Proposal to Fort Huachuca, Level-3/CACI, MIT, MITRE, NASA Ames, G.E., IBM, Drakes Holding & NSA
PROJECT CREATOR DECODER. After 21 years of research, it's time to add the Codes to U.S. military intel data analysis tools, but it will require development of new software. Posted 4/26/2018, Updated 5/9/2018. Previous readers should see the 7/1/2018 updates near the end of the article - starting with "Dr. Haralick and I are offering the proposal to Fort Huachuca..."
After a round of intensive tracking of my files and monkey business where Brookhaven National Laboratory had hacked into my computer and used it to access material on-line, and after I held a telephone conference with James Fung at Brookhaven security about it, I called a representative at MITRE about what they were reading. The man I spoke with was in Cocoa Beach. To my surprise he asked me to submit a proposal to MITRE. Perhaps he thought that would blow me off. However, as a retired military planner, when I get a DoD-related task, I throw myself into it. On 4/23/2018 I sent him an intensive proposal by certified snail mail to enhance security. It involved work not only by me, but also by Dr. Robert Haralick, a distinguished professor at City University of New York, his department, and Kevin Acres, the producer of CodeFinder. The proposal is as follows:
Project Creator Decoder
Project Principle Investigators:
Barry S. Roffman, Lieutenant, USCGR-Retired and
Dr. Robert M. Haralick, Distinguished Professor at City University of New York
Project Abstract:
In 1994 a paper in Statistical Science described a Torah Code experiment where equidistant letter sequences of the names of famous rabbis were found with birth/death dates. By Monte Carlo experiment the probability for these matches was under 16/1,000,000. Those holding the naturalist hypothesis rejected God or a time traveler (human, alien, or artificial intelligence) as the Author. In 1997 Drosnin published a book, The Bible Code, claiming our future, including an atomic holocaust, is encoded in Torah. That year Roffman, a military planner, began codes research to evaluate Drosnin’s predictions and to see if the Codes could be useful for military intelligence. The conclusion was that Drosnin’s matrices were often not initially statistically significant, but were later found to be significant when updated with additional a priori terms.
Unfortunately the quality of matrices found depended upon the capabilities and speed of software used, especially whether it had the ability to make more than one pass (a wrapped search) through the 304,805 letters of Torah. The only software developed with this critical ability (CodeFinder) was deemed “unkosher” by most Codes experts because it also included a copy of the New Testament. Therefore the most qualified researchers (Israeli, Orthodox-Jewish) were unable to consider and replicate the majority of significant findings. Further, results were limited by the thoroughness of a priori search terms and by agreement on the need for a mandatory first (axis) term. Therefore, the proposal here is to combine wrapped search capability with Artificial Intelligence-derived search terms.
Project Description. Ever since the Torah Codes made the news back in the 1997 with the Witzum, Rosenberg, Rips (WRR) study the true nature of the Codes has been clouded by fundamental disagreements about scientific and statistical protocols, what text should be searched (only Genesis, all of Torah with an unwrapped search of one computer pass, a wrapped Torah search with multiple passes (the Roffman protocol), all or part of the rest of the Bible). There were tremendous arguments about spelling because many Hebrew words have multiple spellings. Transliterations of modern names of terms usually have the letter S represented by a samech, but shin/sin works as well and there are 15,595 shins in Torah and only 1,883 samechs. Likewise for T tet is used for modern transliterations, but there are only 1,804 tets in Torah, while there are 17,950 tavs. Thus a search with a tav is almost ten times more likely to succeed than one for tet. This project will take lessons learned over the past two decades, vastly improve search capabilities, and attempt to offer military planners actionable intelligence. It will provide AI-derived matrices that are free from emotional, political or religious coloring.
In contrast to the WRR research with birth and death dates, this study begins with the understanding that statistically significant dates are rarely found in the Code in conjunction with world events. Rather, what are found in a meaningful way are relationships among people and between people and events. Thus a likely murderer may be encoded in a meaningful way with items like the victim, murder weapon, the location, and the motive, but without the time. It is possible that dates may emerge with a 3D analysis that two project participants have worked on, but addition of 3D software should not occur until the 2D software is perfected and shown to be predictive for military purposes. An example of the 2D type matrix sought is given as Figure 1 which is about the murderer Nicholas Cruz.
There were numerous warnings signs given to police before Cruz murdered 17 people. But he was not arrested. We see this sort of crime all too often. On Figure 1 the axis term is NICHOLAS CRUZ. He is an orphan. Running into his name and sharing a letter nun with it is “YOU SHALL NOT AFFLICT THE ORPHAN (really, fatherless).” ORPHAN shares the nun with NICHOLAS, and it touches OBAMA, whose father left him too. OBAMA, NICHOLAS CRUZ and SHOOTER all have the same absolute skip (99,228 letters between each letter of the terms). HE HAS BEEN GUILTY connects SHOOTER with NICHOLAS CRUZ. While we don’t have a date, after receiving numerous complaints, police might have connected his name with ORPHAN, SHOOTER and GUILTY using the envisioned software. It would have indicated that he should be retained for further study and that weapons should have been seized on at least a temporary basis.
Figure 1 - The Code names and describes a murderer, but also links him with the man who will use his crime to try to justify attacking our Second Amendment rights.
Objective & Payoff: The primary objective of this project is to prove that the Code is real. While the resolution of future events will not reach a level that allows anyone to buy only winning lotto tickets, it is expected the Code will allow a better understanding of the nature of individuals and threats of concern. It is envisioned that the program will be a useful aid that will augment but not replace other Intelligence tools. It will likely be especially useful in areas like North Korea where we have limited HUMINT resources. While satellites can look for material resources, the Code provides a means to judge enemy intentions where traditional indications and warnings (I&W) are not evident.
Contribution to Forensic Science/Biometrics: Figure 1 showed how the Code could be used to identify a criminal, Nicholas Cruz. Figure 2 below shows that an ELS of the name BARACK OBAMA is crossed by PHARAOH KING OF EGYPT. There is another open text reference to Pharaoh King of Egypt two lines above BARACK OBAMA. There is no secret that President Obama was hostile to Israel. He pushed through the Iran nuclear accord that provides $150 billion to Iran, and then ordered another $1.7 billion in cash flown into Iran on three cargo planes. These funds could have been used to purchase complete North Korean nuclear weapons. With respect to Egypt Obama favored and funded President Morsi, a friend of Hamas, and he was a critic of President Al-Sisi, a friend of Israel and America. In trying to keep Egyptian policy hostile to Israel, Obama didn’t just act like a Pharaoh. It is not certain who the Pharaoh of the Exodus was, but one suspect is Akhenaten. His statue is found in the Cairo Museum, and in terms of biometrics as Figure 2 shows, the statue it is a dead ringer for President Obama.
Figure 2- Obama is massively encoded in Torah, but a picture is worth a thousand words.
P values can only be determined for a priori search terms, but as shown in Figure 2, understanding of the nature of a personality can often be inferred from what crosses a name in the open text.
Metrics/Measures of Success: Methods that can be used to evaluate the statistical significance of a priori terms in a matrix include Monte Carlo permutations and spreadsheets often based on the Roffman Skip Formula and Skip tables. While these methods can provide differences of an order of magnitude or more, whether a matrix has one chance in 1,000,000 or one chance in a 10,000,000 to exist is not as important as whether it reveals events that are verified by real world history such as what appears to be happening on Figure 3 published on 3/9/2018. Then Kim just wanted talks, now he appears ready to give up his nukes and ICBMs. We want to build a measure of a priori terms of intel significance with a minimum p value that appear in a window of limited area gleaned from analyzing a large population of matrices on where p values shown on the spreadsheets are sufficiently high to be of interest.
Figure 3 – By Roffman methods, NUKE, KIM TO SURRENDER and TRUMP are found in 87 letters against odds of ~23,030 to 1. The full matrix was found against odds of about 418,067 to 1.
Risk: Right now there is a total lack of security. Intel-related matrices published on are being accessed by the Chinese and Russians. There is a risk of disaster because users may use lethal force against what look like threats, but are actually meetings of terms that are due to chance.
Brookhaven National Laboratory is at the reverse IP of Roffman, and hacks into the Roffman computer and web site. However, Figure 4 and Table 1 sum up the odds that someone at Brookhaven is/was or will be monitored by the Code Author (God, an alien, a human from the future, or an AI computer)! BROOKHAVEN is not only encoded at the same absolute skip as ADDRESS, ROFFMAN, SAME and INTELLIGENCE, but is also encoded with another synonym for INTELLIGENCE, DECEITFUL and DISASTER at skip +/- 1. Based on a combination of web sites reports shown on Figure 4 and the matrix on Figure 4, Roffman notified security (James Fung) at Brookhaven about intrusions. Acts against the intruder may generate one future timeline, while failure to act may lead to a different timeline.
Using the Code to track the players. When the Author of the Code has a need to send a message to readers, He (or it) can be quite specific, often using terms at special case skips (+/- 1 or the absolute skip of the axis term). Figure 4 tracks the Brookhaven threat via special case skips.
Figure 4 developed below matches a perceived threat from someone at Brookhaven National Laboratory whose IP address is the reverse of the Roffman IP. While the hacker is being tracked with traditional methods, the matrix (analyzed on the spreadsheet below) is an example of how the Code can be used to produce an intelligence analysis of a criminal threat. The hacker was caught accessing the Internet though the Roffman computer. The hacker could have fraudulently accessed material in the Roffman name designed to harm Roffman. Figure 4 was found against odds of about 127,620,719 to 1.
Potential Transition Plans to Services: While we anticipate employing a natural language expert for Hebrew to help design the AI portion of the planned program, we recommend that users with programming skills be sent to the Hebrew course at the Defense Language Institute in Monterey. The primary user of Code data for the past three years seems to be at Fort Huachuca, however Brookhaven National Laboratory was caught again on 4/18/2018 accessing this proposal when it only sat on the Roffman desktop and was not yet posted on the Internet. We would recommend primary oversight at NSA or at Fort Huachuca with seminars given by Roffman at Monterey.
Funding Costs. Expenses will occur primarily at City University of New York and in Brevard County, Florida with Principle Investigator, Barry Roffman. The university budget is for five tasks:
- Produce a collection of AI-derived key word sets, including the axis key word, from a given collection of documents, and a given collection of words that are of interest.
- Produce a Monte-Carlo program that can compare the Roffman p-value approximation method with a variety of p-values produced by different monkey text populations to be able to understand in what way one is bounding the other. This will be done using the many tables on Roffman's website and Haralick's website.
- Interface the axis terms and key words with a wrapped search that involves the ability to make up to 5 passes through the 304,804 letters of Torah.
- Develop reports for the matrices indicating individual and combined p values based on the terms sought, and quantification of the military value of the matrix based on standard risk analysis (probability of the event vs. impact of the event).
- Once the above 2D program comes to completion, write a program to display 3D code tables.
The CUNY budget is $500K a year for four years ($2,000,000). This includes the time of Professor Haralick, one faculty member doing Natural Language Research, 1 Post Doc, 2 Graduate Research assistants and 2 Undergraduate programmers. The annual breakdown is as follows:
Robert Haralick 2 months 40K
Faculty Member 2 months 20K
Post Doc 12 months 85K
Graduate student 12 months 1/2 time 35K
3 Programmers 12 months 1/2 time 60K
Travel 10K
Benefits and Overhead 250K
The Roffman segment of the budget will be $827,000 based on $200,000 per year for Barry Roffman (full time PI) plus $7,000 for a new computer, MATLAB program license and Sonic Wall equipment to ensure secure communications, plus $5,000 per year for travel. Some of the Roffman fund may be paid by Barry Roffman to his son, Doctor David A. Roffman for work related to AI program creation or verification of CUNY AI work. He is also interested in investigating the means by which a signal could have been sent back in time to allow for creation of these matrices. but this research will not be part of the current project.
Kevin Acres and Roy Reinhold: We will need to purchase the source code from Kevin Acres. He will need to recreate the internal and user documentation, and add a number of requirements to allow the software to interface with the AI output and to be compatible with newer versions of Windows. While the cost of his services in under discussion, Acres wanted to sell CodeFinder outright to us for $150,000 without documentation. We pointed out that we do not want to take over his business and that we are creating a program that will not be commercially available to anyone other the U.S. Government and whatever foreign entities (in any) they deem necessary. Acres then asked us to make an offer for non-exclusive use of the Code source. We countered with $50,000 plus his hourly rate ($120) to complete documentation and Haralick’s needs (possibly including Monte Carlo techniques with accompanying best matrix storage capability). For now we estimate $100,000 for Acres, and he has accepted this figure for planning purposes. Reinhold only becomes a factor if the 2D program is a military success and we upgrade to 3D capability.
Total Estimated Cost for the 4-year project: $2,927,000.
Program Plan and Schedule: From the start of funding work by Barry Roffman and Dr. Haralick can begin. However CUNY personnel will be phased in with the university’s academic calendar. Roffman will specify 2D search parameters and techniques within 6 weeks. Roffman will deliver all Torah code articles plus related files. Much of the Roffman workload will center around transforming thousands of matrix and spreadsheet paint files into digital files that can be fed to the AI. We will need to use Convolutional Neural Networks to to help take numbers out of paint files for matrices and excel spread sheets. These numbers will provide essential data for machine learning related to determining significance of new matrices generated. Acres will immediately (upon payment) deliver the source Code to Haralick at the CUNY component, and Acres will deliver the documentation within 1 month and the additional Haralick interface requests within 3 months. We estimate 3 months to make the conversions and move into a full AI mode.
Deliverables: At a minimum the project will deliver a 2D, wrapped matrix, AI-driven Torah Code program that will act as a tool to supplement intelligence gathering efforts and military readiness planning. Dr. Haralick may be joined by Roy Reinhold to extend capabilities to 3D searches, however display of such matrices will require the development of new equipment, programs and statistical analysis techniques. Monthly reports will be issued by Barry Roffman or by Dr. Haralick. The final report will be issued by Barry Roffman, likely in modified JOPES format. The programs will be internally documented with comments that will explain to the readers of the program what the program is doing and user documentation that shows how to use the program.
Participants & Customers: Primary POC is Barry S. Roffman (, The alternate is Dr. Robert Haralick,, Kevin Acres may be reached at Roy Reinhold is at, Dr. David A. Roffman is at
- Technical representative who will manage this effort: Barry Roffman will manage the search parameters and provide the tables/matrices for AI analysis and learning. Dr. Robert Haralick will manage the staff at CUNY and interface with Kevin Acres as may be required.
- Financial representative that will receive the funds and/or provide follow-on status of obligations/expenditures. Dr. Robert Haralick.
- Combatant Command/User Sponsor: Fort Huachuca Army Base.
- Lead Service/Agency. U.S. Army.
- Key contractors/providers of the technology or product: The wrapped matrix capability and basic program will be taken from CodeFinder which is the creation of Kevin Acres.
Security Clearances: Dr. Haralick has held a U.S. top secret clearance and Barry Roffman has held a secret U.S. clearance. Both clearances are now expired. Keven Acres is an Australian who has a top secret Australian security clearance.
After I mailed the proposal the MITRE agent (or ex-agent) wrote me that:
I am very uncomfortable with the direction this conversation is taking and my perception of your methods and goals.
I am a mid-level system engineer that works from home that is near where you live. In my simple mind, I don't believe proximity adds any value. I am certain that your skills will enable you to find a far more influential MITRE staff member to understand and carry your message.
I am concerned about the monitoring and risk you continue to identify. I will return your proposal, unopened. I will contact MITRE infosec staff for their guidance on how to delete your email that previously you felt had been compromised.
I hope you find success.
G. T.
UPDATE OF MAY 9, 2018: I did not receive the package back until May 9, 2018. However after reading his e-mail on April 25, 2018 I immediately posted the following on this site:
"I have a personality like that of President Trump (though I don’t have his money and I am faithful to my wife). My methods are often blunt, so I understand the concerns of Mr. T., but I do get things done that most people would think is impossible and I'm not afraid to take on any power on Earth. Due to my writing ability, I'm a bad guy to piss off. As for my goals, Mr. T. would have to be more specific. It could be that he is a liberal, and I certainly don’t have their goals. My goals are (1) improving U.S. military readiness and loyalty to the Constitution, (2) Understanding how information about our time found its way into the 3,300-year old Torah, and (3) Understanding our real place in the universe.
"The statement about deleting an e-mail makes no sense. My complaint was about Brookhaven and one reader posing as Ames that is likely at Fort Huachuca, not at MITRE. While MITRE read my web site, they didn't compromise my e-mails. I think that at some point in our conversation Mr. T. may have been distracted because he didn't get my concerns down correctly. I sent him my proposal by snail mail because I knew the Chinese were following some of my concerns (at least three Chinese IP addresses popped up soon after I posted this - two of them were, and The Russians at IP also found our proposal online on 5/1/2018. I see the U.K. MoD found it too. The fact that someone at MITRE had asked me to write a proposal is of interest to these governments. But the MITRE employee who asked me to submit a proposal got cold feet, so Dr. Haralick and I decided to publish the proposal here in case someone else in DoD or the Defense Establishment decides to take us up on the offer. If that ever happens, we'll acquire the equipment required to go secure.
"Dr. Haralick and I are offering the proposal to Fort Huachuca, Level-3 Communications, NASA Ames, MITRE, Drakes Holding (if approved by Dod) and the NSA. Huachuca and L-3 are regular readers. NASA Ames appeared to be a reader here up to 50 times per day, but when we accidentally left off the first digit of one of the Ames addresses checked we saw Fort Huachuca pop up and this was then repeated for every IP that had a 6 before the first digit. Ditto for reverse IPs. MITRE will be discussed further below. The only thing that I know about Drakes Holding is that they have been a frequent reader here for years, and that on one occasion their reverse IP lead to Fort Huachuca. NSA is careful about getting caught by me, but I have seen them here too and we are sure that Huachuca will forward our proposal to them."
We saw Fort Huachuca read the proposal on 5/3/2018. These guys are really good about using street names on reverse IP addresses to get points across. After we named the Army as the desired lead agency (above - point 1 of my goals), and named improved loyalty to our Constitution as important, the Fort chose an IP address in Guadalajara, Mexico to hide behind. The coordinates are 20.6667N, 103.3333W - right between Constitucion Avenue or Blvd. and the Army Museum (Museo del Ejercito y Fuerza Area). As I have written about before, this is exactly how they frequently acknowledge receipt of my messages.
We expect the project to be renamed if it's funded. Three people are critical for project success - myself (Barry S. Roffman), Dr. Robert Haralick, and Kevin Acres. The other researchers will be named if and when funding is procured.
FURTHER UPDATE OF MAY 9, 2018: Mr. T's and MITRE's address as given online at 320 Kent Drive, Cocoa Beach, FL 32931 was not correct. That address is about a block from where I shop at Publix so I drove over to look at the street today. A neighbor pointed out where Mr. T. lived until about 6 months ago. He also informed me about a few illnesses that the man is suffering from. On hearing about them I believe that they may well have played a role in the foggy response that he sent me. I hope he recovers from them. Meanwhile, as I wrote above, the key agencies that I wanted to see the proposal saw it. So did NASA Ames, who I'm adding to it today.
With respect to Ames, who read this proposal on 4/27/2018, I have always understood your highly frequent visits to what I write about Mars, but I've also been curious as to why you follow everything that I write about the Torah Code. Last night I was reading an outstanding book by Ray Kurzweil entitled The Singularity Is Near. The book is about the point in time where artificial intelligence starts exceeding human intelligence. Thereafter, it takes over its own programming. Kurzweil discusses the serious consequences of that. However on page 116 he goes into research at NASA Ames (and the University of Southern California) about self-assembling nanoscale circuits. The following is a quote about a method that self-organizes extremely dense circuits in a chemical solution:
The technique creates nanowires spontaneously and then causes nanoscale memory cells, each able to hold three bits of data, to self-assemble onto the wires. The technology has a storage capacity of 258-gigabytes per square inch (which researchers claim could be increased tenfold)...
Kurzweil (on pages 4-5 and in chapter 3) also mentions proposals put forward for accomplishing something along the lines of times reversal (without giving rise to causality paradoxes) at least for bits of information. Ames may be interested in my research because of the possibility that a future AI/super computer may be involved in producing the Torah Code and transmitting it back in time. That is one avenue of my own research, though I am far from reaching such a conclusion.