This page was updated on 9/17/2019.
DAVID MUIR, ABC NEWS: "You said quote, Americans who own AR-15s and AK-47s will have to sell them to the government, all of them. You know the critics call this confiscation. Are you proposing taking away their guns and how would this work?"
BETO O'ROURKE: "Hell yes we are going to take your AR-15, your AK-47. We are not going to allow it to be used against fellow Americans anymore."
On Figure 1 the axis term is BETO O'ROURKE. He opposes the Second Amendment which states that, “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Near Beto's name in the open text is the order to count according to their divisions all the men in Israel who are twenty years old or more and able to serve in the army." On the top line at skip +2 is AR-15. The matrix has DEFENSE at one skip less than that of BETO O'ROURKE, a word for GUN parallel to his name, and in the open text TAKE NO RANSOM FOR THE LIFE OF A KILLER and ALL WHO GO OUT TO WAR/THE ARMY.
FIGURE 1 above. The Constitution envisioned all who go out to war by joining a militia to protect the nation. But in the modern age we often face insane people who go out to war to fight the demons in their own minds. BELOW: Spreadsheet for Figure 1.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF FIGURE 1. First let me point out one common term at skip +1 that is not on the matrix -President. It's likely that Beto's idea will cost Democrats a huge number of votes (especially in rural areas). In fact, he may just have handed the election to President Trump even though O'Rourke isn't likely to win the nomination. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, which is BETO O'ROURKE at its lowest ELS in wrapped Torah. There were two terms that were quite significant. Both of them were open text segments of Torah. The most significant one was TAKE NO RANSOM FOR THE LIFE OF A KILLER. This Commandment in Numbers 35:31 orders us to execute anyone guilty of first degree murder. If a killer invades a home it's hard for them to kill him in self-defense if Beto or his comrade Democrats have disarmed him. The Commandment is present against odds of about 378 to 1. DEFENSE is at an ELS, but it had about a 55% chance to be found this way. The second significant phrase is ALL WHO GO OUT TO WAR/THE ARMY. This was found against odds of about 25.7 to 1. The phrase was sought a priori because it relates strongly to why the founding fathers wrote the Second Amendment - in a national emergency they expected members of militias to bring their own guns when they reported for duty. As for AR-15, it's on the matrix at skip +2 but had about a 56% chance to be found at a non-special case skip. There is also an ELS for GUN, but I sought three synonyms for it and as such there was about a 99.99% to one find one of them. I only plotted this one because it shares the last letter with LIFE OF A KILLER. Overall Figure 1 was found against odds of about 31,182 to 1.
SHOULD THE GOVERNMENT HAVE THE POWER TO RESTRICT TYPES OF ARMS AVAILABLE TO CIVILIANS? The Second Amendment focuses on people who serve in a militia. Eighteenth century civilians routinely kept at home the very same weapons they would need if called to serve in the militia, while modern soldiers are equipped with weapons that differ significantly from those generally thought appropriate for civilian uses. Civilians no longer expect to use their household weapons for militia duty, although they still keep and bear arms to defend against common criminals (as well as for hunting and other forms of recreation). When Obama threatened the Second Amendment there was a run on guns. I bought a shotgun for my home. I don't need to be very accurate with my first shot. My son bought an AR-15. He wants to be able to shoot through walls if necessary. I think that much fire power is too much, but junior is over 18 so I have no right to stop him from owning it. Both of us think that a hand gun might miss the target in a home invasion, but it's easier to practice with a hand gun on a firing range than with an AR-15. In fact, many local ranges will not permit the use of an AR-15 or AK-47.
My son and I were not alone in buying weapons because of liberal threats. On December 9, 2015 Fox News’ Los Angeles Correspondent William La Jeunesse told colleague Martha MacCallum that since President Obama took office, over 100 million guns have been bought by Americans nationwide. The number of background checks ran by the FBI on Black Friday reached a record 185,345. As for gun production, it's increased by 140 percent under the Obama presidency. As for concealed carry permits, John Lott of the Crime Prevention Center released a study in July, showing that they’ve increased 270 percent for women and 156 percent for men since 2007. There’s also evidence “that permit holding by minorities is increasing more than twice as fast as for whites.” In Chicago, the areas with the most carry permits are predominantly black and Hispanic neighborhoods.
Here I will touch on a dispute about which guns are adequate to defend a home from a common criminal
A primary reason that I would like to see a buy back with assault-type weapons can be seen by looking at what happened on Las Vegas. A lone gunman (Stephen Paddock, a 64-year-old man from Mesquite, Nevada) opened fire on a crowd of concertgoers at the Route 91 Harvest music festival on the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada. He killed 58 people and wounded 422, with the ensuing panic bringing the injury total to 851. The shooter fired more than 1,100 rounds of ammunition from his suite on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Hotel. The shooting occurred between 10:05 and 10:15 p.m. PDT. It is hard to imagine how he could have accomplished anywhere near that level of damage with a hand gun or a shotgun. An AR-15 or AK-47 can quickly be turned into a weapon of mass destruction. As such, I believe that the Government should use a combination of replacement with guns that are not as much of a public threat and added tax incentives. The program should be voluntary in order to prevent endangerment of police officers confronting people unwilling to cooperate.
FIGURE 2 - Beto O'Rourke in Las Vegas. In threatening to take the guns of innocent people, Beto divides the country in a way that could cause a civil war.
FIGURE 2 - BETO O'ROURKE again meets ALL WHO GO OUT TO WAR. BETO O'ROURKE is encoded twice in wrapped Torah. I was initially surprised to find that the second encoding of his name also had ALL WHO GO OUT TO WAR on it, but this phrase occurs 15 times in Torah. While both of these finds are in Chapter 1 of the Book of Numbers, this chapter includes a Census which is extremely redundant in nature where each Tribe of Israel is counted. The Figure 1 phrase in Numbers 1:3 pertains to the order to count each tribe, while the Figure 2 phrase in Numbers 1:40 is for the Tribe of Asher. In terms of predictions what we see is not much of a surprise - at skip -1 the phrase PRESIDENT - NO! gives us a hint at what should be obvious. Beto O'Rourke will not win the 2020 election. The other terms at an ELS were VEGAS (the short name for Las Vegas), GUN and DEBATE. A second ELS of PRESIDENT touches DEBATE.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF FIGURE 2. The axis term is again BETO O'ROURKE, but this time at ELS rank 2. Here we do find President on the matrix twice, but the first PRESIDENT (at skip -1) is followed in sequence by NO. Odds against this negation of Beto reaching the presidency being on the matrix are about 227 to 1. The second PRESIDENT is at a non-special case skip and had about a 97.8% chance to be here. It shares a letter nun with DEBATE which had about an 86.6% chance to be at a non-special case skip. Odds against ALL WHO GO OUT TO WAR being on Figure 2 again are about 30.7 to 1. Using three synonyms, finding GUN was a virtual certainty. I looked for VEGAS because that's where the biggest mass murder with these type weapons was executed. The Las Vegas shooting is discussed more below in conjunction with the Figure 3 matrix about the shooter there - STEVEN PADDOCK. Odds against VEGAS being at a non-special case skip on Figure 2 are about 15.1 to 1. Overall Figure 2 was found against odds of about 62,450 to 1, but these odds do not imply equality in value of all terms. Only three of the a priori terms are significant - ALL WHO GO OUT TO WAR, PRESIDENT - NO!, and VEGAS. The matrix likely tells us that Beto O'Rourke will not get elected President, that despite his campaigning in Las Vegas, he does not understand that the way he phrases his forced solution, it may be the cause of what causes ALL WHO GO OUT TO WAR in a civil war to go there.
Spreadsheet for Figure 2.
FIGURE 3 - The Las Vegas shooter used multiple assault weapons to slaughter or wound almost 900 people.
FIGURE 3 - THE LAS VEGAS MASS SHOOTER. Since the Las Vegas shooter provided the best reason to oppose assault weapons for Figure 3 above I show the best of the five matrices that I've found and published about him before. It includes the following terms: STEVEN PADDOCK, ALL THESE CURSES, JORDAN (on the matrix because the shooter visited Jordan shortly before his crime), FATHER SCHUMER, ROBBER, SHOOTER and THE BLOOD OF YOUR LIVES. Senator Schumer made it onto the list because of the following New York Times Report:
NEW YORK TIMES - SEPTEMBER 11, 2019: Divided Democrats Step Back From Assault Weapons Ban.
The overwhelming majority of House Democrats — 211, seven shy of the 218 needed for passage — are co-sponsoring legislation to ban military-style semiautomatic weapons, similar to the ban in effect from 1994 to 2004. But some centrist Democrats remain skittish about any proposal that keeps firearms from law-abiding citizens — a frequent charge against Democrats by Republicans and gun rights groups — making any such ban politically risky for moderates in Trump-friendly districts. In the Senate, it draws less support.
On the presidential campaign trail, Democrats like former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. are rallying behind an assault weapons ban, and Beto O’Rourke, the former congressman from Texas, has gone so far as to call for a mandatory government program to buy back the weapons of war. But on Capitol Hill, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the Democratic leader, have barely breathed a word about reviving the ban.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF FIGURE 3. There were several versions of Figure 3 examined in my original article about Steven Paddock. Some of the terms shown there (on a matrix 1,278-letter matrix) but not on this 952-letter matrix are IN THE END OF DAYS, SHOOTER, HARVEY (a hurricane), I WILL CHASTEN YOU 7 TIMES FOR YOUR SINS, THE MURDERER WILL, it is on DIE, MARIA (a hurricane), BARACK, HE WHO SHEDS BLOOD, CITIES, YOU WILL BE DESTROYED BECAUSE YO DID NOT HEARKEN TO YOUR LORD. I don't like to use matrices over 1,000 letters in area. On a 1,340-letter matrix I also showed LIBERAL, LEFT, KOREA, CONTROL and ARAB.
On Figure 4 in this article the most significant a priori term was ALL THESE CURSES which was found against odds of about 160 to 1. Next was GAMBLER which was found at a special case skip against odds of about 7 to 1.
There are two spreadsheets below for Figure 3. One of them includes FATHER SCHUMER, a reference to Schumer, now the Senate Minority leader, keeping quiet about reviving the ban on assault weapons. Odds against this term being on the matrix were about 40.5 to 1, but I'm not comfortable with these odds. It's more honest just to use SCHUMER, but this term has about a 99.7% chance to be on the matrix. JORDAN is on the matrix against odds of about 4.7 to 1. Paddock visited it and the United Arab Emirate before his killed spree. While Arab is not on Figure 3 it is at a special case skip on another matrix on my main article about Paddock. There it only takes 3 columns by 20 rows to show SCHUMER and ARAB. The motive of Paddock is still unclear, but his recent visits to two Arab countries may provide a clue that this lunatic had Arab leanings. Overall odds against Figure 3 are about 10,342 to 1 (using SCHUMER rather than FATHER SCHUMER).
Yes, it's vital that we figure out how to solve the gun violence problem, and yes a good place to start is with assault rifles. But when we look at 100,000,000 Americans who bought guns while Obama was President, we should understand that there are fears that many of us have with regard to our Government, fears that appear to be justified based on the FBI's attempt to conduct nothing short of a coup against President Trump. The attempt to remove all assault weapons will not be successful unless it violates the Constitution. At best, in a legal manner, it can only be partially successful, but that's better than a total failure followed by civil war.
We must also address the lack of morals found in a large segment of our population. In some groups nearly three out of four babies are born out of wedlock. There is no father present to teach these children the difference between right and wrong. Chicago and Kansas City, Missouri show us the result of this behavior. 72% of all black babies are born out of wedlock. 13% of the US population is black. There is a direct correlation between kids born out of wedlock and higher rates of crime. According to a 2010 study in the Journal of Law and Economics, kids grow into adults who turn to crime precisely because of a lack of educational opportunities and parenting. Over 50% of homicide victims are black, according to a 2014 study conducted by the Violence Policy Center, which characterizes the rate as epidemic. According to Justice Department data from 1980-2008, “blacks were six times more likely than whites to be homicide victims and seven times more likely than whites to commit homicides." More than half of all federal prisoners are black. To just argue that "Black lives (rather than all lives) matter" is the most vicious form of racism.
To call for reparations for slavery will only, at best, argue for a momentary high for blacks while greatly dividing our nation. Even though some whites have ancestors who were slave owners, I'm white, but my ancestors were Jews in Moldova. Many of them were victims of pogroms (or later -the Holocaust). It is likely that none of them in the 1800s ever even saw a black person. With this background why should I pay for reparations? My wife is a Korean convert to Orthodox Judaism. Her ancestors also never saw a black person. Why should such Korean Americans pay reparations? And yet in listening to the third Democrat debate I heard ABC News Correspondent Linsey Davis ask Biden, "As you stand here tonight, what responsibility do you think that Americans need to take to repair the legacy of slavery in our country?" She is an African American. Biden gave a senile answer that included, "Play the radio. Make sure the television — excuse me, make sure you have the record player on at night. The phone—make sure the kids hear words. A kid coming from a very poor school — er, a very poor background will hear 4 million words fewer spoken by the time they get there."
To stop the violence in America it may help to voluntarily reduce the number of assault weapons but we also need to address morality. We must convince black males that black females matter, and so do the children they produce out of wedlock. The overall murder rate will likely come down more by convincing them of this than it will by reducing the number of automatic weapons on our streets. But the sanest action is to "shoot for both" within the confines of our Constitution.