Updated on 11/19/2018.
The TREE OF LIFE (shown on the matrix at minimum ELS) is spoken of as the key to immortality in Genesis 3:22. The matrix has the seven-letter term encoded backwards two columns left of THE ARK. The association here of THE ARK with the key to immortality is particularly interesting because the Ark once held Aaron's staff, the same rod that had almond blossoms bloom in miraculous fashion. Even more remarkable is that the TREE OF LIFE finishes its ELS at the open text reference of ACACIA WOOD, which (in addition to gold) the Ark of the Covenant was made from. An acacia tree is shown to the left of the matrix, with the Kabbalistic TREE OF LIFE shown to its right.
So what does all the above probably mean? The coded link of the TREE OF LIFE and THE ARK with ACACIA WOOD may indicate that if the Ark is found something will be found with it to prolong life. The Stone Artscroll Chumash states, “The staff remained in bloom for centuries. It was placed in front of the Holy Ark through most of the First Temple era, together with a flask of manna until they were hidden by King Josiah.” The word for STAFF is also on the matrix and it’s in sequence with TREE (as in TREE OF LIFE). Thus, aside from the obvious miracle that we are told of in Numbers 17:23, there may be some powerful drug or chemical either in the Ark or on the STAFF that, if replicated, could retard the normal effects of aging.
The acacia tree has deep roots and survives throughout drought and famine. Since Biblical times, it has been a symbol of stability and resistance. It has compounds called avicins. When extracted from Acacia victoriae, an Australian desert tree, these chemicals inhibit inflammation (as with arthritis) and cancer in test-tube and mouse studies.
The acacia tree is sited in Isaiah 41:19 as a sign of the Messianic restoration. In the 147-letter matrix there is mention of the TENT OF MEETING which housed the Ark while in the wilderness. Although I did not choose to enlarge the matrix to show it here, 9 letters to the right of TENT OF MEETING is the anointed which also can mean The Messiah.
As the spreadsheet below indicates, the matrix was found against odds of about 352,556 to 1.