In fact, Lemon's divisive rhetoric makes him & CNN key threats to peace in America. He claims all Trump voters are Nazis. Posted on 11/6/2018, updated 1/17/2021. Figure 4 and its commentary are new.
On October 29, 2018 Don Lemon, the white-hating CNN host said that, “we have to stop demonizing people and realize the biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized to the right, and we have to start doing something about them. There is no travel ban on them. There is no ban – you know, they had the Muslim ban. There is no white-guy ban. So what do we do about that?” On Figure 1 the axis term is DON LEMON. It touches THESE EVIL MEN. Lemon sees white men as evil, anyone sane, regardless of color, should recognize that people who agree with Lemon are the folks that are evil. They are evil because they preach nonstop HATE, which at skip -1, overlaps the beginning of THESE EVIL MEN. On the top line of the matrix at skip +1 are the words WHITE and TERROR. As I will discuss later, this matrix was found against odds of about 137,769 to 1. It isn't the only matrix that matches DON LEMON with THESE EVIL MEN. See Figure 2.
FIGURE 1 above: DON LEMON touches THESE EVIL MEN - who he indicates are WHITE MEN. BELOW: The spreadsheet for Figure 1 and 2 odds. Figure 2 - with mostly the same terms as Figure 1 - is more significant. Figure 2 has RUSSIAN touch DON LEMON.
Figure 2 below is quite similar to Figure 1 with respect to terms, however it replaces TERROR with RUSSIAN which touches DON LEMON. It's more compact than Figure 1 (252 letters vs. 650 letters) and it's based on an axis term with ELS rank 14 rather than 18. It's thus about 9.8 times more significant than Figure 1 (see the spreadsheet above). There are other ELSs of DON LEMON that match up nicely with PUTIN at the skip of the axis term (29,476) or with RUSSIAN at skip -1. The PUTIN match is shown on Figure 3. Matches with RUSSIAN at skip -1 occur when DON LEMON is at skips 25,135 and -64,128.
I see that my best friends in the Intel community are reading this article as I write it on 11/5/2018, so I will make a simple recommendation to them at this point. Kindly put some resources on Lemon to see if there is evidence beyond the Code that he works for Vladimir. If so, please pass it over to someone honest at the FBI to bust the S.O.B. Also see Further note to Fort Huachuca on 1/16/2021 (just before Figure 4 below).
Figure 2 repeats most of the terms shown on Figure 1 but it's based on a lower skip of the axis term (DON LEMON - here at ELS rank 14). The word for TERROR is missing, but RUSSIAN touches DON LEMON.
FIGURE 3 - IS THERE A LINK BETWEEN DON LEMON AND VLADIMIR PUTIN? On Figure 3 the axis term is again DON LEMON, but this time it's at ELS rank 6. At the same skip is PUTIN. Before considering the axis term ELS rank, PUTIN appears on the matrix at a special case skip (+/- 1 or the absolute skip of the axis term) against odds of about 513 to 1. I looked for SPY in the open text and found it against odds of about 73.8 to 1. While feigning as a patriot, every word out of Lemon is in fact anti-American and pro every enemy of America that he can think of. Anyone who disagrees with him, he insists, is a bigot or racist when in fact he one of the most racist men that I have ever seen disgrace a TV screen. If there are racist whites, surely Don Lemon has done his very best to make them that way.
There is a word for HATER that, at an ELS, shares a letter vav with LEMON. It had a 95.6% chance to be somewhere on the 594-letter matrix. However it only takes 36 letters to match DON LEMON with HATER. There was only an 18.5% chance to have them so close. For the phrase ONLY THE WHITE the calculation is just for WHITE at a special case skip. As such it appeared this way against odds if about 21. 8 to 1. BIGOT was on the matrix, but not at a special case skip. It had about a 64.6% chance to be found this way. Overall, after factoring in ELS rank 6 of the axis term, the matrix was found against odds of about 327,245 to 1, but the match with PUTIN is what I'm most interested in.
Putin wants to divide America. Not too many people watch MSNBC. CNN effectively functions as the Communist News Network and Don Lemon is their racist star. If there is even the slightest chance of a racial incident that might turn into a race riot, Lemon is there for days (weeks, if required) fanning the flames until violence erupts. Lemon, more than anyone else, does Putin's bidding in trying to tear this nation apart.
FIGURE 3 - DON LEMON is at the same skip as PUTIN.
Statistical significance of Figure 3
Further note to Fort Huachuca on 1/16/2021: I see that you came back to this article again on 1/15/2021. You did it about 29 times in a row over a bit under an hour and a half. Thanks for using the same IP address. Doing that's akin to pulling a car up under my balcony and blowing its horn for the same period of time. It ensured that I would look up what you were looking at, figure out why (what's related in the news), and see if I could update the article for you in case you're experiencing some sort of national security emergency. I've done that. It's posted below as Figure 4. I know that I can find more, but to dedicate the time to get it done you would have to contact me directly and tell me why I should (or at a minimum set up a face to face meeting where I can learn which side you guys are likely to support - Deep State/Fourth Reich or those of us who honor our pledge to support and defend the Constitution).
FIGURE 4 - Don Lemon announced his belief that all people who voted for Trump are KKK or Nazis.
FIGURE 4 - DON LEMON AND ADOLPH HITLER. On Figure 4 I checked to see if an axis term of DON LEMON could be found with the best spelling of HITLER (hey yud tet lamed resh). I searched for this match because Lemon had broadcast the insane idea that everyone who voted for Trump was a member of the KKK or a Nazi. DON LEMON and HITLER do occur at the same absolute skip (Hitler never occurs at skips +/- 1 at any spelling). The matrix also has NAZI at skip -1 and WAR (battle) in the open text. There is an important word right before WAR (battle) but it would be a violation of my safety protocols to print it directly. If you are curious you can read it for yourself in Deuteronomy 20:5. But understand that while WAR (battle) was sought in an a priori manner because I think people like Lemon may have inspired the start of a civil war, the word in question was not found this way. Instead it was only noticed in an a posteriori manner when I read the verse in question. As for HITLER and NAZI I often find that when Democrats slander Republicans they accuse us of exactly what they are guilty of doing. So Lemon sees us as Nazis, but he and his cohorts act like Nazis. They (and people like Lemon) accused President Trump of being "Putin's bitch," but as was seen on Figure 2 LEMON touches RUSSIAN, and on Figure 3 LEMON is at the same skip as PUTIN. The collusion that Trump was charged with was actually committed by Hilary Clinton who paid a Russian spy to produce it. The word for SPY is on the bottom line of Figure 3. In terms of harming America Lemon acts like a top spy of our worst enemy.
I don't know if there was any math required for Lemon to get a BA in broadcast journalism at Brooklyn College. If he did he should take basic math again, if he didn't then to needs to take the course or get a book that teaches him how to use Venn diagrams to understand basic logic. Here is what Lemon said on January 13, 2021:
"If you voted for Trump, you voted for the person who the Klan supported. You voted for the person who Nazis support. You voted for the person who the alt-right supports. You voted for the person who incited a crowd to go into the Capitol and potentially take the lives of lawmakers ... You voted on that side, and the people in Washington are continuing to vote on that side," Lemon explained to his colleague Chris Cuomo.
While it may be true that all or most Nazis or KKK voted for Trump, it does not follow that all or most people who voted for Trump are Nazis or KKK. Don is obviously not very intelligent and he only understands things in a racist manner. Wikipedia states the following:
According to the FBI, African Americans accounted for 52.4% of all homicide offenders in 2018, with Whites 43.1% and "Other"/Unknown 4.4%. Of these, 15.4% were Hispanic or Latino. The per-capita offending rate for African Americans was roughly six times higher than Whites, and the victim rate is a similar figure. Most homicides were intraracial, with 81% of White victims killed by Whites and 89% of African American victims killed by African Americans.[44][45]
While it may be true that in 2018 most killers were black, it does not follow that most blacks are killers.
Lemon's false logic is not unique to him. I have not done a study here, but his lack of logic seemed to go viral in the Democrat Party when Obama was elected. I wrote about this before. See my article entitled An Alien Virus May Explain Mass Political Stupdity. As Newsweek wrote on October 31, 2014:
American scientists have located a virus that attacks human DNA, which may cause those infected to be less intelligent, impairing brain activity, learning and memory.
Researchers from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and the University of Nebraska have identified traces of an algal virus, known as ATCV-1, in throat swabs drawn from healthy volunteers which appeared to lessen their mental capacity.
The researchers had originally been working on an unrelated study into throat microbes when they unexpectedly located traces of ATCV-1 in human DNA samples. At first the research team, led by Dr Robert Yolken of Johns Hopkins, didn’t know what ATCV-1 was, and had to carry out a database search to find out more about the unknown virus.
ATCV-1 typically infects a species of green algae found in lakes and rivers, and has not previously been known to infect humans. However, when Yolken’s team screened a group of 92 healthy volunteers who were taking part in a study on cognitive function, the virus was found to be present in 43.5% of them.
So a polite explanation for Lemon's dribble is that his brain was infected with a virus that made him an idiot. However, the more likely explanation is much simpler. He is a racist, communist traitor who wants to destroy America. His real boss is encoded with at the same skip as his name - PUTIN. (Figure 3) - but he also shares racist, Nazi attitudes with HITLER, who is also encoded on Figure 4 at the same absolute skip as his name has. He is a threat to the United States and should be treated accordingly.