No. But if he is legally ordered to enforce it he likely will. Updated on 6/11/2020.
At first I didn’t take Patterson’s e-mail that seriously because a general cannot declare martial law. On a federal level, only the president has that power. In each state the governor has the right to impose martial law within the borders of the state. It was declared in Hawaii after the attack on Pearl Harbor and after major disasters, such as the San Francisco earthquake of 1906. Local leaders have declared it to protect themselves from mob violence. However, while General Milley may not declare martial law, he can recommend it to the President, if warranted, or direct its enforcement if so tasked. Figure 1 indicates that may be a possibility. On it the axis term is the only ELS in Torah of MARTIAL LAW. GENERAL is 2 letters away in the open text. MILLEY is at an absolute skip that is one more than the axis term, and the simplest transliteration of TRUMP is at an absolute skip that is one less than the axis term. I also looked for enemies that might fan the flames of discord. KIM is on the matrix at skip +1 sharing a letter mem with MILLEY. Figure 1 was found against odds of about 51,252 to 1. UPDATE ON 6/11/2020: Today General Milley apologized for walking with the President to the partially burned out Church of St. John, across the street from the White House. Rioters/protesters were first moved away from the area. The apology suggests that Milley might resign before enforcing Martial Law.
FIGURE 1 above with its spreadsheets below. The full matrix is more significant than the partial matrix, but Figure 2 is far more significant.
Figure 2 is an expansion of Figure 1 which shows other hostiles that may be involved. RUSSIAN and CHINESE overlap each other at skip -1 (not far from TRUMP). This is the only time in Torah that these two U.S. aversaries meet this way. I found a transliteration of KOREAN that is at the same skip as MARTIAL LAW but the spreadsheets indicated that the expansion required to see it (and WAR) were not statistically justified. Adding RUSSIAN and CHINESE to what was seen in Figure 1 grew the matrix to 493 letters with 17 columns and 29 rows. Odds against the matrix increased to 1,666,612 to 1 so this expansion is merited. However, when I tried to add WAR in the open text but had to expand the matrix to 1,015 letters to do so the odds against the matrix fell to 11,311 to 1. Therefore, Figure 2 is the best version of the MARTIAL LAW ELS.
Spreadsheets used to find the significance of Figure 2. The top spreadsheet is the operative one.
FIGURE 2 - Figure 1 terms are here again but so are RUSSIAN and CHINESE.
The situation that we face in America is unique in our history. We have an incredible amount of scientific and mathematical knowledge at our fingertips, yet our population is increasingly ignorant - especially when it comes to who's running the show. Some of those who are likely are reading this article now. I don't know if General Milley will see it, but if I am to believe Facebook, he once sent me a friend request which consisted entirely of the Abstract from our (now ~1,100 page) report, Mars Correct - Critique of All NASA Mars Weather Data. Perhaps it was just an imposter. The person who sent me the request for the Martial Law ELS was deceived by an imposter of Secretary of Defense/General Mattis. Or, at least she claims she was. Most of my readers are U.S. Intelligence, and they often play games. For a few years I thought that a high percentage of my readers were from NASA Ames or from the Kremlin (not that I want to talk to them). But they were who I see here today, an Arizona military site (running a really fast FemtosearchBot, but pausing ever few minutes to actually read my stuff).
As I have written before, we face the possibility of another civil war. The Obamas want it, and the destruction of America. Trump doesn't. He just wants us all to make America great and, along the way, a lot of money that we can thank him for. But in looking over on-line literature linking General Milley with implementation of martial law there is a question that arises of who the hell is QAnon? The organization is deep into conspiracies, frankly deeper than I want to go. I'm happy living in a world with two heroes - President Trump and General Milley, assuming that he really does follow my Mars research.
The first place looked for an answer was Wikipedia although on political matters they are often not honest. Wiki offers the following about this group:
QAnon[a] (/kjuːəˈnɒn/) is a far-right conspiracy theory[7] detailing a supposed secret plot by an alleged "deep state" against U.S. President Donald Trump and his supporters.[8] The theory began with an October 2017 post on the anonymous imageboard 4chan by someone using the tripcode Q, a presumably American[9] individual that may have later grown to include multiple people,[10][11][12] claiming to have access to classified information involving the Trump administration and its opponents in the United States. The user has falsely accused numerous liberal Hollywood actors, politicians, and high-ranking officials of engaging in an international child sex trafficking ring, and has claimed that Donald Trump feigned collusion with Russians in order to enlist Robert Mueller to join him in exposing the ring, and preventing a coup d'état by Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and George Soros.[13][14][15] "Q" is a reference to the top-secret Q clearance.
I found the above alarming, but not entirely credible simply because it said, "The user has falsely accused numerous liberal Hollywood actors, politicians, and high-ranking officials of engaging in an international child sex trafficking ring." They gave no examples, so how are we to know that the liberals were falsely accused? They should point to a trial or some investigation. Pro QAnon web sites pointed to generals trying to keep our nation safe by backing President Trump.
Strangely, on the day after I wrote the above stuff about QANon, FoxNews carried a story entitled Actor Isaac Kappy dead at 42 after he 'forced himself off' a bridge, posted ominous apology to Trump, QAnon. The article stated that:
Kappy, who admitted to abusing drugs and alcohol, apologized to President Trump and included numerous references to the far-right conspiracy group QAnon, writing, "While I supposedly wanted to make America great, I have not put much work AT ALL into making MYSELF great ... To the Q movement, I am so sorry I have brought shame upon the greatest military operation of all time ... Q says they give people enough rope to hang themselves, and I have hung myself. I have told people in the Trump administration that I am willing to admit to my many crimes in a public setting, and committed to execution, in a public setting."
The troubled actor also referenced allegations he made against actor Seth Green previously, whom he accused of pedophilia, writing, "And while it's true I have outed many pedophiles that were former FRIENDS, I remained in their sphere for much longer than I should have, and attempted to gain from them AFTER I knew about their actions."
Kappy apologized to Jesus and claimed he may be the reincarnation of Judas Iscariot.
Whatever the truth is about QAnon, if we are headed for a civil war and a dose of a martial law, our Intel community would be well advised to look out for Russians, Chinese or Korean agents who will try to provoke the war. There was a Tehran at the skip of the axis term, but it required too large of an expansion (37 columns to the right) to justify inclusion.
FIGURE 3 - WILL THE WUHAN VIRUS LEAD TO MARTIAL LAW IN THE U.S.? Figure 3 expands Figure 1 from 493 letters to 576 letters. We pick up VIRUS and SHUTDOWN. While it is easy to see how these might be causes of looting that might result in Martial Law, the encoding of General Milley here is weak, as is the transliteration of TRUMP. It doesn't look like this will be reason for any effort to enforce Martial Law throughout the nation.
Curiously, as of March 18, 2020 the U.S. has 150 deaths from this plague, and yet we have no border with China. Russia does share a border of 4,209.3 km with China, but there are still no Russian deaths reported. Perhaps this is due to how hard it is take go (via train) between the two nations. I once took the (six day) Trans-Siberian Railway trip from Beijing through Mongolia and on to Moscow. At the Chinese - Mongolian border there was about a 4 hour delay during which time the entire train was lifted off the tracks in a bogie house so that the wheels could be changed to a different gauge track used in Russia. During this time our compartment was searched at least 3 times by Chinese Army to see if anyone was trying to escape. The Army repeatedly looked under our beds and in the overhead. Later at the Russian border there were similar searches by the Russian Army however no passengers were permitted to go to the toilet for about three hours because the Russians didn't want the tracks by the railway station there covered with poop.
FIGURE 3 - When Figure 2 is extended to the left we pick up VIRUS and SHUTDOWN.