Are the carriers sent to the Persian Gulf a sign of the End Times? (7/17/2012)
Figure 1: Transliterations of the names of all four aircraft carriers in the Persian Gulf area threatening Iran as of today, July 16, 2012, are encoded with Iran. The Stennis, which is also on the way there, could only be found by enlarging this matrix.
THE REAL CARRIER STATUS IN THE PERSIAN GULF. News reports make it hard to confirm the presence of more than 2 rather than 3 U.S. aircraft carriers there now. The Enterprise is scheduled to be decommissioned on December 1, 2012. It entered the Gulf on April 9, 2012 and it joined the Lincoln then. The Eisenhower was underway on June 20, 2012 for an 8 to 10 month deployment to the 5th and 6th fleets. The Persian Gulf is for 5th Fleet ships. The Lincoln had been in the Persian Gulf area since January 22, 2012, so it's due to rotate out. Therefore it appears that the four (not five) carriers of interest are (1) Enterprise, (2) Eisenhower, (3) Stennis and (4) De Gaulle. Of these, all but the Stennis are there now, so these are the ships of greatest interest on the matrix as of today (July 17, 2012).
Other terms of interest on Figure 1 are LIVES ON THE SEAS in the open text. This describes the life on an aircraft carrier. Just before this phrase is an encoded ON WATER. Nations of interest that have their current name in the open text are ISRAEL and EGYPT (which plays a role in permitting warships to sail through the Suez Canal). Nations at an ELS are USA, GREECE at skip -1, ASHUR (Syria), and ROME (Italy). The word PRESIDENT shown on the matrix was sought only because the title pertains to Eisenhower, Lincoln and De Gaulle.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF FIGURE 1. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here EISENHOWER at its 2nd lowest ELS in Torah. It only takes 17 tows by 10 columns (170 letters) to show the preferred 5-letter speling of IRAN. Before considering the ELS rank 2 of EISENHOWER, this word appears so close to the axis term against odds of about 54.8 to 1. If this were the only a-priori key word in the 170 letters (highlighed with a grey background), then the odds would be downgraded to about 27.4 to 1. However, there is another key word this close, GREECE at skip -1. Thus, considering axis term rank, odds against IRAN and GREECE at a special case skip (+/- 1 or the absolute skip of the axis term) being in the 170 letters were about 413 to 1. GREECE is of interest because the Greek Air Force came to Israel for joint air combat exercises last fall, thus the matches here were worth considering. As is generally the case, the question is how far should we extend the matrix? As the matrix grows, the overall significance of the key words just discussed (IRAN and GREECE) falls.
Although the full matrix is 1,060 letters in area, the largest matrix that should be considered for calculation purposes is 940 letters (20 rows by 47 columns) because the LINCOLN seems to be on its way home and the phrase Lives on (or by) the seas was only found a-posteriori. Likewise, the phrase to destroy them to him, He will not be slack to him that hates Him; He will repay him to his face, was only found a-posteriori. God may hate the Iranian leadership, but terms can only be of mathematical use if they are named ahead of the search. This was not the case here. The word PRESIDENT at skip +1 was on the 940-letter matrix against odds of 5 to 1. EGYPT and ISRAEL were each more likely to be found in the open text on the full matrix than to not be there. ASHUR (Syria) was virtually 100% certain to be on a 940-letter matrix, so it adds nothing of value here, even if it turns out that a war against Iran is part of an excuse to rid Syria of its genocidal dictator, Bashar Al-Assad.
FIGURE 2. Having discovered (with the help of Figure 1 in combination with the Internet) that the USS Lincoln is out of the area, I thought it best to start over, just focusing on the three U.S. aircraft carriers that will be on scene in August 2012. The results this way are much better. Now the axis term is the lowest (best case) skip of EISENHOWER. A better, 5-letter word for ENTERPRISE appears on the 620-letter matrix shown in Figure 2, and it is at the same absolute skip as OBAMA. A short transliteration of STENNIS is shown at skip +1. A short form of IRAN touches the open text phrase AND BURN THEM. IRAN also touches EISENHOWER. Finally, though always expected because the Torah is largely a book about Israel, THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL is also found on the matrix.
Figure 2: With confusion about the USS Lincoln cleared up, the Torah Code offers a much better matrix based on the 3 U.S. aircraft carriers that will be in the Persian Gulf region in August, 2012.
WHAT'S MISSING AND WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN? With all this fire power at Iran's front door, it's obvious that WAR should be a key word. To add this word from the open text in Numbers 31:28 the matrix must grow from 620 letters to 992 letters (31 rows by 32 columns). This word, which appears 36 times at skip +1 in Torah, has 1 chance in 9 to be on a 992-letter matrix, but using it cheapens the value of all the other terms brought over from the 620-letter Figure 2. Another term of interest is the phrase IN THE END OF DAYS. It is possible to show it from Numbers 24:14 along with all the rest of Figure 2 and the word WAR from Deuteronomy 20:6, but the matrix must grow to 1,634 letters (31 rows by 53 columns). With respect to the use of IN THE END OF DAYS, it's only found 4 times in Torah. Odds against finding it on a 1,634-letter matrix are about 47 to 1, but again the value of other Figure 2 terms will drop a lot. However, the real issue with the phrase is that it's timing has always been a matter of speculation in all monotheistic religions. In Judaism, in Talmud Sanhedrin 97a, we find:
R. Samuel b. Nahmani said in the name of R. Jonathan: Blasted be18 the bones of those who calculate the end.19 For they would say, since the predetermined time has arrived, and yet he has not come, he will never come. But [even so], wait for him, as it is written, Though he tarry, wait for him. Should you say, We look forward [to his coming] but He does not: therefore Scripture says, And therefore will the Lord wait, that he may be gracious unto you, and therefore will he be exalted, that he may have mercy upon you.20 But since we look forward to it, and He does likewise, what delays [his coming]? — The Attribute of Justice delays it.21 But since the Attribute of Justice delays it, why do we await it? — To be rewarded [for hoping], as it is written, blessed are all they that wait for him.22
Likewise, in Christianity there are huge problems with calculating the End of Days. It is obvious that early Christianity expected the End quickly based on Mark 9:1 where the Nazarene is quoted as predicting that:
"I tell you the truth, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God come with power."
Oops. The above prophecy went unfulfilled (everyone who heard it died and the Kingdom of God still hasn't arrived). Christian apologists will, of course, find ways to rationalize it away. However, the Nazarene was a bit (but not a lot) more modest and in tune with his parent religion, Judaism, when he said in Mark 13:29-32:
Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that it is near, right at the door. I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
So, what are we to believe about the events unfolding in reference to Iran? Most Orthodox Jews (including me) and Christians agree that we are in the End times, but we both been wrong before. Even the Iranians think we're in the End Times. The main difference between them and us is that they seem to think it's OK to deliberately start a nuclear Armageddon because they think it will bring the Mahdi back - their version of the Messiah.
WHAT IS THE IRANIAN THREAT? Here I recommend my readers to take 28 minutes or less to skim through an Iranian propaganda video to hear what the Iranians are saying about their belief that the Mahdi is going to return from the dead soon, and how that fits in with their belief in the necessity of an apocalyptic war in the very near future. Click here and scroll down to watch the film, THE COMING IS UPON US. You may want to skip ahead to where the English subtitles begin which is at 2:40 into the video.
It is because of this threat that it would appear that we have arrived at a moment in history when action must be taken. Even if a strike by the aircraft carriers mentioned above and all other forces lined up against Iran succeeds, we still will face an enormous terrorist threat (biological warfare and the contamination of food and water supplies comes to mind). We can look for threats in the Torah Code, but each day that passes Iran grows stronger, and it seems, more emboldened by the U.S. and NATO failures to act in a way more effective than oil embargoes that look like Swiss cheese. Will the U.S. be destroyed by an EMP attack launched by an Iranian ship in the Gulf of Mexico? Will Obama prevent such a catastrophe, or will Israel alone be left to face Iran and protect the West? The presence of four aircraft carriers in the Persian Gulf may be an indication that the West has finally had enough of futile negotiations with Iran, or it may only mark the desire to protect oil supplies against a retaliatory strike launched by Iran after Israel hits Iran's nuclear facilities. Only time will tell.