(Posted 9/1/2009, updated on 11/19/2020). Thanks to Dr. Salla we are getting some answers. But are they right? Most new material starts at MILITARY METHODS OF REACHING INVESTIGATORS LIKE ME.
ABOVE: Figures 1B and 1C. BELOW: Figures 1A, 1B, and 1C.
BELOW: Figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
Below: Figures 10 and 11.
BELOW: FIGURE 12 - My deceased brother-in-law Larry Matthews.
FIGURE 13 - Larry Matthews said that an F-117A stealth fighter that he serviced had what looked like extraterrestrial technology in it, but because of its classification he could not state what it was.
What Dr. Michael Salla Purports to Reveal about TR-3Bs.
Salla goes into detail about TR-3Bs in Chapter 15 of his book US Air Force Secret Space Force Program. Among the issues that he asserts there are:
1. A key source of his information was Edgar Fouche who was an Air Force member who served 20 years on active duty and another decade as a civilian working for the Air Force with 12 years at Area 51, and more time at Nellis AFB. He also worked with DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency).
2. The Aurora was released in a 1985 budget as an allocation of $455,000,000 for Black aircraft PRODUCTION in FY 1987.
3. Aurora included the SR-75 capable of Mach 5+. It is the mother ship for the SR-74 that can travel up to Mach 18+ and deliver satellites into orbit. Both use gravitics.
4. At least three TR-3Bs were flying as of 1994. They are funded by the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), the NSA and the CIA.
5. Saucer-shaped Alien Reproduction Vehicles (ARV) are built by Lockheed for the USAF. It uses a different type of antigravity effect compared to gravitics developed by Townsend Brown. Fouche called this antigravity system a "Magnetic Field Disrupter" (MFD), which rotates highly pressurized mercury-based plasma around a circular accelerator ring. The plasma is pressurized at 250,000 atmospheres at a temperature of 150 Kelvin (-189.7°F) and accelerated to 50,000 rpm to create a superconductive plasma with the resulting gravity disruption. MDF technology is not antigravity which can be used for propulsion. Rather it disrupts or neutralizes up to 89 percent of the effects of gravity on mass. Note: This is not what Salla writes, but the Falcon 9 SpaceX rockets land 6 miles north of my Cape Canaveral condo. Frankly when I watch them come back at supersonic speeds producing loud double sonic booms, they then appear to stop almost on a dime. It would not shock me to learn that gravitics is a factor in how they do this. I don't think I have ever seen anything as spectacular (other than a Saturn 5 launch or the UFO I saw on my 10th birthday).
6. Fouche claims that the TR-3Bs are kept at Nellis, in Scotland and Papoose.
7. The 250-foot prototype could carry a crew of 4. The 600-foot operational model could carry many more.
8. In an encounter between Belgian Air Force F-16s and TR-3B on March 30, 1990 the TR-3B was capable of a 46G acceleration. Most humans can only tolerate 9G. The MFD would reduce 46G to only 5G, making it tolerable by occupants.
9. Corey Good claims the TR-3B was handed down to the USAF's military space program by Antarctic German and US corporations.
10. Who are the corporations involved? [EF] Lockheed, Boeing, Northrup, and Teledyne Ryan, managed by the NRO, NSA, and CIA. Other major defense contractors involved in R&D are compartmentalized.
MILITARY METHODS OF REACHING INVESTIGATORS LIKE ME. Michael Salla uses pseudonyms for several of his sources. As is shown on Figure 12, one of them who reported on TR-3Bs seen at MacDill Air Force base is called JP. When I read how JP was contacted by MacDill it almost immediately brought to mind how Joseph Sapphire (SAPPHIRE is a pseudonym based on Torah) contacted me. In both cases, we were physically tracked before the Government chose to make contact with us. Although my story is covered elsewhere on this site, I'll repeat the encounter with SAPPHIRE again below with the latest version of the supporting matrix shown as Figure 14, and then I'll show you how Salla describes JP's encounter with an agent from MacDill.
On August 1, 2016 I drove my son’s car from my home in Cape Canaveral, Florida to Wells Fargo to pay my mortgage, and then went on to the Cape Canaveral Public Library to return at least one book, and check out another. When I parked there was no other vehicle anywhere nearby. I was inside for not more than 5 minutes. When I came out a man had parked his car 2 spaces left of mine. He was not coming inside the library, but was in fact standing to the right of his car, essentially blocking access to the vehicle that I was using. He seemed to be waiting for me (see the location above on Figure 14).
As is often the case, I was dressed with a ball cap that reads U.S. Coast Guard Retired and Proudly Served. I was also wearing a navy colored shirt with the name of one of the ten Navy ships or two Coast Guard ships that I served on in my 34 years of active and reserve military duty.
Joseph promptly thanked me for my service. This actually happens almost whenever I go out dressed that way. I asked him if he was in too, and he said he served as a Marine during the Vietnam War, so I thanked him for his service. That might have been the end of the incident, except that once I start taking to a vet I generally start swapping sea stories.
In short order the conversation turned to my Mars and Codes research. But Joe wanted to talk about nanotechnology and artificial intelligence (AI). And that was when I began to think that there was something odd about what he was describing – because in my hand I was carrying the book that I had just checked out – Slant by Greg Bear. On the inside jacket of the book the second paragraph reads as follows:
In the sixth decade of the 21st century the world has been transformed by two things. Nanotechnology has been perfected, giving humans the ability to change their environment and themselves down to the cellular level. And the study of the mind has brought a revolution in both human psychotherapy and artificial intelligence.
Only when I heard about his interests did I raise the book and show him that I had just selected a book about his interests.
We discussed the future dangers inherent in abuse of both types of technology. Eventually, when I began to search for Figure 1 of my Future Warning article I chose FUTURE WARNING as in ideal axis term. On the Future Warning article I also looked for the words ARTIFICIAL and INTELLIGENCE. A word that means fake or ARTIFICIAL touches FUTURE WARNING and it also touches INTELLIGENCE twice. INTELLIGENCE also touches FUTURE WARNING. But there was far more to the Sapphire encounter (which went on for about a half hour) than I’ve just described. What was found related to my son’s physics PhD thesis (Resonant Surface Scattering on Nanowires) and to his 2016-2017 post-doctoral research into AI at Yale Medical School. Curiously, the Yale University Coast of Arms includes the Hebrew words Urim and Thummim (it also has Lux et Veritas - Latin for Light and Truth).
Joseph made sure to tell me his full name twice, spelling it for me as X-X-X-X-O (the name is redacted here) the second time which was wise because I didn't quite get it right the first time. I thought that the name was possibly bogus until I found Figure 14. While I gave him my card, which reads LT Barry S. Roffman, USCG-Retired, Martian Meteorology Research along with included images of Mars as well as my phone numbers and web sites, he did not have a card for me. With respect to my card, he asked me if he could keep it. Frankly I found that a bit odd. His reaction to the card was almost akin to what would be expected if I were handing him a historical document. He also indicated that he had an interest in meteorology.
Joe said that he lived near the NSA in Maryland, but he claimed to not work for them although Army Intel might be a possibility. Again, probably the strangest thing about the incident was that he seemed to know of the book that I had just checked out. On Figure 14 the word BOOK at skip +1 crosses and shares the letter peh with his name. The Hebrew word for BEAR, the author of the book was also at skip +1 three lines below and in the same columns as BOOK. BOOK is also at skip +1 on Figure 14.
Why do I think he might have been Army Intel? We discussed an article that I had up about Hillary Clinton and Edward Snowden. The artwork included an image of Clinton with the question Wanted for president? Next to it was a photo of Snowden with the words Wanted for treason? I part ways with many in our Intelligence community here. I think Hillary was guilty of treason for how she handled e-mail and should be imprisoned for it. I think Snowden was a hero and brought about much needed reform in how the NSA treats our citizens. There is another article about him at President Snowden? He is reshaping our law even now.
So how does all this relate to Joseph (Joe)? One of the first readers for the Clinton/Snowden story had an IP address for the Lincoln Technical Institute. Their street address is 9325 Snowden River Parkway, Columbia, Maryland. The reverse IP address for them is at Fort Huachuca, an Army Intel base in Arizona. I mentioned this to Joe, but I mispronounced the name of the fort - calling it HU-A-CHU-CA. He corrected me, telling me that HUA was one syllable. I asked him how he knew and he informed me that he was based there for three years. I told him that some of the IP addresses of my readers came up on the South Lawn of the White House, but I assumed that was just a generic point on the Google map for Washington. He immediately informed me that the South Lawn was where Marine One, the President's helicopter landed. Again I asked him about how he knew that and he claimed to work with the chopper at the White House for four years! As for Fort Huachuca, they visit here so often (often hourly, never less than daily) that I have an article up about them on this site entitled Fort Huachuca, Spies, MARS, and a Little Martian Humor.
The conversation (or interview, if that was what it was) was not all entirely friendly. At one point he heard about how I was challenging NASA. I told him that I had published the names of scientists from the U.S., Netherlands, Canada, Belgium, (West) Germany, Taiwan, Italy, Japan, Switzerland, Scotland, France, Sweden as well as from the Soviet Union and its Warsaw Pact ally Poland who had met in Tokyo and Osaka, Japan at the Third International Conference of Nondestructive Testing in March, 1960. I have seen evidence (presented and discussed elsewhere on this site) that this group was apparently trying to figure out how to counter the technology that was recovered at the Roswell Incident. It was at this point that Joe told me he had heard about someone like me who had his computer impounded by the Government who then loaded child pornography on it. They then prosecuted him for the porno. Joe said the man never owned a computer again.
My response wasn't friendly. Joe said he was a Catholic. I told him about what I did to the Catholic Church after they baptized my older son against his will, and against mine. I forced them to change their doctrine and annul the baptism. Think I'm kidding? The annulment letter from Archbishop McCarthy of Miami is at and the press coverage in the Miami Herald is at The press made it sound like they did me a favor. Actually, they gave me what I wanted because I was suing them for six million dollars, and they knew I would win. See the Release from Liability. Note: the boy in question went on to earn an MIT geophysics degree, but despite initial orders to Space Command, he entered the Air Force as an Orthodox rabbi in the chaplain corps. My point in bringing up the custody battle was that I'm a bad guy to piss off and I don't back off from a fight. That was the low point in the discussion, but it improved a lot from there - perhaps when we discussed the potential misuse of nanotechnology and/or AI. We spoke about people (Elon Musk, Stephen Hawking, and Bill Gates) who claim that AI is a threat to human survival.
It's also possible that the conversation took a friendlier turn when I emphasized that David would like to work for DoD, and be willing to sign a nondisclosure letter. Of course he is, like me, already fully aware of what is going on behind the scenes, but he isn't as combative in nature as I am.
When my encounter with Joe ended I asked him to contact me if he had any questions. At first he said he wouldn't, but then he changed his mind and said he might. As I drove away I noticed that his car had Maryland plates. He did not, while in my view, leave the area in the space next to the right of his car. He certainly did not make any attempt that I could see to enter the library. Based on that my son and I have had discussions about the relative difficulty of moving a signal back in time vs. opening a wormhole large enough for a person. On this issue, physics aside, I would point out that the axis term on Figure 14 is SIGNAL FROM FUTURE (not PERSON from future), but TIME COP is also encoded with JOSEPH SAPPHIRE's full real name.
Here I want to make a few things clear about what happened when I checked out Slant by Greg Bear. On June 30, 2017 I went back to the library to look for the book and check on records there pertaining to when I read it and what its circulation looked like since they acquired it. Initially I couldn't recall the book's name or author. I only remembered the gray cover, but I quickly found it in the science fiction section. Oddly, the librarian told me that the book had not been checked out since March, 2016 - 5 months before I read it. And it had only been checked out 8 times since they bought it in 2009. Could I have been wrong about when I read it? No. After my encounter with Joe I remember considering taking my son's car into the shop for an oil change with the real intention of looking under it to see if a tracking device had been attached that allowed Joe to follow me to the library. I only had the car back from Gainesville, Florida for a few weeks since David finished his doctorate, and I felt like an oil change was due anyway. However I didn't go for the change because I believed that if I was being tracked it would more likely have been via my cell phone. However, when I went back to the library on June 30, 2017, it was in search of a more out-of-the-box solution to the question of how Joe knew when and where to find me and, perhaps, what I would be reading. At 2:57 pm on July 5, 2017. I wrote, "I will pause for a day or two - on this part of the article to give DoD some time to react to what I've written. Well, that was before I found Figure 14 which really speaks for itself. If we are not dealing with an actual time traveller, we are almost certainly dealing with a meeting set up due to a signal sent back from the future. Before looking at the significance of Figure 2, first let me briefly address Figure 1.
In Chapter 19 of Salla's Air Force book he describes a week of TR-3B-like sightings near MacDill Air Force Base between August 31, 2017 and September 7, 2017. The source (JP) did not have an ET-free history, but he did some excellent photos to back his 2017 sightings. They are included in Chapter 19. While the Nordic contacts claimed for 2008 gave me pause, I must admit that my research into Craig Ebrahimi led me to strongly suspect that he is a Nordic. Craig's initial e-mail to me was as follows:
from: | Craig Ebrahimi <> | ||
to: | "" <> | ||
date: | Jan 26, 2020, 12:55 PM | ||
subject: | Fw: Extraterrestrial embryo discovered in meteorite UVIC BC |
My name Craig Ebrahimi research scientist/ Founder Deviant off world technology
So Salla, Ebrahimi and I all had usual backgrounds. Now, let's examine what is written on page 342 of Salla's USAF book.
SALLA WRITES: On the morning of September 7, 2017, I was contacted by JP about the unusual circumstances that led him to take more photos, again of yet another type of triangular-shaped craft in the vicinity of MacDill AFB. JP said he was prompted to look in the direction of the UFO by a stranger who drove up to him in an unmarked black car and instructed for him to see what was happening in the sky, and to take photos. Here is what JP said in his Skype communication to me about 30 minutes after the incident which had occurred at 3:45 EDT.
JP: 3:45 today a guy in a black car dress[ed] in white with a black hat, sunglasses. Put his tinted windows down and told me to look up. I saw a jet pass by, the guy in the black car was already... [at] the stop sign making the right to leave, after I saw the jet there was a ship, no noise, interesting pictures. I even think it has a little bit more details.
SALLA CONTINUES: Figure 4 is the clearest of the sequences of five photos JP took after the incident with the mysterious man in white while driving the black car. The September 5 incident suggests a covert operative out of MacDill was sent to get JP to photograph the flying triangle very likely associated with Special Operatives Command.
SIMILARITIES IN CONTACT METHODS. In my case Joseph Sapphire displayed what might have been future knowledge by knowing exactly where to park his car to intercept me within three minutes or so after I entered the library. He made known his knowledge of the subjects (nanotechnology and artificial intelligence) of a book that I had just checked out in a random fashion. One them (artificial intelligence) was a topic of top interest that my son (David) would specialize in a Yale about four months later. David's PhD thesis was about nanotechnology. Further Joseph made certain that I knew how to spell his name so I could find it encoded when I searched the Code for it about 9 months later. The results (Figure 14) were found against odds of over 95 billion to 1. The axis term of the matrix was SIGNAL FROM THE FUTURE. JOSEPH was on the line directly above SAPPHIRE.
I can not be as sure about JP's encounter because I have not personally interviewed him and I'm not certain as to where he was (driving or outside his car) when the supposed agent from MacDill rolled down his car window to speak to JP him. However, assuming that the incident went down as Salla describes, the agent knew not just where and when to contact JP, but he knew where to point to in the sky so that JP would later spot what looked like a TR-3B.