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Bin Laden&O'Neill TIANJIN EXPLOSION Huckabee & Kim Davis NASA Achilles Heel World War 3 Date Gays & World War Excommunicate 3 Justices No Strategy Obama Lincoln Chafee in 2016 Bob Jindal in 2016? John Kasich in 2016? Ben Carson 2016? Lindsey Graham in 2016 George Pataki in 2016? Bernie Sanders in 2016? Martin O'Malley in 2016? Vatican recognizes Palestine Carly Fiorina in 2016? Clinton Foundation Korean Defense Minister Shot Freddie Gray Riot USS Roosevelt to Yemen Obama Surrender Gilbert Levin found Mars Life Valerie Jarrett Bergdahl &Obama Impeachment? Palestinian State? Obama Traitor & Iran Boehner invites Netanyahu Netanyahu Says NO to Obama Netanyahu&UN NETANYAHU Satanic Obama's enemies Anti-Semite Obama Podesta UFO Disclosure UFO Disclosure Pelosi and Netanyahu Pharaoh Obama Jordanian Pilot LT Kateasbeh Japanese beheaded Livni vs. Netanyahu Air Asia Crash 2015 DATES Jan. 1, 2015 Charlie Hebdo Communist Obama & Cuba Ferguson Verdict 1st Ferguson Riot Eric Holder Dr. Brandenburg: Nuke on Mars Moshe Feiglin - future Prime Minister? ISIS, Kassig, & Obama Executive Action & Impeachment O'NEILL SHOOTS BIN LADEN Elon Musk & Sabotage Gaza Buffer Zone Islam attacks Ottawa Kim Jong Un Comet Siding-Spring Tom Duncan Ebola to US India & Mars Ebola Obama Khorasan in Syria Alton Nolen Beheads Scotland Votes NY Nuke Nightmare Pistorius Trial Is Obama Our Enemy? Is Obama Really Hamas? 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Paul Ryan Whitney Houston Nazarene-wife Asteroid Toutatis Mayan Doomsday Holdings Book Ahmadinejad in Space Korean Rocket Coach Sandusky Armstrong&Moon Armada vs. Iran Qaddaffi son killed Romney&Bain Trump's wife abd election problems Mormon Concerns London Olympics Photos&Maps 2 Zubrin & Mars 7/28/12 Threats? Mars Stonewall Weather Goof by Mars Rover Remote Viewing Comet Lovejoy Space Shuttle Odd Shortsale Japan Tsunami Fukushima&End Meltdown Plutonium&H2O UFO Abduction Shutdown Deal WikiLeaks 1st Debate No Teleprompter Rodney King China in Space? Alien Hybrids? Bob Salas UFO MSL Sky Color Mars Sky Color Ashima/MIT&Mars End of NASA Brain-Reading Brokow vs. Gingrich Newt Gingrich Santorum&Gays Roberts Vote Ron Paul Cain Withdraws Jeb Bush 2012 Assad's Wife French Election Basketball Court Hamid Karzai Terror in France Mofaz&Netanyahu BeerSheba Attack George Soros Shalit Release Steve Jobs Social Security Barney Frank Michele Bachman Mineral Quake 9-11-2011 Lennon&Imagine Irene Flood Joplin Tornado Casey Anthony Jeff Savage Eilat Attack Renfroe UFO Mt. Sinai Pics Rocket Defense Haiti Earthquake Giffords shot Impeach Obama? Obama Loss Qaddaffi&Obama Don't ask/tell? Internet Dangers Past Presidents Jon Huntsman Bush Memoirs Bin Laden New Civil War? 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Mayan Calendar Google&Privacy Nasrallah Judge Elena Kagan Obama&McCain Snooping Skip Tables Term Positions RABIN MURDER 27-August-2012 Judge More (sp.) YASIR ARAFAT Hurricanes Walter K. York Romney&Netanyahu LINKS Roswell Angelic Doctor Joseph Smith Rod Rosenstein Transgender Michelle? Mars SAM Buy ARK CODE ROFFMAN BIO Weiner Scandal Spiritual Custody Contents Annulled Ch. 1 Annulled Ch. 2 Annulled Ch. 3 Annulled Ch. 4 Annulled Ch. 5 Annulled Ch. 6 Annulled Ch. 7 Annulled Ch. 8 Annulled Ch. 9 Annulled Ch10 Annulled Ch11 Annulled Ch12 Annulled Ch13 Annulled Ch14 Annulled Ch15 Annulled Ch16 Annulled Ch17 Annulled Ch18 Annulled Ch19 Annulled Ch20 Annulled Ch21 Annulled Ch22 Annulled Ch23 Epilogue Custody press coverage MSL Yr 5 Fall MSL Yr 5 Summer MSL Yr 5 SPRING MSL Yr 4-5 Winter MSL Yr 4 Fall MSL Yr 4 Summer MSL Yr 4 Spring MSL Yr 3 Winter MSL Yr 3 Fall Twenty and back MSL Yr 3 Summer MSL Yr 3 Spring MSL Yr 2-3 Winter Kerry Obama Iran Hoax Sept 4 2019 Radio Show Ebrahimi Update DOD-UKMOD SITREP 3 JULY 2020 R VALUES Enemy John Kerry DarkSide Ramsomware BIDEN FOR HAMAS Malaysia shoot down Custom 3 Pelosi & Milley vs. Trump Israel blows up Iranian missile base Saule Omarova & Our Money Shi Zhengli Covid Bat Woman Steven Weil and Ethiopian Jewry Custom 3 OCT 20 2021 RADIO INTERVIEW Custom 3

Powerful Codes Evidence: Obama Held Office Illegally. See Figure 4 to see how easy it is to alter a birth certificate. (Updated on 2/14/2017)

       I was alerted to this story by a reader contacting me on my blog. Her message and my initial response is shown below, but I would add here that while the story received over an hour's coverage on a local Fox station, it has not yet received national coverage on FoxNews.Com. For reasons I state below it is likely that this story will remained buried by the media (at least until after Trump's inauguration on January 20, 2017). If Trump tries to lock up Clinton and prosecute Obama it's likely that the nation would be torn apart so badly that Trump it would be hard to put it back together again. As I update this article the radical left, not content with surviving attempts to impeach Obama, seem empowered by the forced resignation of Trump's National Security Advisor - General Mike Flynn, and impassioned with a desire to seek President Trump's impeachment.
Christie says:

Did you watch sheriff Joe’s news conference today about the forensic proof Obamas birth certificate was forged? Not even an inkling of it on the news yet. If you have not seen it then go to Sheriff Joe Arpaio Facebook page! I think a lot of us knew it but powwww! Proof! How’s he gonna spin this?

    • Christie says:

      Sheriff Joe news conference link


      • admin says:

        Thanks Christie. This backs up what I say say in my article about Obama’s Kenyan birth and possible impeachment at http://www.arkcode.com/photo4_36.html. At http://arkcode.com/images/birth_certificates.png you will find how I used Photoshop to alter his birth certificate to have my name on it. It might be possible to impeach him when he is out of office, and lock up Hillary too. But OB’s hope to spin this is to use the almost totally treasonous leftist press to ignore it all and to count on the fact that Trump won without the popular vote. He is also counting on the high probability that if the new Attorney General wants to prosecute then there would be race riots.

The rest of this article was originally written back in 2014 and updated in 2014.
WHAT DOES OBAMA'S FIRST BOOK REVEAL ABOUT HIS BIRTH? Barack Obama also went by the first name Barry, his half sister's name is Auma. On page 307 of Dreams From My Father there is a strong hint that President Obama was born in Kenya. That would make him President illegally and be a cause for impeachment, and upon conviction, removal from office. The section shown on the right of the Figure 1 matrix below is a direct quote of Obama about what he learned about his personal history during first trip to Kenya. Figure 1 offers the longest axis term that I have found in 15 years of Codes research, FOREIGNER B. OBAMA KENYA. It is crossed by HE WILL BE LIKE A FOREIGNER in the open text and shares a letter hey with this confirming phrase. A-priori key words shown are FOREIGNER, BORN, PROOF, and IMPEACHMENT.

Figure 1 Above: Axis term FOREIGNER B. OBAMA KENYA. Statistical significance calculations for Figure 1 are on the spreadsheet below.

STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF FIGURE 1 AND THE ISSUE OF R FACTORS. So what does the Torah Code appear to say about the birth of Obama?  Under my normal protocol I assign no statistical significane to the axis term, here FOREIGNER B. OBAMA KENYA. I'll start the analysis this way, and then show why this matrix seems to demand another approach.
     The most significant a-priori key word was IMPEACHMENT. It was on the matrix at skip +1 against odds of about 420 to 1. I checked five synonyms for BORN. One of them was found at skip +1 against odds of 97 to 1. The word for PROOF was sought because it would take exactly that to move the issue of a Kenyan birth forward to an impeachment. I didn't compute odds for the phrase HE WILL BE LIKE A FOREIGNER in the open text because, although I certainly had a Kenyan birth in mind, I didn't antipcipate this particular phrase. It was therefore only found a-posteriori, but it shares a letter hey with this confirming phrase. The combined odds against finding IMPEACHMENT at skip +1 (which is the best case scenario), BORN at skip +1, and PROOF at a special case skip (+/- 1 or the absolute skip of the axis term) all in the 242-letter matrix were about 507,169 to 1.
       Once I found WILL BE LIKE A FOREIGNER in the open text, I began to think that I should have checked for FOREIGNER at an ELS elsewhere on the matrix. There were a few words on my CodeFinder dictionary. Normally I would rulre out looking for the 2-letter word spelled gimel resh and pronounced as gair because, when isolated, the minimum length for an ELS is three letters. However, on Figure 1 the two letters just mentioned are indeed part of an ELS that continues with B. OBAMA KENYA. But how can we arrive at an idea of how likely these two letters, in the right order, would be either before B. OBAMA KENYA as it is here, or immediately after it? If before, the first letter (gimel) forms 2,109 letters of the 304,805 letters of Torah. It is therefore about 0.69% of the Torah. The second letter (resh) accounts for 18,124 letters of Torah (about 5.92%). Multiplying these percents together, and applying the Poisson Equation, I calculate that there was about 1 chance in 2,439 that this word would precede B. OBAMA KENYA and a like chance that it would follow B. OBAMA KENYA. When I combine these odds with the chance to have IMPEACHMENT at skip +1 BORN  at skip +1, and PROOF at a special case skip in the matrix with B. OBAMA KENYA, I arrive at about 1 chance in 618,511,652. This again assumes no value for B. OBAMA KENYA or WILL BE LIKE A FOREIGNER at skip +1
       The 12 letters making up the full axis term FOREIGNER B. OBAMA KENYA are extraordinary. Perhaps when an axis term reaches this length it's time to start including the odds for (or against) its appearance in the full statistical calculation. To do so we probably should look at R values. The more positive they are, the more significant they are. 
       R values that are negative, like BORN IN KENYA (see Figure 5 below) with an R-factor of -0.23, are expected to be at an ELS in Torah more than once. An R-value that is 0 would be expected to be in Torah once; those that are positive should be expected less than once. Table 1 shows R values (including those of all matrices in this article) and word expectancies:
-0.2301.6882 (BORN IN KENYA)
+0.0500.89125 (IMPEACHMENT OBAMA @ Skip -127,811)
+0.1140.76913 (BORN IN HAWAII)
+0.2600.54954 (IMPEACHMENT OBAMA @ Skip +78,897)
+5.8460.0000014256 (FOREIGNER B. OBAMA KENYA)
+60.000001 (one in a million)
        You can see why I don't usually worry about the value of an axis term. Most often I use terms that are about 8 letters in length, which is the most common limit of what I can find  as an axis term. For the 8 letters required to spell BORN IN KENYA it was expected that more often than not such an ELS would exist somewhere it Torah. Even for the 9 letters needed to spell BORN IN HAWAII there was better than a 76% chance that the term would exist at an ELS. But, look at the 12-letter term FOREIGNER B. OBAMA KENYA. The expectancy 0.0000014256 converts to only 1 chance in 701,455 that it would be in Torah at an ELS. This makes Figure 1 really special, a matrix that has a highly significant axis term.
MONTE CARLO PROBABILITY CALCULATION. Many of  the more serious Codes researchers like Dr. Robert Haralick or Dr. Eliahu Rips use a Monte Carlo method to compute  probabilities. Using this method. Dr. Haralick sought the probability for Figure 1. He wrote me on May 16, 2012 stating, "Using my axis protocol, and your five key words, the long one being the axis key word, the estimated p-value was 2/1,000,000." Of course, 2/1,000,000 or 1/500,000 is very close to the first probability that I calculated on the spreadsheet (1 chance in 507,169). However the method used by Dr. Haralick does not place any special emphasis on matrix structure with special case skips (+/- 1 or the absolute skip of the axis term). It merely looks at the probability that the words found are so close together at any skip.

Figure 2 Below: two matrices with IMPEACH OBAMA as the axis term.

OBAMA'S IMPEACHMENT ELSEWHERE IN THE TORAH CODE. Two relatively small matrices include the word for PRESIDENT at skip +1, and axis terms with the fairly long 10-letter ELS for IMPEACHMENT OBAMA. On Figure 2 above the matrix based on the left has the lowest skip (78,897 letters) with TRUMP, the man who tried to get Obama impeached earlier in 2011, at the same absolute skip as IMPEACHMENT OBAMA. The matrix on the right in Figure 2 has IMPEACHMENT OBAMA at skip -127,811 with KENYA on the matrix (but not at a special case skip). Trump has made much of the possibility that Obama was born there (and therefore should be impeached based on falsified birth documents). Both matrices were only found in wrapped Torah (requiring more than one computer pass through the Torah’s 304,805 letters to locate). The R-factor for IMPEACHMENT OBAMA at skip 78,897 is +0.260. The R-factor for IMPEACHMENT OBAMA at skip -127,811 is +0.050. As was discussed above in conjunction with Table 1, these numbers are low enough that they will not significantly affect the overall values of the matrices on Figure 2.  

Figure 3 - Evidence from a literary agent that Obama was born in Kenya.

OBAMA PRESENTS A HAWAIIAN BIRTH CERTIFICATE:  President Obama finally revealed his birth certificate on April 27, 2011. In taking a quick look at it, it appeared to leave wide open the question of whether or not it was photoshopped (making it a hoax). I write this because in studying the area immediately around and going through the letters of his name, there seems to be an excessive amount of white in the background where we should be seeing the light green vertical and horizontal stripes that formed the background for the document before it was allegedly inserted into a typewriter.  Click HERE and check other official views to see if you agree. Be sure to enlarge the image by clicking on it again. It's hard to notice the problem without magnification. The document released was still not the actual birth certificate.  Rather it is only a certified copy. Earlier in 2011 Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie called off his much-publicized promise to reveal Obama's birth records. As part of the Governor’s statement on April 27, 2011, he stated, “President Obama’s mother and father were dear friends of mine.” There appears to be good reason to question this claim. The Governor was born on June 26, 1938. He would have been only 23 years old when Obama was born. Abercrombie was born in Buffalo, New York. Upon graduating from Williamsville High School (now Williamsville South High School), he went on to pursue studies at Union College in Schenectady, New York. There, Abercrombie obtained his bachelor's degree in 1959 and his master's degree in 1964. Then he moved to Honolulu, when Obama would have been about 3 years old. So it is highly unlikely that he knew Obama's parents (especially his father) at the time of the birth, or anytime soon thereafter. In fact, The New York Times states:



Ann Dunham, who jettisoned the name Stanley upon emerging from childhood, was just 17 years old in the fall of 1960 when she became pregnant with the child of a charismatic Kenyan named Barack Hussein Obama, a fellow student at the University of Hawaii who was more than six years her senior. She dropped out of school, married him and gave birth shortly before their union ended. In the aftermath, she met Lolo Soetoro, an amiable, easygoing, tennis-playing graduate student from the Indonesian island of Java. They married in 1964, after Ann’s divorce came through.


So, in returning to the statement by the Governor of Hawaii, I can only surmise that he is a bold-faced liar. This does not bode well for the authenticity of the late-coming photo-shopped photocopy of the birth certificate.  Hopefully Donald Trump will not let Obama off the hook.


    On March 29, 2011 Donald Trump expressed grave reservations about where President Obama was born. You can listen to his concerns here. Soon after expressing his reservations about the birth, Trump rocketed to a tie for the lead in a CNN poll about who is the top Republican choice for President. It was hard to argue with the simple logic that if Obama has a legitimate birth certificate, he should produce it for public inspection.  His failure to do so for so long strongly implied that he is in the White House illegally, after having being placed there (funded) by foreign or corporate interests who do not have the interests of the United States at heart.

     As part if the wider history of this issue, on July 14, 2009, Major Stefan Frederick Cook had his orders to Afghanistan revoked, apparently based on his belief that President Obama was born in Mombasa, Kenya (his grandmother seems to agree with this). Cook's contention is that Obama was ineligible to be President of the United States because the Constitution requires every president to be born in the U.S.  The major is correct about Constitutional requirements, but the Supreme Court has refused to hear arguments about Obama holding the office illegally.
HOW WAS OBAMA'S BIRTH CERTIFICATE FORGED? As of February 3, 2012, a legal effort was underway in Georgia to challenge the authenticity of Obama's birth certificate. Click here to listen to an expert witness who testified about how the birth certificate was forged. On Figure 3 you can see how easy it is to photoshop a forged birth certificate. Please click on it to enlarge the two certificates. I managed to produce the name on my birth certificate, BARRY STEPHEN ROFFMAN, from the letters on Obama's birth certificate. The letter P was taken from a modified R, and F was derived from a modified E. While I have always spelled my middle name as STEVEN, there was no V or letter on the "original" birth certificate that could be easily modified, so I went with STEPHEN. I'm not sure about how far apart twins can be born. I modified Obama's time of birth (7:24 AM) to 7:22 AM to make myself appear two minutes older. The entire process took my about ten minutes, given attention paid to the background pattern. If I had spent more time I could have produced a higher quality forgery, but frankly some of the fuzziness around the letters of Obama's "original" certificate lead me to believe that it was a poorly exercised forgery. Given remarks by his grandmother about her being in the delivery room when he was delivered in Mombasa, and Obama's own words on page 37 of his book, I think that any birth certificate, coming as late as it did, it less than convincing evidence of his alleged Hawaiian birth.

Figure 4: Hawaiian birth certificate and matrix with axis term BORN IN HAWAII. The birth certificate on the right with my name, BARRY STEPHEN ROFFMAN, had all letters borrowed from the likewise likey fake birth certificate on the left for BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA II. My "birth certificate" shows that I was born 2 minutes before my younger brother, who strangely enough went by my first name BARRY while he lived in Kenya as Barry Sortoro.

THE KENYAN BIRTH CERTIFICATE. While the President contends that he was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961, there are two birth certificates to consider. Figure 1 provides powerful Codes evidence that he was foreign born, however Figure 4 show includes a birth certificate from Honolulu, Hawaii (see Hawaiian birth certificate), while Figure 5 presents one from Mombasa (see Kenyan birth certificate). Can we use the Torah Code to provide any further answers about Obama’s place of birth?
       How do Figures 4 and 5 compare in terms of matrix quality? Although the entering argument for the Torah Code was based on a study about the birth places of 66 rabbis, we now know about the existence of Counter-codes and Nonsense codes. In another words, while one researcher might find an ELS that says Yeshua is the Messiah, another could find something like Mickey Mouse is the Messiah (Messiah a mouse is found on CodeFinder at skips -72623, 130924, and -149260). So before we get too excited about one sequence, we must check not only the Control to see if it’s there too, in non religious texts, but we need to see what else can found that contradicts the apparent message found. In this case it must also be mentioned that the axis terms BORN IN HAWAII  and BORN IN KENYA apply to millions of people. Unlike Figure 1, Obama is not part of the axis term on Figures 4 or 5.
      So where do we go from here? Let's look at the a-priori terms associated with the Figure 4 and 5 axis terms. The first sought were OBAMA and PRESIDENT. They are both on Figures 4 and 5. Which figure is more compact, and therefore a better match?  Figure 4 (Hawaii) required 740 characters (20 rows and 37 columns). Figure 5 (Kenya) was better. Although the full matrix was 544 characters, to just show the first two a-priori terms (in the white background) required only 480 letters (15 rows and 32 columns).
     The next term sought had to do with an obvious fact. Birth certificates from Kenya and Hawaii for the same man cannot both be true. One is an obvious lie. There are several words for LIE in Hebrew. The most common is pronounced sheker. On Figure 4 this 3-letter term is found in an 11 row by 6 column (66 character) box with BORN IN HAWAII. The word is not on Figure 5, but a 5-letter word for LIE is on that figure. To show it with requires 17 rows and 17 columns (289 characters) so this is not as good a match in terms of area as was seem on Figure 4, but 3-letter ELSs are extremely easy to find, whereas this is not so true with 5-letter ELSs. 

   What about the association of LIE with Obama.  Here the match on Figure 5 is better than on Figure 4.  For one thing, OBAMA and LIE have the same exact skip, 22,608.  The two terms are found in a 7 row by 15 column (105-character) box. By comparison, on Figure 3 the two terms are found in a 14 row by 37 column (518-character) box.  What, if anything does this mean?  There is a better match of LIE with BORN IN HAWAII than BORN IN KENYA, but it is neither extraordinary (nor significant).  There is a slightly more interesting match of OBAMA and LIE on Figure 5 (BORN IN KENYA). If these matrices were deliberately encoded, they would cast more doubt on the Hawaiian birth than the Kenyan birth, but there is nothing here that says, “Aha!  The Hawaiian birth certificate is a fraud!” 

       One last note - the Kenyan birth certificate has a number on it, the Hawaiian one has the certificate number blacked out. One criticism of the Kenyan document is that the birth registration purports to be an official document entered at the District Registry Office in Kenya on August 9, 1961. Kenya did not gain independence until December 12, 1963. However, this criticism seems unjustified.  For one thing, the document is actually a certified copy that was signed on February 17, 1964.  That would be on a date when Kenya was independent.  The document thus reflects reality for Kenya when the document was issued.

Figure 5: Kenyan birth certificate and matrix with Axis Term BORN IN KENYA.

Figure 6: Obama, like Nixon, could be forced out of office by impeachment.

OBAMA: ANOTHER NIXON-STYLE DEPARTURE? I was concerned that on Figure 1 IMPEACHMENT  at skip +1 was so close to  FOREIGNER B. OBAMA KENYA, but only because the closer we get to the election, the more it suggests that Obama might win, leaving us with IMPEACHMENT as the only way to get rid of this impostor. This would be analogous to the way Nixon was forced out after he won reelection. However, such a result would be disastrous for our nation in terms of division.  It would be much better to vote this guy out of office first.

On Figure 6 above the axis term is the same as it was on Figure 1, FOREIGNER B. OBAMA KENYA, but a row split was allowed to search for NIXON. He's there, but it took a matrix 1,344 letters in size (which is larger than I usually allow) to show him. Also on the matrix parallel to FOREIGNER B. OBAMA KENYA is IMPEACHMENT (although not at a special case skip). PRESIDENT is shown at skip +1. Of the key words shown, only NIXON has greater significance. It was there against odds of about 227 to 1. PRESIDENT at skip +1 had about 1 chance in 4 to be there, but IMPEACHMENT was more likely to be there than not. The combined odds against finding this matrix were about 1,286 to 1.

THE BOTTOM LINE. All we need to know is that, as shown on Figure 1, on page 307 of of Obama's book he let us know that he was not born in America.  He (or his ghost writer) wrote this when he was 33 years old, long before he ran for President. He might not have known where he was born when he went to Kenya, but he sure knew about it when he illegally ran for President. The same is likely true of his major financial backers. They own him, and that means they own us unless we force him from office. WAKE UP AMERICA!