Updated on 7/26/2020
Finally, I've found the matrix that leaves no doubt about Obama’s true nature, and apparently Biden’s too. On Figure 1 the axis term is COMMUNIST. The most significant a priori key word is PUTIN. It's parallel to the axis term but double the skip of COMMUNIST which, under my protocol, does not make it a special case skip. They are only skips +/- 1 and the absolute skip of the axis term, so I use the Roffman Skip Formula and Skip Tables to compute probabilities. As such, before factoring in ELS rank 6 of the axis term, PUTIN was found against odds of about 426 to 1. Two other terms are parallel to the axis term and are at special case skips (the absolute skip of COMMUNIST). The best spelling of OBAMA was found this way against odds of about 355 to 1 (and could refer to either Barack or to a future President Michelle Obama). One of three terms sought for RULER was also found this way against odds of about 47 to 1. An open text find of to JOSEPH (Biden's first name) touches COMMUNIST and shares a letter fey/peh with PUTIN against odds of about 12 to 1. After factoring in ELS rank 6 of the axis term the 143-letter matrix is found against odds of about 14,958,621 to 1.
FIGURE 1 and its spreadsheet are above. Figure 2 is below. Figure 1 shows the very strong link of Obama to the Communist Party and Putin. It hints at Joseph Biden. Figure 2 shows the link between JO (Joseph) Biden and China which did over billions dollars' worth of business with Biden's son (Hunter) who flew to China on Air Force 2 (the Vice President's plane).
FIGURE 2 - HEY DEMOCRATS - WHY BOTHER HOLDING PRIMARIES WHEN ALL YOU GET IS CHINA'S CHOSEN EVIL IN YOUR MIDST (or, as seen in Figure 1, a flunk of Russia's Putin)?. There are 36 ELSs of JOE BIDEN. The first one shown was selected because it includes an ELS of DEMOCRAT. As the symbol of the Democrats is a jackass, it would appear that they have done well in choosing this man as their presumptive candidate in 2020. DEMOCRAT is crossed in the open text and shares a letter qof with THE EVIL IN YOUR MIDST, a fitting tribute to the man who during Obama's reign gave $151.7 billion to terrorist Iran and permission for them the build ICBMs topped with either Iranian nuclear warheads or nukes bought from North Korea. There is no doubt about their purpose. In Hebrew and English they are painted on the side with DEATH TO AMERICA and DEATH TO ISRAEL. Biden voted against killing Bin Laden. THE EVIL IN YOUR MIDST touches TO/FOR JOSEPH which in turn touches CHINA at the skip of JOE BIDEN. THE PLAGUE (a gift of CHINA) is in the open text. Biden tried to give it a proper welcome to America by when he complained that Trump was xenophobic for stopping air travel to and from China. THE PLAGUE is above and touches WILL YOUR BROTHERS GO TO WAR AND WILL YOU SIT HERE?. Biden has been staying in his house for months for fear of THE PLAGUE. The matrix has IN THE HOUSE. There is a question about whether Biden was one of several spies in the plot against President Trump. SPIES is on the matrix in the open text near JOE BIDEN, but the word for NO or NOT precedes it. Finally, the word for NOMINATE is at an ELS. There is no PRESIDENT on the matrix. Figure 2 was found against odds of 215,314 to 1.
FIGURE 2 spreadsheet below.
FIGURE 3. - PRESIDENT GROPER? At ELS rank 20 JOE BIDEN is encoded with inappropriate groping. In the open text is YOU SHALL GROPE AT NOON. INAPPROPRIATE (6 letters) is at an ELS, but not at a special case skip (+/- 1 or the skip of the axis term). At the absolute skip of the axis term, going through YOU SHALL GROPE AT NOON is LIP. Other terms found, but not at special case skips were SMELLING, CARESS and NOMINATE. TRUMP was at skip +2 with the best spelling of his name at the minimum skip, but not near the other terms.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF FIGURE 3. As per my usual protocol, no statistical significance was assigned to the axis term, here the 20th lowest ELS of JOE BIDEN in wrapped Torah. The most significant a priori phrase found was YOU SHALL GROPE. Before considering the relatively high ELS rank of the axis term, YOU SHALL GROPE occurs in the open text only once in Torah. It was found on the full 950-letter matrix against odds of about 321 to 1, and on the 627-letter part of the matrix with a white background against odds of about 486 to 1. The second most significant term was TRUMP which is only shown on the full matrix where it was found against odds of about 107 to 1. I calculated which version of the matrix was more significant. It was the full matrix with TRUMP rather than the smaller one without him. The third most significant term was INAPPROPRIATE which was found on the full matrix against odds of about 25 to 1. I checked two words for NOMINATE and I found one but there was about a 35% chance to find it so it wasn't very significant. I didn't see elected on the matrix, but there are 19 lower skips of his name out there. The purpose of this study was to see what matches existed between his name and groping. This guy likes to smell hair on women and he likes to kiss them. While there were words on the matrix like CARESS and SMELLING, they were not statistically significant. After factoring in ELS rank 20 of the axis term, odds against the full matrix being found were about 1,055,018 to 1.
Spreadsheet for Figure 3.
Why am I so harsh with him now I (other than the fact that he was Obama's VP)? How should we judge a teacher who uses a wooden paddle to hit elementary school kids? Probably most people today would want to bring charges against the brute. But back in 1971, when I was 24, I was hired to teach 6th graders at the Todd Grant Elementary School in Darien, Georgia. The principle gave me a paddle to use on kids that were disruptive. In that time corporal punishment was the norm. Later, at Arvida Junior High in Miami, I found that only the vice principle could beat kids. That was the policy from about 1973 until around 1991. So the norms have definitely changed (a lot) over my life. However, I was smart enough to go with the new norms as they changed. Joe Biden was not so clever. Instead, he seemed clueless. There are a few news norms that I am uncomfortable with. One is the act of shaking hands with a woman. I will never offer to do so because I am an Orthodox Jew and, especially if a woman is having her period, a woman in that state is considered tamei (impure). An Orthodox woman will not permit sexual relations with her husband (or anyone else) until (7 days after her period) when she takes a ritual bath in a mickvah. Although this is so, UNTIL COVID-19 CHANGED MANNERS FOREVER if a woman stuck her hand in mine I didn't recoil because I didn't want to insult her, but if there was an option I stated that I had a cold and use that as an excuse rather than going into detail about my religion. We live in an imperfect world.
I think it's important for people to respect each other's space. Biden should know that by now. I liked Biden more than his Democrat opponents, but he was still way too far to the left to support. It's true that Trump did a lot more than groping women when he was not a politician, but he seems to behave OK now, and I rate him as the best President that I've seen in my lifetime. There is no contest here for intelligent, sane people. While Biden seemed to have a pleasant personality when he was young, he is obviously senile now.
FIGURE 4 - Yovanovitch
FIGURE 4. Marie Yovanovitch (appointed as our ambassador to Ukraine by President Barack Hussein Obama), admitted during the impeachment hearings that she was prepped by the Obama Administration about Hunter Biden's (improper) job in Ukraine. On the matrix above the axis term is YOVANOVITCH and H. (Hunter) BIDEN is at the same absolute skip. Two Obama-appointed Secretaries of State are on the matrix - KERRY at the same absolute skip as YOVANOVITCH and H. BIDEN, plus CLINTON at skip -1. PRESIDENT touches KERRY and KERRY shares a letter qof with BARACK H. Yovanovitch had to admit that in war the Javelin-tank killing missiles supplied to Ukraine by President Trump were more effective in stopping the Russian tanks than the blankets and meals ready to eat (and nothing else) which were delivered from Obama after Russia invaded Ukraine. WAR is in the open text two lines directly below YOVANOVITCH. The last term required some thought to find. I couldn't find quid pro quo, extortion or bribery (favorite Democrat fantasies about Trump). But right between YOVANOVITCH and WAR is RANSOM. Wikipedia defines ransom as the practice of holding a prisoner or item to extort money or property to secure their release. YOVANOVITCH was called by Schiff to back charges that Trump held back the missiles to force Ukraine to give him what he needed to defeat Joe Biden in the 2020 election.
STATISTICAL AND POLITICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF FIGURE 4. The matrix is based on the 26th lowest ELS of YOVANOVITCH. The most significant a priori term was H. (Hunter) BIDEN (son of Joe Biden). Before factoring in the ELS rank of the axis term, H. (Hunter) BIDEN was found at a special case skip against odds of about 440 to 1. The second most significant a priori term is WAR. It's there against odds of about 12.7 to 1. Hillary CLINTON was Obama's Secretary of State from the start of his Administration in 2009 until February 1, 2013. She is on the matrix at a special case skip against odds of about 8.2 to 1. After losing to Trump for the presidency in 2016 her hatred of him has been absolutely intense. She would do anything in her power to bring him down including pay for the Steele Dossier to falsely accuse the President of collusion with Russia. However she was not Secretary of State when Russia invaded Crimea in Ukraine. The Secretary then was John KERRY who is also on the matrix at a special case skip against odds of about 2.4 to 1. The President who obviously played a role in setting up Trump was Barack H. Obama. While the name Obama is not on the matrix, BARACK H. is here at a special case skip (-1) against odds of about 6.37 to 1, and PRESIDENT is at skip +1 against odds of about 7 to 1. RANSOM had about one chance in 3.7 to be here, but these probabilities are all to be anywhere on a 693-letter matrix and as such do not factor in how the words touch each other. Overall, after factoring in ELS rank 26 of the axis term, the matrix was found against odds of about 717,547 to 1.
This matrix was only based on the 26th lowest skip of YOVANOVITCH. Why did I explore it? Because I saw that H. (Hunter) BIDEN was at the same absolute skip (although opposite direction). It's rare to have a 6 letter key word hook up with an 8 letter axis term at the same absolute skip. If I had chosen the ELS of this YOVANOVITCH transliteration at skip -18,741 (ELS rank 6) then a 5-letter transliteration of CLINTON appears at the same absolute skip in a 72-letter (8 column by 9 row) box. Other transliterations of YOVANOVITCH may well yield more information, but they all take a lot of time to explore which is why I keep asking my biggest fans at DoD to fund Project Creator Decoder.
I want to be clear. Codes matrices like this one were (or will be) created by an incredible Intelligence. Be it God, an Artificial Intelligence designed by man/the U.S. Military, or aliens in our future, as Isaiah told us, the Encoder does not think like we do. We were told this in Isaiah 55:8 which states, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, says the LORD." For example, in Iowa as I first wrote on November 18, 2019 in the Presidential race in Iowa the poll for the Democrats showed Pete Buttigieg (a homosexual married to another man), leading with 25% and a close three-way battle for second with Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren was at 16%, and former Vice President Joe Biden and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders each had 15%. Yet three times in Torah the Author condemns homosexuality and twice it indicates that capital punishment is His wish (which is why he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah). In military actions today many military forces try to avoid or minimize collateral damage, yet in the story of Noah the Author destroys all of humanity except for one family. While I have often complained that it seems like our world is full of liars and incompetents, I am more than aware of hundreds of millions of really good people. But I'm also aware that good is a relative term, and what seems good to me does not seem good to many others (Democrats trying to destroy our President, Communists and radical Muslims).
The task that the Encoder set out to accomplish is truly astounding. It not only lays out what laws of morality should look like according to the Encoder, but it also gives the early history of the Jewish people from Abraham down to Joshua. And yet, on top all this we are given a portrait of our future or possible futures. It is set down much like an artist would paint a portrait. While I use my left brain (the logical half) to do statistical analyses of what I find, it seems that the Encoder uses His metaphorical right brain (the artistic, emotional half) to string words together to give a picture of the world as He (or It) sees it. We are shown relationships, but relationships in reality can constantly change. People get married, but often divorce. They have children, but sometimes abandon them. And, it's also true that sometimes enemies become friends (although often not until they have fought a war with each other). If not all matrices give the same portrait relationships it's likely because different matrices capture different moments in time.
On a check to see if there were any special case skips of PRESIDENT that were in a 100-letter box (10 rows by 10 columns) with any of the 36 ELSs of the 7-letter JOE BIDEN there were none that exactly fit this requirement but there was one that was close, occuring with PRESIDENT at skip +1 and JOE BIDEN at skip -51,847 (ELS rank 17) in a matrix that measures 11 columns by 7 rows (area 77 letters). There was a 28.95% chance to find a match this significant. Unfortnately, Joe, this is not a statistically significant match. In comparison to this near miss, there is a 7-letter ELS of DON TRUMP (dalet nun tet resh alef mem peh) at skip -46,810 (ELS rank 2) at skip with PRESIDENT at skip +1 that only rquires 8 columns by 7 rows (56 letters). There was only a 2.48% chance for this match which is significant.
If we use an easier to find transliteration of DON TRUMP with a tav intstead of tet (dalet nun tav resh alef mem peh) there is a smaller match with PRESIDENT at skip +1 requiring just 35 letters (7 rows by 5 columns). The ELS rank for this spelling of DON TRUMP is 6. This match had a 21.483% to be found which makes it borderline significant, but the previous spelling is preferred. Of course, we know that Trump was already elected to the presidency once (which like the shot at Obama's second term somewhat complicates the prediction procedure).