151.7 billion and allows them to buy nuclear and missile technology from North Korea. This trade helped North Korea build the Hwasong-15 ICBM that could be armed with a nuclear warhead/EMP weapon capable of destroying the U.S. The North said the missile reached a height of 2,780 miles on November 29, 2017 (Korean time). Korea is addressed on Figure 4.
Figure 1 has an axis term of OBAMA IS A TRAITOR. When the war occurs, it won't be because Obama is a fool. It will occur because the American people were foolish enough to twice elect an enemy as their President. If a white, male President did the things he did he would have been impeached. Obama got away with murder because he has convinced a majority of Americans that anyone who criticized him is a racist, or that impeaching him would cause a race war. Figures 2 and 3 will look at a start date for the war, and it's not in the future. The main cause for the war, when it turns hot, has passed: July 14, 2015 – the day that Obama and Kerry accepted a deal that not only ensured Iran will acquire nuclear bombs, but even allows them to build Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) to reach New York and other U.S. cities.
Figure 1 - With OBAMA IS A TRAITOR as axis term, IRAN, ISRAEL and WAR are all at skip +1. Running into OBAMA IS A TRAITOR in the open text is I WILL BLOT OF OUT MAN WHOM I CREATED FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH. The probability calculation on the spreadsheet below does not inlude the threat to wipe out man only because I found it a-posteriori. My calculation is only for a-priori terms other than the axis term.
GROUNDHOG DAY AND FIGURE 1. There was, it seemed, not a day that went by when he was in office when I wasn't struck by what a traitor Obama wa (and is)s. On July 21, 2015, after days of Americans demanding Obama to lower the flag nationwide to honor 5 U.S. military men slaughtered in Chattanooga, Tennessee (by yet another another Mohammed), and only after the Capitol Building lowered its flag, the President reluctantly gave the order to lower the flag at the White House and elsewhere. When I started to write this article I forgot that I already published an article in March 20, 2015 based on the axis term OBAMA IS A TRAITOR. In comparing what I found then with Figure 1 here, the only major difference is that then I pointed out that USA was found touching OBAMA TRAITOR and on the line stating AND PUT AWAY THE EVIL FROM THE MIDST OF YOU. The word IS is not used in Hebrew, but is supplied by the translator where appropriate (as it is here) when going from Hebrew to English. Back in March, 2015 I didn't include the line I WILL BLOT OUT MAN WHOM I CREATED FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH. The discussion below only concerns the matrix shown on Figure 1.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF FIGURE 1. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here OBAMA IS A TRAITOR at its lowest skip in wrapped Torah. While Obama seemed to run from every war, his cowardice in the face of Iran and hatred of Israel is likely to cause the ultimate war – a nuclear one. WAR appeared in the open text. Odds against its appearance this way are about 15.6 to 1. ISRAEL was also found in the open text, but this seldom means much because the Torah is about Israel. It’s found 591 times in Torah, and it had more than a 66% chance to be on the matrix – that’s easier to find than calling a coin toss correctly. What was a surprise is that the conventional spelling of IRAN is at skip +1. It was found this way (best case scenario) against odds of about 272 to 1. While the primary concern was about Israel nuking Iran before the Iranians get the Bomb, or about Iran doing likewise to Israel if they continue to foolishly depend on America to protect them, in the negotiations Iran got permission to build ICBMs. If it intends to nuke America the war will quickly grow global. It is certain that North Korea will be involved. The last letter of OBAMA IS A TRAITOR is crossed in the open text by I WILL BLOT OUT MAN WHOM I CREATED FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH. This is the threat that Obama brought us. However, as striking as this phrase is, it wasn’t sought by me in an a priori manner, and therefore under my standard protocol I can't use it to calculate the significance of the matrix. Again, my probability calculations primarily indicate how accurate my predictions are as to what should be encoded with an axis term. They often don't indicate the absolute beauty of a matrix. The calculations also indicate whether individual terms seen on a matrix are to be expected or not expected due to chance alone. With no significance assigned to the warning about blotting our life, or THE MURDERER HE SHALL SURELY BE PUT TO DEATH touching IRAN, or YOU HAVE REBELLED AGAINST THE LORD FROM THE DAY THAT I KNEW YOU because all of these phrases were only found a posteriori (that is, on reading the cross-print), the matrix was found against odds of about 6,341 to 1.
FIGURE 2 AND ITS STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE. On Figure 2 the axis term is WORLD WAR at skip 53,361. Because I didn't find a good match between WORLD WAR and the Hebrew date for July 14, 2015 (the 25th of Tammuz in the year 5775) I tried something that I haven't done in the past. I looked for JULY 14. It’s on Figure 2, but not as a special case skip (+/-1 or the absolute skip of the axis term). After factoring in ELS rank 11 of the axis term, there was about once chance in 23 to have this date this close to WORLD WAR (in a 240-letter area box). If the match had occurred with the lowest skip of the axis term, it would have been found against odds of about 254 to 1.
What about the full 594-letter matrix? Before making the correction for ELS rank 11, the most significant term was found against odds of about 103 to 1. Since Figure 1 was based on an axis term of OBAMA IS A TRAITOR, I looked for TREASON, and found it against odds of about 64 to 1. MOHAMMED was found against odds of about 26 to 1. Obviously I looked for Mohammed because he gave the world the religion that will likely cause World War 3. CHINA was there at Skip +1 against odds of about 13.7 to 1. Why did I look for China? Because they were part of the P5+1 group (the U.S., China, Russia, Britain, France and Germany) that caved in to Iran. You can be sure that if a world war breaks out China will use it as an excuse to grab the oil facilities in the Spratly Islands. China is also threatening to use nuclear weapons against Japan if it defends Taiwan. JAPAN is at twice the skip of the axis term. ISRAEL was found in the open text, but it had more than a 68% chance to be on the matrix. I didn't find Obama on the matrix, but I did find BARACK at a special case skip (-1). The name is only 3 letters in Hebrew, and finding it this way was no more significant than calling a coin toss properly. I also found BUSH at a special case skip (that of the axis term). Note that while North Korea claimed to detonate an atomic bomb on October 6, 2016 while President G.W. Bush was in office, the attempt was later classified as a fizzle with an estimated power of as low of 0.7 kilotons (KT). Like BARACK, BUSH also had about one chance in two to be here at a special case skip. Overall, after factoring in ELS rank 11 for the axis term, the matrix exists against odds of about 1,392,804 to 1. However while the matrix seems to suggest things that are relevant to a world war, it doesn't strongly back the starting date of the war. With Figure 3 the story changes. The Hebrew Year of the nuclear deal, 5775, is at the same absolute skip as World War, Obama, and the Fool Iran.
Figure 2 - How WORLD WAR relates to JULY 14, TREASON, and MOHAMMED.
Spreadsheet for Figure 2. JAPAN needs to be added.
FIGURE 3. Back on September 25, 2012, just before Yom Kippur began, I found that WORLD WAR was at the same absolute skip as OBAMA and THE FOOL IRAN (although IRAN here is only spelled with a 4-letter transliteration). What I didn’t see then was that the Hebrew year 5775 (2015) was at the same absolute skip. 5775 was sought because it was the year that Obama pushed through his dream of giving Iran nuclear weapons and ICBMs (it was also the year that Obama did an end run around Congress, going straight to the U.N. to remove sanctions against Iran before Congress could vote on the issue.
On Figure 3 the following terms are at the same absolute skip of 146,320: WORLD WAR (the axis term), OBAMA, THE FOOL IRAN, a transliteration of TEHRAN, and 5775 (2015). BARACK at skip -1 crosses and share a letter resh with TEHRAN. In the open text crossing WORLD WAR are the phrases YOU SHALL SURELY DESTROY THEIR HIGH PLACES, and I WILL SEND MY TERROR. The last two phrases were not found a priori and are therefore left off the calculation below.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF FIGURE 3. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here WORLD WAR at its 11th lowest skip in wrapped Torah. On the spreadsheet below Figure 3 I just focus on WORLD WAR, OBAMA, TEHRAN and the Hebrew year 5775 , BARACK, and Iran's ally, GAZA. Although THE FOOL IRAN is at the same absolute skip as WORLD WAR, OBAMA and 5775, it wasn't included in the calculation because the transliteration of IRAN isn't the standard one (used on Figure 1) and because THE FOOL was only found by snooping, an a posteriori process. I only allow a priori terms in my probability calculations. If Figure 3 was based on the lowest skip of WORLD WAR, OBAMA would have been found at a special case skip against odds of about 156 to 1 and 5775 would have been found against odds of about 26.4 to 1. ForTEHRAN the odds against were about 21.2 to 1. But it is my practice to divide the significance of a matrix by the ELS rank of the axis term. As such the final significance where the matrix was found against odds of about 48,977 to 1.
Figure 3 - WORLD WAR, OBAMA, the Hebrew year 5775, TEHRAN, and THE FOOL IRAN all at the same absolute skip.
Spreadsheet for Figure 3.
ATOMIC HOLOCAUST AND OBAMA. There is a high frequency association for OBAMA with terms like WORLD WAR, ATOMIC THREAT and, as is shown on Figure 4, ATOMIC HOLOCAUST at the same absolute skip. Dates are hard to find in the Torah Code. There is a weak association with Yom Kippur (against odds of about 80 to 1) in a matrix measuring 44 columns, 29 rows, with an area of 1,276 letters) but this not shown below, but it might refer to an atomic holocaust that almost happened during the Yom Kippur War in 1973. To include Obama with Yom Kippur and atomic holocaust requires 56 columns, 29 rows and an area of 1,624 letters.
Obama is the guy that is likely to get us all or at least a lot of us killed. Congress could have slowed Obama down by insisting on a treaty with Iran. If we had one it would have taken 67 votes in the Senate to approve it - meaning that the Republicans could have easily blocked a fatally dangerous agreement. But the Republicans gave away their power and Obama only needed 34 Senators to approve his treason. Further, the support of 290 members of the House of Representatives was required to overturn the promised Obama veto that said would come if the Senate votes the deal down. As of June 2, 2015 there were only 246 Republicans in the House while there were 188 Democrats and 1 vacant seat. So if all 246 Republicans voted to overturn a Presidential veto, therehad to be 44 Democrats who are not traitors who vote against the President to kill the deal. Meanwhile, the Enemy in Chief had already taken the issue of sanctions to the U.N. where the U.S. and 15 other countries voted unanimously to throw out the sanctions on Iran so that Iran can make nuclear tipped ICBMs to hit New York. If we are lucky the Iranian warhead will malfunction when it gets to New York and only destroy the U.N. But I wouldn’t bet on it. I sometimes joke that if ever there was a reason to suspect that many of our leaders have been abducted by aliens and implanted with mind controlling devices, this is it. But there is no joke here.
Obama allowed Iran to drag out the nuclear talks long enough for Iran to put critical nuclear facilities far enough underground to be out of range of conventional bunker-buster bombs. The combined lunacy of Obama, the Congress and the U.N. is such to suggest that only an Israeli tactical nuclear strike against Iranian nuclear and military facilities could save the world, but now it looks like Israel would have to hit North Korea too. On September 6, 2015 Israel killed North Korean nuclear personell when it bombed a nuclear facility that they were building in Syria.
Figure 4 - ATOMIC HOLOCAUST is encoded at the same skip a OBAMA. Korea is also on this matrix.
Figure 4 shows the encoded relationship between ATOMIC HOLOCAUST, NORTH, KOREA, MATTIS, DOG , OBAMA, PRESIDENT and KIM . The first clear nuclear test success was under the Obama Administration on May 25, 2009. During Obama's two terms there were a total of four successful tests with yields possibly as high as 30 KT. There were two more up through September 9, 2017.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF FIGURE 4. As per my normal protocol no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here the only ELS of ATOMIC HOLOCAUST in unwrapped or wrapped Torah. The analysis is here will be divided into three parts: (1) The match in 400 letters between ATOMIC HOLOCAUST, KOREA with its best, 6-letter spelling, NORTH at skip +1, MATTIS, and DOG at skip -1; (2) The match in 513 letters between ATOMIC HOLOCAUST, OBAMA at the same skip, PRESIDENT at skip +1 and KIM at skip +1; and (3) The match between ATOMIC HOLOCAUST , and all terms on the full 1,134-letter matrix. Overall results are shown on the spreadsheet below.
(1) With respect to the 400-letter sub-matrix, normally when searching for Korea I seek four 5-letter spellings. One of them is qof vav resh yud alef (other varients substitute caf for qof, and hey for alef). But the dictionary spelling of the name is qof vav resh yud alef hey. That is what is shown here. When I find a 5-letter spelling I use the frequency of all 5-letter transliterations to calculate significance. But when I find the preferred 6-letter spelling, I use the frequency of it alone. As such, this spelling of KOREA was found against odds of about 254 to 1 on the 400-letter matrix (or 37.6 in the full 1,134-letter matrix). NORTH at skip +1 was found against odds of about 69 to 1 on the 400-letter matrix. This drops to about 24 to 1 on the full matrix. MATTIS was seen at a non-special case skip against odds of about 10 to 1 on the 400-letter matrix, but there was about a 56.9% chance to find it on the full matrix. General/Secretary of Defense Mattis goes by the nickname Mad Dog Mattis. DOG was at a special case skip (-1) on the smaller matrix against odds of about 3 to 1, but on the matrix there was about a 67% chance to find it. Overall the 400-letter matrix exists against odds of about 178,172 to 1.
(2) For the 513-letter sub-matrix OBAMA was found at a special case skip against odds of about 198 to 1, PRESIDENT was at skip +1 against odds of about 9.4 to 1, and KIM was at skip +1 against odds of about 7.9 to 1. Overall, OBAMA, PRESIDENT, and KIM all exist at special case skips with ATOMIC HOLOCAUST in this matrix against odds of about 14,575 to 1. I highlighted the phrase BEATEN FROM GOLD because it brought to mind the idea that economic pressure from the U.S. and China might help defeat KIM, but that's an a posteriori stretch, so it's not part of the statistical calculation. As for OBAMA, it cannot be overstated as to just how much pure evil is heavily encoded with this man. In fact, a major purpose of the Code seems to be to warn us about the monster. There is a special Table of Contents for him on this site. A quick count as of November 29, 2017 shows that I have written 94 Codes articles about the traitor - some with multiple matrices in them.
(3) For the full matrix in paragraph (1) above we have discussed the values of KOREA (37.6 to 1), NORTH (24 to 1), MATTIS, and DOG (both easier to find than calling a coin toss right). Odds against OBAMA are altered to about 87 to 1. PRESIDENT was at skip +1 against odds of about 4.3 to 1, and KIM was at skip +1 against odds of about 3.77 to 1. Overall the full matrix was found against odds of about 3,397,382 to 1. The spreadsheet for these odds was presented in my article entitled Atomic Holocaust, Korea, China and Guam, but the figure number there was 3 rather than 4.