Conspiracy is in the wind. The Mueller-Comey issues, like the attempted assassination of Republican congressmen indicate that we are entering dangerous waters. The page was updated on 6/19/2017.
On June 14, 2017 a former Bernie Sanders campaign worker who hated Republicans and President Trump attacked Republican Congressmen and their aids who were playing baseball. If it weren’t for two capital police he would likely have killed at least 20 of them, but the police killed him. House Majority Whip Steven Scalise was shot in the hip. SCALISE is the axis term on Figure 1. His last name is crossed by STEVEN at skip 1. GUN/RIFLE at skip +1 touches his name. On the same line is PHILISTINES. I always search for them at skip +1 when looking for PALESTINIANS. Bernie Sanders often expresses support for Palestinian goals. WAR is the open text as is ISRAEL. In the open text BLOOD OF THE PEACE OFFER crosses SCALISE. CONSPIRACY in the open text shares a letter kuf with BARACK at skip -1, and letter resh with BERNIE. MUELLER is at the skip of SCALISE. SHOOTING is also encoded All this is in 561 letters.
Figure 1 above - The SCALISE SHOOTING is encoded with incredible detail. The spreadsheet below shows how the statistical significance of the figure was calculated. Note: If Figure 1 is extended 1 column left COMEY appears at the same skip as SHOOTING and CONSPIRACY.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF FIGURE 1. As per my usual protocol, no statistical significance was assigned to the axis term, here the 35th lowest ELS of SCALISE. Normally I would not post an ELS rank this high, however an ELS of over 8 letter is rare. While SCALISE is only 6 letters, centered on it and crossing it at skip +1 is his 5-letter first name, STEVEN. A crossing and sharing of letters like this was my requirement. The 11 letters of the name STEVEN SCALISE is this found in only 30 letters.
Now, let's look at the individual terms. In actually looked for 4 spellings of STEVEN (with tet and tav for T plus samech and shin for S. The only spelling found at skip +1 is shown on the matrix and it was found somewhere on the matrix against odds of about 68 to 1. No extra value is assigned for the fact that it crosses SCALISE. For GUN/RIFLE at skip +1 the odds against were 136 to 1. PHILISTINES was found against odds of about 54 to 1.
MUELLER is on the matrix at a special case skip against odds of about 16 to 1. Make no mistake, leaks from his office to the news media about investigating the President for obstruction justice is as much an assault on our Government's ability to function as the shooting was on the same day. His actions have the potential to trigger a civil war in this country. Whether the Codes is written to point to that or the ever-lasting war between Palestinians and Israel is not certain, but WAR is in the open text against odds of about 15.6 to 1. SHOOTING and CONSPIRACY are both at one skip above that of the axis term. That's not a special case skip. SHOOTING was found at an ELS against odds of about 3.8 to 1. For CONSPIRACY these odds were about 2 to 1. All other terms found were as easy or easier to find than calling a coin toss correctly, however the liberal god named BARACK shared letters with BERNIE and CONSPIRACY. No extra value was assigned for that or the fact that BERNIE touches SCALISE, the man shot by Bernie Sanders' supporter.
With respect to the term CONSPIRACY, initially there were questions about how the shooter would know that the congressmen were practicing baseball at 7 AM. However, ABC news pointed out that the shooter was living at a YMCA across the street from the park where the shooting occurred. If they are correct that might shoot down the conspiracy idea. However he came to the area with guns on hand, and it seems odds that by chance he would find a place to live so close to his targets (earlier reports were that he was living out of his car, but showering at the YMCA).
The overall combined odds against this matrix look like 5,637,239,901 to 1, but we divide these odds by the ELS rank of 35 to arrive at final odds against the matrix of 161,063,997 to 1.
THE MOTIVE BEHIND THIS SHOOTING. So far we have heard that the shooter was angry about the rich not paying enough taxes. The word TAX in Hebrew is only two letters, not long enough for an ELS which requires at least 3 letters. The shooter not only backed Sanders, but also Obama. All of them have communist leanings. Obama was clearly anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian, especially pro-Hamas. On the surface Sanders was born a Jew, but his views are closer to atheism than Judaism. And while he once lived in Israel, he constantly speaks up for Palestinian rights. How much of an issue hatred for Israel was in the mind of the shooter we may never know, but in shooting Congressman Scalise he was trying to kill a true friend of Israel. A strange fact of life is that while Orthodox Jews vote Republican, most Jews are not Orthodox, and as such they vote Democratic - leaving it to the Republicans to save Israel's backside. The shooter wanted all Republicans dead. By the way, the future U.S. missile defense against North Korea and China will depend in large part on the Israeli Arrow-3 missile scheduled to be tested in Kodiak, Alaska in 2018. For the record, the Scalise record on Israel and the Palestinians is given below:
Here is the Scalise record on "Palestine."
12-AAI-H on May 2, 2012
Political Group Ratings: by AAI on Arab-Israeli issues
Source: AAI website
The Arab American Institute has compiled a Scorecard to catalogue the voting record of the 112th Congress on issues of importance to the Arab American community. For the House, we included 15 items: two bills on the Arab Spring, five bills and one letter on Palestine, two bills on Lebanon, three bills and a letter regarding civil liberties, and two bills on immigration.
- H.Res. 88 (+): supporting democratic aspirations in Egypt
- H.R. 2643 (+): penalizing the Bahraini government for attacking medical personnel
- H.R. 1006 (-): the Jerusalem Embassy and Recognition Act
- H.R. 1501 (-): withholding US contributions until the UN retracts accusations of Israeli war crimes.
- H.Res. 268 (-): opposing any unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state
- H.R. 2457 (-): prohibiting any US government document from referring to "Palestine"
- H.R. 2829 (-): defunding the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees. The bill's 141 co-sponsors receive a (-).
- 8. (+). Rep. David Price (D-NC) and Rep. Peter Welch (D-VT) issued a letter titled "Support Palestinian Aid and Israel's Security," in which they call upon Congress to continue aid to the Palestinian Authority.
- H.R. 2215 (*) "to ensure that United States taxpayer dollars are not used to fund terrorist entities in Lebanon
- H.R. 996 (+): to raise awareness of the use of cluster munitions where civilians are present
- H.R. 140 (-): the "Birthright Citizenship Act, to eliminate "anchor babies" by changing the 14th Amendment.
- H. Res. 283 (+): to counter violence and discrimination against Muslim, Arab, Sikh, and South Asian communities
- H.R. 1805 (-): authorizing an extension of the USA PATRIOT Act until 2013, and amending the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)
- H.R. 1842 (+): the DREAM Act to protect undocumented minors pursuing higher education.
- H.R. 1932 (-): the Keep our Communities Safe Act for greater power to detain undocumented immigrants.
ON ROBERT MUELLER AS SPECIAL PROSECUTER. Earlier (above) I wrote MUELLER is on the matrix at a special case skip against odds of about 16 to 1. Make no mistake, leaks from his office to the news media about investigating the President for obstruction justice is as much an assault on our Government's ability to function as the shooting was on the same day. His actions have the potential to trigger a civil war in this country. Let's review what I found encoded about him in an article that I put out on May 19, 2017:
What does the Torah Code has to say about the appointment Robert Mueller as a special prosecutor to exam the alleged Trump-Russia connection? Nothing of substance to indicate that Trump is guilty. However the news story does seem to be there. On Figure 2 the axis term is ROBERT MUELLER. At the same absolute skip is IMPEACHMENT (the Democratic Party goal). Also at the same skip are GUITY, PAUL (as in Paul Ryan, House Speaker) and GENERAL overlapping PAUL. RYAN isn't at a special case skip, but he shares a letter with ROBERT MUELLER. CONVICTION isn't at a special case skip, but it touches IMPEACHMENT. GENERAL Flynn should be convicted, not Trump who isn't named here (or on Figure 1) although PRESIDENT is in the open text on Figure 2. On the next line down sharing a letter with ROBERT is AND I WILL APPOINT JUDGES. Of course, Mueller himself was appointed. The line under that has an open reference to DESTROY ALL CITIES, a goal of Kim Jong Un. KIM is also at an ELS. Odds against Figure 2 were calculated at 43,630 to 1.
FIGURE 2 BELOW: This matrix starts with an axis term of ROBERT MUELLER at minimum ELS and scans down for key words. Of primary significance are IMPEACHMENT, GENERAL, JUDGES and PRESIDENT.
Figure 3 is far more significant than Figure 2. Figure 3 was found against odds of about 386,269,751 to 1, whereas for Figure 2 the odds against its existence were just about 43,630 to 1.
FIGURE 3 below: This is based on the same ELS of ROBERT MUELLER as was shown above in Figure 2, but the area scanned goes up instead of down. Moving in this direction we pick up TO COLLUDE and POLITICAL at the same skip as ROBERT MUELLER. The expression I SHALL APPOINT JUDGES touches FLYNN here, much like Figure 2 which had IMPEACHMENT touch CONVICTION with IMPEACHMENT at the same skip as GENERAL. The word INNOCENT at skip -1 is near TO COLLUDE.
ROBERT MUELLER SHOULD RECUSE HIMSELF FROM THE COMEY INVESTIGATION. Mueller and Comey have been friends for almost 15 years. 28 USC Section 528 provides:
The Attorney General shall promulgate rules and regulations which require the disqualification of any officer or employee of the Department of Justice, including a United States attorney or a member of such attorney's staff, from participation in a particular investigation or prosecution if such participation may result in a personal, financial, or political conflict of interest, or the appearance thereof. Such rules and regulations may provide that a willful violation of any provision thereof shall result in removal from office.
28 CFR Section 45.2 provides in part:
Disqualification arising from personal or political relationship.
(a) Unless authorized under paragraph (b) of this section, no employee shall participate in a criminal investigation or prosecution if he has a personal or political relationship with:
(1) Any person or organization substantially involved in the conduct that is the subject of the investigation or prosecution; or
(2) Any person or organization which he knows has a specific and substantial interest that would be directly affected by the outcome of the investigation or prosecution ...
(c) For the purposes of this section:
(2) Personal relationship means a close and substantial connection of the type normally viewed as likely to induce partiality. ... Whether relationships (including friendships) of an employee to other persons (outside his or her family) or organizations are "personal" must be judged on an individual basis with due regard given to the subjective opinion of the employee.
FIGURE 4 - This matrix with OBAMA IS FOR MUELLER (who he once hired as FBI Director), CONSPIRACY at the same absolute skip and COMEY at skip -1 seems to make clear the bitterness in Washington that helped lead to the attempted assassination of Republican congressman.
ROBERT MUELLER AND THE OBAMA CONSPIRACY. In general axis terms on my matrices are about 8 letters long. On Figure 4 the axis term is a 10-letter proclamation: OBAMA (is) FOR MUELLER with Obama at the best spelling (which is used in the news media). The term is long enough to be included in the statistics calculation, but I won't do it. As is my usual protocol, no statistical significance was assigned to the axis term, here the only ELS for a 10-letter of the term in unwrapped or wrapped Torah. However, the Torah Code also includes an ELS for OBAMA (is) FOR COMEY (skip 37,631; Obama is spelled with an alef at the end). Here we will just discuss the significance of a priori terms found in association with the axis term. COMEY is at skip-1. It was found at a special case skip against odds of about 20 to 1. CONSPIRACY was located at at special case skip against odds of about 9.87 to 1.
The finding of WAR is a word that, in this case, I must alter my normal protocol to err on the side of conservative caution. Normally when it is included on a matrix, it's an open text find (skip +1). Here it is an ELS at skip +2 - which is not a special case skip. Here I would normally use the Roffman Skip Formula and Roffman Skip Tables to ascertain frequency. I would search the Torah at skips +2 to +209. It arises 65 times at those skips. Yet I wanted the word at skip +1 It occurs 36 times at that skip. So a more honest search is with 1 skip less than the normal range - that is, I searched for the word at skips +1 to 208. This way I get a frequency of 101. Without the alteration on protocol I could claim that war was found against odds of about 6.27 to 1. But with the alteration I can only claim 4.23 to 1. One of two (weaker) 4-letter transliterations of TRUMP had about a 78% to be found at a non-special case skip, but SCHUMER was almost certain to be found this way. Overall the matrix was found against odds of about 1,079 to 1. The aaxis term may refer to the fact that in May 2011, Barack Obama asked Mueller to continue at the helm of the FBI for two additional years beyond his normal 10-year term, which would have expired on September 4, 2011. On September 4, 2013, Mueller was replaced by James Comey. If so history shows that Obama was for Mueller as he was for Comey, in that he appointed both. However finding CONSPIRACY at the same skip as OBAMA (is) FOR MUELLER points to the darker meaning. As for the axis term, it had a little less than 1 chance in 2 to be found at an ELS.
DONATIONS. CNN reports that:
Three members of the legal team known to have been hired so far by special counsel Robert Mueller to handle the Russia investigation have given political donations almost exclusively to Democrats, according to a CNN analysis of Federal Election Commission records.
More than half of the more than $56,000 came from just one lawyer and more than half of it was donated before the 2016 election, but two of the lawyers gave the maximum $2,700 donation to Hillary Clinton last year.
Obviously the fact that Mueller has been hiring people who donated large amounts of Cash to opponents of President Trump is an indication that Mueller does not have justice in mind. The Torah makes this abundantly clear on Figure 5 where MULLER (is) CORRUPT is encoded in 45 letters with the best spelling of TRUMP at a special case skip against odds of about 7,620 to 1. The Comey-Mueller connection has done incredible harm to the credibility of the F.B.I. If that means anything to Mueller he must step down.
FIGURE 5 - This matrix makes clear that at least on the issue of President TRUMP, as the axis term reads, MUELLER IS CORRUPT.