Lots of smoke but where's the fire? Posted on 8/7/2018.
On August 5, 2018 I received a call from a friend asking me to look at the extraordinary claims by a President H.W. Bush Assistant Secretary of Housing and Federal Housing. She asked us to believe that H.U.D. and DoD are illegally transferring billions of dollars to secret space programs. She admitted to being part of it all. I'll have to listen to the interview again to be sure that I understood her correctly, but aliens were clearly part of her concerns as can been seen by the introductory art work shown in Figure 1 which, among other things, portrays a cow being stolen by a UFO. I will analyze her tale in detail as I develop this article, but I'll say now that I didn't hear any definitive proof, though there were was some corroboration by Dr. Mark Skidmore, a professor at Michigan State University that the figure for missing money amounts to $21 trillion. The Fitts interview can be found at Catherine Austin Fitts: Secret Space Force & Deep State Black Budget Revealed! Dark Journalist. During her video she refers to herself as C. AUSTIC FITTS. I was only able to find one ELS of AUSTIN FITTS. That's the axis term on Figure 1.
Figure 1 above: The matrix does a better job linking (Catherine) AUSTIN FITTS with the BUSH ADMINISTRATION of the USA than with SPACE (and) FORCE. As the spreadsheet below indicates the presence of UFO in the matrix is NOT statistically significant. There is indication of FRAUD but Fitts would be more believable had she brought attention to the diversion of funds when she was in power rather than decades later.
A PRIOI TERMS ON FIGURE 1. While I could not find Army or defense at special case skips (+/- 1 or the absolute skip of the axis term), both SPACE and FORCE were at the absolute skip of the axis term, though in the opposite direction and not in sequence with each other. At the skip of the axis term is BUSH ADMINISTRATION which provides corroboration that we have the right AUSTIN FITTS. In the open text is one word that can mean HOUSING but there is another word that means FRAUD. However the main question here is did she commit the fraud when she was in office by transferring funds that were meant for housing to an account that was used to fund the Space Station. Or does the fraud here refer to ongoing Deep State actions allegedly involved with transferring $21 triliion to space programs. If the latter is true it may not necessarily equate to a crime. The determining factor would like be whether such enormous secret funding was required to save the planet from an imminent or ongoing threat from space, be it an inbound asteroid or comet; or a threat from extraterrestrial entities - a threat that now requires our President to formally establish a Space Force. Our President is acting against the wishes of Secretary of Defense Mattis.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here the lowest ELS of AUSTIN FITS. The really significant find here is a 6-letter ELS of BUSH ADMINISTRATION. It was found at a special case skip against odds of about 492 to 1. That's extremely significant. If SPACE FORCE had been found in a similar manner with both words in sequence it too would have been highly significant, but it wasn't. SPACE had a 48.89% chance to be found at a special case skip and FORCE had a 17.4% chance to be found this way. So we had about 1 chance in 11.75 to find both words at a special case skip.
The word for HOUSING had a 48.79% to be there at a skip +1. I sought USA at a special case skip because it added to the fact that Fitts had a high position in the Government of the USA. I found it this way (at skip -1) against odds of about 21 to 1.
Fittts made a big deal out of the money diverted. Neither gold nor silver are on the matrix despite copious use of them in the Torah (silver, which also means money, is found 150 times at skip +1 in Torah while gold is found 166 times). There is a word for MONEY (mammon) but it is only at skip -5. It had a 99.58% chance to be found at a non-special case skip. The only thing in its favor is that it shares a letter mem with BUSH ADMINISTRATION. Finally, FRAUD was at skip +1 against odds of about 15.4 to 1 but it could be used to support both sides of the argument. I'm including it only because it appears that at some point, either during or after her participation in the Bush Administration, she was or is likely guilty of fraud. Overall the matrix was found against odds of about 4,094,736 to 1 however I am more confident of the individual term odds than with the combined odds. This means that the matrix backs the idea that she would be part of the Bush Administration better than it does her entire conspiracy charge. As such, the next step is to analyze her video. I actually listened to several of her videos but I will limit my analysis to the one that I was first asked to watch.
Let's talk a bit about the Fitts interview which can be found at Catherine Austin Fitts: Secret Space Force & Deep State Black Budget Revealed! Dark Journalist. It starts to get interesting around 22 minutes into the 46-minutes video. As a bit of background information, Kemp served as Housing Secretary in the administration of President George H. W. Bush from 1989 to 1993, having previously served nine terms in the United States House of Representatives from 1971 to 1989. He was the Republican Party's nominee for Vice President in the 1996 election, where he was the running mate of presidential nominee Bob Dole. Kemp had previously contended for the presidential nomination in the 1988 Republican primaries. Before entering politics, Kemp was a professional quarterback for 13 years. Fitts claims that Kemp was being blackmailed. She implies that it was for pedophelia with the victims at Boys Town in Nebraska. There were charges brought up about that with Franklin child prostitution ring allegations, but state and Federal grand juries ruled that they were based on a hoax.
She begins to talk about space at 25 minutes into the film, claiming (at 25:20) that H.U.D. and the space station were in the same financial basket. At 26:29 she asserts that the Navy tried to convince her that aliens live among us, but she presents no evidence. At 27 minutes she talks about Narco money financing James Bond. There is discussion about mining and elevator companies drilling offshore but that they were really producing missile silos. The oil company she names is Zapata, which she says is owned by the Bushes. At 30:19 she alleges that the black budget is based on drug money, something I've heard before - but again she offers no proof. She then (at 34:18) discusses a panic that ensued (I guess among the Deep State financiers) because of something learned by Voyager, but she doesn't say exactly what was learned.
At 36:16 she says that LCol Ollie North called H.U.D. the "candy store for covert revenues," but I heard no link about space at this point, and there obviously will be times when covert actions are required by our Government. She claims that she was fired when she tried to go honest. There is discussion at 38:50 as to how pension funds are being raided, and about how drug and mortgage fraud are used to buy space toys. I do believe that we have such "toys" and that my uncle helped build them, but I think they are likely essential when it comes to defending ourselves from alien threats. However, again she offers no proof. Fitts does point to October 1, 1997 as to when $20 to 21 trillion goes missing from the Federal Government.
Overall, I found her testimony to be something to be aware of, but I would not point to her as proof of anything. Hopefully this article will answer my friend's questions. If someone sends me proof of her allegations, I will extend this article to include it.