The gift that keeps on giving (well, exposing himself anyway). Updated 8/29/2016.
On the matrix below the axis term is a transliteration for TONY WEINER. TONY is a short form for Anthony. When I last wrote about him in a story that was humorous for everyone for everyone except New York’s then Congressman Weiner (and his family), he was forced to admit that he had indeed tweeted lewd photos of himself to a number of women. Since he is a politician, he could have pointed to how much former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger had his career improve after appearing naked in Terminator 2 in his bad to the bone bar scene. But, no, Arnold went through a $500,000,000 divorce now for fathering a love child with his maid. Arnold didn't cry, but as the matrix shows, CRYING is associated with Weiner although it takes 408 letters to show it in the big Weiner matrix. Better is to just look at the small Weiner matrix with just 143 letters. The key words it includes are NAKED, FOOLISH, and ADULTERER. When New York’s Governor Spitzer was forced from office for using prostitutes while married, he went on to a career as a CNN TV host. Perhaps Weiner will have a career as a comedian one day. It is not yet clear if any of Weiner's tweets actually led to full scale adultery, but see WEINER'S WIFE to learn about the encoding of his Moslem wife's name (Huma Abedin). His resignation is also encoded. He did resign to take up life as a house husband while Huma helped Hillary use the State Department to get foreign governments to give money to the Clinton Foundation (and, of course try to destroy illegal classified e-mails from her private server). Now, on August 29, 2016 we find that Huma has announced that she'll leave her Weiner since he is still exposing himself by sexting.
THIS GUY GETS WHITE HOUSE SECRETS? TONY WEINER is crossed in the open text by PRESIDENT. This match, which requires 36 letterrs to show, is not included in the spreadsheet below. Trump is making an issue of how foolish Hillary is in trusting Huma with the secrets that she had while Secretary of State. However the real issue is not so much what Weiner was doing with his weiner in public, it's what Hillary has been doing in trusting our secrets to a Muslim that is sympathetic to the Muslim Brotherhood. Now, WHAT WAS ON HILLARY'S E-MAILS ABOUT ISRAEL? Only attempts to take down the Israeli government and start a bloody intifada. What else would you expect when her top aid is a Muslim with radical ties? The following is from the Jerusalem Post on February 3, 2016 (
No holds barred: Torrent of anti-Israel advice found in Hillary’s emails
Clandestinely stirring up potentially violent protests in an attempt to try and force Israel to go against its best interests? Advice like this was par for the course with Clinton’s advisers.
It’s already been established that one of Hillary Clinton’s most trusted advisers, Sid Blumenthal, sent her anti-Israel articles, ideas and advice during her time as secretary of state. But the stream of anti-Israel advice received by Clinton was much more comprehensive. NOTE: For a more comprehensive view of Blumenthal's nazi-like hatred of Israel and the Jewish people see
In the entire forced dump of Clinton’s emails, you will be hard pressed to find a single one sympathetic toward the Jewish state from any of the people she relied on. The negative, poisonous approach to Israel throughout this email expose shows the atmosphere that she had established around herself. These emails seem to demonstrate that a huge segment of her close advisers and confidantes were attacking Israel, condemning Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and strategizing how to force Israel to withdraw from Judea and Samaria at all costs.
This was occurring against the backdrop of Israel’s recent Gaza withdrawal, which led to the takeover of Gaza by Hamas. There is almost zero mention of the huge risks to Israel’s security in withdrawing as Clinton and the Obama administration did everything they could to pressure Israel to capitulate to their demands.
Take a look at a sampling of the advice being sent to Clinton from her many advisers that we have now become privy to.
Sandy Berger was Clinton’s foreign policy adviser during her 2008 presidential campaign. In September of 2010 he sent her ideas on how to pressure Israel to make concessions for peace. Berger acknowledged “how fragile is Abbas’s political position,” and how “Palestinians are in disarray,” and that “failure is a real possibility.” Berger was well aware of, and informed Hillary of, the very real possibility that Israel would be placing its national security at grave risk in a deal that would very likely fail and lead to a Hamas takeover.
But Berger felt the risks to Israeli lives were worth it.
He advised the need to make Netanyahu feel “uneasy about incurring our displeasure....”
Berger emphasizes the need “to convince the prime minister – through various forms of overt persuasion and implicit pressure – to make the necessary compromises” and talks of the “possibility – to turn his position against him.”
Astoundingly, Berger seems to accuse the Jews in America of racism toward Obama. He writes, “At a political level, the past year has clearly demonstrated the degree to which the U.S. has been hamstrung by its low ratings in Israel and among important segments of the domestic Jewish constituency....” He then adds, “Domestically, he faces a reservoir of skepticism on this issue which reflects many factors, including inexcusable prejudice.”
Anne Marie Slaughter was Clinton’s director of policy planning from 2009-2011. She wrote to Clinton in September of 2010 and devised a scheme to encourage wealthy philanthropists to pledge millions to the Palestinians (which no doubt would have been embezzled by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and his cronies as were other funds).
She wrote: “This may be a crazy idea.... Suppose we launched a “Pledge for Palestine” campaign... Such a campaign among billionaires/multi-millionaires around the world would reflect a strong vote of confidence in the building of a Palestinian state....”
She adds: “There would also be a certain shaming effect re Israelis who, would be building settlements in the face of a pledge for peace.”
Clinton’s response to this email: “I am very interested- pls flesh out. Thx.”
Thomas Pickering, former US ambassador to Israel, wrote to Clinton on December 18, 2011, and suggested a secret plan to stir up major Palestinian protests in an attempt to force the Israeli government into peace negotiations.
He stated that the protests “must be all and only women. Why? On the Palestinian side the male culture is to use force.”
Pickering’s goal was to ignite protests that would engulf the West Bank, “just like Tahrir square.” He adds that the Palestinian “leadership has shied away from this idea because they can’t control it,” and they are “afraid of being replaced.”
This idiotic reasoning that somehow only women would participate and things would stay peaceful is obviously absurd. As Pickering himself notes, “Palestinian men will not for long patiently demonstrate – they will be inclined over time and much too soon to be frustrated and use force. Their male culture comes close to requiring it.”
Regardless, Pickering writes that the protests could be used against Israel “to influence the political leadership.”
The idea was as dangerous for the Palestinians as it was for Israel. As Pickering himself admits, widespread protests could overthrow Abbas’ government, and if Palestinian men joined in, widespread violence would inevitably break out. It would obviously be impossible to prevent men from participating in these demonstrations.
Yet Pickering felt this extreme risk was worth taking, even if it meant the replacement of Abbas with another Hamas-led government. And even if meant violence breaking out across the West Bank leading to a third intifada and the murder of countless Jews. He also emphasizes the need to hide all US involvement in this plot. Clinton forwarded this email to Monica Hanley and asked her to “pls print.”
Clandestinely stirring up potentially violent protests in an attempt to try and force Israel to go against its best interests? Advice like this was par for the course when it came to Clinton’s advisers.
In a follow-up column we’ll illuminate even more anti-Israel advice that was given the then-secretary of state. Sadly, there was just so much of it.
The author, “America’s Rabbi,” is the international bestselling author of 30 books including his upcoming The Israel Warrior’s Handbook. Follow him on Twitter @ RabbiShmuley.

WEINER'S WIFE. Like any other normal person, when I heard about the WeinerGate scandal in 2011 I felt sympathy for Weiner's beautiful wife, Huma Abedin. On TV I soon learned that unlike wives (like Hillary Clinton) of other politicians who had stood boldly by their unfaithful husbands, Weiner's wife was not to be found by his side. Rather, she was out of the country with, of all people, Hillary Clinton. Only on June 14, 2011, did I learn that Mrs. Weiner is not, like her husband, Jewish. She is a Muslim, born in the U.S., who moved to Saudi Arabia when she was 2 years old. Huma has helped Clinton to get millions of dollars from Saudi Arabia, She only returned to America to attend college. On the matrix below, the axis term is HUMA ABEDIN. Her name is crossed in the open text by HE SHALL CONFESS WHAT HE SINNED, which pretty well describes what her husband had to do in 2011. WEINER is on the matrix, and his name touches TO ISHMAEL in Genesis 17:20. That verses promises "for Ishmael, I have heard you; behold, I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly." Weiner's Ishmaelite wife gave him a son. All the above is seen is a 513-letter matrix. To include an ELS ofHILLARY at skip +3 requires the matrix to expand to 608 letters (yellow background). Weiner's resignation is encoded on another matrix.
The romance between Congressman Weiner and his wife is reminiscent of the hilarious (no pun on Hillary Clinton intended) comedy film DON’T MESS WITH THE ZOHAN starring Adam Sandler. It deals with an Israeli MOSSAD agent who comes to New York to cut hair. He falls in love with a Palestinian there, after first making love to almost all of her hair salon clients. Weiner, like a MOSSAD agent, has long had a very pro-Israel, anti-Arab agenda. An e-mail from Barry Chamish makes clear how extreme Weiner's position is (for a guy married to an Arab):
In 2006, he tried to ban the PA delegation from entering the United Nations, stating that the reason the PA is not an official representative of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is to avoid the parent group's label as an outlawed terrorist organization.
Representative Weiner introduced in Congress in 2007 the Saudi Arabia Accountability Act, designed to “halt Saudi support for institutions that fund, train, incite, encourage, or in any other way aid and abet terrorism, and to secure full Saudi cooperation in the investigation of terrorist incidents...”
Democratic US congressman Anthony Weiner, has made no secret in the past of his right-wing views on Israel, for example endorsing the Zionist Organization of America’s opposition to the two-state solution. The key turning point was when Weiner declared, referring to the West Bank: “There’s no occupation there either.”
On the bright side for Mrs. Weiner is the fact that had she stayed in Saudi Arabia, she would likely not just be sharing text pictures of her husband's private parts with women in cyber space. Her husband would probably have three other wives to share to far more satisfy his interests.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. As per my usual protocol, no statistical signiificance is attached to the axis term HUMA ABEDIN even though it is 9 letters (at the upper range of what we generally find for a name at an ELS). It required the computer to conduct a wrapped search through several passes of the Torah to find the name. The name WEINER had about 1 chance in 6 to be on the 513-letter matrix. I don't like to expand a matrix from that size just to include a 5-letter name like HILARY unless it contains rare letters (not the case here), So the calculation is just made based on the 513 letters with the white background. What is of greatest interest is the phrase HE SHALL CONFESS WHAT HE SINNED. It definitely describes what her husband had to do, but it was only found a-posteriori. Normally that rules out a calculation, but confession was enough of the story that the word CONFESS at skip +1 is a legitimate a priori word. It appeared on the matrrix against odds of about 198 to 1, but its location would have been a bit more impressive had it crossed WEINER rather than HUMA ABEDIN. However, WEINER does share a letter vav with the phrase AND FOR ISHMAEL which goes on to discuss offspring. Their child is not be Jewish under Jewish Law which looks only to the mother's religion. There was about 1 chance in 19 that ISHMAEL would be somewhere on the matrix. Overall, if we are not too harsh on the calculated value for CONFESS, the combined terms on the matrix appear to exist against odds of about 22,593 to 1. While the exact value is questionable due to words sought and not found (Moslem, Saudi Arabia, Islam, etc.) it is consistent what what is written about fates on my page about Talmud and Names.

He's down for now, but don't count him out.
On June 16, 2011 Anthony Weiner resigned his seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. On the matrix below TONY WEINER is the axis term. Running through his name in the open text is AND CONFESS THEIR SIN. Weiner had already confessed his sin of sending out naked pictures of himself to 6 women, including a porn star and an underage student. The matrix included a-priori key terms RESIGNED, FOOLISH, and ADULTERER although it is not yet clear if any of his escapades led to adultery with respect to his Muslim wife, Huma Abedin. She was not at his side when he stepped down.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. The axis term here, TONY WEINER is only it its 3rd lowest ELS. We saw a phase from Leviticus 5:5 about confessing sin in the matrix about Weiner’s wife, but this phrase (AND CONFESS THEIR SIN) is from a different verse (Numbers 5:7). I found a word for CONFESS six times in Torah at skip +1. It had about 1 chance in 107 to be on the matrix. RESIGNED had about 1 chance in 8 to be on the matrix, but FOOLISH and ADULTERER were almost certain to be on there at an ELS. The matrix appeared against odds of about 318 to 1, with almost all significance due just to the combination of confession and resignation terms. This factors in the downgrade in significance due to the axis term rank of 3. The value is based on two CodedFinder dictionary-derived 4-letter synonyms for FOOLISH and three for ADULTERER.
POLITICAL FUTURE? The 2nd and 7th lowest ELS of his name are both crossed in the open text by PRESIDENT. Each matrix has 36 letters. The second lowest ELS is at skip -67,146. It starts at Exodus 29:25 Letter 17 and ends at Genesis 34:7 Letter 28 with PRESIDENT from Numbers 2:7. The seventh lowest ELS is at skip 126,696. It starts at Leviticus 15:18 Letter 14 and ends at Deuteronomy 8:2 Letter 36 with PRESIDENT from Number 2:5. The match at skip -67,146 occurs against odds of about 62 to 1. The match at skip 126,696 occurs against odds of about 18 to 1. Note that Newt Gingrich is making a bid for President despite his affair while he was impeaching President Clinton, and of course Clinton himself is an excellent example of how forgiving the American electorate can be when it comes to infidelity.