If so, we need more change. (1/24/2012)
FIGURE 1: AMERICA IS BABYLON with OBAMA at the same absolute skip.
FIGURE 1: AMERICA IS BABYLON. A recent e-mail received asserted that America is Babylon. The writer wanted to know if the Torah Code supported her belief. Before answering her concern let me preface my answer about Babylon (generally thought of as Rome) with a statement about who I am. I am a retired U.S. military officer, and Modern Orthodox Jew. The New Testament is not part of my religion’s canon; therefore its description of Babylon as the Mother of Harlots that sits on 7 hills is not part of my belief system. I do, however, view the Vatican as an evil manifestation of Esau. I am less than thrilled by its Inquisitions, Concordat with Nazi Germany in 1933, its choice of an ex-Nazi as the current pope, its meddling in American politics, and its ever constant plague of sexual child abuse.
Historically, Babylon was found in present day Iraq, a nation that the United States twice defeated in modern times. I was proud to play a small role in each of those wars, and I think the American people are the greatest people on Earth, in every respect. But our government is in trouble - largely due to the liberal (lack of) values that fly in the face of Torah Law. Only in this sense did I consider looking for (and finding) the axis term on the matrix above - BABYLON (is) AMERICA (note: there is no state of being verb is in Hebrew, it is supplied when appropriate by the translator). When I did find it, I was shocked to see that OBAMA is at the same absolute skip (but opposite direction). BARACK at skip -1 crossed and shared the letter resh with BABYLON (is) AMERICA. ROME is shown at skip +2, ESAU is shown in the open text. The open text phrase BEHOLD WE PERISH WE ARE UNDONE AND WE ARE ALL UNDONE is shown because I found it earlier in association with Barry Soetoro, the name that Barack Obama used during his childhood in Indonesia. See Figure 5 further below.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF FIGURE 1. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here BABYLON (is) AMERICA. By far the most significant aspect of the matrix is OBAMA at the same absolute skip of the axis term. There was only about 1 chance in 513 to find this name with this (preferred) spelling at skips +/-1 or at the absolute skip of BABYLON (is) AMERICA. The phrase BEHOLD WE PERISH WE ARE UNDONE AND WE ARE ALL UNDONE, while of interest because I saw it before in conjunction with Figure 5, was not sought a-priori and is therefore not part of the significance calculation. BARACK was at a special case skip, but it had about 1 chance in 3 to be there in such fashion, though this allows no credit for it crossing and sharing a letter with the axis term. ROME is at skip +2 (not a special case skip). It was expected to be somewhere on the matrix (it was easier to find than calling a coin toss correctly). ESAU is shown in the open text. It was there in this fashion against odds of about 3 to 1. Overall the matrix exists against odds of about 9,153 to 1; but what is of real interest is the pattern of Obama continuing to come up at the skip as the axis term on so many matrices. It begins to look like a main purpose of the Torah Code is to warn us about this man (see the conclusion below).
FIGURE 2: VATICAN RULE. The Tractate Sanhedrein of the Schottenstein Edition Talmud Bavli (98B1) records, "The Gemara discusses the period known as the travail of the Messiah. Rav said: The son of David will not come until the kingdom (the Roman Empire, representing Edom, the power of Evil in the world) has extended its dominion over Israel (i.e. its dominion over all those parts of the world to which Jews have dispersed) for nine months, as it is stated: Therefore, He will surrender them until that time that one who gives birth has given birth; then the rest of his brothers will return with the Children of Israel (Micah 5:2)." But Rome has long fallen - or has it? In its place is the power of the Vatican.
During the 2008 Presidential campaign, a record $745,000,000 was raised for the election of Barack Obama (predictions are that he will have access to 1 billion dollars in 2012). Where does it come from? In 2008 all major candidates (including Obama and McCain) except Ron Paul were members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), but who controls the CFR? In fact, who is the real power behind politicians? Many think it’s Jews like Obama's former Israeli Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, 2008 campaign manager David Axelrod, Secretary of the Treasury Tim Geitner, Federal Reserve Chairmen Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanake, bankers like the Rothschild family, or Jewish dominated stock brokerage companies like Goldman and Sachs or the Lehman Brothers. Elsewhere on this web site I have done matrices about whether Obama might be a Muslim. But the real power behind the CFR is suspected by many to be none other than the than Vatican itself. As such, I initially searched for two words in sequence – VATICAN RULE. I found them at their minimum ELS of -24686, and in a two column by 15 rows matrix with OBAMA. If I expanded the matrix to four columns, BARACK was there at skip -1 touching OBAMA. The term BABYLON appears at skip -3 if the matrix expands to the 7 columns shown, but -3 is not a significant special case skip.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF FIGURE 2: It’s easy to find (high frequency, low significance) BARACK at skip -1 or +1, but the odds against finding OBAMA in a 30-letter matrix with VATICAN RULE were about 1,270 to 1 by my normal protocol using the Roffman skip formula, skip tables, and spreadsheet. As is indicated on Figure 3 below, with VATICAN RULE at skip -24,686, the only skips that allow OBAMA to be found in a 2 column, 15 row matrix are skips -12,343, +12,343, -24,686, +24,686, -37,029 and +37,029. In this particular case, these six skips yield 7 ELS hits for OBAMA, while the quick method via my formula and standard techniques yield 8 hits in the skip range of -12,343 to -12,348. Seven hits translates to one chance in 1,451, while 8 hits equates to one chance in 1,270. Whichever number is more accurate, the matrix is clearly very significant.
This appears to be a warning that is actually worthy of being encoded, although it is not enough to prove that the Code is real. If the Vatican does rule Barack Obama; then they are employing a very clever trick, hiding behind a Muslim-appearing figurehead who has often been surrounded by Jewish advisors. As the economic policies of those Jewish advisors failed, they often were the source of anti-Semitism (I received many such barbs since Obama was elected). One thing is certain; this pope is no friend of the Jews. If you ask about why the President does not support the Vatican on the issue of abortion, my response would be to ask another question - Does a Church that appoints a (former) Nazi as its leader, and which permits so many homosexual, pedophile priests to serve, really care about moral issues, or does it only care about money and power?
FIGURE 3: VATICAN RULE and OBAMA statistics for Figure 2.
FIGURE 5: BARRY SOETORO. On Figure 4 the axis term is BARRY SOETORO. Who is that? We know him better as Barack Hussein Obama. BARRY SOETORO is the name that was used to register him in a school in Indonesia. Now, let me be clear, when I first sought his name in 2008 I also sought the word for Muslim on this matrix, and it’s not there. But the primary key term sought, as is the case in many other places on this site, was PRESIDENT. That is there, and at the same exact skip as BARRY SOETORO although it runs in the opposite direction just one column right of BARRY SOETORO. To place BARRY SOETORO in a box with PRESIDENT requires 36 letters.
In a study conducted earlier in 2008, I was able to find the word in boxes as small as 32 letters with Barack Obama, John, McCain, and H. Clinton. The match of PRESIDENT with BARRY SOETORO (a 9-letter Hebrew term) in only two columns looks good - but how significant is it really, and what else is there? The probability that PRESIDENT would be so close is about 1 chance in 59. This isn't sensational, but it is interesting. There were other items found after the fact where probabilities are not appropriate. Some were quite negative, but here I highlight one that directly crosses his name - WE PERISH, WE ARE UNDONE, WE ARE ALL UNDONE (like Figure 1, this term is from Numbers 17:27). Back in 2008 I mentioned that the only Hebrew year that came up with a slight threat against Obama was 5771, however that year has come and gone without him suffering any harm other than the fat lip he received during a basketball game.
FIGURE 5: BARRY SOETORO (Barack Obama), PRESIDENT, and a warning in Numbers 17:27 that's repeated from Figure 1.
OBAMA | HEY | -1 | |
There is an ELS of B. OBAMA at skip -1 close to BLACK POWER (see Figure 5 at
There is the same ELS of B. OBAMA at skip -1 with IN ISFAHAN, the Iranian nuclear site destroyed in an explosion on November 28, 2011. See The ELS at skip -1 only occurs once in Torah (it is not found at skip +1).
Is America at least one of the places deserving of the name Babylon? This is not for me to judge. But I will say this much: our nation was founded on belief in a Creator and in a set of Judeo-Christian values. These values have been trashed by our leaders in recent years, with Obama being at the forefront of the charge to legitimize sodomy, and persecute those (especially in the military) who cannot accept his (lack of) values. I am disturbed by the fact that so many of my fellow American Jews have forsaken Torah, and their Biblical charge to be a light unto the nations. As a Jew living in the south, I am even more upset that there are so few legitimate Orthodox synagogues to attend. Often what is listed as a synagogue is in fact a Christian Church, posing as a “Messianic synagogue.” Worse, some synagogues associated with Chabad organizations pose as Orthodox synagogues, but in fact are too like churches except that they substitute the deceased Rabbi Schneerson for Jesus as Messiah. We do not need a new religion that mimics Christianity. Rather, America can reemerge from its spiritual abyss by having Jews and Christian churches support true Orthodox synagogues. Together, and without the hidden goal of converting Jews to Christianity, Christians and real Torah-observant Jews should lead America back to the values that led to the founding of our Republic. It was a Jew (Haym Solomon) who financed the American Continental Army. Let’s work together to give him his money’s worth – a righteous nation that's impossible to associate with Babylon.