Will Iran's Ayatollah die of natural or unnatural causes? Even if the Code were easier to read, with a dead ayatollah we are still left with a threat from North Korea, and another secret one that Space Force must deal with. Posted on 1/17/2020.
After it became clear that the Iranian Government shot down a Ukrainian airliner with 176 passengers (mostly Iranian) protesters in Iran began to shout “Death to the Dictator” (Ayatollah Khamenei). They do so at great risk to their lives. I looked for AYATOLLAH in the Code and I was surprised to see a huge number (238) of this 8-letter word at an ELS. Refining the search to 10-letter DEAD AYATOLLAH dropped the number to 1 hit so that’s what we’ll focus on. Figure 1 is similar to Figure 2 but with an area of 660 letters it includes MAHDI at the absolute skip of DEAD AYATOLLAH. Shiite Iranians believe that there must be an armageddon before the Mahdi can return from the dead. Figure 2 is 1,092 letters in area and has OLD and STROKE, but not MAHDI. Figure 1 is significant. Figure 2 is not.
FIGURE 1 above is based on the same ELS of DEAD AYATOLLAH as Figure 2 but it matches the axis term with MAHDI at the same absolute skip as the axis term. Originally I showed a match with OLD at skip +1 and STROKE. That has been moved to Figure 2 for purposes of record keeping. As Figure 1 odds show below, the MAHDI is the main term associated with DEAD AYATOLLAH. MAHDI can be found ina 209-letter box with DEAD AYATOLLAH against odds of about 97.7 to 1.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF FIGURES 1 and 2. Both matrices are based on the same axis term, the only ELS of DEAD AYATOLLAH in the Torah. The most significant a priori term is MAHDI and it's only found at the absolute skip of the axis term on Figure 1. There it was found at a special case skip against odds of about 31 to 1, but it's as close as it is to the axis term against odds of about 97.7 to 1. Figure 2 was actually found first, but as I suspected when I found it the requirement to have such a large matrix (1,092 letters in area) just to show its best term - OLD - was not justified. On a matrix this large odds against finding it at skip +1 were about 4.45 to 1. In fact, that was the most significant a priori term on Figure 1. If that's all I found I wouldn't have published this article.
Both MAHDI and IRAN are found parallel to the axis term, which is what I look for in a matrix that I believe is deliberately encoded, but a word is needed here about skips and structure. You will notice that DEAD AYATOLLAH and MAHDI each have a row skip of 2 with an extra line between each letter of both terms, however neither word has letters on the same lines. There are, on Figure 1 (and 2) 13,522 letters on each line that the computer is holding in its memory in forming these matrices. That number (13,522) is the skip of IRAN so IRAN appears vertically with no rows between its letters. The computer actually pictures 13,522 as the circumference of a spiraling cylinder. Further, while DEAD AYATOLLAH and MAHDI are only 10 columns apart on the matrix (window) shown, in reality if the full 3-D spiraling cylinder could be viewed it would be seen that they are actually on almost exactly opposite sides of the cylinder.
The next most significant term is WAR on Figure 1. Normally this word is seen in the open text on my matrices, but it's not at a special case skip (+/- 1 or the absolute skip of the axis term) here. Odds against its being found this way were about 10.5 to 1.
CANCEROUS was found against odds of about 3 to 1. I set out to look for diseases or actions that might rid the world of the lunatic ayatollah. On the medical side I checked for heart disease, cancer and strokes. With respect to cancer the ayatollah actually has or has had an operation for prostate cancer in 2017. Iran tends to keep real medical conditions of it leaders secret. STROKE was on the matrix against odds of about 4 to 1.
The current Hebrew year (5780) is parallel to the axis term, but not at a special case skip. It is not statistically significant and in fact if we continued on to the next letter in sequence we get the year 5785. I could also find a year 5781 at skip +2. It's very rare that I find an accurate date of an event. Rather I normally see related terms, events or people that hint at timing.
Finally, the word PROTEST is on the matrix, but not at a special case skip. It's not statistically significant, nor is the protest in Iran likely to be successful unless we covertly provide the opposition with serious arms. However, in support of such an end I see on Figure 4 that even without a row split in use DEAD AYATOLLAH is encoded with Lift up your head from off you, and shall hang you on a tree; and the birds shall eat your flesh from off you. Hopefully in line with this is a statement by the former crown prince of Iran Reza Pahlavi. He claims that we are about to see the end of the Islamic Republic.
The problem with supporting a successful rebellion in Iran is that to do so requires a trustworthy government in Washington. Close to one half of Government (largely Democrats but there are also slime-bag Republicans like Romney) are not trustworthy. We also have a CIA that was largely built up by (Communist) Brennan and an FBI that Director Wray has yet to repair. The essential question here is this. We know that Obama is encoded with atomic holocaust (see Figure 5). Can we prevent it or does the Code only record what our fixed future is? Do we really have free will? Is Fort Huachuca, much of the rest of our Intelligence people and the United Kingdom Ministry of Defence (at my reverse IP address) here to learn from me, merely spy on me out of caution or curiosity, or to help rewrite (future) history to save our butts? "If our future is fixed then so is the encoded atomic holocaust," I wrote a few days ago. But since then I found Figure 6 below where PREVENTION is at the same skip as ATOMIC HOLOCAUST and PRESIDENT is between them. Figure 6 was found against odds of about 613,331 to 1. This includes finding the 10-letter axis term against odds of about 474 to 1. The President trying to prevent the war with both Iran and North Korea is shown on Figure 7. He is Trump - the very man than Democrats are working so hard to weaken and remove for reasons thar are insane, if not motivated by UFO-induced brainwashing. UFO is at skip -1 on Figure 4.
If the war occurs I don't know the magnitude of it. I only know that the nuclear accord (now defunct) signed between Obama and Iran likely made it inevitable - possibly while President Trump is in office (see Figure 7). Trying to get an accurate picture of our likely future is a bit more complex than playing 3-dimentional chess. In fact, it's more like 4-dimentional chess because we are dealing in the third dimension with what most people overlook - the UFO angle, and we are also dealing with the 4th dimension - time in that we have at least American and U.K. Governments being influenced to some degree by messages sent back in time via the Torah Code. In a sense I am sitting at one end of the chess board, and my "opponents" Joseph (I censor his last name but let's call him Sapphire here) and his superiors at Fort Huachuca or Army Intelligence are at the other end of the chess board. The the U.K. MOD is at my reverse IP address looking over their shoulders, possibly using what they learn for their own national interersts.
This article was begun with a goal of discerning something about the future of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei who at the time of this article is 80 years old (he was born on April 19, 1939). The purpose of the search is to learn more about his threats to start a nuclear war. We have looked above at the possibilities of him dying from natural causes like cancer (which he may have), heart disease or stroke. The Torah Code statistics so far are not astounding, but my research is on-going. The hope is that we don't have to wait that long and that the Iranian people will rise up and remove him from office. The final possibility is that he (and millions of other people) will die in a nuclear war which he seems to want, and what I (and hopefully the American, British and Israeli Governments) try to prevent. Much of the encoded material below pertains to North Korea or North Korea and Iran. Their nuclear and missile programs are linked, and it is likely that when Obama sent $151.7 billion to Iran, they used some or much of it to buy North Korean nuclear bombs and missiles, so a war to take out one will like degenerate into a war with both (during which time any Iranian ayatollah is likely to be killed).
Before proceeding we should look at a major current item in the news. It's a statement by the U.S. Navy in reference to the detection of and encounter(s) with Anomalous Aerial Vehicles (AAVs) [UFOs] by personnel involved with the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group (CSG) operations off the western coast of the United States during the period of approximately 10-16 November, 2004:
"We have discovered certain briefing slides that are classified TOP SECRET...A review of these materials indicates that are currently and appropriately marked and classified TOP SECRET... and the Original Classification Authority has determined that the release of these materials would cause exceptionally grave damage to the National Security of the United States.
What is the exceptionally grave damage to the National Security of the United States? I believe that a full release of the record would show that the aliens are operating in conjunction with elements in our Government, that the collaborators are doing so to their financial benefit and that the aliens are doing so in detriment to the health of well being of citizens not in the know. That the military is now giving us statements like that above bears witness to the internal divisions of our Government when it comes to full disclosure. Until President Trump gave the order to establish the Space Force (covered in the Torah Code here), that corruption-based division likely played a major role in permitting untold numbers of citizens to be abducted. I have, over my lifetime, interviewed a large number of people shyly making such claims in fear that they would be judged as crazy for bringing up their memories. Some people only told me about their experiences when I asked them what they believed about alleged abductions of other people. Based on the extreme left positions of the Democrats it wouldn't surprise me if nearly half of our citizens have been taken. Fertility rates (discussed in the Torah Code here) are plunging throughout much the world. What kind of leadership is provided by the Left here? Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) said:
“Basically, there’s a scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult. And it does lead, I think, young people to have a legitimate question: Is it okay to still have children?”
While I'm not okay with unlimited population growth, if all young people in our country stopped having children it would certainly make the nation easy to erase from the map, or, by extension, our species from the planet.
One of my friends who claims to have been abducted is Dr./U.S. Navy Commander- Scott B. Jones. One of the many resumes that I found on-line about him is posted at my link for him. Scott was the top aid of Senator Claiborne Pell, Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee. While serving in this capacity, Scott had a number of meetings with Chinese and Soviet Government personnel that related to their UFO research. Speculation about Scott is rampant on the Internet, with some people thinking that he was involved in or even behind the UFO cover up, while others buy into his overt efforts to have various governments prepare for an upcoming disclosure of the presence of aliens on Earth.
Scott and I have often debated the issue of disarmament. Whereas the majority of claims of abduction by aliens seem to involve sexual abuse, torture, or at a minimum memory loss, I believe it would be fatal mistake to disarm our world anytime in the foreseeable future, but Iran must be stopped from acquiring the bomb. Scott has told me that he believes ET will prevent Iran from using a nuclear bomb, but his personal testimony of meetings with them show that they are in no sense trustworthy. For example, although Scott claims to be have abducted frequently since his childhood, he cannot recall what they did to him while he was aboard their craft - this despite what he says were multiple promises by them to restore his full memory. He is now close to 90 years old and when I push him on the subject he admits that they lied to him throughout his life about restoring his memory.
December 24, 1997 was a night that was a huge stimulus for my UFO and Mars research. That evening our family had a large reunion at my Uncle Eugene’s condo. It’s possible that I might have been near Stan Gross at earlier family gatherings, but I was never introduced to him before. My uncle told me that Stan worked at the Kennedy Space Center where he played a key role in deciding when astronauts would be sent up. As is shown on Figure 3, Stan coordinated the checkout of the Lunar Rover for Apollo 15. Uncle Eugene was my father’s brother. Stan was my uncle's wife’s nephew.
Both of my sons were there that night. At the time, my older son was a 20-year old Air Force ROTC cadet and geophysics major at M.I.T. He was slated to report to U.S. Space Command at Vandenberg Air Force Base upon graduation. My younger son, David, was only 4, though a very bright 4. Later he would earn his B.S. in Space Physics at the age of 18, his Master's in physics at 20 and his PhD in physics at the age of 23. He has his PhD in solid state physics. He did his postdoc at Yale after that. David is my primary partner in Martian meteorology research. See
For most of my meeting with Stan in 1997 we were discussing how my older son could enter the astronaut program and what the career entailed. But before we left, at around 10:00 pm when Stan and I were in the kitchen I mentioned a book by Dr. Kevin D. Randall about Roswell that I had read a week before. I didn’t expect much of an answer, but I was wrong.
I asked him, “What do you think about Roswell?”
His answer was, “It happened.”
Shocked, I asked, “What do you mean it happened?
He just said, “It happened.”
Again, I asked, “Do mean to say that we captured a flying saucer near Roswell?
He shook his head, “Yes.”
I asked him, “How would you know?”
He said, “I saw it.”
“When,” I asked him?
“Where,” I asked.
“It’s too classified. I can’t tell you."
At this point I called my older son (who recently retired as a major in the Air Force Reserve) and a cousin into the kitchen, and then I asked Stan to repeat to them what he told me. Stan complied, and repeated everything said above.
I continued the questions without a word being uttered by son or my cousin. Years later I still wonder if my cousin asked nothing because he already knew. I can’t remember the precise order of my questions, but overall they were as follows:
“Did you ever tell your wife?”
“No,” Stan said. “I didn’t want to upset her.”
“Why were you shown this thing?”
He said he had a need to know. I can’t remember his exact words on why he had a need to know, but the thrust of it seemed to be that if a UFO was in the area, a scheduled launch couldn't proceed. There would be an excuse made, maybe something like a downrange emergency landing area had bad weather, or winds were too strong aloft, or lightning was too close to the launch pad. Since he had a say in any launch, he had a need to know that UFOs were more than weather balloons.
I asked him if our contact with aliens was limited to the crash just outside of Roswell. Again, his answer was shocking.
“There’s an ongoing relationship between them and our Government.”
Here we came to the essential question. I demanded to know, “Are they friendly or hostile?”
“You don’t know what your neighbor is thinking,” he said.
His answer reminded me of a former neighbor in Hypoluxo, Florida. The guy was a pervert and a crook. We caught him on our balcony trying to look in on my wife while she was dressing. We saw him going through garbage dumpsters looking for credit card receipts, likely to commit credit card fraud. When we were near him, we'd smile and say hello. Likewise he acted friendly. But my wife and I were asking the apartment management to evict him, while he was in fact burglarizing apartments and boats. Eventually he was caught stealing a boat motor, he was arrested and evicted. He never knew about our push to get rid of him, and we didn't know that he was a thief until the complex caught him. So this is how Stan viewed aliens.
I left my Uncle’s condo feeling like I had been slugged by a two by four. If all this stuff were put out by Joe the Bartender, I would have blown it off. But it was said by a man who had the responsibility to launch astronauts into space. For two weeks I couldn’t sleep well. Finally I decided to call my uncle about the incident.
“Uncle Eugene,” I asked, “Is Stan playing with a full deck?”
“Why do you ask?”
“Well, Stan said some pretty strange things,” I said.
“Oh,” Uncle Gene said, “Stan’s a great kidder.” I felt relief when I heard it. But to be sure of what I was hearing I asked my Uncle, “So you know what he said at your place?”
“No, what did he say?” I was asked. So I told him all of it. Now, as mentioned earlier, I grew up on the same street with my uncle. He was my favorite uncle, and I was in fact much closer to him than I was to my own father. I was 50 then, and when he died on September 11, 2008 I was 61. In all those years, I never heard him curse – except for when I told him what Stan had said. Then he told me, “You’re a G-d damned liar!”
But, of course, I had two witnesses, my son and my first cousin. I asked my uncle to call his son and ask him what he heard. He did, and my uncle called me back about 10 minutes later.
“Barry,” he said. "I want you to listen to me and listen real good. You heard nothing. And if you think you heard something you may wind up dead.” He hung up, and wouldn't talk to me for over two years after that. But immediately after the threatening call, I phoned my cousin.
“You heard what I heard,” I said to him.
“Yes I did,” my cousin said, "but I’m gonna forget that I heard it, and I think you should do the same." My cousin has always been a civilian. I have loved him like a brother all my life. But I’m a military guy. And, as my Intelligence friends know, I don’t cave in to threats. I’m also ready to risk my life over important issues, and frankly, I don’t think anything could be more important than a UFO cover-up. So my response to the threat and to the advice to forget about it all was to start an in depth (and still ongoing) investigation.
Follow-up to the Threat of December 24, 1997. Needless to say, I was more than alarmed by what at first sounded like a threat to my life by my uncle. But with time I’ve come to understand that he wasn’t threatening to kill me, but warning me that if I pursued the subject the way he knew that I'm capable of pursing a problem, I might be killed by someone in our Government who enforces secrecy with respect to the Roswell Incident and similar occurrences. My cousin took the warning to heart, and so he fell in line with my uncle even after my uncle died. I don’t know if my uncle contacted my older son with a similar warning. He wouldn't discuss the subject with me whenever I tried. But I refused to fall in line. I hope this doesn’t turn out to be my epitaph, but if it does, nobody lives forever.
My cousin, over the next 23 years, continued to insist that he had questioned Stan about his remarks and that Stan told him that he was pulling my leg. However Stan held a position that would make such behavior not only inappropriate, but dangerous. In fact, it wrecked several relationships in our family (possibly including one with my older son). I saw Stan one more time after his original remarks and he made no effort to correct what he had said before. I can’t say if he really made such a retraction to my cousin, but with time I came to see that my cousin had a problem with being candid about anything related to UFOs. My mother (now deceased) knew Stan. When I asked for her opinion she said, “Stan wouldn't say such a thing unless it were true, but he made a big mistake by telling you, because you have a big mouth and you’ll tell the world.” You’re reading this now because she was right. But to Fort Huachuca, I would be quiet if, in my old age, you brought me back on active duty again - in the New Space Force - with an intelligence assignment dealing with the alien threat.
ABOUT UNCLE EUGENE. He was Chief of the Electronics Branch in Philadelphia. I last saw him when he was 92 years old, shortly before he died. Apparently he had been involved in back-engineering UFO wreckage via Non-Destructive Testing (NDT). The full story is covered in my Roswell article. Before passing away he gave me a list of the names of major scientists that he was working with on this issue in 1960 from our nation as well as the U.S.S.R., Poland (then also communist), Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, England, France, Italy, Japan, Philippines, Scotland, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, and West Germany. The list is at this link and also in the Roswell article. Apparently President Trump formed our new military service, Space Force,in part because he didn't trust a conglomeration of other (less sophisticated) nations to defend us from E.T.
Figure 3 - Letter showing the role of Stan Gross in the Apollo 15 moon landing.
"We must prepare ourselves to rule the world and the only way to do that is to put forth views on the basis of the Expectation of the Return."
-Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Here I strongly recommend my readers to take 28 minutes or less to skim through an Iranian Government propaganda video to hear what the Iranians are saying about their belief that the Mahdi is going to return from the dead soon, and how that fits in with their belief in the necessity of an apocalyptic war in the very near future. Click here and scroll down to watch the film, THE COMING IS UPON US. Skip ahead to where the English subtitles begin which is at 2:40 into the video.
Orthodox Jews require any Messianic candidate to prove his identity by first ending war on Earth permanently before his death. This belief naturally excludes claims by Christianity or by some apostate Jewish Chabad members who endorse the deceased Rabbi Schneerson as Messiah. However, there are areas where legitimate Orthodox Jewish beliefs overlap those of Christianity. With respect to the return of the Mahdi, there is an excellent Christian article about the return of the Mahdi here. Curiously, the idea that we are in the Last Days is something shared by Fundamental Christianity, Shia Islam, and Orthodox Judaism (but not Conservative Judaism which has less allegiance to Torah and Tenach than Orthodox Judaism, or Reform Judaism which has basically no allegiance to or understanding of Torah).
FIGURE 4 - It is important to understand the source of Iran's insanity and that unless the Islamic government is overthrown they will try use nuclear weapons against Israel and America. Their faith in the Mahdi is as strong as their suicide bombers' faith that suicide is the path to 72 virgins in heaven. However as the matrix shows, the Ayatollah, like Saddam Hussein, may have to find his virgins when he is at the end of a rope.
FIGURE 5 ATOMIC HOLOCAUST is encoded with OBAMA, PRESIDENT, ISRAEL and a weak transliteration of IRAN. MIKE COHEN was the President's lawyer who sold out the President while he was meeting with North Korea's KIM Jung-un. FIGURE 6 - PREVENTION is encoded left of and at the same absolute skip as ATOMIC HOLOCAUST. On Figure 7 we see that TRUMP is also left of ATOMIC HOLOCAUST.
FIGURE 7 - There is also a significant encoding of PRESIDENT TRUMP with NORTH KOREA and PERSIA (Iran).
SUMMARY. President Trump has shown the courage to kill General Soleimani and Baghdadi. He has the fortitude required to take out the Ayatollah, but he likely needs to get massive military aid to forces that would marshall under an Iranian leader like the former crown prince of Iran Reza Pahlavi. This at a time that Congress is trying to convict the President of the articles of impeachment, or to at least limit his war powers. The best finish for the Ayatollah that was encoded seemed to indicate that he will hang, but the worst possibility is that we'll need a nuclear war to finish off him and North Korea who seems to be encoded with smuggling a nuclear bomb out of North Korea and across Asia by rail links over the Russian border. Complicating any accurate calculation is that it seems like our Government is infested with many traitors who may serve an alien agenda in return for financial support.
The true Establishment is likely not just in control of the American Government. Rather it's probably composed of those Governments with scientists from the countries my Uncle Eugene worked with on back-engineering UFO wreckage. That would be Russia, plus Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, England, France, Italy, Japan, Philippines, Poland, Scotland, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, and West Germany. Iran and North Korea aren't on the list, and Trump isn't accepted a member of this real Establishment. That fact is probably why the Establishment wants him out of power. North Korea and Iran see the animosity towards President Trump as reason to not take his threats seriously enough, because as John Kerry told Iran, they think that if they are patient Trump will soon be out of power. This perception increases the chance that there will be an atomic holocaust.