The message about Biden is loud and clear. He has a single agenda. It's destruction of the United States. Updated on 10/10/2021.
Like any patriotic American, I know that Joe Biden is evil. The question is whether he is also in incompetent or is he a really smart dedicated communist agent who is dedicated to destroying the United States as fast as the Soviet Union fell. In using the Code to try to answer this question I sought combinations of smart with evil and stupid or foolish with evil. The requirement was for one of these be at the same absolute skip as BIDEN who never occurs at skips +/- 1). The jackpot got hit with FOOLISH AND EVIL at skip -108,440. A poll on 10/6/2021 revealed that 55% of voters think he us not competent and only 38% approve of his performance. Figure 1 also shows PRESIDENT and USA at the same skip as FOOLISH AND EVIL. With JOSEPH directly crossing BIDEN the message here seems to be USA PRESIDENT JOSEPH BIDEN (is) FOOLISH AND EVIL. The most significant key word was BIDEN which was found at a special case skip against odds of about 778 to 1. Overall the combined odds against this matrix were about 1,066,408 to 1. It should be noted that the word for FOOLISH also means JERK.
In Figures 2 and 3 in each case an axis term of ENEMY BIDEN was matched by USA at the same skip.
FIGURE 2 - ENEMY BIDEN is the axis term.
FIGURE 3 - ENEMY BIDEN (not at the same ELS as Figure 2) is again the axis term.
FIGURE 4 - ENEMY OF THE STATE is the axis term. This matrix is primarily about OBAMA, but Biden was his vice president.
FIGURE 4 - ENEMY OF THE STATE. How should our military treat a President that's an enemy of our state? At first in an attempt to answer this question I thought about how hard it was for General Robert E. Lee to answer this question. But after talking to several senior officers, the right answer became clearer. Any four-star general who feels that way should resign or retire, and upon separation from active duty ask to testify before Congress about his or her reason for doing so. We don't have any flag officers who have done this but we do have Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Scheller who put his career and retirement at risk to protest the Biden-Milley Afghan disaster.
If so-inclined, a flag officer who resigns should then run for president on a platform that is designed to undo the damage done by the accused treasonable president. This is what I think General Milley should have done. The problem is that Milley apparently supports the Democrat platform. In this case the next highest ranking military authority should resign and tell Congress why. On the Laura Ingraham show on July 28, 2021 - as is cited below - we heard that GENERAL JOHN HYTEN, VICE CHAIRMAN OF THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF said: "We played it (a war with China) in a war game in October of last year, and without overstating the issue, it failed miserably. An aggressive red team that had been studying the United States for the last 20 years just ran rings around us, and they knew exactly what we're going to do before we did it." If General Hyten feels that Biden and Milley are more concerned with Critical Race Theory than winning a war against China, then he should take the route I've layed out so that Americans can understand the nature of the crisis and have someone to formally lead the opposition.
The Message on the Matrix. The axis term is ENEMY OF THE STATE. It's 10 letters long (relatively rare) and with an R Value of 0.468 it only had a 34% chance to be found at least once in Torah. Of immediate importance is that in the Hebrew for ENEMY OF THE STATE the letter nun is shared by the nun in PRESIDENT (it only takes 40 letters to show PRESIDENT in the open text with ENEMY OF THE STATE). Which President is the Enemy of the State referred to here? Obama. A survey found that 56.5% of voters think Biden is senile and not in control. Many of them believe that Obama is (behind the scenes) really running his third term now. Obama's most important foreign policy deal was the Iran nuclear arms accord, which Biden helped him achieve. The word IRAN (at skip -3) shares the same letter nun with ENEMY OF THE STATE and PRESIDENT. BARACK is at the same absolute skip as ENEMY OF THE STATE. There is also a BARACK H on the matrix. Finally, there is also an OBAMA on the matrix. Its absolute skip (146,948) is one letter more than the absolute skip (146,947) of the axis term. The matrix tells a tale about the most important enemy who was, and is, an enemy of the American State. He is the same man who is encoded with being responsible for an atomic holocaust - Obama. The nuclear accord that he negotiated, and Biden is trying to restore, will cause it. Odds against this matrix (in this case including the R value for ENEMY OF THE STATE are about 1,510 to 1). But odds against having PRESIDENT in the open text cross ENEMY OF THE STATE and be in a 36-letter box were about 125 to 1.
Spreadsheeet for Figure 4 odds.