Sometimes in the Codes what is not encoded may be as important as what is encoded. Posted on 2/14/2021.
This article will discuss rumors in Torah and indictate how they may point to parallel worlds where the rumors are reality. The axis term is TRUMP ASSASSINATION, but the matrix also has FALSE at the same absolute skip and it includes ATTEMPTER at skip +1. The initial stimulus for the article was a request by two friends to look into a press story about an attempted assassination at Mar-a-Lago. I quickly found the troubling axis term, which I would not publish without its negation, but what puzzled me about the combination of key words found was that they portrayed combined the threats not exactly as I understood them but rather in a manner that was close but off enough to be noticeable. What do I mean? Imagine finding yourself on a planet that exactly matched ours, to every detail but one. That one difference is that on the highways a red light means GO while a green light means STOP. The matrix should include a reference to PELOSI. But late in the night of February 11, 2021 I noticed that her title, SPEAKER, is there at the absolute skip of the axis term. So, as she and Biden rip our defenses and our nation to shreads, my friends in Intel would be well advised to watch this lady very closely.
The word ATTEMPTER seemed to imply that the matrix likely contained the person, nation, or possibly even a non-human entity that wants to kill our (widely beloved) ex-President. His most bitter enemy has been Nancy Pelosi who once said that she was counting down to the second that Trump would be out of office. She has impeached his twice, and threatened to impeach every day if she could find an excuse. To show her name I would have to extend Figure 1 about 17 columns right but the matrix was then too big and thus statistically weak. Iran has reason to attempt an assassination to get revenge for Trump ordering a drone-facilitated hit on General Qasem Soleimani. By (other than DRONE) the critical words to go there are yet to be found, though if the story is true it would likely be state-backed terrorism - foreign or domestic (former CIA Director John Brennan voted for Gus Hall (a Communist) for President in 1976, but Brennan is not on the matrix. The nearest enemy of Trump is OBAMA. The name applies or Barack and Michelle (who could in 2024 or later).
Hillary CLINTON is wacko enough to not only still think she won the 2016 election, but she likely thinks she's still President. She is on the matrix with a 5-letter translation of her name (top row, left side), but she is far enough away from the axis term to make me think that she's not guilty here. Her only crime on this issue is colluding with Russia to produce and insert into the bogus investigation of Trump the Steele Report. She belongs in prison for this, but not for murder in this case. To go any further with this analysis we need to see the results of a matrix probability spreadsheet. But before posting it let it not go overlooked that the closest key words to the axis term are UFO and WUHAN. UFO is at the same skip as the axis term. It requires 32 letters (4 columns by 8 rows) to show UFO and the axis term. To show WUHAN (which touches the axis term) with the axis term requires 17 columns and 9 rows (153 letters). If we look at the odds for UFO to be on the full matrix (1,080 letters) it's about 1 chance in 2. But if we ask what the odds are against it being at a special case skip in 32 letters with the axis term, it's about 48.9 to 1.
Could UFOs be involved with any attempt to remove Trump from power? On January 6, 2021, the day of the incursion into the Capitol (which led to the second impeachment) my hope was that Trump would use this day for full disclosure of all UFO and Fourth Reich participation in our Government since 1942 (the time of a massive UFO flyover of the Long Beach/Los Angeles area) when two UFOs (drones) were allegedly shot down and captured - one by the Navy and the other by the Army. Dr. Michael Salla discusses the possibility of a Trump UFO Disclosure in his Air Force Secret Space Program book (citation needed) but he claims that the Nordics opposed it because they thought people weren't ready for it.
Actually, it seems at least as likely that the Nordics aren't ready in that their actions and those of their Fourth Reich/Deep State buddies violated some pretty serious laws. As for WUHAN, yes, as I discuss in my articles about an alien contribution to the genetics of COVID-19, there is big money involved with finding a cure for this virus. 96% of its genetics match the virus found in bats, but the 4% difference is like the difference between the genes of chimps and those of humans. My bet is that 4% of the virus is derived from a virus associated with the 27-pound meteorite found by Craig Ebrahami which then passed from Sooke, BC, Canada to Dr. Chandra Wickramasinghe at the University Buckingham (UK), then on to Sri Lanka, and finally on to Dr. Jiangwen Qu at the Tianjin Center for Infectious Disease in China. From there it was taken by the Chinese Army for further study and weaponization in Wuhan. Finally it was released for attack against the world with a particular goal of taking down the American economy and President Trump. With Nancy Pelosi's help in constantly keeping Trump busy with impeachment business she is the perfect agent to help the Chinese to defeat America.
There was great danger for Trump had he chosen disclosure, but it would have plunged the nation into the right kind of chaos that would have the people demanding answers before handing over keys to the White House to a man that won it with four suit cases full of fake ballots in Georgia, with a truck full of fake ballots going from New York to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania on the night of the election (November 3, 2020) and at numerous other sites in close states. In effect, without regard to the issue of whether the drone attack against Trump took place or not, the Wuhan Plague, with a possible alien (Craig Ebrahimi) delivering his virus source into the hands of the Chinese, was essentially a successful political assassination of Trump. While he survived physically, his agenda died once the plague was release. The whole world's economy was devastated. With so much money involved it's easy to understand why so many judges refused to give Trump hearings to present his evidence. Even at the second impeachment Nancy Pelosi allowed for zero hearings.
As for the two news stories that brought about this inquiry, I'll present them below after I post the spreadsheet for Figure 1.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF FIGURE 1. Figure 1 should not be evaluated in my normal fashion which multiples the probabilities for all terms and then divides the product by the ELS rank of the axis term. Normally terms I show tell a joint story. I emphasize terms that are special case skip (+/- 1 and the absolute skip of the axis term. But in this case the axis term has the assassination of President Number 45 at skip +22,606, but we find the negation of it at skip -22,605. The word ATTEMPTER is on the matrix which kind of implies that the attempt to terminate Trump's political career permanently would fail (as the questionable news stories assert). Normally I would just show the words with a white background (495 letters in area). The area with a gray background when I looked for (Hillary) CLINTON as the ATTEMPTER but saw that the matrix passed 1,000 letters in area (which is larger than I normally allow). I cannot accept all terms for a combined statistical statistics calculation if the terms contradict each other. Therefore I decided to measure what the chance for each term, positive and/or negative, was to be on the full 1,080-letter matrix. As such, the most significant term was ATTEMPTER . It was found at skip +1 against odds of more than 94 to 1. But the second most significant term, though not in the area with a white background, was FALSE. It appeared at a special case skip against odds of about 56.9 to 1.
The only other terms that had less than a fifty perhcent chance to be on the full matrix were WAR and CLINTON. I looked for Iran and other enemies. CLINTON had about a 18% chance to be found on a matrix this large which is not low enough to justify expanding the 495-letter matrix to see her.
SECOND SPREADSHEET FOR FIGURE 1. While I did not include FALSE because it's not in the area of interest, there were no names found significantly encoded to suggest that the incident described actually happened.
SECOND CALCULATION. Not everything that looks significant is significant. On the spreadsheet above we just look at the 495-letter area with a white background. Due to the decrease in area we see an increase in the significance of ATTEMPTER. The only other terms initially seen at special case skips were WAR and UFO. So we still did not have a name to focus on as a suspect assassin. Nancy Pelosi is the person who most likely wants the President dead, but initially I saw no evidence of that here. She seemed content to just see him killed politically which is why she is trying so hard to ensure that he cannot run again in 2024. However, while I must expand the matrix from 495 letters to 555 letters show it, a word for SPEAKER is at the absolute skip of the axis term. This will be highlighted on a third spreadsheet.
Update published on February 12, 2021
As reported last month, a would-be assassin’s bullet struck but did not penetrate Trump’s bedroom window while he slept during the early morning hours on January 26. Bullet proof glass, which he had installed recently, probably saved his life. And ballistic experts who at first speculated that the shot originated from a chopper hovering off the coast have dismissed that hypothesis in favor of a more plausible premise—an armed drone.
A source in Trump’s orbit speaking under condition of anonymity has given Real Raw News more information on the shocking assassination attempt and subsequent investigation.
Trump’s investigation team, our source said, dismissed the gunman in a helicopter theory after obtaining radar logs from Palm Beach Intl. Airport and the US Coast Guard Station, Lake Worth Inlet. Neither radar had detected a helicopter within 15 miles of Mar-a-Lago between 3:00-4:00 that morning.
Although radar is an imperfect technology—and helicopter s are small—most civilian and military radar systems employ a technology called Multilateration, a technique for figuring out a ‘vehicle’s’ position based on measurement of the times of arrival of energy waves having a known speed when propagating either from or to multiple system stations. In short, if a helicopter were there, radar would have detected it.
Trump, of course, did not deduce this on his own. To interpret the radar data, Trump hired USAF retired CMsgt. Anthony Vance, who for 12 years was a Radar Approach Control operator at Joint Base Andrews, which was then called Andrews Airforce Base. After retiring from the military, Vance was tower chief at JFK Intl. Airport, one of the busiest airports in the world. He has spent most of his life interpreting radar nuances.
“Vance studied the logs and said he was 99% certain that no helicopter was in the vicinity of Mar-a-Lago when the bullet hit the window. Trump believed him, but was still furious and wanted answers. Upon closer inspection of the radar logs, Vance saw something he thought might interest Trump,” our source said.
The logs revealed four surface contacts, or ships, within three miles of Mar-a-Lago at around the time of the attack.
A radar’s ability to detect and track surface contacts is dependent on several variables—sea and atmospheric conditions, the size of the vessel and, most important, whether the ship has a mast. The taller the mast, the greater the chance it will reflect a radar signal to the source.
“Vance figured out that the nearest contact was stationary about a half mile off the coast when the round hit the window. Within minutes, that contact headed due east and accelerated to 30 knots. The only landmass east is the Bahamas, but the radar lost track after thirty miles. These discoveries made Trump’s people dump the helicopter theory and think about a drone having been launched from the ship.”
Trump enlisted the aid of a former General Atomics aeronautical engineer, Stephen Duckworth, to bolster the drone theory. Duckworth had extensive credentials and had played a pivotal role in the development of the US military’s MQ-1 Predator UMV.
Duckworth excluded commercially available drones as possible culprits, but he told Trump that a custom-built drone fitted with gyroscopic stabilizers and advanced night vision or thermal optics could have, theoretically, fired a weapon affixed to the chassis.
“You do know the CIA has this stuff?” Duckworth reportedly told Trump.
“I know we have powerful, immensely powerful weapons the likes of which no one has ever seen, but I don’t know the details. That’s why I have pay guys like you to explain it,” Trump replied.
Our source said Vance endorsed the drone theory, as the radar cross section of a small drone is minute to avoid detection, especially if, as Duckworth purportedly suggested, the drone was coated in radiation absorbent material, or stealth paint.
In closing, our source says that Trump is holding Joe Biden and his Deep State handlers responsible for the botched assassination attempt, but he will not make a public accusation until he obtains irrefutable evidence linking “sleepy” Joe to the crime.
AN ATTEMPT TO REFUTE THE CLAIM. An article by Parwinder Sandhu in the International Business Times states the following:
A claim that an assassination attempt was made on former U.S. President Donald Trump at his Mar-a-Lago residence is found to be bogus. As per the fake claim, a sniper's bullet, aimed at Trump, struck his bedroom's window at the Florida-based private club.
After leaving White House on January 21, Trump, along with his wife Melania Trump and son Baron Trump, made the Palm Beach private club his new residence.
Was a Drone Involved in the Assassination Attempt?
The fake claim became viral after Real Raw News, a site which claims itself to be an "award-winning independent publisher dedicated to exposing political and scientific corruption," published a report about Trump's assassination attempt. Headlined, "Trump Assassination Foiled, Deep State in Panic Mode!" the article claims that a sniper tried to kill Trump last month.
"On Tuesday morning, January 26, at approximately 3:00 am, a sniper's bullet struck a panoramic casement window on the east wall of Trump's bedroom at his Mar-a-Lago estate," read the article. To provide authenticity to the claim, the site cited a confidential source within Trump's inner circle. The source revealed that the bullet not only woke Trump, a silent sleeper, but also "triggered a silent alarm that instantly notified the Palm Beach Police Dept. and Trump's Secret Service detail."
It even went on to claim that "Trump's people suspect the attack was carried out by the Deep State, to stop Trump from amassing incriminating evidence that, if released, could sink every Democrat from Joe Biden to the most junior member of the Democratic caucus."
In yet another report published recently, the site claimed that an armed drone was used to carry out the assassination attempt.
Secret Service Calls the Narrative False
Calling the claim 'bogus' PolitiFact stated that it was also debunked by U.S. Secret Service and Palm Beach police department. "The narrative presented here is completely false," a spokesperson for the Secret Service said.
Speaking to the outlet, Palm Beach Police spokesman Michael Ogrodnick said that they received "no such information."
WHO DO WE BELIEVE? Well, this question is why I was asked to research the story with the Codes. As I have shown with the spreadsheets above, the answer that we get depends on where we draw the lines on the matrix. As for who attempted to do it, Trump is a man with a lot more enemies than I searched for. Of those names that are shown on Figure 1 the OBAMAs would have been a better suspect if the name was at a special case skip, but it’s one off the axis term skip. CLINTON is at a special case skip but it’s too far from ATTEMPTER to be very significant and every time I search for her name at a special case skip I start out knowing from experience that one of the 4 spellings I look for at special case skips are have hits (high frequency) at skip -1 for one of them (what's shown). SPEAKER is the best match. On the best presentation (the 555-letter area matrix) it had about a 13.5% chance to be found at a special case skip. However this area does not include the word FALSE. From the first spreadsheet we see that that FALSE matches better with the axis term than SPEAKER does. So caveat emptor. My Intel buddies, if deep enough in the mud to get info from the Secret Service or CIA, might be able to get confirmation of a bullet shot at Trump's window, but I can no confirmation on line of the incident. The Secret Service denies that it occurred. If the Secret Service monitors this site they have not yet caught my attention though it's likely that Fort Huachuca has them on their copy block.
Are any other counties seen on the matrix? Not yet. What's not there are Russia, Putin, Korea (North or South) Israel, Netanyahu or, of most interest Iran or China.
Now, as for the reality of the incident, if it actually occurred and the bullet hit the window from above, it should be there on the ground under the window. If it's been found I need to see the evidence for it.
I did calculate an overall probability of the 555-letter section. It was found against odds of about 3,306,383 to 1 which looks pretty significant but the two most powerful terms are ATTEMPTER and WAR. If ATTEMPTER touched a name that was at a special case skip I'd get more excited about it. I want a smaller, more meaningful matrix. That WUHAN touches the axis term is of interest. The WUHAN virus really killed Trump politically. Is there anything else close in to link the terms better? Yes, THE PLAGUE is at skip +1 as will be shown on the 234-letter Figure 2. When Trump was first trying to get the Wuhan Virus under control, the SPEAKER was helping (distract) him by putting him through the first sham impeachment. That UFO is so close to the axis term is of interest because I have written a lot about Canadian (Craig Ebrahimi) who played a role in getting what may be the original source of the virus to China. That source is a 27-pound meteorite displaying viral properties. You can read all the articles about Craig here. Ebrahimi has claimed to be "far from human" and telepathic. He seems to imply being a Nordic who, frankly, has expressed a lot of hostility toward our species, but who has been working hard to sell his find to major biopharma companies and leaders like Pfizer, Bill Gates, and Elon Musk. The major players who are out to make a fortune out of vaccines are not friends of President Trump. I see that as of 2/13/2021 scientists have failed to find the original source of COVID-19. That is because they have not yet seriously examined the evidence I have tracing Craig's samples from Sooke, BC , Canada through Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe at the University of Buckingham, UK, and on through Sri Lanka to Professor Jiangwen Qu at the Tianjin Center for Infectious Disease Control in China.
FIGURE 2 - Trump already caught the Wuhan Plague, but the Speaker was deadlier to him than the virus.
SIGNIFICANCE OF FIGURE 2. This 234-letter matrix was found against odds of about 372,813 to 1. While not as high as the version shown above that was 555 letters it strikes me as being closer to the truth. There is no date on the matrix and many presidents suffer assassinations attempts. I could take the axis term on Figures 1 or 2 and replace it with Pelosi (spelled with a shin instead of a samech) at skip -74,774. There also an ATTEMPTER at the same absolute skip and reference to Sodom and Gomorrah of which she is clearly the Queen. But the match may refer to January 6, 2021 when some people in the mob were screaming for her blood. Pelosi has clearly demonstrated that she cares nothing about people or nations struggling or dying from COVID. But she does care a lot about money and power. The terms WUHAN and THE PLAGUE on Figure 2 in conjunction with SPEAKER point to a possible involvement with Pelosi profiting from vaccines. She seems to be owned by China and the Fourth Reich. I can play with the Codes and find a lot more, but the real path to truth is hard to follow without physical evidence. Fort Huachuca needs to arrange for the procurement of a sample of Ebrahimi's DNA and a sample of the virus in his meteorite. As for the assertion of a drone attachment we need to see either bullet or the window glass involved. Without these things to examine there are just too many rabbit holes to check out. Joseph (pseudonym) "Sapphire," we are long past due for another chat.