Powerful Codes Evidence: Obama Held Office Illegally. See Figure 4 to see how easy it is to alter a birth certificate. (Updated on 2/14/2017)
Sheriff Joe news conference link
Thanks Christie. This backs up what I say say in my article about Obama’s Kenyan birth and possible impeachment at http://www.arkcode.com/photo4_36.html. At http://arkcode.com/images/birth_certificates.png you will find how I used Photoshop to alter his birth certificate to have my name on it. It might be possible to impeach him when he is out of office, and lock up Hillary too. But OB’s hope to spin this is to use the almost totally treasonous leftist press to ignore it all and to count on the fact that Trump won without the popular vote. He is also counting on the high probability that if the new Attorney General wants to prosecute then there would be race riots.
Figure 1 Above: Axis term FOREIGNER B. OBAMA KENYA. Statistical significance calculations for Figure 1 are on the spreadsheet below.
-3 | 1,000 |
-2 | 100 |
-1 | 10 |
-0.301 | 2 |
-0.230 | 1.6882 (BORN IN KENYA) |
0 | 1 |
+0.050 | 0.89125 (IMPEACHMENT OBAMA @ Skip -127,811) |
+0.114 | 0.76913 (BORN IN HAWAII) |
+0.260 | 0.54954 (IMPEACHMENT OBAMA @ Skip +78,897) |
+0.301 | 0.5 |
+1 | 0.1 |
+1.301 | 0.05 |
+2 | 0.01 |
+3 | 0.001 |
+4 | 0.0001 |
+5 | 0.00001 |
+5.846 | 0.0000014256 (FOREIGNER B. OBAMA KENYA) |
+6 | 0.000001 (one in a million) |
Figure 2 Below: two matrices with IMPEACH OBAMA as the axis term.
Figure 3 - Evidence from a literary agent that Obama was born in Kenya.
OBAMA PRESENTS A HAWAIIAN BIRTH CERTIFICATE: President Obama finally revealed his birth certificate on April 27, 2011. In taking a quick look at it, it appeared to leave wide open the question of whether or not it was photoshopped (making it a hoax). I write this because in studying the area immediately around and going through the letters of his name, there seems to be an excessive amount of white in the background where we should be seeing the light green vertical and horizontal stripes that formed the background for the document before it was allegedly inserted into a typewriter. Click HERE and check other official views to see if you agree. Be sure to enlarge the image by clicking on it again. It's hard to notice the problem without magnification. The document released was still not the actual birth certificate. Rather it is only a certified copy. Earlier in 2011 Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie called off his much-publicized promise to reveal Obama's birth records. As part of the Governor’s statement on April 27, 2011, he stated, “President Obama’s mother and father were dear friends of mine.” There appears to be good reason to question this claim. The Governor was born on June 26, 1938. He would have been only 23 years old when Obama was born. Abercrombie was born in Buffalo, New York. Upon graduating from Williamsville High School (now Williamsville South High School), he went on to pursue studies at Union College in Schenectady, New York. There, Abercrombie obtained his bachelor's degree in 1959 and his master's degree in 1964. Then he moved to Honolulu, when Obama would have been about 3 years old. So it is highly unlikely that he knew Obama's parents (especially his father) at the time of the birth, or anytime soon thereafter. In fact, The New York Times states:
Ann Dunham, who jettisoned the name Stanley upon emerging from childhood, was just 17 years old in the fall of 1960 when she became pregnant with the child of a charismatic Kenyan named Barack Hussein Obama, a fellow student at the University of Hawaii who was more than six years her senior. She dropped out of school, married him and gave birth shortly before their union ended. In the aftermath, she met Lolo Soetoro, an amiable, easygoing, tennis-playing graduate student from the Indonesian island of Java. They married in 1964, after Ann’s divorce came through.
So, in returning to the statement by the Governor of Hawaii, I can only surmise that he is a bold-faced liar. This does not bode well for the authenticity of the late-coming photo-shopped photocopy of the birth certificate. Hopefully Donald Trump will not let Obama off the hook.
On March 29, 2011 Donald Trump expressed grave reservations about where President Obama was born. You can listen to his concerns here. Soon after expressing his reservations about the birth, Trump rocketed to a tie for the lead in a CNN poll about who is the top Republican choice for President. It was hard to argue with the simple logic that if Obama has a legitimate birth certificate, he should produce it for public inspection. His failure to do so for so long strongly implied that he is in the White House illegally, after having being placed there (funded) by foreign or corporate interests who do not have the interests of the United States at heart.
Figure 4: Hawaiian birth certificate and matrix with axis term BORN IN HAWAII. The birth certificate on the right with my name, BARRY STEPHEN ROFFMAN, had all letters borrowed from the likewise likey fake birth certificate on the left for BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA II. My "birth certificate" shows that I was born 2 minutes before my younger brother, who strangely enough went by my first name BARRY while he lived in Kenya as Barry Sortoro.
What about the association of LIE with Obama. Here the match on Figure 5 is better than on Figure 4. For one thing, OBAMA and LIE have the same exact skip, 22,608. The two terms are found in a 7 row by 15 column (105-character) box. By comparison, on Figure 3 the two terms are found in a 14 row by 37 column (518-character) box. What, if anything does this mean? There is a better match of LIE with BORN IN HAWAII than BORN IN KENYA, but it is neither extraordinary (nor significant). There is a slightly more interesting match of OBAMA and LIE on Figure 5 (BORN IN KENYA). If these matrices were deliberately encoded, they would cast more doubt on the Hawaiian birth than the Kenyan birth, but there is nothing here that says, “Aha! The Hawaiian birth certificate is a fraud!”
One last note - the Kenyan birth certificate has a number on it, the Hawaiian one has the certificate number blacked out. One criticism of the Kenyan document is that the birth registration purports to be an official document entered at the District Registry Office in Kenya on August 9, 1961. Kenya did not gain independence until December 12, 1963. However, this criticism seems unjustified. For one thing, the document is actually a certified copy that was signed on February 17, 1964. That would be on a date when Kenya was independent. The document thus reflects reality for Kenya when the document was issued.
Figure 5: Kenyan birth certificate and matrix with Axis Term BORN IN KENYA.
Figure 6: Obama, like Nixon, could be forced out of office by impeachment.
OBAMA: ANOTHER NIXON-STYLE DEPARTURE? I was concerned that on Figure 1 IMPEACHMENT at skip +1 was so close to FOREIGNER B. OBAMA KENYA, but only because the closer we get to the election, the more it suggests that Obama might win, leaving us with IMPEACHMENT as the only way to get rid of this impostor. This would be analogous to the way Nixon was forced out after he won reelection. However, such a result would be disastrous for our nation in terms of division. It would be much better to vote this guy out of office first.
On Figure 6 above the axis term is the same as it was on Figure 1, FOREIGNER B. OBAMA KENYA, but a row split was allowed to search for NIXON. He's there, but it took a matrix 1,344 letters in size (which is larger than I usually allow) to show him. Also on the matrix parallel to FOREIGNER B. OBAMA KENYA is IMPEACHMENT (although not at a special case skip). PRESIDENT is shown at skip +1. Of the key words shown, only NIXON has greater significance. It was there against odds of about 227 to 1. PRESIDENT at skip +1 had about 1 chance in 4 to be there, but IMPEACHMENT was more likely to be there than not. The combined odds against finding this matrix were about 1,286 to 1.
THE BOTTOM LINE. All we need to know is that, as shown on Figure 1, on page 307 of of Obama's book he let us know that he was not born in America. He (or his ghost writer) wrote this when he was 33 years old, long before he ran for President. He might not have known where he was born when he went to Kenya, but he sure knew about it when he illegally ran for President. The same is likely true of his major financial backers. They own him, and that means they own us unless we force him from office. WAKE UP AMERICA!
Did you watch sheriff Joe’s news conference today about the forensic proof Obamas birth certificate was forged? Not even an inkling of it on the news yet. If you have not seen it then go to Sheriff Joe Arpaio Facebook page! I think a lot of us knew it but powwww! Proof! How’s he gonna spin this?