HINTS THAT ROMNEY CAN BEAT OBAMA. (4/6/2012, Updated mostly at the end on 5/15/2020) with notes to Fort Huachuca and UK MOD.
In wrapped Torah there is one 10-letter ELS of OBAMA-ROMNEY and another of ROMNEY-OBAMA. As was the case in my search for all Republican candidates in 2011-2012, all candidates in 2008, and with an earlier study by my son of U.S. presidents from Washington to George W. Bush, an effort was made to pair the axis term with PRESIDENT. On Figure 1 the word PRESIDENT is seen at a special case skip, that of the axis term (OBAMA-ROMNEY). Special case skips are +/- 1 or the absolute skip of the axis term. PRESIDENT is closer to Romney than Obama. Odds against such a match in the matrix's bottom 70 letters were about 50 to 1.
2020 UPDATE NOTE: Oops, while I did not understand it in 2012, the matrix actually shows OBAMA directly above (over) and in sequence with ROMNEY which is, infact, how the election turned out.
SPECIAL NOTE TO FORT HUACHUCA ON MAY 15, 2020. On May 15, 2020 the first article accessed was this one. In reviewing the data it was immediately apparent that the IP tracker would indicate Russia but the reverse IP would lead to your installation. This was much more common before I let you know about previous similar reports, but I want to make sure that there is no Russian spy who is misusing your system. By the way, this site was originally set up by me with a major goal of aiding U.S. Intelligence agencies. All I ask of my readers in that community is to use the information with the guidance set forth in the United States Constitution.
I am aware the UK MOD is also here a lot. I make no attempt to block you because you are generally on our side although I wish you were friendlier to Israel. It's vital that you come here because you have a role to play with respect to doing what is needed to shut down the coronavirus source. As you have read, it likely passed from Sooke, Canada through the University of Buckingham and from there through Sri Lanka and on to Dr. Jiangwen Qu at Department of Infectious Disease Control, Tianjin Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Hedong Qu, Tianjin Shi, China. From there it was likely shared with the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the Chinese Center for Disease Control. I hope that UK MOD can interrogate the Buckingham participant is this scheme.
The IP data that is suspicious on May 15, 2020 is as follows: - - [15/May/2020:00:04:16 MST7MDT] "GET http://arkcode.com/custom3_144.html HTTP/1.1" 200 - "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/
78.0.3904.108 YaBrowser/ Yowser/2.5 Safari/537.36" "https://yandex.ru/clck/jsredir?from=yandex.ru%3Bsearch%3Bweb%3B%3B&text=&etext=8347.EsJPI3LocSSGghBMsGjp2CoDwg2TJTgbFWs7NAFpRNmB1wfpj9cX9bDxCzNxmnCj.72dc595654cda8e4beb0c47c49dd0323f6dca236&uuid=&state=_BLhILn4SxNIvvL0W45KSic66uCIg23qh8iRG98qeIXmeppkgUc0YMIVJNtoWDTa6Ctl47TPu5I&data=UlNrNmk5WktYejR0eWJFYk1LdmtxandwYnctVWdKelVYdzh2QWJqTy1kQTlrYmpDT2E0X0VaUVJuZUxGVklPb2FqVFlBRDBQbzVoWWhoSzdTQVVhWndoNVVIQXpDZzhsbVU1ejR3Ymh2ZDUzSlVXVHpPNl9qdw&b64e=2&sign=2640ade7b40d4c07542c3b9a902fe039&keyno=0&cst=AiuY0DBWFJ7IXge4WdYJQe3IrxbPWIv4gh4QVViARCWUylOP6Kqsf7JUyA_Jnc_e0fi8DqBVIKJNI_xQLYHWqISa7STFXJbujsuPvCKdZjOQvFxaI5yD_7Y2b7sgzeOsm5aQm7yT82uZZK_m6sWg&ref=orjY4mGPRjk5boDnW0uvlrrd71vZw9kp5uQozpMtKCVz9TJ3Mp6DkdmcOqPAjUk3aNiT5xRF036bG3GPZe-jxqWIbd-KeZmar1Gyu6TnODfWO_NllP9D2A&l10n=ru&cts=
Using the IP address I see an alleged address of MIRALOGIC NOC office 211, 46 Sulimova str., Yekaterinburg, Russia. If the first digit is removed and we use an IP of then the address seen is Headquarters, USAISC (United States Army Information Systems Command ), HEADQU-3, NETC-ANC CONUS TNOSC, Fort Huachuca AZ 85613.
Fort Huachuca is here enough times every day and night (24/7) that they act like part of the family. They change their full IP address many times every day and come up looking like many countries. But when they come up as Russia (which is somewhat common) or China or Iran (which for China is quite rare if ever) I want Huachuca to check their system to make sure that all is "kosher."
As for the election results, in 2012 I got the nominee right but the ultimate winner wrong. In 2020 I got it right on both sides. In the 2012 election I only looked at how closely the names came to the Hebrew word for President. in 2016 I added the year of the election year to the search. There are two ways to improve the efficiency of the Torah Code. The first and most important way is to fund Project Creator Decoder which ties Codefinder software into AI. The second (short term) way is to bring me back on active duty with a regular or reserve commission in the U.S. Space Force. Both ways would allow for entry of classified terms into the search window. The second way at least restores my security clearance and gives me access to a secure phone line which is critical. You guys are undoubtedly winching to see me discuss how often you come here. This is my way of sayimg again that it's time to stop farting around. As of today (May 15, 2020 - the day that President Trump revealed the new Space Force flag) Wikipedia indicates that the U.S. has 1,450,136 cases of COVID-19 and 86,607 deaths. You blokes in the UK have 236,711 cases and 33,998 deaths. I can help both our nations shut this disease down and rip the Chinese war plan to shreads. But you've got to ask me nicely (with no threats) and bring me in as an O-6 - preferably stationed near where I live (in Cape Canaveral) at the soon to be renamed Cape Canaveral Space Force Station or at the nearby soon to be renamed Patrick Space Force Base. What a bargain, you don't even need to pay for a PCS move!